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Creatures other than humans once prospered here on earth, living in perfect harmony with the mundane and helping them to survive on harsh lands. That was a long time ago, however. Long before the Purersia war; a battle started by humans who wanted nothing but power, and envied the Mythic's gifts. These creatures, Mythics, supernaturals, were hunt down until their believed extinction. Were they so different from the humans? They thought so, but that was not the case. As humans advanced and grew into technology they began to notice as small parts of their population grew with foreign genes, gained powers, abilities, and unique characteristics. Characteristics that were similar to that of the creatures they once destroyed. The humans were dumbfounded at first, but created a serum that each child was injected with at infantry. What did it do? It disabled the 'mythic' genes from growing past birth of the host. How they came to be is still unknown, though there are theories of creatures who mated with humans to create hybrids, carrying the genes with them through the generations. During that time, some still believed that the monsters existed and were hiding away....Most believed that it was a simple mutation.

Later on in the time line, there are kids whose bodies reject the serum, though it is not found out until they are much older. These people usually end up dropping out of school, are used for experimentation, used for wars, or the worst part: Hunted down and killed.

That brings us to present time within the story. The majority of the open world has completely forgotten about the existence of monsters, and only few are old enough to remember the 'mutants'. Chima is the largest city in the country of Lenia, and is practically governed by it's own force. With population come crimes, and with crimes come paranoia among the inhabitants. The force was created to bring down the crime rate to the public eye, but surely that wasn't all. They came up with a new disciplinary structure. Every criminal is labelled beneath a category, and each category has a specified discipline. The two worst categories are known as Breakers and Psychos. What are they? Breakers are hard criminals who are wanted by the law, have been running for a while, and usually deserve to spend some time in jail. Psychos, however, are the last surviving remnants of the creatures that once ruled this world side by side with humans. What's the punishment? immediate death unless able to capture. Why are they called Psychos? A side-effect of the serum that only effects those whose body rejects it, that is apart of each 'mutant' in one way or another: The inevitable lust for blood, pain, fear, violence, or death that, while it is usually triggered by combat or traumatic events, is sometimes naturally prominent in a 'mutant'. It can be controlled by most, and most mutants only kill in self defense, but some never have the chance to learn control. Using the name 'Psycho' as a guise to kill these people freely, the force has yet to completely rid Chima of them. In fact, some are fighting back. Whether it be in section six, the 'Gills', or in section one, 'Paradise'.

Gangs are also a big part of life in Chima. There are six Gangs, one for each section, and they are usually a collection of young adults and teenagers with older folks leading them. Among them, many of the few 'mutants' are free to live because they all have one thing in common: They hate the force, and would do anything to see it go down.

When more crimes begin to stir up the city, and gangs are seeming to form into an enemy to be feared, it's no wonder that some begin to believe there will be a devastating battle between the force and the city. This, however, is not within view of the public eye. Whether it is purposeful, or subconscious, the completely regular inhabitants of Chima are blind to the chaos that is going on beneath their noses. Will they be so naive when their protection is lost down for good?

So, where does our story start in all of this? Our story begins on a chilly afternoon, when a fight breaks out between two of Chima's rival gangs. I will be starting with two characters, one will be in the gang while the other is a passerby. You can choose how your character(s) comes into play around this event.

Psychos is a modernized fantasy that is semi-futuristic. The center setting of this roleplay takes place in a big city known as Chima, which is separated into unofficial sections by the inhabitants. The technology is where it gets futuristic, it is more advanced than modern tech, but not enough to be considered too far ahead in time.

The point of the roleplay is this: We can fight to bring down the force and completely overrun the city in chaos, Become the force that brings the crimes down for good, or be the ones to create real peace within Chima.

It's almost entirely flexible depending on what you want.

Our characters can be psychos, apart of the force, or regular humans depending on your preference. I can make a rough draft of the map if needed. This can be a group roleplay if you really want, though I would prefer to keep it between two people due to my bad luck with GM'ing groups by myself. I will go into more detail about the disciplinary system when the rp is set up.

Requirements/extra info:

-I usually write casual/semi-detailed posts.

-my schedule is a bit floppy.

-No one liners if it can be helped.

-be able and willing to rp with multiple characters.

-I'm okay with slow replies.

-I don't rp in PMs.

-Yes, romance is expected, but it is not apart of the plot. I do MxF, MxM, and FxF. Don't worry about your characters being paired with anyone. If it happens, it happens.

-I usually roleplay as Males, but I do (guyish) females sometimes.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply below or message me.

Ahh...I hope this isn't too much to read. If you want to discuss it about being a group rp, then please message me. Yes, I do realize that psycho isn't used correctly.
ArcticJunky said:
I really enjoy this plotline and the work put into it-- it's a very nice change of pace compared to some other synopsis examples of fandom sand such; they're good, but can get boring, and this really is an incredibly interesting plotline! I'd definitely show interest in this; I can tell you put a lot of effort into it!
If you wouldn't mind, we could possibly pM about details if you would like?
I'm honestly surprised that someone was interested in this so quickly. [SIZE=8px]Mostly because of the majority if pairing 1x1s. I have nothing against them, I just see them everywhere.[/SIZE]

And yes, I'd like that.

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