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Pairings For The Romantically Inclined!


ur not a ghost, i'm not afraid of u
Some Information About Me

Aaaaah, hello!

They call me Xy in this land. I'm 18, and I've been roleplaying for roughly six years. I'm not new to this, and I know what I'm looking for. Romance is my favorite thing when it comes to roleplay. I try to put it into most of my plays, and if that's an issue then I might not be the best partner for you! Of course it takes time for romance to blossom, and developing it realistically within a roleplay is something that I heavily enjoy doing.

Details are a necessity for me. One or two paragraphs is the LEAST that I will send at a time. This is partially not even by choice. I just feel the need to capture details in my plays and if that isn't a good thing then I don't know what is!

Rules and Stuff

I typically don't have a lot of these, but I guess I should say them. Even though you've probably heard this all before.

1) Please don't leave me hanging. If you can't reply for quite awhile, it isn't hard to just give me a heads up. I am very polite in that sense and try to respond as quickly as possible. It's not hard to drop a message letting me know what's up.

2) If you aren't interested in a Play anymore, please just tell me. I don't wanna put a ton of effort into something that both of us aren't enjoying! The sooner you let me know, the sooner we can work out something else. I understand that it happens, and I don't mind doing it.

3) I refuse to play NSFW on this site. It's against the rules, and I love this site so you won't catch me breaking them. If we're both of age and the play comes to that, I'll consider doing the scene somewhere other than RPNation.

4) You gotta use grammar, and you gotta use detail. Those are self explanatory, and I won't hesitate to pass up a play with you if you don't meet these. I'm sorry.


These are my favorite pairings and plots. They're totally optional, and if you don't like any we can come up with something else! There aren't many for now, but I'll be adding to this. The bolded roles are the one's I'd prefer. I like my female roles. I know a lot of people don't like that preference, but it's mine.

Prince x

(An arranged marriage type setting in order to form an alliance between two countries. Could have a hint of historical fiction.)( I REALLY wanna do this one.)

Best Friend x
Best Friend

(Female x Female)


Two young adults are kidnapped because they have the same blood type; O+. This blood is almost universal and highly sought after to be donated. It was hard to find individuals with no recent heritage of blood-borne diseases, but it was possible. Now the two weren't so much as donating, but having their life source taken unwillingly. Will they be able to escape their captors?
It doesn't help that they're ex's that didn't end on good terms.

Two college students meet after both going through a rough break up. The two decide to be friends- with benefits, that is. It seems to work great. The physical relief that the opposite sex offers, without the pain of commitment. But what happens when one of the two begins to feel things that are less than friendly?


Prince x Princess

(An arranged marriage type setting in order to form an alliance between two countries. Could have a hint of historical fiction.)( I REALLY wanna do this one.)

This plot sounds entertaining. Your rules are reasonable, I have to agree with you on them! I would enjoy roleplaying with you, although I am not quite the romantic rper, I believe I could manage well, I actually have a few ideas dwelling about that if you are interested!
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Hey, this is pretty much what I've been looking for and I think we have pretty similar interests when it comes to RPING.

I'm interested in both the friends with benefits RP and the arranged marriage. I have a generous amount of experience in the arranged marriage ordeal so I'll leave the decision to you.
I would be interesting in doing the Prince x Princess if you're still looking for someone. I have no problem playing male characters, and I'm sure we could figure out something interesting.

PM me if you're interested.

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