Packs of moonlight forest: group rp

"Huhh, help me move the pups both of you" she slowly stared freeing herself then she stood nussled a few of them to keep them asleep them lead the way out into the clearing. "That was our storage room for food and our indore cooking fire, its lit 24/7. That one there-" she indicted to the one next to it "-is other storage, and the rest are for sleeping and whatever there all community property exept that one-" she indicated to a borough in the roots of a large tree "- that is where my Bata and I sleep. As for the blood on the ground, let's just say our pack name, shadowblood, was well earned. Befoer I took over and we where as as bad as Bloodmoon, we toar our selves apart it didn't ened until my father killed my brother's so I killed him Making me Alfa and since then our pack has been a fafe haven for all wolves, the opposite of what we where befoer"
"Huhh, help me move the pups both of you" she slowly stared freeing herself then she stood nussled a few of them to keep them asleep them lead the way out into the clearing. "That was our storage room for food and our indore cooking fire, its lit 24/7. That one there-" she indicted to the one next to it "-is other storage, and the rest are for sleeping and whatever there all community property exept that one-" she indicated to a borough in the roots of a large tree "- that is where my Bata and I sleep. As for the blood on the ground, let's just say our pack name, shadowblood, was well earned. Befoer I took over and we where as as bad as Bloodmoon, we toar our selves apart it didn't ened until my father killed my brother's so I killed him Making me Alfa and since then our pack has been a fafe haven for all wolves, the opposite of what we where befoer"
Terra got to her feet and gently helped the alpha move the pups. The little things were heavier than they looked but they were moved without much trouble on Terra's part. Terra followed Lupa out into the clearing, she looked at the things that were pointed out to her, nodding and noting their locations. Interesting that everything was communal, probably another pack thing. If she wanted privacy she supposed there was the forest. The blood on the ground had certainly been a cause for concern from Terra so the explanation was appreciated. "Must've been tough, killin your dad I mean" Terra commented on the story. Terra wasn't super close with her own parents but she couldn't imagine killing either one of them. Lupa made the guy sound like a bloody monster though so he was probably better off dead.
"It needed to be done, though there is a reason I sleep alone with the exception of my Bata. I do miss my brothers though." She told Tara. "Like I told you earlier there isn't much rank in this pack, regardless of our natural ones, that's why most of our stuff is communal here, if you want to be alone most peole will respect that and if the pups bother you just send them to me" she said to her.
"It needed to be done, though there is a reason I sleep alone with the exception of my Bata. I do miss my brothers though." She told Tara. "Like I told you earlier there isn't much rank in this pack, regardless of our natural ones, that's why most of our stuff is communal here, if you want to be alone most peole will respect that and if the pups bother you just send them to me" she said to her.
Terra gave a nod at the Alpha's response. Terra didn't have any siblings but she imagined losing them is not something that would be seen as enjoyable. "I'll definitely keep that in mind" Terra responded to what Lupa had said about being alone. She guessed it wasn't realistic to want to avoid everyone but Terra would rather adjust slowly if at all possible. "Less rank in the pack sounds like less to keep up with which sounds fine by me" Terra said with a bit of humor in her voice at Lupa's reminder.
Somewhere within the territory of the Bloodmoon pack, just on the border of the other packs territory, Jay was walking in wolf form through the woods. It was a simple trot as the large black wolf walked through the trees, exiting into an open field. Trapped between his jaws was the carcass of a full grown deer that he took down on his own. Hunting was especially hard for him as his ability always alerted animals to his presence. So hunting was more active than other werewolves. Luckily he was strong enough to move his meal elsewhere. With the neck of the deer clamped into his jaws, he made his way through the field of grass and flowers. Looking around he eventually noticed a large boulder at the edge of the field. Deciding it was a good enough spot. He took the time to drag the carcass up the rock. laying it over the stone and doing a quick once over of his surroundings before laying on the boulder and beginning to enjoy the fruits of his hunting labor. As he ripped apart scraps of the meat and start to eat it, he understood why wolves and werewolves alike use the pack strategy. Hunting by himself was a lot more of a challenge than he anticipated. He knew from research at his human home, he was bigger than the average wolf. Stronger as well. Not by much, but that was just genetics. From what he heard, the size and strength of wolves that evolved in colder climates grew larger than their warmer climate counterparts. From the pictures of himself he knew that he looked of the northern variety of wolves. It made solitary hunting easier, but it was still very hard compared to pack style hunting. Or at least he assumed so.

Laying there, continuing to eat his large meal, he wondered what the packs were like. He had seen them in passing, but from a distance and never up close. He never spoke to them or interacted with them in any way. He stayed far enough away that his ability didn't affect them, so he was invisible. However, he was unsure if they had seen him or not. He was rather large competition, so it was his assumption that if they saw him they would be very on edge, but they are not regular wolves.

Licking the blood from his maw he pushed those thoughts from his head as he ate his meal. His white eyes not scanning about, focusing only on his meal laying across the rock. Stopping for a moment as he heard something. What was it? His head popped up, looking around. A sound filled his ears. It was......squeaky. Jay looked around until his eyes fell upon the source of the squeak that he now recognized as a whine. At the base of the rock was a small puppy. It was shaking and clearly scared, but he could see it was not scared of him. It was too close to him for it to be scared of him. It was so defenseless, curling closer to the boulder where Jay was enjoying his meal. Taking another glance about the area he saw no other werewolf around the area or even a normal wolf. Taking a moment to think about the situation he leans down and gently grabs the small pup in his teeth. Placing it upon the stone, the puppy immediately hid himself between the much larger werewolf and the deer carcass.

Jay took a moment to lick the small pup, cleaning it and calming the small creature a bit. Once he was sure the puppy was calm he nudged the small pup towards the deer, letting the child eat a bit. While the pup eats, Jay lifts his head, howling out. His low howl filled the air and echoed for miles around. It was amazing how he knew how to speak in howls just from being a werewolf. This howl was just him saying he found a lost puppy. Hopefully a parent or responsible party would show up. If one did show up, he wondered which pack would come to claim the child. He was on the borders of a few packs territories and the shared territory, but he was in Bloodmoon territory. He didn't really care, he just sat there and waited, letting the puppy fill up on deer meat while they waited. Taking a bit of time to eat a bit meat himself, watching the puppy slowly become more and more comfortable. Jay guessed the puppy was a bit too young to recognize the terror his presence caused in self aware creatures. Another new thing he learned about his ability. What an odd day.
She had turned into her lupine form a few bit away and came across the two of them “ Oh a puppy.” She said,she liked them but couldn’t trust herself in case she done something to it as she sat not too far away from the both of them “ is it yours..?”
Over where ghostmoon and soulmoon are at ghostmoon territory they were chanting the spell and starting to burn the wolfsbane

Lily puts a piece of her fur and garens fur in the bowl as the moon was starting to rise
ScalpelsNSaws ScalpelsNSaws BasilOwO BasilOwO
As Simone added more of the Wolfsbane, he made it very clear "Dont breathe too deep. It won't kill us but it is still a poison, don't take the risk." He placed the herb into the bowl and stepped back, watching the flames.
As Simone added more of the Wolfsbane, he made it very clear "Dont breathe too deep. It won't kill us but it is still a poison, don't take the risk." He placed the herb into the bowl and stepped back, watching the flames.
Lily listened avoiding to breath it in chanting the spell wondering if its working then look around realizing:"wait wheres ophelia who was gonna help us?"
Lily listened avoiding to breath it in chanting the spell wondering if its working then look around realizing:"wait wheres ophelia who was gonna help us?"
Simone looked over at where Othelia was. She'd left the area to go into Bloodmoon territory it seemed. No matter, they didnt have any need of her during the ritual.

"She wandered off, no idea where to." He said to Lily, just as confused as the she wolf. As time went on, the Ghost moon pack was doused in the light reflected by the moon due to the part I of the clouds.

The lights I the wood seemed to go from a dull white to a shimmering crimson, a Red Moon flsshed over the woods before returning to its atypical white. If that didn't show the Spell working, Simone wasn't sure what did.
Simone looked over at where Othelia was. She'd left the area to go into Bloodmoon territory it seemed. No matter, they didnt have any need of her during the ritual.

"She wandered off, no idea where to." He said to Lily, just as confused as the she wolf. As time went on, the Ghost moon pack was doused in the light reflected by the moon due to the part I of the clouds.

The lights I the wood seemed to go from a dull white to a shimmering crimson, a Red Moon flsshed over the woods before returning to its atypical white. If that didn't show the Spell working, Simone wasn't sure what did.
Lily watch as the light surround them then the moon change color:"it must have worked then..."
Lily tells ophelia:"its fine we broke the curse....which means we can now mark you sam..."
“ that’s great.” She says as she rubs her eyes
Two guards of bloodmoon were walking by jay talking
"I hate our alpha, shes always killing one of us if we make a huge mistake..."

"I know, i like that we all agree to hate the other packs but shes such a asshole....i wish someone else can take over or kill her at this point..."

EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy
Lily look at her concern:"are you tired?"
“ so so..” she says as she looks about her eyes heavy as she nearly falls asleep standing
Lily walks over and move down picking her up on her back. She walk into her packground and lay her down on a flat rock in a empty den
Terra gave a nod at the Alpha's response. Terra didn't have any siblings but she imagined losing them is not something that would be seen as enjoyable. "I'll definitely keep that in mind" Terra responded to what Lupa had said about being alone. She guessed it wasn't realistic to want to avoid everyone but Terra would rather adjust slowly if at all possible. "Less rank in the pack sounds like less to keep up with which sounds fine by me" Terra said with a bit of humor in her voice at Lupa's reminder.
"It also means you don't have to worry about bowing anymore within the pack, out pack used to be very strict about bowing." She gave a chuckle "Did away with most of the rules her seong as most where about power and control here, just don't attack anyone or out right steal, basically didn't do anything intentionally detrimental to the pack or anyone's safety" she said then the was a nose and she was once agan surrounded by Pup's "it would appear nap time is over which meand it is neary time to eat supper. We sometimes eat together as a pack as we will tonight... If you have more questions feel free to ask anyone." Then she whent to go get food for the pups befoer getting a bowl for her self.
@Miasmith17 cherrycosmosx cherrycosmosx

Jay was about to answer the wold when she vanished towards a glimmer of light. He was very confused. That one seemed very.....flighty. She didn't even stay long enough to see if this pup was a member of her pack. He wondered which pack she was a part of, but decided to ignore.

The small pup was now cuddled in next to him. It was cute, but he knew this pup had to have a family, so he needed to find them. Then he heard two wolves talking. He couldn't hear what about, but it didn't matter. Maybe they were looking for the pup. He threw the deer carcass off the rock, his maw was covered in blood, but he and the puppy were very visible.

"Are you two looking for this little one?" There were a few things he hoped didn't happen. One, he hoped they knew the pup. Two, he hoped they wouldn't be threatened by him. Even with him laying on the boulder, he was clear he was larger than the average wolf. Being next to the small puppy only made him seem larger. He didn't want them to see him as a threat.

Finally, he hoped they didn't step too close. If they did, they would be in his abilities range. They would see him as a threat. They would fear him and see him as a monster among monsters. His ability would strike fear in their hearts and when they looked at him, they would see only a being able to kill them. Having this ability made him seem like a monster to even monsters.
@Miasmith17 cherrycosmosx cherrycosmosx

Jay was about to answer the wold when she vanished towards a glimmer of light. He was very confused. That one seemed very.....flighty. She didn't even stay long enough to see if this pup was a member of her pack. He wondered which pack she was a part of, but decided to ignore.

The small pup was now cuddled in next to him. It was cute, but he knew this pup had to have a family, so he needed to find them. Then he heard two wolves talking. He couldn't hear what about, but it didn't matter. Maybe they were looking for the pup. He threw the deer carcass off the rock, his maw was covered in blood, but he and the puppy were very visible.

"Are you two looking for this little one?" There were a few things he hoped didn't happen. One, he hoped they knew the pup. Two, he hoped they wouldn't be threatened by him. Even with him laying on the boulder, he was clear he was larger than the average wolf. Being next to the small puppy only made him seem larger. He didn't want them to see him as a threat.

Finally, he hoped they didn't step too close. If they did, they would be in his abilities range. They would see him as a threat. They would fear him and see him as a monster among monsters. His ability would strike fear in their hearts and when they looked at him, they would see only a being able to kill them. Having this ability made him seem like a monster to even monsters.
The two wolfs looked at him then the pup

"No but if any of our pups are missing their furs are black and have red blood on them..."

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