Paradise Deception


Senior Member
Although it was the early evening, the clouds still littered the sky like the dilapidated buildings that were scattered across the ground. The cool, crisp air, however dry, bit at the cheeks of the female as she trudged her way through the out-of-control grass that grew nearly waist-high. The sky was dreary, as was their current surroundings. The city was not too far off in the distance, but there was a layer of fog that was beginning to creep its way through the area. The whispering, dying breaths of breeze that brushed the bangs out of Ophelia's face smelled so dead. The dead. That was what she was hunting. Hunting? Was she some sort of predator? Yes. She was built to be one; but something was eating away at that almost programmed instinct now. She enjoyed ridding the things that rid the human race in the first place, but lately she was thinking twice. Most probably questioned her madness; waiting until the last minute to slaughter a zombie instead of saving herself the trouble of worrying and just shredding it.

"What if you were them?" She mumbled incoherently as she continued to take quiet steps through the grass. The female was known to mumble to herself. The young woman knew that no one could hear her, but it gave her pleasure in knowing that she could voice her opinion, or thoughts without having to hear people sneer back at her. Just perfect. No one could do anything about it. Then, there was a noise. A soft rustling in the grass at first, then a screech, followed by others far off in the distance. They had heard it's cry, and were probably going to come as soon as they could. However thinned out they were in this city, they would still come as fast as they could. Although, their numbers though would prove to be pathetic.

With a cat-like pounce, Ophelia made her way quickly through the grass, unsheathing two kukri blades as she gazed the being straight in the eyes. They were glazed over, rotting in their sockets. There was no sign of coherence. She skid to the right of the undead wretch, spinning on her heel and taking a step behind the decomposing shambler. This was all done quicker than it could react, and just as she heard it inhale and ready to make a screech worthy of a band of banshees, both blades were suddenly crossed and brought across it's neck.
Abel pulled his jacket closer to him as he walked out on top of the building he had been hiding in for a while, "This will all be over soon," He whispered to himself, he used to be a normal high school sophomore, but all that changed when the infection spread and the dead walked. For a week or two he didn't mind it, due to the fact that he was still with his father, but when his father got bitten he begged his own begotten son to shoot him, to end his suffering, and Abel did just that, he took up his gun and put a bullet between his father's eyes. Abel had nightmares of that fateful moment every night, he sought to kill himself every time he had that dream, everything important in his life was gone, and this evening was the perfect time to do so, "I'm ready to end my suffering, this is all your fault, how could you let this happen!?!" He yelled to himself as let the gun's muzzle rest upon his head, he yelled that same phrase two more times, "How could you let this happen!?!" He gripped the trigger, but right as he was about to shoot, he saw a girl? Yes, a girl, off in the distance, just as she killed one of those demons.

He was embarrassed now, he knew she had to have heard him, and he had lost the urge to die, so he just sat there and thought for a nice, long half-hour. He just sat ad thought of what life really meant, he thought of what went wrong, and why his life was so terrible. He sat there in deep thought, sobbing, sniffling at times, he didn't ask for any of this to happen, he didn't want this, but he was forced into it anyway. He knew now that he should live on, so that his father's death would not be in vain. He sat there in that cold evening, hoping that the girl he had seen, did not hear him scream, so he could be alone.
The rancid, rotting head fell off the shoulders in a blink and landed in the grass beside the body, which had fallen shortly after. Crackles had sounded from it's joints and bones as it fell to the ground, but Ohpelia didn't even so much as grimace at the sound that would make any normal human recoil and run away in fright. She gazed down at the head, which had eyes wide open, jaw broken and dangling from tendons, muscle sinew and ligaments. There was one thing she was thankful for; she had gotten used to the smell. It was nothing more bothersome than the smell of a garbage truck now. For a moment her eyes grew soft, and she gazed down at the useless head and broken body.

"If only I saved you." She spoke softly, head hung for a moment before she bit her lip in a manner of bad habit and lifted her eyes to the path ahead. She heard shouting, it was muffled due to the moans of other creatures and the gentle wind brushing past her. She glanced around, her kukris still sheathed while she did her best to find the source of the shout. Someone was out there, in utter distress it seemed like. "Oi!" she called, trying her best to stay under radar but the shouting did not help. "Hello?"
Abel in his thinking, thought he had been hearing voices in his mind, but when he thought more into it, he noticed the voices sounded as if they were coming from afar, then he remembered, "The girl," He wanted to be alone, but she looked like she wanted to help, he knew that he had to admit his presence, he stood up and walked inside and down all of the flights of stairs, until he was outside, legs cramped, knees hurting, he started at a slow pace towards the spot that he had seen her last. As he walked he thought, just as he had thought on the roof, but this time he thought with more vigor, when out of nowhere came one of repulsing creature, Abel, in his deep thought had not noticed this creature until it was too late, by the time he got his senses he was pinned by the creature and two more were following close behind.

He pulled out his gun and shot the ugly bugger twice in the chest, blood pouring over his shirt, he pushed the thing off of him, he then shot the two trailing creatures, one in the head, the other, in the throat, as they fell to the ground, motionless, he noticed the one he had shot twice struggling to get up, "Hello there Mr.Ugly I see you're in pain let me help you out there, trust me, it's the least I could do," He said in a psychotic fit as he put three bullets into the zombies head, which is a bit overkill, but to Abel, completely necessary, "I'll get my revenge, one way or another," He whispered to himself shyly. He then remembered why he had left the building, but didn't find the pursuit all that necessary anymore.
Ophelia knew she was wasting her precious time trying to find a male that most likely, didn't even want to team up with her. She had joined many groups before and was left behind even before the first morning. Not giving her a warning, not even having the heart to leave her any supplies. Just alone with the weapons she had and clothes on her back, they left without a trace. Was she really that dreadful to be with? Was it the fact she was a worthless female who even managed to survive this mess? This gave her the impression that maybe the rotting creatures weren't so bad, it was the selfless humans that made it horrible. They were the monsters after all. The female made her rounds surrounding the building, trying desperately to find the male she had heard not long ago. Running with her feet arched, she swiftly zoomed throughout the fog, killing anything that managed to step into her path. Every few moments you would hear rapid steps on stone, a leap and a successful groan of death followed by a thud of the body. Blood soaked into the cracked asphalt, along with bits and pieces of flesh and bones decorating the faded road paint. "Come on, where are you." she breathed, biting her bottom lip instantly when the sound of gunshots ran through her petite frame. She came to an instant stop and turned the other way, holding her two blades out. "There you are." she grinned, disappearing into the depths of the unknown. Ophelia heard the voice again, followed by three more shots and dead silence. "I know you're out there." she chimed, an almost spine-chilling ring to her innocent voice. Her steps were slow now, the heel of her boots clicking faintly. Right after she finished her sentence, she spotted the frame of the male in the fog including three creatures dead in front of him. “You causing all this noise?”
Abel, shocked to hear another human's voice, quickly looked up to see a woman standing in front of him, her words relieved him, if times were the same as before, these words would have meant nothing to him, but he was relieved to meet someone living as he does, "Y-yes it was me, I... I shot these things," He said through heavy breaths, "My name is Abel, I don't have any weapons now, I... uh... wasted all my bullets on these ugly guys," He said looking down at his blood stained shirt, "Anyway, just so you will trust me, I'll drop my gun right here, and my pocket knife, that's all I've got, you can check, be my guest, just please don't hurt me, I don't want to kill a human ever again, I will gladly kill one of those demons though," He said stumbling over words, scared, as he noticed her blades, "If you must, end it now, I wouldn't blame you, you don't know me and you obviously don't trust me, but hear me now, I am alive, as are you, and if we humans that ARE still alive, do not help one another, then we're better off dead," He said hoping she wouldn't end him right there, "I just... need someone to help me, please? I promise I won't hurt you, you can even take my weapons, you seem like someone who would put better use to them anyways," He didn't know what this girl was all about, and that is why he tried bargaining wit her and if not, hoping she could do to him what he didn't have the guts to do, kill himself.
Ophelia circled the male, arms crossed with her blades gently resting against her body while she eyed him very closely. He seemed to be shaken up by the fact of her presence, which seemed to be very intimidating with the two blades in her tight grasp. She paused when he said his name and looked at him straight in the eyes, her two different colored ones vivid and glowing in the small amount of sunlight seeping through the misty fog. "Abel.." she mumbled under her breath, drawing in close and taking his chin within her fingers to take a closer look. She cocked his head both ways very gently and up, analyzing him closely like a foreign object. "Souffle ou.. pré." she whispered, the French language of her homeland slithering off her tongue like butter on a hot knife. She knew the meaning behind his name, even without having to look in a book. Ophelia let go of him and sauntered back, unsheathing her blades and holding one of them against the cloth covering the male's chest. "I don't want anything, I don't want your worthless weapons, I don't want to kill you. I don't even want you to get on your knees and beg." she furrowed her brows, moving the blade down his chest in a smooth manner. Not hard enough to even cut the flesh but enough so if she did have to press harder, it would slide right through him, slicing all internal organs in the way. "The gun you just used is going to attract more, you know that right?" she hissed. "Are you that destined to die, duper?"

( translation: breath, or meadow. ; fool? )
Abel knew what he had done, but it was his only defense, if he were better with a knife he would have used his, "Well, I had to defend myself, he came out of nowhere and before I knew it two more showed up, but if there are more coming then shouldn't we hold this conversation elsewhere? Somewhere safer? I mean, if you want to stay, be my guest, but I value my life," He knew if he told her that he wanted to die, she would most likely fulfill his wish, but he couldn't bring it upon his decision, for it was such a tender matter to him, the death of a human being, his father, to be exact, was still a memory that was fresh in his mind, "Let's go somewhere safer, now maybe?" He heard moans and shuffling in the distance, and through the fog spotted silhouettes of about three of them, but he heard more, "They're coming! Behind you!"
The gnarls were faint, slow steps trudging along the littered streets with jaws snapping open at the two figures hidden in the fog. The gunfire was leading them over, their animal instincts kicking in almost immediately when they knew the presence of a living, breathing being, two to be exact. "Well you should have defended yourself more quieter next time." Ophelia spat, lowering her blade and biting down onto her bottom lip. She turned her body the opposite direction and slid each of her kukris into her holsters, bringing her slender arms up and resting them behind her head. The brunette took in a deep breath and exhaled it through her nostrils, long and slow. Her attitude was getting the better of her again, it was obvious. "Lead the way." she spoke up, glancing back and darting an eyebrow raise to him. "I would lead, but where am I going to go, I was left behind-" she began to say, but was cut off by the shrieking of the male in front of her and the moans behind her. Ophelia spun around and took out her blades, jumping up and sinking each one into the soft skull before it dug it's rotting teeth into her warm flesh. "Go!"
Abel looked down the street in the other direction, "Not going that way," He said spotting a few of the things coming from there too, "Here, this way," He said taking her through an alley way, he looked up, "Up there, there's some steps to the second floor up there," He said happily, searching for a rock, "Aha," he picked up a rock, about the size of his fist and threw it at the ladder's rusty lock, "Stand back," He said as the ladder rocketed towards the ground, "After you," he said holding the ladder steady, "It's not the safest place, but it'll have to do."
Rotating her body in a complete circle, Ophelia leaped from the push of her heel and sliced one of the walker's head on in a single swipe. Groaning still, it fell to the ground along with it's body. Dodging the constant swipes of rotting fingernails, she sunk her blade into another skull before following after Abel. Stopping, the brunette darted her eyes up at the steps and wiped the bits of flesh from her blades. "Are we going to be trapped up there, or do you have another plan?" she asked, taking a few steps back and watching him throw a decent size rock at the rusted lock holding the ladder. With a crack of the object, it came down and she was offered to go first. Great. "Ladies first, mon cul." she grumbled, shoving her kukris into her holsters and gripping each side of the ladder as she climbed up with speed. translation: my ass.
"Yea, I've got another plan, it seems I need a weapon, so I'll go look for one and when all of the dead are gone we can go on," He said climbing the ladder, when they both reached the top he said to her, "And I only let you go first because I'm tired, trust me if I wanted to be considerate I'd let it be known, I could care less who goes first honestly, as long as we both get up here, any ways let's go, I need a weapon." He kicked in the window of the apartment next to them, "Looks like they had a nice view, bricks, bricks, and let's see, hm, more bricks, what more can an honest being ask for, but bricks, bricks make the world go round," He said humorously, trying to at least spike a smile on this girl's face.

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