Paradise Island [Inactive]

Jessica let out a small chuckle. "What's the first thing you'll do after we've dumped our stuff in our roms?" Jess asked everyone as she finished creating the charater and mess around with the alloted points.

"I'm running for the virtual simulator, if we don't have to attend some welcome junk. I heard the arcade holds almost EVERY arcade game, and with the virtual simulator inside, it's the perfect place for me." I replied to Jessica, with a large grin. I was really excited. "Raid the arcade!"
"Every game!?" Jessica exclaimed. "I'll have to raid it at some point but for me, i'm heading straight towards jet ski rentals as i've always wanted to ride one of them!" She informed Salvon. "But i think there will be welcoming stuff and a lecture about the hotel rules." She said as she finished the character creation proccess. "Or I may just head to the arcade with you." she told Salvon. She wasn't sure what she would do thanks to salvon mentioning the arcade's collection. She had planned on trying the jet skis first but the arcade appealed to her.

"If your gonna raid it, let me know, 'cause I'm hitting all the dancing games. I'd like someone to defeat in the dance games." The last sentence I said, I said competitively. Hehehe. "But, I've had years upon years of game dancing, so it would be hard for me to be defeated." I said, with a smile. I was joking.
"Why wait untill then?" Jessica asked Salvon. "There's a dance club on board and i'm an excellent dancer!" she told Salvon whilst smiling at him. She believed he was joking and just wanted to see if he was actually a good dancer or not.
((I seriously need to give Conner some love))


"I'd probably go look at my room." Conner replied. "What about you, Dylan?"


"I'm heading straight towards the spa!" Maggie cried out. "My nails are horrible, I need to get a peticure, or a manicure."
"I hope the spa offers massages!" Jessica said to Maggie as she watched the introduction to the Magi origin. "I will admit, i'm curious about those mud baths and i don't really get the point of them. I mean, you're bathing in mud. Just how does it help to relax you or make you beautifu?" She asked no-one in particiluar.
"Shame, as i was looking forward to kicking your ass!" Jessica told Salvon in a friendly manner. "Stewardess, can we get out of our seats now?" She called to the stewardess.
The stewardess looks to Jessica, and said "Yes, you may." She herself got up. She left, to the where the pilot is, away from sight.


I tried controlling my laughing. Nope. I burst out laughing, at what Jessica said. "You wish!" I said, in between laughs. She probably couldn't even come NEAR my level of dancing.

Maggie blushed. "You don't have to play Minecraft with me if you want." She told Salvon. "I'd love to see your dance moves though!" She said laughing.
"I will kick your ass on the dancefloor!" Jessica remarked in the same friendly tone after Salvon burst out laughing. She put her laptop down on the seat and locked it. "Let's dance unless you're afraid!" She said to Salvon. She knew it would be fun dancing with him and even more fun to kick his ass. She removed her shoes as she always found it easier to dance without them on.

I looked at Maggie, and said "You'll see me do awesome moves, and win. But sorry for ending the game so fast." I turned back to my screen, and I ended game. I shut my laptop off, and put in back in my bags. Smirking, I stood up, and said "I'm never afraid to destroy people in dance."

"Bring it on!" Jessica said to Salvon and started to moonwalk towards the dance floor. She stopped once she arrived and waited for Salvon. She knew it would be fun and couldn't wait to start the dance off.

"You passed test 1, the moonwalk." I said, as I moonwalked to the dance floor, also. "But test 2... The marswalk. Can you do it?" I said, smiling. The marswalk was something very little amount of people knew about, let alone can do. I'll get her on this part, probably. If so, a shame.
"Marswalk?" Jessica asked Salvon as she moonwalked across the dance floor. She had never heard of the marswalk before and would not be able to attempt it.

"Ahh, the marswalk. Have you heard of Flynt Flossy? In his video 'Did I mention I like to Dance', he does the marswalk. Not many know of it, let alone know how to do it, unlike I, who can." I said to Jessica, a smile on my face. That itself was cheap, most likely. Because little amounts of people know of it, it's unfair, I guess.
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"Haven't heard of him." Jessica told Salvon as she started to do an energetic dance in front of Salvon. "Show me then!" she said to Salvon as she did the fairly fast paced dance on the dance floor.

I smirked, and did the marswalk. It was something you did, walking backwards. It makes my legs look like jelly, without bones or joints to limit me. It was a dance hard to even grasp at, but it was possible. For sure. I think I have a video to show it... Right here.

Start at 1:39.
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