Paradise Island [Inactive]

JustTheDoctor1 submitted a new role play:

Paradise Island - This is was great sweepstakes to win, huh?

Paradise Island is located in the Bahamas and is approximately 1 mile wide and 2 miles long, hidden from all of the tourist's island. And you and a small handful of other people your age have been invited from a contest to spend a summer on Paradise Island, all expenses paid!
A tall mountain is one one side of the island, and another in the middle. On one side of the island, by the mountain, there is a bowling alley, mall, movie theater, restaurants, a pier, and old city streets to walk on. A...
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( @Laneydean @TheRoleplayingDovah @Madison Jayde @Livingbetweenstars )

(We all start, going to the airport in Nassau, where we will then take the plane to Paradise Island. Of course, not going together, unless related.)


I took a few deep breathes, as I calmed myself. Within moments ago, I said goodbye to my parents, my brothers, and my sisters, as I stood outside the taxi door. I entered the cab, and I told the driver where to go. He nodded, and we drove away. I looked out the window, seeing my family stay, still waving. It's saddening, but I guess it could be worth it. I could show them around on webcam!
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Jessica still couldn't believe her luck. She had won an all expenses paid vacation to the island. She had a large red suitcase with her and had just arrived at the airport. She paid for the taxi and believed that there would be a rep from the island looking out for the winners of the compition. She scanned the area with her eyes whilst remaining outside to see if someone was expecting her.

I hugged my Mom and Dad and siblings. I took a deep breath and already started to feel homesick. I grabbed my suitcases and walked out to the cab. He took my suitcases and opened the door for me and I stepped in. My breath fogged up on the window, making my family hard to see. I waved my hand and smiled. This could be a new start.


I waved at my Mom and Sister as they dropped me off at the airport. "Call me, and text me! And also email me and send me a message on Facebook, everyday! I want to know what's going on!" My Mom cheered. "Bye mom." I sighed and stepped in the airport. "Don't forget about me!" She cried out. My sister touched her arm and lead her back to the car. As she got in she shot me the call me sign. I chuckled and ran my hand through my hair and walked into the airport. 

Laneydean said:
I hugged my Mom and Dad and siblings. I took a deep breath and already started to feel homesick. I grabbed my suitcases and walked out to the cab. He took my suitcases and opened the door for me and I stepped in. My breath fogged up on the window, making my family hard to see. I waved my hand and smiled. This could be a new start.


I waved at my Mom and Sister as they dropped me off at the airport. "Call me, and text me! And also email me and send me a message on Facebook, everyday! I want to know what's going on!" My Mom cheered. "Bye mom." I sighed and stepped in the airport. "Don't forget about me!" She cried out. My sister touched her arm and lead her back to the car. As she got in she shot me the call me sign. I chuckled and ran my hand through my hair and walked into the airport.
LOLOLOL It is xD  
Haha, yeah.

I sighed, as the car broke down. The heat overheated the engine, according to the cab driver. I sighed, paid him what was needed, and I jumped out the cab, which was surrounded by traffic. Too slow, I'd be faster if I ran. Opening the trunk, I grab my things, and run to the airport, which wasn't that far.
Jessica couldn't see any reps from the island and made her way inside the airport. She walked towards the checking in desks whilst keeping an eye out for anyone that were expecting the winners of the compitition.
Julie Shin

Julie left the bus with a sigh, she was a little bit afraid of the flight, as she did not really like to be at higher altitudes. Looking around nervously she recognized a lot of people hugging each other and saying good bye. Sadly Julie had no parents anymore, theyboth died in a car accident shortly after Julie was born. After that she had lived in orphanage together with her sister Jenny.

Suddenly she realized stomach growling loudly and walked into the airport somewhat faster. It looked quite big and modern. She firstly headed for the display board and memorized the gate, before she started to look for a bakery.

Quickly and loud, I ran inside the airport. I had lots of sweat on my face. The summer's heat and running, it's not the best combo for staying sweat-free. I quickly slowed down, as some people turned to look at me. I sighed, and looked around, then at my watch. Within ten minutes, we would be in the airplane.

I look up at the lady in front of me, who asks 'Did you win the sweepstakes?' I replied "The one to Paradise Island?"

'Yes, that's the one. If you follow me, you can relax on the airplane.' She says, and pulls out a ticket, handing it to me.

"Sweet." I say, taking the ticket, following her.

(The airplane is pretty much a private jet.)
Jessica couldn't see any reps and decided to ask at the checkout. She walked over to the checkin desk. "Hi, i'm looking for the plane to an island. It's called Paradise island and i know it is almost unheard of but would you know where i would need to go to catch the plane?" She asked the lady at the checkin. She hoped that she could carry her laptop onto the plane. She had it in it's own laptop bag.

The lady leading me, immediately turned towards a girl at the check out and said 'You also won the sweepstakes?' She says, and pulls out a ticket. I looked at the girl, and thought one thing. Dang. She is SHORT. I was 6'0, and that girl looked 5'4 to me.
"Yes!" Jessica happily said to the woman and accepted her ticket. "Hello!" She said to the young man looking at her. "I'm Jess and i can't wait to get to the island!" she said to him. She was a very confident woman and always tried to be friendly to others. She wondered if she would be able to play games during the journey but didn't want to bother the check out lady with trival questions to avoid keeping other people waiting.

"Nice to meet you, Jess. The name's Salvon." I said, a little smile on my face, with a happy tone in my voice. "The island. One of the most cool things in my opinion, is the virtual simulator." I said, and some time later, the lady took us to the inside of the plane. It had little chairs. I took a seat at one of the closest chairs.
"There's a virtual simulator?" Jessica asked Salvon. She knew what hte island had to offer due to the contents of the letter that she recieved when she won but didn't know aboult the virtual sim. "It's nice to meet you too!" She said to Sal and offered him her hand to shake.

I grabbed her hand firmly, and shook it. "Yeah, there is a virtual simulator. It uses your thoughts and memories to create a scenario for you to complete, if I got that right." Dang. Must have spent lots of money on the virtual simulator.
"Awesome!" Jess said in a very happy tone as she shook Sal's hand. "I can't wait to get to my room and see what it is like!" she told him in a bit of an excited tone. "If you want, i can tell you what it should be like." She said to him whilst smiling.

"Knowing myself, I'd probably imagine it WAY differently than when it really is." I say with a smile. "But, if you want, tell me about your room." I say, as I pull out my Alienware laptop from my luggage.
"I've asked for a large hot tub and a king sized bed. Hopefully, the walls will be blue and the desk will be near a window with a view so that i can stare out of it." Jessica told Salvon. "Oh and large TV opposite my bed with silk covers." She added afterwards. She saw him take out his alienware laptop from his luggage. "Mine's alienware as well." She told Sal after noticing his laptop.

"Sounds like a cool room." I said, then when she told me about having the Alienware laptop, I said "Did you bring it with you? And if so, do you have Minecraft on it?"
"It should be and i can't wait to see what the island itself is like!" Jessica happily said to Sal. "I do and i spend too much time on it. I tried to recreate Rex from Metal Gear Solid one. it was good untill someone blew it pieces." She informed Sal whilst smiling. "I've wiped all of my creations recently due to people destroying them and i may as well start from scratch." She said to the 6ft young adult.
((LOL sorry I was babysitting X.X I missed the flights there for Maggie and Conner, should I just act like they flew there?)) 
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Kat was excited to be leaving, but also a little frightened. She didn't know what was ahead of her, but she knew she was lucky to be going to such a nice island. "I will miss you so much sweetheart", her mother called from a distance. I was now about to check in at Gate A to aboard my plane. I just simply waved back to her and my father and blew a kiss..

Dylan was moping around all day because he wasn't the one to get along with most people. 'I seriously dont know why I took the offer to come, no ones going to like me anyways' I thought in my head as I was coming up to the gateway. My family just dropped me off as if I was a donated coat. I hope I can find happiness on this island, because I can surely use it. I was just starring at the gate as if I was in another world and totally missed "Sir, can we check your bags".. I soon snapped into it and let them check and I was on my way..

Maggie ran up to the front desk, almost crashing into a boy and girl, she skidded to a stop. "Sorry!" She mumbled and went up to the front desk. She handed the lady her ticket and three suitcases and sighed with relief. She grabbed onto her back back straps and turned around.


I walked through the sliding doors and looked around. There didn't look like there was reps from the island here so I walked up to the desk. I saw a girl standing talking to a boy and a girl at the desk. I walked up to a different desk and handed the lady my ticket. She nodded and weighed my suitcase.
"Woah!" Jessica exclaimed after almost getting crashed into by a girl. She watched her hand the suitcases over to the lady and was surprised at how many the woman had with her. Jessica only had one large suitcase and her laptop bag. "Looks like the others are starting to arrive." She said to Sal. "Hello!" She said tothe new comers and gave them a wave whilst smiling.

"Hi!" she cried out waving her hand. She run over to the boy and girl. "I'm Maggie." She said sticking her hand out. She studied the girl and the boy. The boy looked about 6' foot and the girl was way shorter. She was exactly in the middle.


Conner stuck his hand in his pocket waiting as the lady finished taking his bag. A group behind him started to gather. He assumed that was the group he was going to be with on the Island. He walked over.

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