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Pandora is a mythical world made by me and my friend, in this world, there are many creatures and aspect to explore, the magic is generic, as long as I'm able to approve it, it's completely fine to have. But to explain the world more there are many dangers, which require adventurers, adventurers are there to solve a task that normal people can't solve, adventurers need to go through a specific exam in order to become a adventurer.


Nira - Nira is basically the "humans" of this world, the difference with normal humans and Nira is that Nira's are more physically strong having more physical potential than us humans, they're also very intelligent.

Demi Nira - Demi Nira are god, angels, or any sort of diety that reincarnated into a mortal body, usually having the basic memory of a name despite being a baby in their new mortal state, Demi Nira's can't access any other memory other than what's their name, but they do have powerful magic, their physical capabilities are way better than the lower class Osores and Nira. They can still die, however, but it's quite difficult to kill them, (it can also be Demi Monoki)

Osore - Osores are basically demons, there are no specific features of them as there many types, an example being a goblin or a vampire, etc, depending on the type of Osore, their power can vary depending on the type of Osore.

Monoki - Monoki's are basically Nora's with monkey tails, and slightly stronger, they're keen in sensory, they also have a monkey transformation that turns them into a humanoid monkey (get the reference), they commonly have the urge to fight and get stronger.
(Don't worry there's no Super Saiyan lmao)

Now let's go through the rules irp
Rule 1 - Godmoding Nobody likes it, let's avoid it, this includes auto hitting and auto dodging, or controlling somebody else character this is also having more stamina than humanly possible, and never taking any lasting damage
Rule 2 - Salt Keep any negative feelings FROM role play, IN role play
Rule 3 - Death is possible Please don't do anything stupid actions and expect to survive.
Rule 4 - Follow the turn-based order of roleplay, unless given permission(by the people you're roleplaying with), do not break a turned based order of roleplay)

Sumbit your character in the OOC chat, the template is there as well

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