Oxford Mental Asylum


half cooked bean water



Sexual Orientation:

Occupation:(Nurse, assistant, patient etc.)

Disorders/diseases:(Patients only)









Name:ShaVaughn M.|Age:22|Gender:Female|

Sexual Orientation:



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.835e1afbdae593454d82cf69cfd7f671.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21462" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.835e1afbdae593454d82cf69cfd7f671.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


ShaVaughn is insane and very odd.


ShaVaughn was born in London, England in 1992. At the age of 12 she moved to Oxford. Then, she created a mental asylum since she was in a mental asylum once. She still has the scars from the Glasgow smile, but she has sewn the corners of her mouth so that it still is visible.


ShaVaughn often visits her patients and likes to talk to them.



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||Chandler Carson "CC"||20||Female||

Sexual Orientation:

"Well, I do prefer a man."



"I perform as a nurse here. it's more pleasant than you would think."



"None really. Unless you consider being a klutz a mental illness of some sort."



"Don't look for too long. I get embarrassed easily."



"Weird. Silly. Awkward."

CC has always been one to laugh at herself through embarrassment. She gets flustered quite easily, and tends to trip over her own feet more than anything else. But she's a sensitive and wise soul, with an understanding and kind attitude. She's a bit quirky, and knows how to brighten someone's day, which is why she likes to work with disadvantaged people. She feels like she gives them a little bit of hope every once and a while. She tends to be a bit awkward around people she doesn't really know, but she enjoys company as any other would.


"Pretty boring. I wouldn't be surprised if you fell asleep."

As said, CC's life has pretty much been uneventful other than when her mother left for another man, leaving her and her father alone. He cared for her throughout, and sent her off to college were she is currently getting her medical degree in nursing.




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Profile #: 20

Shiloh Grant |Age: 13 |Gender: Male|


Sexual Orientation:

Patient has no interest in romance




Bipolar Disorder / Dual Personality Disorder / ADHD


Shiloh acts basically like an innocent child. But, he wouldn't be here if that was the case. Shiloh has two personalities, one is his cheerful child like side, the other is a cold and murderous side. His child like side he is cheerful, happy and he likes to play games. He loves Pokemon and collects the cards and sometimes if the nurse is nice enough they let him play video games. He's bratty and throws tantrums if he doesn't get his way. He's short tempered and when he gets angry enough his other side comes out. His other side is violent and sadistic and attacks without thought. He's fond of games and is abit boastful that he can beat people in any card game, as long as it's not poker or something like that.


Shiloh was always a troubled child from the start. He was born with two personalities and a short temper. When he didn't get his way he would destroy. When Shiloh reached three his other personality was less dormant and destroyed the house and nearly killed his parents. The court ordered Shiloh to be admitted to Oxford. He's been there ever since he was 3.


Help Me...

Name: Freddie Himiwa|Age: 20|Gender: Male|

Sexual Orientation:Bi

Occupation: patient

Disorders/diseases: Alien Hand Syndrome (Actually exists, look it up)




His arm seems to have a mind of its own; it moves around, grabs hold of things, and responds to to the touch of another person—but it does this without the control of Himself. He regards it as Grrr, Like the Invader Zim Cartoon, on account of its annoying presence. He tries to cope with life like this, but a year ago, it got too out of control, when Grr sexually harassed a woman in school.


He tried to cope with life like this, but a year ago, it got too out of control, when Grr sexually harassed a woman in school. It started when he was 5, but he was more in control.... not anymore


Name: James Cartridge |Age: 18 |Gender: Male |

Sexual Orientation: Bi, he guesses...

Occupation: patient

Disorders/diseases:Riley-Day Syndrome



Personality: Feels nothing, so he kind of acts robotic sometimes. Is always intrigued by people who feel pain.

Riley-Day syndrome affects the
autonomous nervous system. While there are many extremely unpleasant symptoms (such as frequent vomiting, and difficulty swallowing), it does also have some arguably cool features. Chief among these is the fact that many people with the condition are almost entirely insensitive to pain.


Riley-Day Syndrome is a disorder that is genetically inherited. To actually show signs of having the condition, however, the relevant gene has to be
passed on by both parents, so as such, his parents are in the asylum somewhere... He Has been called a 'Kid of the Asylum'


Name: Kent Nedilman |Age: 23 |Gender: Male |

Sexual Orientation: Hetro

Occupation: patient

Disorders/diseases: Cotard Delusion/Syndrome




The Cotard delusion is a rare psychiatric disorder in which a person holds a delusional belief that he or she is dead, does not exist, is putrefying or has lost their blood or internal organs. Rarely, it can include delusions of immortality. Kent however, acts with a sense of Nihilism, as if wanting to die already, as he doesn't know why he still lives.


Was treated and abused poorly in home and school. The desiease triggered when he was beaten by the school bully, followed by his abusive dad when he had his soul was crushed when the love of his life publicly humiliated him, and rejected him


Name: Gia (jee-uh) Braun |Age: 18 |Gender: Female|

Sexual Orientation: Asexual (doesn't mean she won't use sex as a means to an end)

Occupation: Patient

Disorders/diseases: Schizotypal Personality Disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder (stems from her SPD), Delusional Disorder


(On iPad now, I'll add later)

Personality: SPD makes her incredibly uncomfortable with social settings, and she rarely talks to anyone. Gia herself is a gentle, kind person who loves art and music, but her delusions have twisted her mind over time, and now she is perpetually wary of her surroundings, and doesn't like to be touched. She refuses to wear anything that would expose her back, seeing her wounds as a great embarrassment and proof that she wasn't worthy to become one of the fae. Every once and a while, a glimps of her old self will shine through, but those are usually overtaken by fits of rage where she tries to take off the bandages around her torso and rip out her staples.

Bio: When Gia was a child she read stories about faeries, and became infatuated with the world of the fae and all things magical. She began to think about them nonstop, talking to anyone who would listen about how the faeries talked to her and told her that they were going to take her away one day. This was credited with an avid imagination, but as she grew, do did her "imagination."

Gia was obsessed, totally convinced that the faeries were going to give her wings and take her away to live with them. She began to do things that she thought would show the fae that she was ready for them. She refused to use anything any kind of tool or appliance made of iron. When she turned fourteen, Gia began to refuse going into buildings, even her own home, so her parents hired contractors to build a fully functional large scale tree house on their property for her.

Her naturally antisocial nature increased dramatically, and she rarely entered "real" civilization, instead retreating into the woods and her new home. She gardened and hunted for all the food she ate, and rarely saw other people. Her parents just wanted her to be happy, and as long as she wasn't hurting herself or anyone else with her delusions they left her be.

As time passed, Gia began to be plagued by hysteria and paranoia, thinking that the reason the fae hadn't come for her was because she had not gotten her wings yet. She thought that if she could just help her wings come out the fae would finally come for her. She began tearing at the skin on her back and having hysterical fits, fixed on the thought that she just needed wings, and then she'd be free.

Her parents decided that enough was enough one day after a particularly loud fit that warranted a noise complaint from people on the adjacent property, and they came to her tree house to find Gia lying curled on her side in a pool of blood. She'd taken a knife from the main house the last time she had surprised her family with a visit, and broke the handle off, using just the blade to make two long, extremely deep incisions between her shoulder blades that she thought would free the wings she was meant to have.

Gia was rushed to a hospital, where she had to go into surgery to fix the damage she'd done. The cuts had been so deep that she knocked some of her ribs, and she almost died of blood loss. The hospital made her crazy, being so enclosed and surrounded by artificial material and metal. She was committed to Oxford a few weeks later, when the hospital declared that she was healed enough to travel, so long as she not do something to mess with the staples in her back.

Extra: she doesn't normally like social interaction of any kind, but she loves animals



Name: Amber Jones |Age: 15| Gender: Female|

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Occupation: Patient

Disorders/diseases: Major depressive disorder, Borderline, Social Anxiety



Personality: Amber is very shy and conservative. She has a lot of good insight but keeps it mostly to herself she opens up only to a select few people.

Bio: Amber was born to a schizo mother and a broke father. She was adopted by her moms sister at age 12. She was raped at age 9 by a kid at school. She was bullied throughout her life and overdosed on pills trying to kill herself.

Extra: Hai

Name:|Jennifer "Jenny" Porter

Age:| 18

Gender:| Female

Sexual Orientation: Hetero-uninterested

Occupation:| Patient

Disorders/diseases:| Agoraphobia/ Fugue State/ Sadomasochism



Personality: Jenny is a calm and quiet girl usually, though she has been known to lapse into states of hysteria and violence when she feels exposed or attacked. Her agoraphobia limits her ability to be in the open, preferring to stay in her dark room or in a close crowd of people, pretty much the opposite of claustrophobia. When a mental attack occurs, she lapses into both sadism/masochism and fugue state, causing her to forget everything that happened leading up to the attack, while causing her to physically injure herself, or anyone that happens to be around her. She will eventually regain her memories due to the nature of the fugue, but only after she has sufficiently calmed down, and sometimes even weeks after the attack.

When she is in control of herself, Jenny is an intelligent and kind-hearted girl, loving to read and paint, though not wanting to go outside much. She is friendly and likes talking to other patients and the staff at Oxford, seeing them not as jailers of misfits, but doctors and healers. Her attitude now is not much different from her younger self since she came to Oxford. She trusts many of the staff there to help her overcome her illnesses, since she has almost no control over when she will lash out at anyone near her. Another side effect is a constant sadism, where she is subconsciously pleased when someone else is in pain, though she has recently been trying to control this mentality, knowing that it is not a part of who she wants to be for the rest of her life.

Bio: Jenny had a normal upbringing, no tragic backstory, no scarring trauma. Her parents loved her and each other, as well as her little brother, Samuel. As a young girl, she frequently stayed inside, especially liking the cupboards and closets to hide in, reading a book by flashlight for pleasure. When she had to leave the house, she always wore her favorite jacket, though several sizes too small, it fit snugly and tight, because she said it "made her feel safe." Her parents thought it was a peculiar trait, but didn't think it harmful. It wasn't until an eight-year-old Jenny woke from what she thought was just a nap in the pantry, only to realize that she was lying in a pool of her own blood, a kitchen knife lying on the ground next to her after she had cut her own arms and passed out from the blood loss, that she and her parents realized that something was wrong. She went to counseling HELP for several years, and she came to realize that she enjoyed destruction and pain, on herself and others, if it was only subconscious so far.

She was a good counselee, though, and she was soon no longer required to go and deemed "cured." Then, The Incident happened. Her parents had said that when she recovered, they would take a vacation trip to the seaside. She was excited and skipped happily into the train station, then suddenly stopped. She had no trouble being outside because she had worn her jacket, but to be in such a large building, it looked so large and intimidating, and all of the people felt so small. Jenny felt small. She panicked and fell into an amnesiac fugue. When she woke, she was in an ambulance, her body bruised and bleeding in many places. She later found out, and remembered a while after that, that she had run away from her parents, screaming and clawing at her face and arms. Her alarmed parents went to restrain her, but she had run to a nearby store and grabbed an umbrella from the stand, flailing it about wildly at anyone about and laughing hysterically. The security guards were called, she was forcibly subdued and sedated, then taken to the hospital. She was diagnosed with all of her above diseases, and placed in Oxford for rehabilitation and recovery. She has since been there for the last five years.

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Name: Jeremiah “Adonis” Fernandez|Age:21|Gender: Male|

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Occupation: Patient/ Personal Fitness Trainer (By his own choice)

Disorders/diseases: BDD, Adonis Complex, God Complex, ADHD, OCD, Narcissism


Personality: Totally into himself. He used to be picked on for being fat in middle school so he began using his older brothers weights and bench. The rest is history. He believes that he can save everyones lives through fitness and health and believes that he is their messiah. Even though its in his own strange way, he truly does want to save everyone, but at other times he really is selfish and unloyaly.

Bio: He is a private fitness trainer and has been since high school. He is also a college student studying to be a Sports Nutritionist and Trainer. His girlfriend since middle school gave him an ultimatum. Change or she will leave him forever. Realizing it was impossible to do this alone, he admitted himself in the program.

Name:Madison Stewart |Age: 13 |Gender: female|

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Occupation:(Nurse, assistant, patient etc.) Patient

Disorders/diseases:(Patients only) self harm and schizophrenia


Personality:She doesn't think she has a problem. She looks normal on the outside, with the neat clothes and calm personality but on the inside she has fallen apart. She tries to hide her problems. She smiles to strangers and makes friends easily but she doesn't let people get too close. When she starts to feel a real connection she cuts them off so they don't see her problems. With this friendly-ness comes a struggle because there are times where her disease takes over and she loses all control. She is also not open with her sexuality.

Bio:Madison wasn't always insane. She grew up as a ballerina where she trained day in and day out for 8 years (from age 4-12). After being put through the stresses of ballet for too long, she needed an escape and started to do self-harm. As she started to self-harm, she started to hear voices around her and in her head telling her that everyone was out to get her. She started to hide from people, wearing hoodies with her hood up to "hide" and became more and more quiet. With this happening, she dropped out of her ballet classes and locked herself in her room. Screaming every 4 hours before sobbing was her daily routine for a while.Finally, someone must have seen the signs and gotten her committed to get the help she needs.

Extra:she wears hoodies all the time, hoodies and skinny jeans. Favorite outfit:
help :)
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Name:Nero Hawke |Age:23 |Gender:male |Sexual Orientation:heterosexual

Occupation:(Nurse, assistant, patient etc.)nurse

Disordersdiseases:(Patients only)/Appearance:

Personality:Nero is a man of science he is actually quite friendly unless he is indulged in his work but is also reserved to most people

Name: Melissa Grove |Age: 8 |Gender: female|

Sexual Orientation: Not really interested, but either or

Occupation:(Nurse, assistant, patient etc.) Patient

Disorders/diseases:(Patients only) Extreme schizophrenia



A typical happy little girl most of the time, but has a hard time talking to real people. Due to her schizophrenia, she has a hard time talking to real people, either because she's confused why they don't act like the 'others' or because she's dealing with another conversation with her hallucinations at the same time. Every now and then she dissolves into hysteria, yelling at imaginary beings and sometimes accidentally hitting real people.


Melissa grew up almost like normal. Her parents took great care of her, and even noticed that as a toddler her attention would sometimes focus on what appeared to be nothing. When she started talking, her parents figured it was ok, she just made an imaginary friend to keep her company. Most kids do, right? Only when they asked her about it, she would go quiet and appear to be scared. They found her in her room when she was six screaming and crying like crazy, yelling at something that wasn't there. When her father tried to help her, she began yelling incomphrehensible words at him and struck him across the face with her nails. After calming down and realizing what she did, she let everything out. They took her to see special care and they said she should come to this place.


Melissa's hallucinations offen encourage her to do things she doesn't think is right. A few are much nicer to her, but she is rather uncertain whether these things she sees are false. She needs
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