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Fantasy Packs of moonlight forest CS

Human Name: Lara Willow
Wolf's Name: Raya
Pack: will join any
Rank: loner, will receive new rank after joining a pack.
Age: 24


Abilities: water based. She can manipulate water in all its forms. Water, ice and mist/fog.
Bio: Lara's parents were rogues. Constantly moving from one place to another was all she had known growing up. They never stayed in one place long enough for Lara to make friends. Now she has started a job in the town near the packs and on her own. She wants to be able to make friends and stay in one place for once.
Personality: Lara is stubborn and strong willed. She has a soft and caring side as well as one that can be ruthless. She does what she has to to survive. She's also a bit shy and socially awkward when she's not fighting for her life.
I was going to decide as we wrote. I really can't one. I was going to put in her intro post that Lara had taken a job in that town because she had heard that there were several packs in the area and was hoping that at least one would allow her to join. However, because she's so shy, she was going to wait for them to approach her with an invitation rather than her strolling in saying she wanted to join.
Human Name:
George Blake

Wolf's Name:

None at the moment



Human appearance:
George is around 5'9" in height with brown hair. He usually wears his white goggles everywhere because of his heterochromia, since he's very self-conscious about it, (he has a blue eye and a brown eye). George is also known for his "pretty privilege" and his deceiving smile, which helps people believe him more. George also has an adoring, cute laugh and a somewhat thick British accent, since he's from the UK.

Wolf's Appearance:
If you thought George was charming, so is his wolf Asher. They share a lot of similarities with one another which helps them bond more. Asher does have a somewhat accent with George, but it's not as strong because George's grew onto him.

Asher is very embarrassed of his ability, therefore, he tells George not to tell anyone, not even his closest friends. Which, George obliged to his wolf's wishes. His ability is to grow wings, like Timber can.

George was abandoned and neglected by his parents when they had his brother by accident and were therefore told to leave the brothers behind since the pack they were living in at the time only allowed them to have one child of each gender. So, George was never taught how to shift after they were left to fend for themselves. But when George woke up one morning without his baby brother, he panicked and hasn't seen him since he was 13. He knows his brother's current age right now is 7, since they had an 11 year age gap, and will never stop looking for him.

George is a stubborn person with a somewhat bitchy attitude/demeanor at certain times, but it depends on the situation. George is the master at convincing people to believe him, he's usually not a bad person though, and is normally very understanding and straightforward always.
Right now, he came from the UK because his older friend called to him for help, even thought George doesn't know how to shift. Well, he does, but it's painful for him to do so and refuses to do it since his parents never showed him how.

(I think wolfy might have an idea of who his brother might be?? :] )
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I was reading through the lore page to get better idea of how/where to start my character and I saw your rank list. You have the Beta and Omega ranks swapped. Beta is second and Omega is lowest. Alpha is the start, the beginning, the head. Omega is the End, the Last. I've even sometimes seen a Delta rank, a third in command after the Beta. If the Beta is an Alpha's right hand, the the Delta is his(or her) left. In some stories I've read, the Delta may even be the personal guard of the Alpha's Mate.

I mean no disrespect or similar takings. Only sharing my experiences with Werewolf lore from various sources. Many of them seem to run pretty parallel.
I was reading through the lore page to get better idea of how/where to start my character and I saw your rank list. You have the Beta and Omega ranks swapped. Beta is second and Omega is lowest. Alpha is the start, the beginning, the head. Omega is the End, the Last. I've even sometimes seen a Delta rank, a third in command after the Beta. If the Beta is an Alpha's right hand, the the Delta is his(or her) left. In some stories I've read, the Delta may even be the personal guard of the Alpha's Mate.

I mean no disrespect or similar takings. Only sharing my experiences with Werewolf lore from various sources. Many of them seem to run pretty parallel.
The swap is done on purpose to make this type of werewolf rp different. There are similarities, yes, but we're trying to maintain a unique twist. It's part of what actually drew me in.

It also makes it different from a from something that was banned from this website.
Ok. So it is done on purpose. Thank you for informing me. I was a bit confused about the swapped ranks. It is the first time I've encountered it that way.
Ok. So it is done on purpose. Thank you for informing me. I was a bit confused about the swapped ranks. It is the first time I've encountered it that way.
Its also because i want to make sure everyone has a equal purpose to their rank and no one gets left out
Human Name: Kira Ravena
Wolf's Name: Kestrel
Pack: Soulmoon
Rank: Warriors/Guard
Age: 25


Abilities: Both human and wolf personas can take a Crow form, switching control of the bird form between them easily. These black birds history have a symbiotic relationship with wild wolves and Kira's ancestors developed the ability to take on the form of these black birds, further bridging the relationship between Wolves and the carrion birds that follow them. Because of this ability, Kira and Kestrel both can understand the caring of such carrion birds and be able to pinpoint intruders or prey by following the directions of the Crows. By taking crow form, they can see the world from a different view, enabling them to better protect the pack borders.

Bio: Kira is decended from a line of Wolves able to take Crow form. These Wolves have always been warriors, guards, scouts or spies of thier pack, when their bird forms aren't distracted by shiny things. Most Wolves never think twice about the black birds that always flock around the pack, picking off thier scraps. Kira is, as far as she knows, the last of this bloodline. Her parents died when she was 16 in a clash with another pack.

Personality: Like a Crow, Kira likes shiny things and little trinkets. She might be able to be bribed into forgiveness with something shiny and pretty enough if you've managed to get on her bad side. Kestrel is less affected by the Crow side of the pair and will often try to get Kira to not accept shiny bribes. Kira can be distracted by shiny things, which annoys Kestrel who is the one who has to get her human counterpart to focus again.

(I am harnessing my own ADHD brain and Autistic hyperfocus on this one. Trying to focus and constantly getting distracted is my inspiration here lol I am constantly at war with myself over "focus!" And "Ohh! Shiny!")
Thats ok but i will also mention we do have three werewolf loners in town. Just a heads up before you begin.

If you like him to join a pack eventually or have any questions let me know
There's 5 loners in the town area atm
Wyll Wyll heres the character sheet thread,
If you have any questions let me know in the ooc thread or here.
All the alpha positions are full at the moment unless you start up a pack.

As for who is currently active: Wolfy_Mandalorian , teluhtubby and me.

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