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"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"
In the united states of america nestled in the heartlands is a glistening metropolis called panorama city. This city sits near a lake and is surrounded by woods to the north, plains to the south, mountaind to the west and the lake is eastward. However its intrigue goes much further than its simple beauty. You see the town sits on a soft spot between dimensions. Heaven and hell press in to the city creating a massive pocket dimension within the city called purgatory, sorta an in between zone for all the dimensions. Well as it turns out purgatory gives off a type of spectral radiation that effects living organic beings with souls in a strange way.

It turns them into whats called an Endymion. Meaning they are able to enter the purgatory dimension for a limited time and with a new body called their spectral form. This form grants them amazing powers and abilities they can use to fight off angels and demons. Beings usually able to enforce their will on humans without any resistance. Twenty years ago dozens of these Endymions banded together forming an organization called the Wardens. Together they pushed out all the otherworldly beings from their town and have since maintained the cities sovernty in the face of the other dimensions.

However in the current day and age things have changed. Only 5 members of the original wardens still live and with numbers of Otherworldly entities beginning to grow along the cities outskirts have been targeting the wardens. With little other options the remaining wardens have begun to contact other Endymions who have just begun to aquire their powers, their goal. To train them into the next generation of wardens and maintain the spiritual freedom of the city itself. However the Wardens forces are not the only ones who are gathering demons, angels, and a mysterious third party have been gathering and prepping to deal with the unruly city. The question is who will the city belong to in the end.

(Hiya guys. This rp is a bit weird but its an original story i had in mind. Similar to bleach in the sense that normal people cannot see or interact with angels demons or endymions in their spectral form. However unlike bleach purgatory is a seperate reality from everything else but a perfect copy of the city. If you fight someone in purgatory you can knock them through a skyscraper without it damaging the building in the material world. Meaning there is no need to pull punches and your welcome to do some collateral damage without much consequence as the humans in the material world will not be harmed by your attacks in purgatory. Sadly you will not possess powers outside of purgatory. The average endymion can enter purgatory for between 5-15 minutes before they are forced back into the material world. To any material world onlookers your body just vanishes and reappears a few minutes later in a new location. Also interestingly enough...time does not flow in purgatory. Meaning if you step out of class to kick some otherworldly ass you come back without having missed anything. Many wardens use this in their day to day lives for teleportation as you can leave purgatory when you want to so long as you arent in combat. Power levels are expected to cap off at around building level though the 5 older wardens are notably stronger. Lastly the abilities and spectral form you have need to fit a theme for example the 5 remaining wardens have their own themes which are. Sun god, Moon Goddess, Hundred Handed Titan, Policeman, and a Cyborg. The themes can be any thing and a max of 4 powers are allowed. Please dont try to make an OP character. Your powers will really be one of the least important things about your character as i prefer the multifaceted characters over just a powerset with a name. Its also imortant to note. Endymions powers awaken at puberty startong with being able to feel and see otherworldly entities and other endymions even in purgatory. Eventually the powers will fade away if they are not honed.

Of The 5 Elder Wardens. 3 are playable. I will be controlling the Cop and the Sun God. Moon Goddess, Hundred Handed titan, and Cyborg are all open for people to play if you want. However i ask that you DM me for the details as each one of them has a few things that are required such as ages, history with other wardens, and certain facets of their powers and past experiences. For all other roles please design your characters yourselves though i will help if you want. Due to plot related reasons all player characters who are not the 3 playable elder wardens must be between the ages of 11-25.

For non Endymion characters restrictions are lifted but demons, angels, and any other non humans are not playable. And if not an Endymion you will not possess powers. If you have any questions ask away :)
This sounds fun, although question:

If time stops for anyone in Purgatory, how are the characters able to team up? Unless multiple people enter at the exact same time, battles will be finished before anyone can respond.

And how long is the downtime between trips?
This sounds fun, although question:

If time stops for anyone in Purgatory, how are the characters able to team up? Unless multiple people enter at the exact same time, battles will be finished before anyone can respond.

And how long is the downtime between trips?
Time in the human world doesnt flow for those who are in purgatory but for endymions angels and demons time is a bit...flimsey. In short if your buddy jumps in to fight in purgatory you will be able to sense and feel him in aweird kinda bullet timed state. Allowing you to jump into purgatory and provide aide. You also become aware of any person entering and exiting purgatory in your vacinity. In short endymion brains are hardwired to process material and spiritual realms at once meaning the time freeze doesnt really apply to them.

10 minute recharge for every 1 minute of purgatory time. So if you can hold it fpr say 6 minutes it takes an hour to fully charge. But if you can hold it for 18 minutes it takes 3 hours. To charge. However your time in is a factor. So if the person who can hold it for 6 minutes is in for only 3 it takes him 30 minutes to fully recharge.
Also i have found images for my Sun god Who will from now on be known as Alexander Aethis.

In his human form Alexander has a split career as a male model and a big time A List Hollywood actor. He is wealthy and arrogant often seeing himself as the best thing since sliced bread. Part of this is on account of his childhood. Since he was 14 years old he has been the most powerful man in any room he has been in. Even amongst fellow wardens his raw output of energy is stupidly high.
His spectral form is a golden Godlike being with foughly the same proportions as alexanders human form. His 4 powers are:
Gravitational Bonding- making him abnormally strong and durable and granting him flight.

Pyrogenisis- Not only can he create fire on a whim but he can even make flames inside the vacuum of space or even underwater.

Pyrokinesis- He can manipulate the Texture, shape, and motion of any existing flames. He is also immune to fire based attacks of any kind he will often use this to make fore act like napalm or condense flames into explosive attacks.

Flameport- Alexander can effortlessly teleport between flames. There is no cool down nor any stamina drain from this ability.

Despite pushing himself and training endlessly Alexanders spectral form is so powerful that in 20 years he has only been able to extend his time limit buy a minute and a half allowing him to hold the form for seven and a half minutes.

While not a very kind man and totally absorbed in his own greatness...he does have redeeming qualities, including a willingness to teach and a wide array of skills. He has also been known to give money to his fellow wardens without expecting to he paid back. In short he is an asshole but a generous one who is more willing who pull someone up to his level rather than push them down.

(This isnt the actual cs i just needed to dump this info here in order to ensure i dont forget it.)
This is an example of the Themes. See how he is a sun god and all his powers can be drawn back to that. Thats what i hope to see. None of that "Magic" or vague abilities that let you do 150 different things.

For example a baseball themed Endymion could run incredibly fast, launch foes with his bat, hurl explosive baseballs at the speed of sound, and have points called bases where he can recharge and take heavily reduced damage. And themes can be anything. A musician, a chef, a boxer, a native American hunter, a figure from mythology, animals, whatever. The idea is to have incredibly wide ranging powers and abilities with the combined roster of everuone being next to unbeatable. Its important that we cover as many bases as possible because the angels and demons are able to do amazing and haxxy things.
Ok my friends i present to you...the lore page! Cs is in the works.
queanbean queanbean fuil fuil SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Morrighan Morrighan Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia The True Plague The True Plague Simple_Traveler Simple_Traveler RhydianMorris RhydianMorris Elenion Aura Elenion Aura


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