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Graded [Pardan][Ryke] SSSSeduce Me


Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Novama Novama | Kris Rebel Kris Rebel | Naythophyl Naythophyl | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | 1Lucker 1Lucker | DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Develius Develius

"It seems I'm still too weak to do that in quick succession." Spoke Yufi to herself as if she wanted to berate herself for trying out two techniques in a row, back to back knowing that it rarely worked because of her lack of control of her Qi. This will be a lesson for later a dire lesson it could have been if not for the unknown pink mist that froze the undead in place.
Not wanting to lose this chance Yufi finished the undead in front of her and helped the townies clean up the harbor area of the undead.

Even when the battle had ended Yufi couldn't rest, or rather she chose not to, first the Roze Trifecta with the serpents, now a ghost ship, this day was bad, but now that the dangers are gone she could investigate. So she went around looking at the damages, missing stuff or people, destroyed things or killed people. Sadly all she found that could easily be picked on to the Trifecta were a few victims who were more than likely killed during the skirmish with the undead.

Yufi to respect the dead recited a long prayer under her breath, while she didn't like the monks in the murim novels it was their chants and prayers she remembered at this very moment, and it was them that she recited to respect those who perished that day. After the long few minutes she spent kneeling by the corpses praying, she began investigating the wounds on them, to learn something from this accident, she even began asking random people about the deceased people, trying to find some connection between them and the Trifecta, but with no lead so far she feared it was a sign from them that if she didn't obey the Trifecta she would be next.

It was then that she heard a young kid trying his hardest to reach to people in need of help, as he was a healer. Reluctantly Yufi walked to the boi and spoke to him.
"I saw a few injured people I can lead you to them, though I think they might be getting patched up right now. But more hands is better right?"
Her face was a bit somber, with her thoughts being darker and yet darker continuing to think that at least a few deaths here were caused by her being here, but if the boi followed she would lead him to few wounded civilians.


Inkheart barely registered the searing pain as the skeleton's cutlass slashed across his back, his tentacles twitching in agony as he collapsed onto the cold, hard ground. The world spun, his vision blurred, but he remained conscious, though barely. His mind raced, desperately searching for a way out as the skeletal pirate loomed over him, the blade poised for a final, lethal strike.

In a desperate bid for survival, he focused inward, tapping into his innate abilities. His body shimmered momentarily as he activated his Regeneration F, the torn flesh on his back beginning to knit itself back together, though the pain still throbbed with every heartbeat.

At the same time, he engaged his Camouflage F, his skin taking on the color and texture of the surroundings. The shifting hues allowed him to blend seamlessly with the crates and cobblestones around him, making his form harder to distinguish in the chaos. Slowly he did his best to crawl out of harms way.

  1. Regeneration F - cooldown 6 posts
  2. Camouflage F
  3. Crawl away

That chant in sylvan, Simi was the type to use magic without much thought but even she could sense power within the spell that was covering the port. Fortunately the spell was for their benefit as it managed to turn the tide of the battle and scared he monster fish ship. Simi could only see the lone figure as their eyes met before The Wailing Rhodon Vanished in a puff of foam. That was the first time she witnessed the ship teleported away like that and realized how it had repeatedly managed to free itself from her traps despite its size.

Gradually losing her adrenaline from the encounter, Simi's shoulders started to slump down as she walked pass the dead bodies and mourning individuals. There's a part of the story that she didn't tell Yufi, that the undeads also managed to kill some villagers before she lured the ship away. This wasn't the first time this happened, this also wouldn't be the last.

Potty gently pecked her on the head, as if trying to console her. Simi just smiled weakly and patted the skeletal parrot's head.

"That's right. We can't stay here. Let's go." Without saying anything, the little fae silently slipped out of the crowd and jumped off the dock. Her body sank into the bottom of the river and she switched to her gill for breathing. This was probably the best thing she could do right now, the longer she stays here the more chance the rhodon would come back and take more life.

Goodbye, Pardan. Goodbye, Yufi.

Walking downstream towards the sea, Simi would continue her lone path full of despair to become the king of pirates...

Oh crap, she forgot to fix the raft. Simi let out a long string of dolphin-like noises as she curses herself 13 times in aquatic language for forgetting something important like that. It would need to wait until she reaches another settlement then.

Baharius hissed as the trident glanced past his shoulder, piercing through some skin and chipped at the armored scutes. He could feel that cold miserably seawater mixing with his boiling adrenaline-filled blood with a mild-sting. Though the hefty saurian wouldn't let it hinder him, as he continued swinging at the undead horde with only a mildly surprisingly success due to the intense fog. Those he'd knock down would be reduced to ash, as well as coating the harbor with slick seawater and blood upon the victims slain by their skeletal hands. He couldn't tell how his newfound comrades were doing, but he felt oddly alone.

Then, suddenly, a pink mist flew past him forcing him to cover his face as a few skeletons rushed towards him; weapons outstretched in hand and ready to strike. And yet... they'd move no further. As if they were frozen in time. Baharius' eyes shifted confusingly towards the scene, trying to figure out what happened. He could move... yet why couldn't they? All he knew, was that the scent of magic was all-around him... as well as a faint chanting he'd hear in the background. Whoever activated the spell had some serious magic backing it... something Baharius wouldn't take for granted. As he heard the cries of the townspeople advancing upon the enemy, Baharius would cut down every skeleton in his way until the fog faded and the ship would miraculously disappear.

Now able to see what was around him, the saurian would be met to a scene of carnage. Many bodies littered the docks, dying or dead, with blood coating the cobblestone and staining the wooden piers. Even a few of those hardy serpents had perished during the conflict... something which disturbed Baharius somewhat. His claws couldn't even pierce through their scaly hide... meaning whatever killed them wielded power that was way beyond what he currently possessed.

This whole battle produced more questions than answers.

He'd help any nearby stragglers up as he roamed the docks, as well as looking out for any familiar faces. But by this point he figured whatever was going on wasn't quite worth pursuing. Sheathing his blade back onto his sail, the spinosaurian made a running start off the pier and into the waters below with an impressive splash. His paddle-like tail propelled him through the water as he made his way upstream towards better opportunities... while unknowingly passing by a foul-mouthed girl in a pirate outfit.

Talk about having a sailor's mouth...
Nazza Jakobi



"Common", "-Nomadic-"

Nazza swore as the ghoul's claws cut across his back, thankfully, his armor managed to save him. However, it breaking in the process meant that he wouldn't have another second chance. He stumbled over the fallen squidman and climbed the crates, sending knives flying towards the ghastly creatures. He noticed Inkheart blur and try to slip away from a skeleton in front of him, so he sent a knife towards the creature, along with the one that was still in front of him.

About to reposition again, Nazza noticed the pink mist surround and freeze the undead. He finished off the ones nearby, then went to check on Inkheart. Not seeing him, he decided that the injured man must've escaped. Shrugging, Nazza looked around the chaotic harbor to see many injured and dead people, as well as the fading ship, choked out by the pink mist. He once again saw Baharius and waved to him before turning off into an alleyway across from the harbor, disappearing into the gathering crowd.​

Mentions: Novama Novama

Mirraine ran right behind Baharius and Inkheart, hoping to get closer to the enemy, but this tunnel vision became a nearly fatal mistake for her. Right outside her field of view a ghostly figure smashed her on the back of the head with a hefty club. It took all the breath out of Mirraine as she was falling and instinctively trying to turn around to face the source of her wound. "Nonono, not again, no! I don't want to reincarnate again, this world is too promising, HE is close, this is my chance to find HIM! NOO!!!" - Terrified and panicked thoughts raced through Mirraine's head in an instant as she saw the sinister expression of the ghost. She yelled out a deafening shriek of terror, sounding almost unearthly. As she fell to the ground, she only managed to raise her hands in a reflective attempt to block the next blow, which is ought to be fatal. She could not concentrate enough to use her telepathic abilities, nor to shoot a soul beam. Just terrified expression of shock and panic.

However, the ghost froze as a purple mist encroached on everything in the harbour. It seems someone has singlehandedly resolved the crisis with some powerful magic, as now the defenders were simply finishing off frozen undead one by one. Mirraine's existential dread slowly subsided as she breathed erratically, eventually exploding in a loud yell:
"HOLY SHIT THAT WAS SO FUCKING SCARY OH MY GOD! I almost fucking died! Aaargh..." - Mirraine breathed a bit more, clutching the back of her head that was hurt with the club swing and was potentially bleeding. She regained a bit more composure, yelling out in a bit more of a calm fashion:
"Uhh, friends? I need a healer here, badly... I think I might've got a concussion... uhuhuu... please help." - Now she was simply whimpering from pain, laying on the ground and being a useless whining pile of garbage.
Mentions: 1Lucker 1Lucker Naythophyl Naythophyl Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Develius Develius Megilagor Megilagor Kris Rebel Kris Rebel DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
OOC: Thanks for playing everyone. Be sure to hop in the next rp to further your story.
Time: noon
Weather: clear and sunny, comfortably warm with slight breeze, faint mist over the waters and nearby environs.
TLDR: those that didn't immediately leave town would be granted possibilities and options forward
Post Listening:

Pardan Port


Time would pass from the incidents of that day and Pardan would recover. Those that were there for the incident would be able to share a kinship with the survivors of the town and be given opportunities. At least those that remained in Pardan. Those that left the town would be forgotten as surely as the town would be.

Cheshire would go on to aid several in feeling better. The many grateful serpent handlers would give him work and praise for some time. He would be able to make friends and find work in the town for some time.

Yufi, despite the obvious dangers being over, would not feel safe in the town. She would be able to verify the Trifecta was operating to some degree in the town. For what purpose? It was still unclear. A few assassinations. Some disruptions in the day to day. But otherwise, Yufi was not in town long enough yet to discern motives. What's more, it was apparent they new she was there. She could feel their eyes on her. It was only a matter of time before they made their move. Fleeing would be the safer option.

Inkheart's struggles would find him in a small restaurant just off the harbor. A chef with a kitchen knife was cowering behind the counter when Inkheart dragged himself in. The chef was nearly about to attack Inkheart when the victory at the river was made apparent throughout the town. Rather than a knife, the chef cooked up something good and gave it to the odd octopus man barely visible in his camouflage. The smells and sounds of sizzling veggies and meats on a hot grill filled the air.

Nazza's efforts were remembered by the serpent tamers and he would be approached after the event. Should he wish it, they encouraged him to stick around for a while and meet a certain slithering creature eager to meet the man that had so easily calmed one of its rampaging kin.

Mirraine would be discovered and healed along with the rest. Her participation would be remembered and she would be offered an audience with HER, the one living god, and leader of the town. It was claimed HER wisdom was great and that Mirraine's questions could surely find answers there. However, any normal person would express skepticism by the claims and few good things came free.
Isekai Hell Grade

Novama Novama Develius Develius Kris Rebel Kris Rebel Naythophyl Naythophyl Megilagor Megilagor Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread 1Lucker 1Lucker DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Good job to those that stuck the rp out. Seemed like more questions shoulda been asked as the actions may have been a bit confused at times. Otherwise, this is the sort of shenanigans that can happen when Wanted folk are in the party. Good to see some of you took advantage of the opportunities granted to you based on your goals. To those that ignored them, hopefully your characters figure out what they are looking for and how to get it.


Pardan's port was severely damaged due to the twin catastrophes. Not just the port but those needing a place to stop up and down the river will be faced with hardship. Repairs will happen as quickly as possible.

It was learned the incident may have been triggered by individuals assaulting serpent handlers. The handlers were now escorted by at least 1 head of house warrior, generally a wife of one of them.

Travelers might hear rumors about the ghost ship, The Wailing Rhodon, and stories of undead pirates. The river would see reduced water travel for a time as consequence, causing price fluctuations in goods all up and down the river.



Malik - 42pts (narrator)
optional asset/title acquired [Financial Ally of Pardan F] - character has made business connections with the port town of Pardan.

Baharius - 19pts
optional title acquired [dipper] - character dipped after the action

Mirraine - 16pts
optional title acquired [Approved by HER] - character may meet with the living god of pardan in future rps despite standing

Inkheart - 8pts
optional title acquired [Friend of Parden Chef] - character has befriended a cook in town that he helped protect.

Yufi "Yufi" Fujiyo - 36pts (attentive student)
optional asset acquired [1/4 reduced Wanted Status] - character is slowly but surely reducing the hold the faction pursuing them has. In time, they may shake free of them yet.
(attentive student wasn't setup properly to benefit from it at the time of this rp finishing but i'll give the points anyway. the character will need adjusted some for the system changes though)

Simi - 12pts
optional title acquired [Bad Omen] - wherever character goes, misfortune is sure to follow and negatively impact all involved.

Nazza Jakobi - 5pts
"Despite the encouragement from the serpent tamers, not long after Nazza was told to leave by them and not allowed near the serpents for unclear reasons. Nazza would think he saw some Nor'easters in port for some reason. Was a good enough time as any to move on..."

Cheshire Charmel - 6pts
optional title acquired [Friend of Pardan] - Character has proven themselves a friend and real ally of the town of Pardan. Will be welcomed by many any time they visit. There would be no shortage of work to do and friends to make.

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