Paradise Island [Inactive]

"I'm Jessica and he's Salvon." Jessica told Maggie. "It's nice to meet you!" She happily said to the girl and went to shake her hand. "The island has a virtual simulator that tailors simulations to your thoughts, how awesome is that!" She said to the girl.

Maggie tried not to sound unenthusiastic. "Thats really... awesome." She forced a smile, at least she was trying at all. She nodded and took out her phone and turned it on airplane mode and quickly shutting it. She returned her attention to Jessica.
Kat wasn't the one to go mingle with anyone. But she felt the urge to go introduce herself. Walking over the group of people, "Hello! Im Kat." As she thought this was a stupid idea, she was just making a fool out of herself. She kind of sighed a bit since she wasnt very social.

Dylan slouched down in a corner, playing some sleeping with sirens music, waiting to aboard the plane. He knew he should introduce himself but sadly he didn't feel like he should just yet. Happening to look up for a second, he notices three girls talking with each other and suddenly thought 'wowza they're attractive arent they?'. He jumped to his feet, paused the music and took out his headphones, and walked over to them with the slightest nervous look. "H-hey, Im Dylan." waiting for a reply, he starred at his feet.
(We shall board the plane!)


I turned to the girl, who just introduced herself as Kat. "Hey. The name's Salvon, and this is Maggie, and Jessica." I said, and as Dylan came over, I said the same thing, but with Kat's name included. I looked over to the rep, as she told us we could enter the plane. So, as such, she led the way. After sometime, we all entered the plane. It pretty much was a private jet. Some attendants told us to pick seats and sit down.

I quickly went to a seat close to where we entered from, and I sat, opening my Alienware laptop.

Maggie waved hi to Kat. I copied the same actions to Dylan too. I picked up my backpack and followed the group out to the airplane. We were lead for quite some while until we reached the plane, well, I should say a private jet. The attendants told us to sit. I grabbed a seat next to Salvon.


Conner saw the group start to leave and followed. One of the reps lead us to the airplane. The interior of the Plane was nice. I slid into a seat somewhat in the middle. I pulled out my phone to text my family that I was on the plane.

I turned to Maggie, as she sits down next to me. I gave a smile, and said "Hello." I turned back to my Alienware laptop, and opened Minecraft. Of course, after I turned Airplane mode on.

I watched Salvon start playing Minecraft on his computer. I pulled out my MacBook and opened my computer. "You have Minecraft?" I asked. I realized his computer was a much nicer gaming computer than mine.
Kat noticed everyone leaving and replied to Dylan in a fast phase "Hello. Time to go, Talk to you later" I turned my phone on airplane mode and followed everyone aboard. She scratched her head as she spotted Dylan sitting a few rows down with his headphones. "How did he get on here before me?" she silently muttered.

Dylan was tapping his feet to his music and noticed no one sat with him. He sighed at the thought and just focused on his music. Kat soon got pushed into his seat and accidentally knocked his headphones out. "Im so sorry, please forgive me". "U-uhm its alright" he smiled. Kat sat down and texted her mom saying they were about to lift off and that she would call her. Dylan looked over at Connor and winked, and said with his lips "ca-ching".

"Who doesn't?" I say with a smile. I logged onto my world, where I was in a mob spawner room after digging in the ground. Switching to my iron sword, I hit a creeper, until he explodes. He also explodes the mob spawner, and killed the skeleton. Taking what was from the chest remains, I put some torches, and continued mining down.
((LOL Conner's a neglected baby))


Maggie grinned. "I used to play a lot, but I have the absolute worst gaming computer, I should buy one." She told him. She opened Minecraft on her computer. She logged on and looked at her old worlds, mostly creative. "You wanna play LAN?" She asked him while opening a new world.


Conner pulled out his Iphone and started to listen to music through his Beats. He looked over at Dylan and Kat. Dylan looked content with being next to Kat. Dylan turned and mouthed the words Ka-ching! at him. I snorted and looked back at my phone.
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Kat yawned and rested her head on the seat. "If anything comes up, wake me up ok?" she asked Dylan. She closed her eyes waiting for him to respond and she was soon passed out.

Dylan promised to her he would right before she fell asleep. He plugged his headphones back into his ears and slouched down for a nap. He felt Kat's head gently touch his shoulder and he smiled, closing his eyes also. He didnt know if it was ok to put his head on hers, or just keep it in place. He went with the opposite of his gut and slowly put his head over hers, and rested it there. They both were fast asleep in dreams.
Jessica followed the others to the plane and was surprised that it was private jet. She sat down and put her suitcase down on the ground in front of her. She got her laptop out ans turned it on. She loaded up Fallout One and attached the headphones to her laptop. She didn't put them on and had put them around her neck in case the staff had something to tell them.
Salvon (Experiencing homework problems. Will be long between posts.)

"Yeah, let's play LAN. I have some extra stuff that you can use." I say to Maggie, and I press the menu button, and turn it to LAN. Survival, No cheats. LAN active.
Dylan and Kat woke up and realized how they just acted towards each other. "I thought I told you to stay awake, and tell me if anything went on" she smiled. Dylan just looked at her like he did something wrong. He reached his hand towards hers, and she finished it off by grabbing his. She kissed his cheek and put her head back on his shoulder. "I w-wonder when the plane will take off". She looked around at all of her new friends and kinda gave them that look like 'Is something wrong'. They waited till someone told them what was happening.
"Probably waiting for the others." Jessica said to Kat whilst playing Fallout. "****!" she exclaimed after making a fatal mistake and watched her charcter get blown in half by a supermutant. She reloaded from the last save. "What did you ask for in your rooms?" Jessica asked everyone as her character encountered the supermutant again. She was nearing the end of the game and was outside the Master's base.

"Awesome!" She said as she joined the LAN. She turned her head towards Kat and Dylan. She frowned. "I agree with Jessica." She said nodding. "Honestly my room is super simple, I can't wait to see all of your rooms." She said nodding
Kat replies "I asked for those cute little crane towels with the chocolate like they have on cruises. -laughs-" Dylan giggles and just turns his head to look outside. "What did you ask for Jessica?" Kat questioned.

I kept quiet at that question, and with cheats, I teleported to Maggie's character. I said "Follow me back to my house, and I'll give you some things. I already had the feeling, that people on the plane were 'cozying' up with one another... I mean more than friends. More than best friends. The topic itself I don't like talking about.
"**** off!" Jessica exclaimed after dying again. "Sorry, just died again. I asked for a king sized bed with very soft pillows. A large tv opposite the bed and for there to be a desk in front of the window with a beautiful view. A large hot tub and i think that's it." Jessica told the others. She shut down Fallout and loaded up Dragon Age Origins:Ultimate edition. "With any luck, the hot tub will be more like a pool then a typical hot tub." She said as she selected new game.

"Kay! Got it" She followed Salvon's character back to his house. "That seems amazing Jessica!" Maggie said without taking here eyes off the screen.

Clicking on the button to the side of the house, it looked more like a small mansion than house. Made of stone, oak wood, spruce wood, jungle wood, and more items, it looks greatly built. I walk into a room filled with chests, and I open one. I take out an iron sword, two iron picks, 64 pieces of steak, and a full set of iron armour. I drop them on the ground, for Maggie to take.
"It does." Jessica said as she put the headphones on. After watching the introduction to the game, she create an elven female mage. "Wanna hang out in the tub later?" She asked everyone as she created the character. She believed everyone that was on the plane was a decent people. She didn't usually invite people she didn't know back to her room but she started to like the others and hoped that over time, they would become friends. She believed it wouldn't hurt to spend time with them in her hot tub and wondered when the jet would take off.

Hearing that, I very slightly blush. I'm a rather modest person, and that also included what I saw. So I don't really think I should go... I looked up from the screen, and said "I thi-" but I stopped talking. An attendant stood, and looked at all of us. He said "When the plane takes off, you can go and look around. There is a self serve bar, a dance club, or you can just do what you want here." He left, and soon the lights to stay in your seats turned on. The airplane gets off the ground.
"They're already spoiling us and we've not even arrived yet." Jessica commented in a happy tone. She saw the lights that told everyone to stay in their seats and went back to creating her mage. She was starting to get excited as the plane climbed through the air and said "This is it! We're leaving!" in an excited tone.

"Leaving the land of regularity, and onto the land of royalty." I say jokingly. I smile. I pulled out a iron chestplate from the chest, and took off the diamond chestplate. I put the iron on, and put the diamond one back in the chest.

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