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Fantasy Paradise


Juicy and tender
Paradise. That's what they called it. A land surrounded by fog and it's mysteries. Tremendous creatures with wings the size of the human's own ships occasionally greeted the passersby with the being's black silhouettes in the fog. The screams the creatures make, one cannot even fathom the strength of it through imagination. Experience is the only true way to know. Unfortunately, no one has been able to share it. Those that experience it never seem to tell any stories, if they come back at all. All the humans know about it are what rumors are spread; and those rumors spread like wine on a flat surface.

Perhaps the creatures see the human land as their own "Paradise," or land of mystery, surrounded by fogs of questions and rumors. Maybe to the inhabitants of Paradise, the humans are the origins of their myths and legends as those creatures are to them.

The human's will receive answers to their questions soon enough, but not now. Something a little more concerning happened.

The Thorok Rebellion came as a surprise. The beings considered allies, friends, even family to some had changed their ways without warning. The humans raised them from near extinction, brought their numbers back and even gave them strength other species would be jealous of. The humans gave them everything they needed, but the Thorok wanted more. Violent gangs began to form from the streets of cities, with attacks becoming more and more frequent and bloody. It started with a simple fight, but within weeks became a full scale war. Ambassadors were assassinated, translators murdered, thousands of innocent people slaughtered in cold blood. The Thorok had quickly cornered what was left of the humans with only one way to escape. The Thorok had given the humans an ultimatum: surrender as slaves, or leave your land on ship into the open waters. Choosing neither of these options resulted in decapitation, with their head being placed on a wooden spike. Not exactly something people would want.

Many different ships had sailed in every direction. A few platoons were silently formed, each heading a different direction. The largest platoon headed toward what seemed to be nothing, but open water, never to be seen again. The smallest headed toward a familiar land. Paradise was their destination. Though instead of wonder being the unanimous feeling, the amount of fear and dread emanating from these ships would have sunk an old boat. In their minds, a few things would happen. They would be eaten by the creatures, swallowed by the fog, or run out of food before they even get there. None of which ended well.

But they can't turn back now.

The only way is forward.

Forward. Towards Paradise.


It's been a few days, but you have finally have gotten used to the tosses and turns of ocean travel. You walk across the deck of your ship, occasionally looking out into the once pleasant ocean. A sigh draws out before you reach a hatch that leads to your sleeping quarters. The steps croaked with each step you took, as if telling you that your kind had failed, mocking each move you make. You share a cabin with a few other people that you have yet to introduce yourself completely to, understandably so as these past few weeks haven't exactly been your favorite. You find your share of the room. There was a simple wood bed, no mattress nor blankets and frankly wasn't much better than sleeping on the floor. The things you brought were stuffed underneath the wooden "bed," scattered carelessly. As you sit on your bed, gripping the rim of it, your eyes close and memories, along with so many questions, flood your head.

Fires burning villages, the sun being clouded by the smoke. Why did they do this? We treated them well, provided food and shelter. They're greedy creatures, the Thorok. All they seem to have wanted was our kingdom and... they got it. Underneath that burning land was our home once. It's their's now. We lost. We were weak, perhaps we were always weak and were just waiting for a strong enough breeze to push us down. Well, that breeze came and we toppled so easily.

No more questions. You weren't going to get answers anyways, at least not anytime soon.

Your eyes open again and you look around you cabin once more. The few people were there, thinking about their past, much like you. Perhaps - perhaps it's time to start again. And if you don't find land, maybe it would be best to not watch your species die with strangers.

You climb back out of the room and onto the deck again. The ocean no longer has your interest, but the people sailing with you have now grabbed your attention. Time to break the ice.
Nova hadn't gotten more than a full night's sleep since boarding the ship.

Over the past few days they'd been at sea, it wasn't just the tossing and rocking of the boat that kept her awake, but the images replaying themselves in her head, over and over... She was tired. Eyes fluttering closed, her mind replayed the last time she saw her mother, waving goodbye from the door as she headed off to the battle. Snapping her eyes open, Nova huffed sadly. She missed her mother. Nova's mother had been a kind and loving lady, spreading joy wherever she went. Why did she have to die? Nova's fists clenched reflexively.

Her hand wandered to the hilt of her sword, and her gaze leaned downwards. She remembered clearly, watching her father burn in his own crumbling forge as the Thorok tore apart her village. It was then that Nova knew her mother wouldn't be coming home. It was then she also realized she'd have to leave her father behind. Tears sprung up in Nova's eyes at the memories. She had lost everything to those vile creatures. Anger flared in her chest, and without hesitation, she drew her blade, turned, and struck it deep into the railing on the edge of the boat. Why?! Why her? Why did her mother have to fight a losing war? Why did her father have to be a metalworker? Why was she condemned to a life of loneliness?

It wasn't fair...

Dislodging her blade, she checked for damages and then returned it to its sheath. It wasn't fair.
Look at that dazzling ocean, its sparkle and elegance on par to that striking gleam of a newly-sharpened blade! Look at the infinite expanse of the cerulean firmaments above your heads, looking ready to open the very gates of the aethers! Perhaps it was only a perk of a creator such as this mister that he could romanticize their current situation, considering that weathers on the sea were never this dazzling nor serene, because, truly, he was feeling sick to the core.

Excuse the poetic notions of his and you'll notice his underlying motives: a pitiful attempt to idle away time and to convince himself that the ocean is a truly splendiforous wonder that one should not feel any such sickness over. It's... It's not like the constant creaking and waves that seem likened to an earthquake of such an intensity that could shake the foundations of a kingdom had bothere—

Too late. It's too bloody late, and it doesn't take him long to let out the bad vibes off-deck. Even if he was used to the throes of the ocean's passions mentally, his body would not follow suit. Clearly, he was going to have to deal with his seasickness the whole trip to the deep unknown.

After letting himself calm down at the sight of the waves greedily and fiercely lapping up that putrid virus of an ick that was like a bunch of chewed up leaves blended with manure, he looked around and noticed that he wasn't the only one in discomfort. It's just that the others were feeling it for all the different reasons.

Being the gentleman that his parents had raised him to be, he approached the lady whom threw her frustrations unto the poor railings of this fragile boat.
It's not like he checked because he was afraid about the boat washing them all away because of a leak or anything.

Since there would be clear awkwardness if he stood this close and didn't say anything, he'll have to break the ice with something light-hearted to lift a little bit of the tension that strangely hung about the passengers. "Ouch. That's gotta hurt for the rims, wouldn't it?" Putting on his best smile, he makes to lean on the railings, but quickly stops and abandons the actions, at remembering the injury on it right now and that he was within close proximity of the cut. Which may have not been the smoothest move. Ever. Because doing such a thing, with a balance like this lad here? It only meant that he nearly fell to the ground, had he not enough mind to catch the railings. (Yes, contradictory to his prior action, right?)
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Nova broke from her thoughts, looking over to the man who had spoken to her. As he mentioned the railing, Nova's attention turned back to the little chink she had made with her sword in the wooden beam. The cut itself was no more than two inches deep, and certainly didn't come close to slicing the railing in half. She frowned again, before turning back to the man. "Mm, maybe. Depends on what you mean by 'hurt'. If you mean physical pain, then no, probably not. If you mean damaged, then yes, I did put a little chink in the wood..."

Watching as he floundered about, obviously going to lean on the railing, but stopping, then falling, only to catch the railing despite his previous actions, Nova couldn't help but laugh at the display. Seeing the man floundering about did raise her spirits a bit, if only because seeing someone falling over always made her laugh. "Wow, light on your feet there, aren't you? A graceful little butterfly."

@Noivian @teddiekuma @IAmTheBurger

(Wait up for me, gentlemen!)

Lee slowly cracked open his eyes, revealing the quarters that the ship's captain had kindly donated to as a "hero of the war". He rubbed sleep out of his eyes, before moving the rustled blanket out of his way. His bed was a mess; the sheets were everywhere, the blankets were half off the bed, and one pillow was across the room. Sighing, he cleaned up the mess, before continuing on. He walked past his desk, crowded with unopened letters, the final words of men who would never go home. He then went through his routine; clothes, gun, sword, shaving. He stopped infront of the door, and then put on his Hero of the Empire face . Outside of his room, he was Steven Motherfucking Lee, hero of the battle of the capital. Inside of the room, he was just a man who had seen and lost too much.

He stepped out onto the deck, looking at two people, one of whom was on the ground. Walking over to the two, he reached his hand down and helped the man (@teddiekuma) up. "You alright there, sir?"
Sam had been watching Ferra fly with the boat, occasionally circling the edge of the boat and only coming back to rest on the rails. The moving ship had initially been a challenge to Ferra to navigate. It's moving constantly with wind going through its sails. She learned quickly not to fly between the sails as the wind going between them is far too strong. As for Sam, he's never been much of a sea traveler, or a traveler at all really. The smell of the waters wasn't exactly pleasant, and honestly he would rather be left in his eagle roost uncleaned for a week or so than smell this smell. Ever since his parents died, he's been a hermit, only talking to his birds. Now he's been forced to socialize. Oh and how horrible it is. He forgot to shave....

It's been a few days already and still Sam misses Tora and Kalo. Ferra is good company, but sheesh is she wily. No falconry training or any real socializing with anyone other than Sam is a little unsettling, but there are no more options now. It's only him and her on this travel.

Sam had let Ferra off to her own devices one more time before hearing a bunch of clanking behind him. He took one quick glance at Ferra to see where she was headed toward before going closer to the clatter. He scratched his beard a few times before finding a woman venting her anger on the ship's rails. He sat in the distance, studying her a little before almost getting up to approach her, before a different, slightly clumsier person did that for him. Actually, "slightly" is a little bit of an understatement. When the man tripped and fumbled on his feet, Sam couldn't help but give a hearty laugh. The first bit of comedic relief was a little relaxing as there has been nothing, but loss and fear for the past bits of time in his life.

Sam looked over at Lee and responded, "Ah he's fine. Seems as though he hasn't got his sea-legs yet. That or his legs are made of molasses."
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Analise finally stepped out of the cabin, her energetic ball of a brother finally put to sleep. A pale hand was thrown up to shield her eyes from the glints of dazzling sun reflected off cerulean waves. A little ways down the deck she spotted other passengers, with whom she shared the cabin with, as well as the captain of the ship. In the few days they've spent together a proper conversation had yet to take place. Most were too preoccupied by the shock of losing their homes and families to pay anyone else any attention. Ana sighed. 'Well, now's as good a time for making friends as any,' she thought with a shrug, making her way towards the group.

The dull clack of shoes on wood announced her arrival as she stopped to stand with the group.
"Afternoon, everyone. I see you've all been holding up well," she said with a light laugh, deciding to break the ice with some small talk.
Oh gosh, this kinda sucked. Sorry about this one.

Well, look at that. More people are smiling. And it didn't even need all that much effort in doing so. If he was going to be honest, he had expected them to be completely unimpressed by his show of clumsiness. (He's calling it a show, because who would want to admit to their own mistakes? It's always difficult to accomplish that.) Humans, by nature, are stubborn and proud, so this response went above and beyond his expectations.

Still, it was a bit depressing that his blunder had to be the catalyst to this reaction. "Only a few minutes passed and you're already ganging up on me? Sard you all." His playful tone and mirthful expression contradicted the supposed indignation that he had tried to relay, and sooner or later, he was chuckling himself as he took the hand of the soldier—at least he thought the man as a soldier, with the clothes and all—and hauled himself up.

It was no exaggeration that they all seemed to be joining the cause against him right now. Heck, there was even a joke made by the lady that made her way to their crowd, and he simply had to take not of it, putting on a facade of mock hurt. "Milady! Was that a pun? It is clear to me now that you all are taking up the cause to go against me!"
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Nodding to Sam (@IAmTheBurger), Lee stepped back and gave everyone some room. "Just making sure; we can't afford to lose anyone else in these times...". He awkwardly stared at the group; he wasn't used to actual conversation, as most of his time in the past few months had consisted of talking TO people, not WITH them. He gave a small cough, and said "Well, I guess we should introduce ourselves?"
"Oh, no sir that wasn't at all my intention! I'm just looking out for my fellow ship-mates," the girl responded with an light laugh and an apologetic smile. "My name is Analise," she addressed the group, taking the initiative and introducing herself first. "I have quite a bit of experience with medicine, so if you're feeling a bit under the weather feel free to ask for my help." Slender hands clasped together as she scanned the faces of the group, a warm and inviting smile playing at the corners of slightly chapped lips.
Sam looked at Analise, "A bit sympathetic for the people you just met, no?" He made an odd sounding whistle with an unknown purpose to those who haven't seen it earlier.

The graying man stood up and sighed. "Aye. Introductions." Sam held out his right arm wide, showing his rough leather glove on his right hand. "My name is Samuel Etcher. Call me Sam." Sam laughed under his breath. "I'm a hunter, providing food for my family everyday, before I lost all, but one." A subtle squeak of a bird could be heard if one paid close enough attention. Sam's eyes closed as he sighed one more time. "As for the one who survived?"

A giant, rust-colored bird swooped down quickly from seemingly nowhere. before tilting upward to slow down. It landed on Sam's glove, wings out wide to maintain balance. "Her name is Ferra," he said before taking off the cloth on his remaining arm and wrapping it around the golden eagle's head quickly. It squawked a few times before turning silent and calm. "She is my youngest." Sam sat back down, with the bird on his arm. "Next?"

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