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Fantasy Paranormal Investigation Club (P.I.C.)


Despair :3



Appearance- (picture)

Role in the club- (leader, accountant, electronics expert, combat specialist, etc.)



Sexual orientation-

Relationships if any-


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Name- Hayden Fel Yellowstar

Age- 17

Gender- Male



Role in the club- Combat Specialist-5 years of tactical weapons and disarming techniques, 10 years in Kickboxing

Personality- Calm cool collected individual, usually the one who sits back and doesn't waste energy on needless things, he does however doesn't mind anything if it helps to strengthen him in some way (helping with groceries, helping the needy, doing yard work, Learning new things.)

History- Not much is known about Hayden besides that he used to be an orphan right up to the point of being adopted by the Shizoku family. They are not the wealthiest family around but their small business dealing with rice products don't do half bad. Not many people know about his home life and he keeps it that way for various reasons. (There may be a time were the team goes to his house unexpectedly to find him in a bandanna and a apron cleaning the house while his dad and mom are away.) He occasionally is seen wearing head phones which he only wears to calm down after growing extremely agitated. His normal outfit is a black and whit fur hoodie and red undershirt but in the winter the colors are flipped. (white hoodie, black fur blue shirt) He does have a kid sister who always gets on his shoulder when she sees him. She also visits the club to see the girls to ask to go shopping on days they aren't busy. (Learns later he can punch ghosts out of possessed people) Aya from the band Suzumiya is his ex-girlfriend.

Sexual orientation- Straight

Relationships if any- none, but he doesn't mind looking but he finds that a lot of girls like but are scared of him and he doesn't know why.



Likes- fighting, solving crimes, settling scores, acing something that seemed difficult, pocky, ramune, udon, and new clothes

Dislikes- idiots, curses (not curse words), criminals, anyone messing with his friends, anyone touching his dog tags or messing up his hair (Not many people do this but he tolerates his club members doing it. Though he always clenches his fist and bears his teeth to say "I will kill you" or if he is extremely pissed off "I will fucking kill you")

(side note- the club building is in the old school house and the entire building has been renovated to accommodate any new team mates. The first thing the team will have to do is get rid of any ghosts or apparitions (if there is any) that may be haunting the school building before fully setting up the place as the base of operations.)

Anna, Hayden's little sister

Name- Jeanie Grayson aka Jean

Age- 17

Gender- Female



Role in the club- Electronics Expert and Field Investigator

Personality- Very intelligent, her mind is constantly going so she can seem a bit distracted when it comes to social interactions. Its very tough to gain her trust but once you do she is the most loyal person you'll ever meet. She is very honest about things to the point of coming off a bit rude sometimes and doesn't like beating around the bush on topics.

History- Jeanie has been in town for a while, in fact her family has been her for a very long time. Not that she likes to spread that around since her family is in the business of art. Something that they don't really see eye to eye on. Since they not only run the largest galleries in the country they also run the largest feed school for the arts they didn't really get why Jeanie decided to go in the completely other direction. Being the only child she was expected, and still is, to some day take over running things. Not that she has any interest in that what-so-ever since she is pretty much all consumed by science and technology. But she placates them by doing these short films using a camera she built the first summer of middle school (it was when she taught herself about how the human eye works and the science and history behind film making). So when a new high school opened up in town that was completely decked out in every kind of high tech imaginable Jeanie had been practically drooling to join. All that had been left was to come up with some plausible reason to convince her parents into letting her switch into it. Eventually she settled on the argument of "needing to spread her creative wings in an environment free from the repressive airs of expectations and reputations". I mean it sounded like just the kind of high brow artists' logic her parents would eat up, which they did. Now Jeanie's transfer request has been accepted and she is crashing the party at a new school. Oh what magical tech will she build! Oh what scientific questions will she solve!

Sexual orientation- Homosexual

Relationships if any- None at the moment as she has been all consumed by a project around creating a handheld device that allows for readings across spectrums and dimensions while tracking areas of high activity in the local area. Its not quite perfected yet and it may occasionally blow the fuses on the school's power system while testing.

Likes- Anything electronic, late nights, physical activities (they help distract her when she is trying to work through a really tough problem), movies (absolutely loves indie films), spontaneous trips, science~

Dislikes- Tricks, bullies, idiots, malfunctions, boring art shows
Name - Jake Snow

Age- 17

Gender- Male


Role in the club- Public relations and spiritual communication, sound technician.

Personality- Jake is friendly to all, and knows how to make people smile. He likes to get to know people, and he is good at establishing relationship with others. He doesn't like to fight with fists, but use his words to get out of situations or convince others not to fight. He talks a lot and plays things off as cool, but if you get him mad he will not back down.

History- Jake has been expressing himself from a very early age. He has always liked talking with people, and he has always loved making sounds. He started playing music at an early age, and has surrounded himself with music ever since. His parents writers, Jake was raised along with tall tales and stories. They varied from the action thrillers from his mom to the creepy tales from his dad. He loved the creepy tales from his dad, and he took them to heart even when he grew up. Every day his mind was constantly filled with music and stories to think about as the day wasted away. He started making his own electronic music when he was 13, and has been loving it ever since. He has a moderate following online, and has been happy ever since.

Sexual orientation- Bisexual

Relationships if any- Does music count?

Likes- Music, stories, sleeping, people, running, electronics.

Dislikes- Pushy people, bad attitudes, people messing with his things, fighting.
Name- Eliot "Eli" Maximilian

Age- 17

Gender- Male


Role in the club- Researcher/Debunker/Field Investigator

Personality- Eli is incredibly charismatic, outgoing, and optimistic and a bit of showman to say the least. He can generally get along with anyone regardless of their attitude and often uses theses personality traits to peacefully end conflicts and calamity to a minimum between friends or other groups.

History- Eliot was born to a very profitable family, his father a very popular idol and his mother a fashion designer, however the success of both of Eliot's parents had caused them to both neglect a lot of Eliot's up bringing. But as Eliot grew older he fell into his fathers footsteps and soon pursued his own aspirations in music and other artistic outlets such as studying film and their special effects to name a few(his knowledge of films and their special effects is how he determines if things the club are finding are faked). Eliot's home life one of more solidarity find his parents either being constantly busy or away on business trips or performance tours his parents would stop back once in a while but usually either video called or sent Eliot gifts as apologies. Once Eliot had reached seventeen he had made a name for himself within music and modeling for his mothers clothing company making it difficult for anyone in a major city to not know who we was but as his fans and followers grew and grew Eliot felt more and more distant from his so called friends that seemed to enjoy the limelight more than anything else, this lead to Eliot finding a new school and area to head to as a way to take a break from everything however that proved to be harder than expected as everywhere he went people seemed to know him causing his arrival at this particular area his current attempt at fitting in as a normal person.

Sexual orientation- Straight

Relationships if any- none at the current moment.

Likes- talking to people, friends, singing, guitar and other instruments, dancing, acting, stage work (studying lighting, special effects, etc.), video games, running, sports.

Dislikes- being late, being found(if hes trying to hide)
Name: Madison Blackstar (or her friends call her Maddie)

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Role in the club: Combat Specialist/field investigator/bookworm


Madison is kindhearted and doesn't really like fighting, but she will if she has too, she's normally very caring towards others she cares about, she's also somewhat of a bookworm and into legends and myths, she does know how to fight very good, but she's hard to anger and normally stays calm and collected, mostly being prepared


Madison comes from a rich family, her mother being a model and her father a 'demon hunter' as he calls it, her mother mostly isn't home, so her father can train her in fighting, her tattoo, or birthmark(see picture) is a symbol of the famous demon hunting clan from a long time ago. Though she does like myths and legends she doesn't believe all of them, she, unlike her father, has to see something before she believes it's real, which sometimes led to very bad stuff, a few years later her father retired because his back couldn't handle it anyone and so she stopped training, for the most part.

Sexual orientation: Straight

Relationships if any: None so far

Likes: Reading, myths, legends, mythical creatures

Dislikes: Bullies, mean people, meaningless fighting

[fieldset="It's like they think I have no idea what I'm doing!&quot]


Irona Caste Hornset








Irona is a strange looking boy. He has locks of bright ashy blonde hair that- in certain lighting- looks white. His eyes are a weird brownish-red color that appears crimson in the light and all around his entire body is a strange red strip that looks almost like a scar. The mark reaches from his cheek all the way down to his foot and is the result of a possessing of his body. As well is his near-white hair. Originally he had brown hair.

Irona stands at a slender height of 5'6" and holds a small, feminine-like frame.


Spiritualist Expert/ Exorcist


Irona has a almost child-like personality. He tends to be immature and playful, never letting emotions of anger or sadness break into his face. He always has this atmosphere around him that makes it feel like he's up to something, but he keeps his thoughts and ideas to himself. Irona tends to speak in the same-tone voice, soft and forced. It sounds like something he fakes. He isn't afraid to get close to people and touch them, often found flirting with guys and girls (even if he isn't interested). He'll wrap his arms around the neck of people taller them him and press himself to them, just to add heat. When it comes to spirits, he likes to talk to them, even if they don't talk back. He acts like their human beings and treats spirits and humans like equals. Sometimes, Irona will act cute, he'll bring his hand up to slightly cover his mouth and say something in either an "excited" persona or a "surprised" tone. He acts to never get hurt, and when something angers him his eyes darken and he talks in a darker tone.


Irona doesn't like to talk about his past much, it disturbs him to even remember it.

Irona was born and raised in Japan with an older brother, Yamato, a drug addict mother and a businessman for a father. His father was never home and Irona and Yamato had to deal with their drunk mother all the time. They lived in a quaint house in the suburbs and lived a decent life. That was until the "accident".

One night Irona had found that his father had brought home a gun, he told his brother all about the weapon and they both checked it out together. It was hidden away in their father's dresser drawer. They found it was loaded with bullets, and Yamato had taken the items out from the gun. Two nights later Irona was woken up in the middle of the night by his father who was yelling at him. They both ran into the kitchen to find Yamato holding the gun to their mother, sprawled out on the floor and staring at her son in wild horror. Irona still remembered what his father had told him, "I tried to talk some sense out of Yamato, but he wont listen to me! Do something Irona!" And with that Irona had gone over to his brother and had simply taken the gun from his hand. Yamato looked at him with wide eyes and hugged his brother roughly, causing Irona to drop the gun. Their mother had unknowingly crawled over and grabbed the gun, raising it and pointing it at Yamato. There wasn't enough time before their mother shot the boy in the head, killing him immediately.

After that night Irona's father had left, the police had considered it to be self-defense on the mother's part and life lived on. Sort of. Irona hated his mother after that night and the woman was going through depression issues. Less did they know her depression was giving the home a bad vibe and formed a bad spirit in their home. Strange things had begun happening in the building and one night Irona's mother had even gotten possessed. She had found the gun buried under the floorboards and had gone into Irona's room, threatening to kill him. Irona- acting out in his own self-defense - took the gun from her in a struggle and shot her with it, killing her.

The police came and arrested him, but luckily his father had come and bailed him out. Since then the man had taken care of the broken child, teaching him about his religious beliefs. Irona's father had quit his job as a business owner and became an exorcist, telling his son about what happened that night and giving him lessons on how to become an exorcist.

Somewhere along the lines of becoming an exorcist Irona's body had been followed by the spirit his mother created from her depression. Despite her death, the spirit moved on to Irona. The spirit grew stronger with Irona's own depression and ended up taking physical effect on him, making his hair go a bright ashy-blonde color and a large red mark flow up onto his body. This was when bruises had begun to appear all over him. Once his father noticed he performed an exorcism on his son, getting rid of the spirit. Although it is assumed that now Irona is a spirit magnet, attracting different kinds of things to him because of the effects he was already given from the previous one and every week he is put through a cleansing to protect himself from anything coming for him.

Sexual orientation-


Relationships if any-




The Sunset


Scaring People


Getting Men Flustered





Dark Places


Getting Scared


Being Hit on By Women




The Thought of Dying


Being Embarrassed
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"My name you ask? It's Poop Guy Mcgee. Just kidding. Evan, Evan Zhujiao. Like James, James Bond."


"17 and still counting! Hopefully."


"Um.. I'm pretty sure I gave some mugshots. Male, my friend."


"I'll send you the mugshots later."

(It'll be in a spoiler later)

Role in the club-

"I'm just some guy that's lonely. No, I am very sensitive to energy. Plus I smell of sulfur. Can I be the Camera Man? Oh something like that? I can be the Equipment Guy. Like carrying crap that apparently helps paranormal stuff."


"I'm very tired. Very. Literally I sleep in class. All the time. And another thing that's nice about me is that I'm very... I don't pay attention. But I retain half of what is told. Like half of my brain is being used but the other half is sleeping like me in class."


"Uh.. Poor family. Born in Hell's Kitchen in New York City. There really wasn't much going on, me and my family lived in a Winnebago, you know. One of those 'on the road houses' and we illegally park at random spots because we care! 'Merica! I'm pretty sure I encountered something paranormal. Probably not but, what can you say? I don't believe in these legends, I'm a skeptic. But I mean, as long as I get a could look at them with a camera, I'd probably believe."

Sexual orientation-

"I'm not into that.. Seriously. I'm straight. As straight as a line can be."

Relationships if any-

"I kissed my mom once? Does that count as a relationship? But I mean, if they're not directly related, they're safe to be dated. Says so much about me."


"Nachos. Movies. Books. And all above that."


"Vegetables. Violence and much more."

"See I told you I'd send them"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/8f8b1953ce02c547f6c6e4f9965f326a.jpg.93d96e5b9bd7551f0df38e864957556f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114541" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/8f8b1953ce02c547f6c6e4f9965f326a.jpg.93d96e5b9bd7551f0df38e864957556f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/bdcca5e6f79e7f3b1d5a9bb0b5eb73c1.jpg.202d118802ffdb68a5b00511d5012d75.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/bdcca5e6f79e7f3b1d5a9bb0b5eb73c1.jpg.202d118802ffdb68a5b00511d5012d75.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/large.jpg.2e8330609cb55dc80b7f278f03d16786.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114543" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/large.jpg.2e8330609cb55dc80b7f278f03d16786.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Well. I hope I get accepted in. And if I don't. I won't hold hard feelings or a grudge. But I have a pizza to go eat so, bye.)

"Well. That's me. I guess when I get into the club. I'll do something, like carry around a camera!"



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  • Fluke.jpg

    Name; "Yea, im Holden! Holden... Oh you want my last name? Fuji, I am Holden Fuji!"

    Nicknames; "Uhm, people call me Holden or Funny Guy, Cutie, anything that suits your verbal taste really!"

    Age; 18

    Gender; Male

    Orientations; Pansexual


    Occupation; "I mean, i work for this PCI thingy, but i also hold a steady shelving job at a marketplace!"

((Nope aha, it was supposed to be PCI, to kinda make a note that he really doesn't know that much aha))

(((Wait so am i accepted??/)))
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We will start very soon. It appears my previous team aren't showing up so we will just start most likely tomorrow or the next day. well tomorrow is easter so next day i guess.
Name- Timothy McAllister

Age- 14

Gender- male


Role in the club- electronics expert

Personality- Timothy is shy, sweet, innocent, and kind. However, he will not hesitate to protect his friends in a fight.

History- Timothy was always abused by his mother. She would come home drunk a lot and abuse him. Because of this, he never got a lot of sleep. His arms would always be covered in scars from when his mother cut him with glass shards from her beer bottles. He also has a long scar that goes all the way across his back. One day, his mother was abusing him when suddenly, black smoke came out of her nose, her eyes, and her mouth. She then fell to the floor, dead. Timothy was absolutely mortified, even though he hated his mother. He hasn't told anyone in the PIC about his real past, he's just made up a story. He feels like people will judge him for his past.

Sexual orientation- straight

Relationships if any- none

Likes- cats, computers, warm things

Dislikes- the dark, beer (in general), his mother

@Shade Wraith
Welp. I'm pretty sure 'Character Development' is a like so. I hope your actually in the rp and not just sitting by and thinking 'What could go wrong?!'
BlankName said:
Welp. I'm pretty sure 'Character Development' is a like so. I hope your actually in the rp and not just sitting by and thinking 'What could go wrong?!'
I'll probably double check with @Shade Wraith once he responds and starts the role play to make sure the character is accepted if he doesn't respond to my previous comment. I'll try not to sit back and think that, though. Usually when I do things like post characters and start threads though is think "Oh no, am I doing this wrong? Should I check or change it?" and have heart attacks.

Like just now, I sent someone a PM and had a total heart attack and took 5 minutes before I hit the "start conversation" button. It's a normal part of my life -w-
Welp. Once again, I hope that your in the roleplay. And I get your sudden 'heart attacks'. It's a thing I get too. So don't worry. Your not alone. There are people like you. Don't be sad, just go for the gold.
BlankName said:
Welp. Once again, I hope that your in the roleplay. And I get your sudden 'heart attacks'. It's a thing I get too. So don't worry. Your not alone. There are people like you. Don't be sad, just go for the gold.
Very inspirational :')

Ayee, I hope so too. Well, thanks either way ^^
No props. Just glad to help another unsuspecting person. Because, in World of Tanks. I love enveloping behind. If you get what I mean. -Nudge Nudge-
BlankName said:
No props. Just glad to help another unsuspecting person. Because, in World of Tanks. I love enveloping behind. If you get what I mean. -Nudge Nudge-
*Chokes on soda*

I hope I don't know what you mean ;-;

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