

Four Thousand Club
I wanted to make a Mermaid RP, simply because I haven't seen one, like, at ALL on this site.

The storyline is going to be pretty simple at first, I might add a few things later if this starts to really catch on or something.

I will generally use the term 'mermaid', but please remember I am talking about merpeople in general.

If you have comments, questions or suggestions, please feel free to ask :)

Pacifia Overview

The underwater world of Pacifia, home to well over one thousand total mermaids and mermen. It is just like any country on land. The inhabitants are generally curious creatures that love to explore, especially when it comes to going above water and communicating with humans. They do not have super-advanced technology (I guess you could reference "The little Mermaid" as a good start).

There are 4 major cities in Pacifia, each with it's own ruling family. The four cities are:

Elantia: Smallest city, only about 100 total merpeople live here. It is peaceful even moreso than the other cities. There is virtually no crime, and almost everyone knows everyone else by name. This city is ruled by a King who's Queen passed away. They have one daughter, a Princess who will become Queen once her father passes. Her name is Iliana Gaelen (my character).

Pandora: Second smallest city, roughly 200 merpeople. Much like Elantia, but is dominated mostly by mermaids, with very few mermen living here other than the ones married to the female residents. This city is ruled by a Queen, and she has three daughters.

Aestus: Second largest city, population of 300. An equal number of males to females. There is slightly more crime here, but it is still relatively low. This city is ruled by a King and Queen, who have one son and one daughter.

Maris: Largest city of the four. Estimated population is around 400 and growing rapidly. The city can sometimes seem overcrowded to residents and overbearing to visitors. A King and Queen rule this city, and they have a total of four sons.

Communication with Humans

Such action is forbidden, but of course some will break this law if their curiosity overwhelms them (and their common sense). Humans rarely see mermaids, believing them to be myth. Most of the time when a human sees a mermaid, they think they have gone insane. Since mermaids cannot go on land, they usually surface far away, which is why mermaids and humans have not seen one another up close.


No godmodding - Everyone has imperfections.

No killing other RPer's without their permission.

Try to write at least a few sentences per post. One-liners can get annoying.

This story can evolve in pretty much any way we choose, creating a storyline as we go.

I have every right to reject your character if I think it is incomplete or half-assed.

Keep it PG-13. Use 'Fades to Black' if it gets to that point.

Try to get along, and please don't exclude anyone if you can help it.

You can be royalty, but please check with me first.

If you read the rules, please make the name of your character a different color than the rest of your skeleton.

If you don't you will not be accepted until you read the rules.

I might add more rules later if I can think of some...

Character Skeleton



Age (any age is ok, let's just say as a general rule lifespan is 100 years) :




Any pets:

Appearance (Photo preferred, but if you can't find one please be descriptive) :

Anything else you want to add:

My character:

Name: Iliana Gaelen

Nicknames: Lily

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Iliana is very bubbly and upbeat. She loves meeting new people and loves to explore. She has never gone to the surface, but seems rebellious enough that she may do so with the right persuasion. She is easily frightened.

Bio/History: Iliana is a princess of one of the cities in Pacifia (Elantia) , her father is very loving and dotes upon Iliana, his only daughter. She gets most of the things she wants, but that doesn't mean she always gets her way. She is adventurous and can get into trouble, but she is carefree. Her mother passed away when she was very young, and Iliana barely remembers her.

Any pets: She has a miniature seahorse who mostly stays in her room, hiding. You probably won't see him.


Anything else you want to add: Nope.
View attachment 3055

Adella Coon

Nicknames: Addie or Adele.

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: She is very sweet and loves to help people out. She can be reckless at times, and sometimes hurt herself, and even others around her, but she tries to be careful with what she does.

Other than being reckless and kind, she is also very adventurous and tries to explore as many areas as possible. But her Father is very protective of her and only lets her out of the city for a few hours.

Hidden by her sweetness, she does have a bad temper. She rarely gets angry, and when she is, it isn't pretty.

Bio/History: Adella is a princess of the city Maris, and her Father loves her very much and spoils her a ton. But she somehow manages to act like a normal person and not a princess. Her Mother is unknown and had left as soon as she was born. She created a lifetime goal for herself to find her long lost Mother one day.

Any pets: She has a pet Dolphin named Kolo who usually accompanies her in her daily swims in the morning.

Anything else you want to add: Not really.

(BTW Is she allowed to be the princess of Maris?)

View attachment 3056
((lol, yeah, thanks. I just didn't want to say you had to do it then accept people anyway lol... We can start probably in a few days, I want other people to have time to sign up.))
(I read the rules thing but I don't know what you mean about the name switchy, changey thing sorry)

Name: Sapphire


Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Sapphire's personality is shaped by her past. Who knows how bubbly or lighthearted she might have been if she had not been a slave for most of her life. She is very, behind and confused, Maris doesn't really understand jokes or pranks. She is a bit timid but has a hidden fire.

Bio/History: Sapphire was born in a small harbor near Pandora. Her parents were very caring people and sought out the good in everyone. They studied humans and truly believed there was some good to these pollutants. One afternoon they ventured a bit too far from their underwater cave and that is when they lost everything. Some money seeking sailors had noticed the activity and saw their opportunity in Maris. However they had a hunch the parents would put up a fuss so they killed them. Sinking them to the bottom of the harbor with rocks.

Sapphire was only a year old at the time so her memories of her parents are blurry but what she does have she cherishes. She thankfully has no recollection of her parents bodies. But the separation from her parents was only the beginning. The sailors immediately opened a bar and started her in a fish tank, the fed her regular milk blended with sardines. Because of this diet she did not grow properly and to this day is quite petite. As she got older they tattooed her stomach and dressed her in skimpier apparel. They made her sleep in a net hanging from the ceiling so she couldn't escape, thus she has permanent scars on her back. The only reason she didn't dry out was because of a fire alarm they have fiddled with until it sprinkled her all night.

A few days ago they decided to move locations to an outdoor hut a few miles from their town. That is where they made there mistake. They had put together a hut on the deck where she would stay during her "off hours". They basically cut a hole in the dock so there was a square of water, box off the water with net and put a hut over that. The first night in her cage Sapphire escaped and she just met Beck.

Any pets: View attachment 3248

Appearance: View attachment 3057

Anything else you want to add: Where should I start?

Name: Beck

Nicknames: Beck

Age (any age is ok, let's just say as a general rule lifespan is 100 years) : 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Protective, Loyal, Jokester, Friendly, but he also has his serious side

Bio/History: Beck is the Prince of Aestus (if that is okay) where his life is easy. Right now he is out wandering from city to city trying to gain a better understanding of the kingdom.

Any pets: LIon Fish

Appearance (Photo preferred, but if you can't find one please be descriptive) :

Anything else you want to add:
((Yes he can be the prince. The name thing is just like in your skeleton you would put

Name: Sapphire

And I'm on mobile so now I can't change my font color back lol xD ))
Can she be the princess of Aestus?

Name: Lucindia

Nicknames: Lucy

Age (any age is ok, let's just say as a general rule lifespan is 100 years) : 16

Gender: Female.

Personality: Nice to all. Very outgoing and accepts people for who they are no matter what. She is very innocent but also very curious.

Bio/History: Lucindia is the princess of Aestus (If that's okay with you.) Her older brother is protective over her since she is younger. She wants to explore the kingdom like her older brother but being as innocent as she is she isn't allowed so at times she will go off with Herb in hopes of seeing more and learning more than just what's around her. She doesn't know much about humans but she doesn't really care to know more she would like to but she won't go out of her way to do so. Her life is very simple but she likes challenges.

Any pets: Herb her pet sea turtle.

Appearance (Photo preferred, but if you can't find one please be descriptive) : Melody/i265396091_59879_4-1.png

Anything else you want to add:
((She can be princess but please read the rules))

((We need guys ;-; So no more girls are to be made until some guys are made))
"If you read the rules, please make the name of your character different from the rest of your skeleton.

If you don't you will not be accepted until you read the rules."

--- Merged Double Post ---

((That will make you Beck's sister, just so you know ahead of time))
((No, look at the previous posts. I've explained it twice /: ))

--- Merged Double Post ---

(( I rewrote it in the rules so hopefully it makes more sense))
((Thanks :) I guess the way I worded it was weird lol. I still wanted to wait a few days, since I don't have the time this weekend to make an opening post. So if we wait a few days it will give more people time to sign up as well.

To anyone else who is thinking of joining, right now we have 1 guy and 4 girls, so I won't accept any more females until it evens out a bit. Thanks!!))
((Okay, I have some time to make an opening post now. Sorry I was gone so long everyone D: I was really busy. Anyway, since no one else has signed up, we can start now. People can still sign up later if they want to.))

Iliana woke up early. The sun's rays had just began to penetrate the sea. She turned to her pet seahorse, offering a friendly smile to him before rising from her bed. She ran her seashell comb through her long ash blonde hair, smoothing it out perfectly as it was smoothed and softened by the water. She glanced in the mirror, making sure everything was perfect. Her long pink tail swayed gently in the water underneath her, the fins floating slowly above it. She wore a seashell bra, typical of most mermaids, which matched the two pink fins protruding from where a human's ears would be. Her brilliant blue eyes scanned over her reflection one last time before she began to swim through the rest of the castle.

Elantia seemed especially peaceful today. The water seemed warmer than usual, meaning that to humans it was 'summer'. The people of Pacifia don't go by seasons. Who has time to worry about time? There were better things to do than worry about what point in the year the Earth was experiencing. Instead, the mermaids of Pacifia just went with the flow of things, accepting them as what they are, and never really worrying about what may come.

Iliana seemed to be having difficulty locating any of the other castle residents. She couldn't find her father, or maids, or even the guards. Shrugging it off, she exited the palace and swam gracefully into the city.

(I know this is kind of petty but I have gotten really tired of being in roleplays where I am the only one posting as a guy so I'm not gonna post until another merman is created. Sorry)
Hey, if it's alright, I'm in. I'll put a skelly together in a bit, I gotta run right now though. I don't mind being a guy


Echo Dark Caverns


Dark, Cave...or Anything Else






Meet her


((Before I do this."..can she be princess of Pandora?))

Any pets:

Coldwater, her Stonefish




Anything Else To Add?:

(( [MENTION=1907]Jazz[/MENTION] thanks :) that would be great!

[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] It would normally be ok but I am not accepting any more females until some males are approved. So far we only have 1 guy, until Jazz makes one))
(I'll make two guys, help even things out quicker.)

Name: River


Age (any age is ok, let's just say as a general rule lifespan is 100 years) : 21


Personality: River is a bit of a free spirit. He likes to explore, to push his limits, always trying to learn something new. He likes to have fun, and is usually a good guy. He can be a bit snobby, sometimes

Bio/History: Growing up as the youngest in the Royal family is a bit lonely. He was sheltered when he was younger, causing him to rebel as soon as he could. He's been to the Surface several times, ech time growing bolder and bolder. Between being a Royal, and hving made several successful trips to the surface and back, he's strting to get too cocky and over confident in himself

Any pets: Boris, his Dolphin who is just as mischevious as his owner

Appearance (Photo preferred, but if you can't find one please be descriptive) :

Anything else you want to add: Youngest Prince of Maris if that's alright

Name: Adrian

Nicknames: Ade

Age (any age is ok, let's just say as a general rule lifespan is 100 years) : 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Outgoing, fun loving, adventurous. Ade just loves life. he's the one who keeps everyone around him doubled over with laughter whenever he's around

Bio/History: Adrian's from a middle class family. he had a pretty basic home life. There is one thing. His mother was kiled by humans. The story everyone else knows is that she was killed by a freak rockslide. Because of this, he's terrified of the Surface, humans, and anything of the sort. Not that he'd come out nd let anyone know that. They'd need to be ble to get through the fun loving, class clown facade to really get to know him.

Any pets: None

Appearance (Photo preferred, but if you can't find one please be descriptive) : Blonde hair, blue eyes, cute smile. well toned chest and ads

Anything else you want to add:

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