Parahumans sign up


Hello and welcome to my first RP!

There's been talk of them for centuries: people with abilities, capable of doing things that humans shouldn't be able to do. But time and time again, we're told that they aren't real, it's just good entertainment for film, television, and books.

That's a lie, though, and there are plenty of people who know it.

The term used by investigators is “parahumans”, and they live among us. They work in our grocery stores, teach our children, treat our sick, and populate our prisons – and they're also a popular source of study among those made aware of their existence.

One thing is certain, though, they just want to get on with their lives.


1) Literate Rpers only. This means (mostly) proper grammar, spelling, syntax, etc., as well as posts with a minimum of one paragraph.

2) No god modding.

3) There will be violence, though nothing too graphic.

4) Each parahuman MUST have some sort of negative result of their gift.

Character Outline:




Ability: (if parahuman, this is also where you should put their “weakness” or negative aspect of the ability)

Appearance: (picture please)


Name: Alby Monroe

Age: 20

Parahuman/Normal/Investigator: Parahuman

Ability: She is able to memorize things, right down to muscle memory, simply by looking at maps or watching videos on how to do things. The problem, though, is that she needs to make room for the new information, and so she has very little long term memory storage. She is usually only able to hold onto memories for a few weeks.


Background: She was normal until she hit puberty, and then her abilities started to manifest. Even though her lack of ability during her youngest years means that she had a normal memory before, she still has no memories from her childhood. Alby has just recently moved into the city, and keeps a video diary so that she has a way to store her memories and see how her appearance and things have changed. She also keeps notes around of vital information, such has her work address, mailing address, phone number, etc. When it comes to people or things that she sees and interacts with on a daily basis, she's able to keep it in her memory stores,

Name: Evan Welsh

Age: 22

Parahuman/Normal/Investigator: Normal

Ability: He's able to “push” people, which means that he's able to sort of bend their wills to do what he wants. However, he's only able to do it by making eye contact, so things like sunglasses prevent him from being able to use his ability. Also, long-term pushing on people can cause mild brain damage.


Background: Evan never realized that he was pushing people until he'd already been doing it for a over a year. He'd been suspicious, but always convinced himself that he was just incredibly persuasive. He works at the same restaurant that Alby does as a cook and goes part time at a community college.
Name: Less Ashton

: Twenty-Four

: Para-human

: The ability to control nervous systems through his touch, which can deaden pain, create immense pain, and so on. The flip side of the coin of his ability is that he is pretty much dead to his own physical and mental pain, which often affects his social life and interactions with people that he speaks with…it also causes him to experience other emotions half-heartedly, it being hard to determine when he will even express elation or other emotional responses.


View attachment 11527

Background: Less was oblivious to his ability in his early years, even though he had the ability since he was a mere eight years old. The ability awakened as he watched the death of his mother, her being shot on the street for the contents of her purse. Ever since that night he had been for the most part dead to pain and other emotions, often opting to avoid conversations altogether.

Due to his disdain for emotions and pain he graduated high school rather quickly and moved on to university at the age of sixteen, graduating with a Medical Doctorate eight years later. His affinity for alleviating pain gave him a inherent knack as a doctor, although he is still better at actually being a doctor and not the chatter part of the job. At the moment he is the newest addition to the Regional Medical Center in the city, often looked down on as the youngster in the hospital. That however does not bother him, which often annoys the crap out of most that work alongside him.

Additional: He does know about his ability, (Although no one else does at the moment, they simply thing he is really good at his job, which he is) him embracing it as an advantage to the rest of society…in his mind he sees the world clearly.
I was wanting to play two characters if that is ok.

Name: Persephone

Age: unknown (appears 10)

Parahuman/Normal/Investigator: Parahuman

Ability: Persephone ages very slowly, in the last twenty years it seems she has only aged a couple years. She also for the most part cannot die, She regenerates. The only way she would be permanently killed is if she was decapitated, or drowned and left under water. After a horrific experience where she was murdered and thrown into a lake, she had memory loss and can’t remember anything from before being pulled out of the lake.

Appearance: View attachment 11862

Background: The furthest back Persephone can remember is being pulled out of the water. The search and rescue squad member on scene who pulled her body from the lake could be heard, but it sounded as if she was far down a tunnel. “Who would drown such an innocent beautiful child?” There were tears welling up in the man’s eyes as he handed the cold blue body of Persephone over to the Coroner, who then strapped her body down to some sort of solid surface and covered her with a white sheet. Persephone faded out again and then next thing she knew she was on a table. Massive pain came from her chest as she gasped for air and sat up. She looked down at her open chest cavity and screamed. Everything healed in a matter of minutes, but seeing your own body torn open like that was unnerving to say the least. She didn’t know where she was…she didn’t know who she was, he only memory was of being pulled from the icy water of the lake. She covered her cold body with a lab coat that was too big for her and ran from the building. She tried to live on the street for a week, but was eventually picked up by child services and put into an orphanage.

Name: Verra Lynn Mathers

Age: 24

Parahuman/Normal/Investigator: Investigator

Ability: none, just very good with a gun and very athletic

Appearance: View attachment 11864

Background: Verra didn’t have the best childhood. Her parents were both drug addicts, heroine being their drug of choice. Verra was abused and neglected; it was amazing she even survived till the age of 10 with them. That was when she had been taken to the orphanage. Her years there were so much better than what she was used to that she enjoyed it. She had people who took care of her and that was fantastic, she even had friends. Her closest of whom was Persephone. Over the years Verra thought it was odd how her friend seemed to hardly age. While Verra grew a couple inches each year, Persephone remained the same. When Verra was adopted she promised they would always stay in touch, but a couple months later when she had tried to come visit, the Orphanage attendants had informed her that she had run away. She was upset, but now with a new home and family it wasn’t too hard for her to eventually move on. Verra at 20 graduated from college a year early and started training to become a police officer, she was a strong proponent of the law and felt that a life serving in the Vice department might help her cope with her birth parents abuse. Four years later, now fully engulfed in her career Verra was relatively happy. One morning, an officer, not with the bureau, stopped by her house, he asked her questions about the orphanage she had grown up in and about one girl in particular, Persephone. This conversation led to her being drafted into the Parahuman Investigation unit, where she was placed as a consultant into the case of Persephone, the immortal child.
Thankyou! I just registered on the site today, so I'm not quite sure how everything here works. (I've been role plying for years just not on here) is the thread for the rp made or are we waiting on more people to start?
We're waiting on more people :) I'll send out a message when the rp has started, but that will be in a different board. Welcome to the site!

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