• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern P H O T O G R A P H Y


Basic Bitches Not Wanted



Age (18-25):


Sexual Orientation:


Home Town:

Current Residence:



Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Skin Tone:


Tattoos/ Piercings:

Scars/ Birthmarks:

Personality (List form or paragraph):

Likes (5+):

Dislikes (5-):

Bio (Optional):

Why do you enjoy photography?:

How did you hear of this show?:

What do you enjoy taking pictures of?:

What would it mean to you to win?:




Name: Leonardo Jacobs

Nickname: Leo

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Birthday: May 21st

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Home Town: Toronto, Ontario

Current Residence: Los Angeles, California


Height: 6'2"

Weight: 165 lbs

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brunette

Skin tone: Lightly Tanned

Build: Athletic

Scars/ Birthmarks: Nope

Tattoos/ Piercings: He has a small tattoo on his right forearm of his fathers initial

Clothing Style:



+Caring, +Kind, +Energetic, +Loud, +Funny, +Athletic

-Stubborn, -Hot headed, -Emotional, -Conceded


Acting, Sports, Horror Movies, Coffee, His family, Animals, Traveling


Liars, Cheaters, Rudeness, Critics, Drama


Loosing his family, Death


Singing, Photography, Drawing


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"I used to be afraid of the dark. It was terrifying to me, really. What could be out there? The root of the problem was my fear of death, and what was after."


"But then, it's nothing. I was like, 'Oh.' Not a presence or an object. Just an absence of light. It's nothing. I was literally scared of absolutely nothing..."



Song Ae Yifei


Say(s-I), Sonny





Sexual Orientation:

Bisexual(Leans Toward Females)


December 31

Home Town:

Seoul, South Korea

Current Residence:

Ulsan, SK

Will complete once most have posted. I have something in mind, but, sadly, many people tend to steal my ideas. I think this is particularly good, which is why I'm holding off.



5' 5"



Eye Color:


Hair Color:


Skin Tone:



Top Hourglass

Tattoos/ Piercings:


Yin/Yang Sign on Ankle

Scars/ Birthmarks:

Variety of Small Scars on Back of Left Shoulder



She loves all things cute or badass, and adores those with an uncommon appearance, or are ugly. She's open and attracted to some of the strangest people.

"Beauty makes up a small amount of people. There are so many ways to be considered uglt. So many ways to be unattractive. Why we treat beauty with so much respect, is beyond me."

-Cocky. "Oh? Was that a compliment, Yung?" She appears to have the most conceited mind in the world; This may be correct.

-Scary. "Excuse me? Not sure I caught that." She can come off as incredibly intimidating, especially strangers. She also has a soft, secretive voice that carries the most puzzling words, usually having double meanings.

+Flirty. "I see. Well, I wouldn't exactly mind sharing a room with you, so it isn't an issue." She spares few with her words.

+Smart. "Well... Technically, you'd go to prison, not jail." Not all "the limit does not exist" smart. (Heh.) But she is fairly intelligent, and relies on logic for most things. She can twist the truth around, or answer questions indirectly, and does so often.

+Charming. "You're so endearing. I love it." To both genders, she can flirt almost flawlessly in a way that usually causes attraction, frustration, confusion, or a combination of those. That said, she doesn't have flirting super powers, and can in fact become uncomfortable or embarrassed around those she considers attractive, leading to the next trait.

-Awkward. "Er... I thought it was funny. I just didn't laugh. For some reason." This is reserved for only a few. She's usually smooth and endearing, but around a select few, she can become nervous, especially with those who are attractive by her definition, as well as flirty.

-Insecure. "So, I'm pretty, then?" Yeah. Her of all people. She silently doubts herself, and lets out any stress she has in nightly crying sessions, which is, well, nightly.

-Possessive. "Hey, so, until she says she loves you, don't lay a hand on her. She's mine, and I'm her's. Fuck off." Just that. She doesn't like others getting in dangerous or flirtatious situation. This is rarely demonstrated, due to her lack of friends, and complete absence of lovers.

-+Mysterious. "Think what you want." She does this on purpose, by the way.

+Analytical. "You seem like someone who needs proof of everything. Meet me on the roof and I can prove gravity for your best interest." She knows exactly how to get under someone's skin, and can usually tell someone's true emotions, especially if they're bad at acting.






Ordinary Things(That Few Appreciate)


Making Others Happy

Surprising Others and Herself

Using Korean

American Pop


Having To Speak Lengthy English



Wearing Glasses





She had a very normal past for nine years. Around the age of ten, she was in a car accident that took her father. She suffered minor injuries, which left scars on her shoulder from the glass embedded in her back and side.

When she was twelve, her mother remarried to a good man, and they lived normally until she was around fifteen.

Likely in her best interest, her father would often bring home men of incredible beauty and wealth, who he thought she would like.

She did like many of them, but the tension and encouragement from her family ultimately ruined any sort of relationship she could have.

These set ups became more frequent as she neared graduation, and she ultimately found it increasingly difficult as she realized her homoflexibility. Around sixteen, she began taking pictures of things with her newly bestowed phone over the summer to pass the time, not having very many friends. She posted most of them for fun. Never once did she take selfies or groupies, as she felt it to be narcissistic to think others wanted to see pictures of her face. A few people commented on things she took pictures of as being blurry, stupid, and generally pointless. To prove them wrong, she began taking pictures of furniture and walkways with a self-bought camera, captioning them with, "??? ????." She eventually began taking pictures of toys in a filled bathtub, dogs taking naps, car filled streets, coins in a wishing well, and other things not generally specific or incredible.

She became known for her picturing things of little sense, and gained friends online, joking with her about her photos.

Someone asked for a face reveal, and she refused, even as it became a common request.

Many assumed she didn't want to because she was ugly, so she began taking pictures of people. Mostly elderly, but also those who were disfigured or had disorders of sorts.

This is what made her so popular, with people saying things like, "??? ??" and "??? ??? ?? ???."

She started a website, and due to pressure from a friend, she met with a photographer a few years older than her, who became her friend quickly. Together, they made a professional video. She sang the background music, a cover of a popular American song discussing diversity. In the video, she washed off her make up, going into a rented room, where she had buckets of paint dumped and splattered on her from all angles. It ended with her standing there dripping a mix of colors, before she went to the camera and turned it off, her expression blank.

It went completely viral. The meaning was obvious to those who knew her original purpose, and her and her friend received national media coverage.

That was how she was first acknowledged, and she never made anything else like it again, continuing to take pictures with her now upgraded camera.

Photography became a bigger project of hers, and she spent much of her time going to great lengths for a specific irreplaceable picture.

After becoming acquainted, her parents swiftly encouraged Song and her photographer friend, Yung to be immediately married.

She moved out this year, which is uncommon. Children usually stay with parents until marriage, which is why it scared her to be alone in a house.

Which leads to the present.

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"When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun.'"


"That said, I don't actually have any friends. I just think its a really funny quote. Just tell me that isn't the best quote you've ever heard. Gold."

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all the basic info

Nickname: Dan

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Birthday: September 10

Home town: Redlands, California

Current Residence: Sycamore, CA
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Jordan Spring
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Vienna Fluer


Nickname : Vi

Age : 21

Gender : Female

Sexual Orientation : Bisexual

Birthday : February 4th

Home Town : Killington, Vermont

Current Residence : San Fransisco

" V I "
Height : 5 foot, though she swears up down and around that she is 5 foot 1

Weight : 110 lbs

Eye Color : Frosty blue eyes

Hair Color : Her roots are a dark brown, which transitions to a dirty blonde, and the rest has been bleached to white.

Skin Tone : Paler than the moon

Build : Her upper body is very slim and small, very much like a boy, and at her hips and bottom and where most of her body weight is centered. Up in Vermont, she used to be a competitive ice skater, so she's got a very decent amount of muscle.

Tattoos/ Piercings : No piercings and no tattoos at this point. There wasn't exactly a lot of those place up in the mountains, and she hasn't had a chance to properly settle into her apartment, much less get tattoos and piercings. It has always been a dream of hers to get one however.

Scars/ Birthmarks : Beside multiple curling iron burns, and cat scratches, no.

Personality : Vienna a very calm and serene person, who was always the person her friends went to when they had issues in their lives. She is great at giving advice, even when she's never been in the situation, and she doesn't let herself get wrapped into others problems, so she is able to stay objective. She has never truly been caught up into any sort of drama, since most people only speak to her when they need something from her, and she's always been fine with that. She's isn't quite antisocial, in fact, if people give her enough time, she can be the life of the party, always armed with witty jokes and pop culture references.

One of her most prominent flaws is that she unintentionally puts out the image of being a cold and detached person, which is the reason she's never had any really close friends. People tend to assume that she won't give them the light of day, when in fact, once she warms up to someone, she attaches herself onto them like a leech.

Likes :

+electronic music. the ones without lyrics and a easy going sound help her focus her mind, since she tends to get scatterbrained with trying to tackle more than one problem.

+nighttime drives. the bright car lights on an empty and secluded road, with only nature nearby has always been part of her personal aesthetic. she often used to take her old Volkswagen out onto such roads and photograph pictures of it with its head light illuminating the trees.

+developing photos the old fashion way. she finds that developing the photos in a dark room gives the picture far more meaning than instantly getting the result.

+ice skating. being on the ice was another one of her escapes, in addition to photography. gliding against the ice made her feel free and alive, and when she'd land a difficult moves it would brighten her mood for days.

+coffee. give her coffee any time, any day, and she'll fall in love with you. she absolutely adores coffee, her love for it spanning across oceans.

Dislikes :

-digital cameras. while she won't bash anyone for using them, she personally dislikes them. for her, they take out most of the meaning and remove the ritual she's developed for taking pictures. part of the reason she fell in love with photography was because she has to manually develop her own pictures.

-selfies. the idea of photography yourself just for the sake to show off your beauty has also confused her, since she's always found the world around her far more beautiful than herself.

-loud, immature, and obnoxious people. she has never been able to get along with them, nor will she ever be able to.

-pickles. the smell of them makes her gag, and her first and only attempt to eat one had her spending the rest of her day hovering over a toilet bowl.

-music with repetitive lyrics, or devoid of meaning. some may consider this hypocritical of her since her genre of music doesn't usually have lyrics in it, but to her music that doesn't cause you to feel something isn't music at all. her music calms and focuses her, and whats better than that?

Why do you enjoy photography? : My only friend has been my camera and my photos. How could I not fall in love with the one thing thats always been there for me?

How did you hear of this show? : I saw the poster for it lying on a table at a local coffee shop, and well, I knew I had to give it a chance, otherwise I'd regret it.

What do you enjoy taking pictures of? : Nature, night time picture, and things on fire.

What would it mean to you to win? : Honestly, I don't quite know. I don't know what this competition will do to my life, but I'm more than positive that it'll impact it, and change it for good. I'm both frightened and excited.

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Birdie Flo Free


B.f.f (due to her initials), Bird, etc.

Age (18-25):




Sexual Orientation:

Omisexual (Similar to Pansexuality but not the same same due to the fact that if you are Pansexual then you can have a preference whereas Omisexuals have a equal attraction towards all genders.)


May 5th

"April showers bought yet another May flower into this world."

Home Town:

Lake District, England (this is her birthplace but considers it to be her hometown since she never spent too long in a single place.)

Current Residence:

Manhattan, New York






126 lbs.

Eye Color:


Hair Color:

She dyes it so often that no one truly knows the color of her hair.

Skin Tone:




Tattoos/ Piercings:

She has several finger tattoos such as her "Grease Lightning" or the star on her left ring finger. She has more tattoos scattered about on her body with her fair amount of piercings (belly button, 3 cartilage, and she is thinking about a nose piercing next.)

Scars/ Birthmarks:

She has a scar on her lower back that travels down her left side and thigh from a accident while hiking.




+ Optimistic

- Unorganized

+/- Childish/Childlike

+/- Curious

+/- Obstinate

+/- Spontaneous

+/- Blunt

+ Independant

- Rash/Impulsive

+ Caring towards others

- Forgetful



Being Outdoors




Old Legends/ Myths




Climbing trees

Long Walks

The City



Vintage Cameras

Road Trips

Long spontaneous drives/walks/hikes/etc.






Complete Silence


People who don't know how to take a risk


Choppy ocean waves

Being alone at night







The word "perfect/perfection"

Wearing a full face of Makeup

People who let others lower their esteem


Sleeping all day

Bio :

Birdie's bio full of her adventures as the child of backpacking parents who roam the world like a pair of nomads, is currently a:


Sorry for the inconvience, but please be sure to read it once it's complete.

Thank you.



"How did I find out about this show? Hmm... Well my childhood friend Bonnie, who currently lives in Australia by the way, called me up telling me about how there's some great opportunity for me to get my photos out there in the world.

As for what it would mean to me if I win this, it would mean absolutely nothing. People may call me crazy and tell me to go hug a tree, but I'd flip them the bird while I tell you this. I honestly don't care if I win because although I get a chance to improve my work as a photographer as well as earn some fame as one, my aspirations and goals as a young photographer are my number one priority regardless and winning this show (if I even win) won't change that in the slightest of ways. The most important part about this show is that I'm able to take more photos to add into my portfolio and to develop my style of photography even more, not only that but the purpose of this all is not all business but pleasure as well. I look forward to having fun with taking on tasks and continuing to explore the world to do the thing I love most, looking at the world through my lens and hearing the 'click' of my camera.

Why do I enjoy photography? Well that's a simple question that I can give a simple answer to. I love photography because I get to express the world around me in a way that words cannot describe on their own.

Now onto what I enjoy photographing...

Another simple question, but my answer is quite the opposite.

I document the beauty of the world.

Which isn't limited to the things people see on a daily basis in nature such as, the sky or the sea. Nope, it's much more than that and it holds a deeper meaning deep within my heart.

That lens on my camera documents the people, the environment that surrounds them, us, everyone, as well as the raw emotions placed here on this earth.

I document the "flawed" beauty of this flawless world to prove a point.

Imperfection is Perfection.

Different is Magical.


Life can be found everywhere at any given moment in every given space.

Life...is beautiful in every way.

I want to show people the way I see the world.

I want everyone to witness what I witness and experience it for themselves.

I want people to accept the world for all that it is.

The good is just as important and pretty as the bad.

I want them to feel emotions that they may have never felt before.

But most of all I want them to view life in a different way.

I want them to see just how a unfiltered world is absolutely perfect as it is.

I want them to live!

Now whether or not this answered your question, this is the answer I have provided and it's the answer you'll have to accept because this is the best answer I can give you.

It's the only answer I have."


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NAME Grace Harrison


AGE 19

GENDER Cisgender Female

SEXUALITY Heterosexual

BIRTHDAY November 3rd

HOMETOWN London, England

CURRENT RESIDENCE Los Angeles, California


HAIR Grace's hair is brown naturally but she is sometimes seen with exotic hair colors such as electric blue or bubblegum. Her hair reaches just below her mid-back and is naturally wavy. Her hair is usually pulled into a ponytail or left down to bounce in it's natural wavy glory. This is because she doesn't like to spend to much time perfecting her hair, especially after she wakes up on mornings. Grace doesn't often straighten her hair, unless it is for something special.

EYES Grace's eyes are her most striking features. Her eyes are a bright shade of blue with specks of gold scattered across her iris. Her eyes sometimes appear green and Grace believes that this is because of her feeling some extreme form of an emotion. Grace's eyelashes are naturally long and dark which causes her eyes to 'pop' and be very noticeable.

BODY Grace is quite tall standing at the height of 5'7", with a slim build due to her usual running to clear her head. One could say she's quite toned but it isn't very noticeable under layers of clothing. Grace is also one to keep healthy, not as far as to go on an only salad and water diet but enough to keep her weight in check. Being 126lbs, she plans to keep it that way because she loves her slim physique. Her skin tone is a pretty olive color with a very slight tan to it.

CLOTHING Grace dresses in what could be categorized as hipster with a touch of grunge. She likes to think that it is a style unique to her because she also mixes and matches colors. One cannot simply predict what she'll, the colors range from dark colors to pastels and one day she could wear a pretty pastel dress and next day she could be wearing ripped jeans and a leather jacket. Of course her style stays in the hipster-y grunge zone but it really does a number on the stereotypical categorization of these styles.

OTHER Grace always wears a pair of earrings. It is always three on one ear and two on the other ear. On her right ear she wears one cartilage piercing and two lobe piercings, and on her left ear she has two lobe piercings. Two tattoos can also be found on Grace's body. One was from a dare and the other was intentional. The crescent shaped birthmark behind her ear is obviously not noticeable and many people do not know of it.


  • PERSONALITY Grace is a pretty quiet person, especially with strangers. She is not one to talk unnecessarily or to say something without thinking about it first. Most of her words are well thought out because she does not like people to misinterpret what she says. In short, that really frustrates Grace. Besides this, all that people can say about Grace is that she appears strong when she's weak and even on the verge of tears she can bite them back and plaster a fake smile onto her face but Grace's personality differs when she is around different people.

    Grace is also very observant meaning that she notices the smallest of changes and can read people quite well. She is the friend of many and enemy of few. Although to Grace it is a mystery to her as to why so many people know her and can categorize her as a friend or acquaintance because upon first meeting with Grace as mentioned before, she's quiet and a little sarcastic.

    Very close friends of Grace can say a lot about Grace. They know not to get on her bad side because she has a temper. Grace also has a way of using words to make someone do as she says though she does not do it often. She is very independent and usually does her own thing. She stands up for her beliefs and is very passionate about what she does, although that passion sometimes lands her in deep trouble. Many say that once Grace is angry or not on good terms with someone, they practically become invisible to her and it is no lie. That girl can hold a grudge for more than a year. When she is extremely angry she can also get violent and throw insults and swear words like nobody is watching.

  • Q&A

    WHY DO YOU ENJOY PHOTOGRAPHY? This is an easy one. Mostly it's because what my sister and I did together and it feels like I'm saving the last large piece of her to cherish forever. The other reason is because you won't be able to see certain beauty everyday and photography captures it all. It keeps that beauty alive so you can admire it for as long as you want. This reasons are probably stupid compared to the other contestants but this is from the bottom of my heart and I didn't know how else to phrase it.

    HOW DID YOU HEAR OF THIS SHOW? Well one evening I was just browsing the internet and was scrolling through some photography tips when the show was advertising. It seemed legit so I went on their home page and read the rules, went over it, you know the basics and signed up. It seemed really interesting.

    WHAT DO YOU ENJOY TAKING PICTURES OF? That's a hard one to be honest. I don't have a specified genre...is that the word? That I like to take pictures of. Whatever intrigues me or is beautiful to me gets a picture really. I know they're like still life photographers and photographers who like to take pictures of humans but all of that appeals to me so I don't choose something specific. I photograph what is beautiful.

    WHAT WOULD IT MEAN TO YOU TO WIN? I-I don't know how to explain this. It would mean the world to me if I won. Firstly, it would be as if I was carrying on my sister's legacy and making her proud from in heaven. This would be the least that I could do for after everything she had done for me. This would be the only way that I could repay her and it would most probably be light at the end of my tunnel. It would make the guilt eating me up inside disappear and I would feel like I tied up all the loose ends.




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Daniel Lee




22 years old






April 12


Seattle, Washington


Chicago, Illinois




138 lbs


Dark Brown


Dark Brown


Fair, Light


Slender, Athletic


He has a tattoo on his right




Daniel is pretty playful, especially with girls. He can be quite flirtatious and he likes to tease his friends. He enjoys the reactions he can get out of people. He is never really serious with the things he says. Sometimes, he takes things too far, but he will apologies if they get upset. He is very sure of his own beauty, aloof, kind of moody, and is very hard to impress(although it's more like it's very hard for him to admit he is impressed). He can be very bubbly but when he's not, he makes a blank expression and this often is what makes people misunderstand him and believe he is a cold or cocky guy. He always insists that he is not cute but he acts absolutely adorable. He does not show his true feelings and is indifferent but he is very sensitive. He is the type to say exactly what is on his mind, if it doesn't involve with things about himself. He is very whiny and sometimes bratty but he can also be very goofy and carefree. He is often very sassy and acts spoiled.


Bubble tea, Shopping, His dog, Traveling, Tasty food, Video games, Compliments, Photography


When people call him cute, Being teased(although he loves teasing others), Peaches, Being romantic, People who judge others based on appearances, People who try to change him, Girls who place one-sided expectations on him, Anything that has a horror theme


-Gets hungry really easily.

-He can't seem to stay still.

-Has a habit of sticking out his tongue.

-He can't sleep without his pink stuffed toy, which he named 'Pinku Pinku'.


Why do you enjoy photography?:

I can't always explain myself as well as others. To me, photography is something that can make a person think and feel without the need for spoken language. As the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words". Rather than describe where I was or what I saw, why not have them see for themselves? Those pictures captures memories, moments in life that go by so fast. By taking pictures, I can always remember what I have seen and show others what the world is like. It allows others to clearly see what you have seen, and they themselves can feel as if they were right there next to you. A lot of people say I should be in front of the camera, not behind it. Not that I don't agree with them, but I really do love photography, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

How did you hear of this show?:

A good friend of mine back home told me about it. She was really excited when she told me about this show on the phone. I thought 'why not?'.

What do you enjoy taking pictures of?:

Myself...just kidding, although it is one of my favorite things to capture. But seriously, I take pictures of just about anything. I take pictures ranging from scenery to people. I generally take pictures of whatever is in my environment. I feel it is normal to want to capture only the beauty in this world, I'm no different, but sometimes even the most real can still be pleasing to the eye. Not everything has to be extremely aesthetic in real life in order for the picture to turn out nice.

What would it mean to you to win?:

Whoever wins is going to be taught by one of the best photographers in the world. Of course I would be extremely happy if I won. I want to make my family, and my good friend back home, proud. They have always been very supportive and there for me when I need it, so I want to have a successful career. If I don't win, that's okay too, although it would really suck. I think this is a good learning opportunity and I'll just try harder to become a good photographer like I always do.



Phoebe Bronzen


  • Name: "Bonjour! My name is Phoebe Bronzen!"

    Nickname: "When I was in 6th grade a teacher called me 'Le Vivaneau' when I was taking pictures of everything. It's french for 'the snapper'."

    Age (18-25): "A lady never tells her age! Okay....it's 22. I'll be 23 in November."

    Gender: "I am a beautiful female, duh."

    Sexual Orientation: "I am pansexual."

    Birthday: "I was born on November 14th!"

    Home Town: "I lived in the lovely Colmar, France until I was 6.

    Current Residence: "I currently reside in Castle Combe, England! It's got some great photo ops!"


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Name: Mason Blue

Nickname: Shaz

Age (18-25): 23

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Birthday: Nov 1st

Home Town: Haarlem, Netherlands

Current Residence: Budapest, Hungary

Height: 5'8

Weight: 97 lbs

Eye Color: Grey

Hair Color: Light Brown

Skin Tone: Light

Build: Average

Tattoos/ Piercings: None

Scars/ Birthmarks: None

Personality (List form or paragraph): Mason is not the kind of person you see everyday. His eyes won't get off the camera screen, no matter what you do. Mason is really serious about photography, But mostly likes to photograph sunsets.

Likes (5+): Nutella, Cats, Dogs, Nature, Sunsets.

Dislikes (5-): Mondays, Ripoffs of things, Little kids, The color red, Bad photos.

Bio (Optional): Mason got his first camera when he was 3/2 years old. It was his dad's camera. His dad died when he was 14/4, And he kept the camera since then. He took good care of the camera, and he still uses it today.

Why do you enjoy photography?: Photography lets you capture memorys, forever, in one place.

How did you hear of this show?:(Wait, In real life, or in the rp?) IRL: I moved through rpnation, looking for rps. RP: Mason wanted to be a part of the big photographers group, as he found out about this show, he immediatly wanted to join.

What do you enjoy taking pictures of?: Sunsets, Dogs, Cats, Nutella

What would it mean to you to win?: Mason wants to win, to complete his dad's dream. His dad, like Mason did, wanted to be a big photographer.

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