• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Overwatch: Talon's Grip. Character sheets here.


I'm the salt master

Noivian Noivian LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 RiversEdge RiversEdge SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Assailant Assailant
MattS MattS
I made some minor tweaks to the character sheet from the last roleplay we were in. Kindly adjust.
  • RPnation rules apply here, as they should. Bear that in mind.
  • Don't be rude.
  • No posts of just following a character to a room or shooting at a target, please. Seeing one-liners is like having Lickitung lick my face and make me uncomfy. At least post enough to keep the story going.
  • Be relatively active. I don't have the motivation to preside over roleplays that have gone stale.
  • More than one character is allowed.
  • All powers and abilities must be based in the realm of science and science fiction(with the exception of being transcendent like my boo thang, Zenyatta). No magic. No inherited red eyes with weird black pupils.
    • That said, no breaking the laws of physics or being overpowered.

Basic Information
Full Name:

Character Information
Appearance: (include details of body tones, hair, clothing, body structure, etc., I will greatly appreciate an added picture)
Background: (why can your character do what they do? what has lead them to the present? what are major influences in their life? what are major events that shape their actions today?)
Sexual Orientation:

Base Health:
Combos With:
Countered by:
Preferred Range:
Fighting Style:

Explanation is needed here: these are the assets your character can bring to the battle. After all, no matter how much one has at their arsenal, they aren't going to strap all their guns to their bodies and clank into battle. Limit it to only these fields; I will not accept any more abilities apart from these. It is fine to have up to two weapons. However, this does not limit what your character can do outside of the battlefield, where they will have the luxury of time to collect what they need to flex their strengths.

While we will not be using dps and hps strictly to govern any fight scenes, I still want them to get an idea of how quickly your character can deal damage or heal.
  • Primary Fire:

  • Secondary Fire:
  • Primary Ability:
  • Secondary Ability:
  • Ultimate:
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Basic Information
Full Name: F-382-P
Titles/Nicknames: Bird
Age: 3 weeks
Job: None
Birthdate: 3 weeks ago
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs.

Character Information
Appearance: Bird is an omnic prototype, as denoted by her even number of lights on her forehead. She has upturned facial vents, and the area where the metal jaw meets the faceplate is curved into a smile. Her design greatly mirrors Zenyatta's own build, the majority of her body being an unpolished steel. Her torso and limbs are coated with pale, squishy, skin-like silicon, mirroring human female anatomical structure. Bird predominantly wears causal clothing, including but not limited to t-shirts, jeans, knee-high boots, hoodies, dresses, skirts, and the like.

Personality: Bird is curious of the world she lives in. Not being alive for long will generally do that. While she's young, she's naive, but not stupid. Quick to catch on, Bird is surprisingly sharp-witted. Kind and considerate, Bird hates getting in other people's ways, and highly believes that there is good in everyone, and that anyone can be a good person.
Background: Bird was made in an omnium in an unknown location. She was designed to be just a prototype, living her short and relatively buggy life within the omnium until her design was deemed sufficient enough to be made into finished versions. Such an event would result in her deconstruction and death, so her parts could be reused and reprogrammed into a new omnic. Bird, however managed to escape the omnium before they could disassemble her. The town just outside the omnium treated her poorly, chasing her off when she tried to find clothes and a place to rest. She fled into the mountains of Nepal, where she was eventually picked up by the Shambali. Though she didn't fully understand their way of living, they did give her a place to stay and clothes to wear, so she didn't complain much. Days passed, and Bird quickly grew bored of the monastery, feeling out of place among the monks despite picking up major parts of their way of life. Wishing to travel around and find where she belonged, what her purpose in life was, Bird left on something of a self-discovery pilgrimage.
Likes: Birds, other omnics, kind people
Dislikes: Bigots, rude people, dogs.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Class: Support
Base Health: 100, 50 shield
Combos With: Tracer, Genji, Hanzo, Zenyatta
Counters: Squishies like Genji and Tracer
Countered by: Anyone who can DPS
Strengths: Movement, high run speed
Weaknesses: Low health, low damage output
Preferred Range: Back lines, flanks
Fighting Style: Bird's only method of defense is an area of effect attack that stuns and electrifies anyone within a 10 meter range, dealing 10 points of damage per second and able to last up to five seconds, at 50 points of damage max. The cool down on this ability depends on how many seconds it was used for. Like D.va's shield or Bastion's self-heal, the more used, the longer it takes to recharge, with a minimum of three seconds and a maximum of nine seconds. She prefers to only engage when the enemy is in low health, or is already engaged with an ally.

  • Primary Fire: Toss health pack
    • Bird tosses out the health pack she picked up.
  • Secondary Fire:Use heath pack
    • Bird uses the health pack she picked up on herself.
Passive: Pick up health pack - Health pack will not start respawn timer until it has been used. Activates by running into a health pack.
  • Primary Ability: Wall climb - Activates the miniature gravatons on the soles of her feet and palms of her hands, allowing her to scale walls.
  • Secondary Ability: Electro Pulse - Triggers the electric field mentioned in Bird's fighting style.
  • Ultimate: Electro Bomb - Works like a minor form D.va's ultimate. Bird sends out a pulse of electricity that glides for a few moments before exploding, dealing out 200 damage when it explodes. Can be blocked by barriers and walls, and starts a chain of electricity that hops from enemy to enemy, dealing an extra 10 damage to every enemy it comes in contact with. The chain electricity can move through barriers.
Announcement: "This is what I can do!"
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Basic Info
Full Name: Ryan Ziegler
Alias/Nickname: Doc, Ry, Mercy.
Age: 20
Job: Combat Medic
Birthday: March 3
Height: 5'10
Weight: 184 lbs
Body Type: Lean, leaning more towards slim than muscular
Personality: Protective, fun-loving, kind
Likes: Music, cars, target practice
Dislikes: Spiders, coffee, rude people
Skin Color: Light tan
Hair Color: A light gold/blonde
Eye Color: Dark Grey
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Background:.Ryan was born in Philiadephia, at around the time they founded the new academy. Since that time he had grown skilled in his craft and grown close to the other agents and commanders at the facility, except for Morrision. To him Morrison just seemed to uptight and strict, as Ryan at the time preferred a more freeflow, roll with the punches type of life. He trained on a daily basis in both being a medic in the field and in the infirmary, working alongside many important people like his mother and Zenyatta. However he did feel he had a need to defend himself properly, and spent a good time with assualt specialists in learning how to effectively fend off enemies in combat if he were to be left alone. He has been combat-proven, well as much as training simulations can be called combat proven, and can adequately provide assistance to his team unless in severe cases of more than half the team being at critical, then he begins to get overwhelmed and somewhat panic.

Class: Support
Base Health: 200
Combos With: Most Tank characters,
Strong Against: Weakened enemies, healers
Weak Against: Most Attacks, Snipers, Mei, Turrets
Preferred Range: Close-Mid
Fighting Style: Ryan prefers to keep enemies within his range, always moving if he is attacking an enemy, using his glide ability for evasion as well as to get to those in need.

Ryan's usual appearel would be a medic's uniform, but in other, casual cases he prefers to where jeans, boots, a white 3/4 sleeve with the overwatch logo on the back, as well as a pair of black gloves, which he is always seen wearing.

(Similar to this build but with the trademark wings and there is no helmet)

Primary Fire: Cadecus Staff
Carries something similar to Mercy's staff, having both the damage boost and normal healing abilities. It heals 20 health per second as long as the stream is connected. The damage boost does a 30% damage increase for whoever is being targeted as long as stream is connected.

Secondary Fire: Cadecus Magnum
Pulls out in essence McCree's Peacekeeper, which would fire how the Peacekeeper normally fires, but without the fan the hammer ability. 5 shots, each doing 50 damage, headshots giving a 1.5x increase, increasing it to 75

Passive: Ryan get a slight health regen when not in combat.

Ability 1: Glide
When focusing on somebody, Ryan can glide closer to them in order to heal or damage boost them, or in other cases to get away from the fight. Also Ryan falls slower than most other heroes.

Ability 2:
Staff Smash
Ryan smacks the staff into the ground, dealing an AoE that centers around Ryan and damages as well as knocks back enemies while providing a small health regen(five hp/sec) effect to friendly's for 3 seconds. The attack does 20 damage and knocks back 5 meters from edge of attack, which is 5 meters.

Ultimate: Healer's Hellfire
This ult has one of two mores. The first form brings every friendly who has down back up and brings anyone at critical to full health. The second form occurs when he has the Magnum out, and he fires an entire magazine at one enemy, dealing anywhere from 250 to 375 damage, as criticals are randomized.
Form One: Stay with us now!
Form Two: No doctor can fix this!
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Basic Information
Full Name: Maxwell Teller
Titles/Nicknames: Shade
Age: 27
Job: Military Recon/Elimination Specialist
Birthdate: Feb. 20
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 146 lb.

Character Information
Appearance: He has brown hair which is spiked backwards. There is not much of it. He had lightly tanned skin, wherever flesh is visible. His one human eye is blue. Certain parts of him are robotic. His right arm is entirely robotic, and his left arm has metal parts in certain patches. His left eye is metallic, with a robotic eye in his socket that glows dimly blue. His right foot is robotic, and both legs, like his arms, have robotic components around. (I will try to draw a picture at some point, but for now, this is what I've got.)
Personality: While on a mission, Shade is dead serious. He takes no nonsense, and rarely cracks a smile. Outside of a mission, he's still a more stoic individual, but among his friends he can be found cracking jokes. Despite his intimidating demeanor, he deeply cares for people. He tries to help wherever he can, and he is a strong believer in justice and equality. He has a soft spot deep down somewhere.
Background: During the Omnic Crisis, Max found himself wishing desperately that he could help. He wanted to aid Overwatch somehow, but he found himself unable to really help. Then, he was offered an opportunity: scientists wanted to create soldiers who could take down Omnics efficiently. They wanted to be able to create more soldiers, should Overwatch's current resources failed. Max was one of their few successful tests, and with his augmentations he became Shade. From there, he joined Blackwatch to run covert missions against the Omnics, and later against their enemies. When Overwatch fell apart, Shade was recruited by the American military to run operations against their enemies wherever normal soldiers' abilities failed.
Likes: Justice, Chocolate, Dogs & Cats, Omnics
Dislikes: Selfishness, Sour or Spicy foods, Spiders, Alcohol
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Class: Attack
Base Health: 200
Combos With: Genji, Tracer, Pharah
Counters: Widowmaker, Hanzo, Ana, Bastion, Torbjorn
Countered by: D.Va, Reinhardt, Orisa, Roadhog, Pharah
Strengths: Stealth, Quick Movement, CQC
Weaknesses: Long-Ranged Combat, AOE, Enemies with Large health/armor
Preferred Range: As close as possible
Fighting Style: Rapid punches/stabs with quick dodges and movements


Weapon 1: Fist
  • Primary Fire: Rapid Punches (very rapid)

  • Secondary Fire: Counter: Allows to block melee or CQC fire attacks efficiently, and potentially respond offensively
Weapon 2: Pistol

  • Primary Fire: Shoot (Moderate Damage at close/medium range, significant dmg/acc drop at long range)
Passive: Acrobatics. He can, like Genji, climb walls, as well as jump between walls and slide through and under small gaps
  • Primary Ability: Bionic Sprint. Allows Shade to move very quickly, closing the gap between him and enemies with great time.
  • Secondary Ability: Bullet Break. Gives Shade a shield that he can lift to block most damage for a short period of time (about three seconds). Can be used at the same time as Bionic Sprint.
  • Ultimate: Overload. This ability clocks all of Shade's bionics and abilities to the maximum. He is protected (not immune) from most damage, moves very rapidly, and punches with greater speed and damage than ever. Using this ability, he can rapidly dash between enemies, beating the crap out of them and moving on to the next in record time, moving like a blur as enemies fall in his path.
RP: His bionic eye allows him to scan items to determine their makeup and purpose, as long as it or its components are registered on his database. It also allows him to scan distances and physical space to better increase accuracy and surroundings analysis.

Announcement: "If I do my job, you won't even see me in action."
Basic Information
Full Name: Sage Tekad
Titles/Nicknames: Agent
Age: 22
Job: Guard, Mercenary
Birthdate: October 31st
Height: 5'7
Weight: 175 pounds

Character Information

Appearance: Has light brown skin and short wavy black hair. She's lightly curvy and very well muscled in figure. Her clothing doubles as a machinery type armor and is slightly inspired by Alaskan Tribes. As for casual clothing, she hardly ever wears. But she usually settles on form fitting sweaters and workout pants. Her eye's are dark brown, but chemicals from the armor during battle make them seem light purple.

Personality: Calm, determined, and stubborn. She is very level headed both in battle and in life. Sage has a powerful work ethic, and is completely independent, though she does work well on teams. But she likes to take care of herself and finds it a bit awkward when people try to offer to help her with things. Stubborn, she is known to hold her ground for a long as possible. In the case that she's protecting a teammate she will not abandon them under any circumstance.

Background: Sage was born in the cold unforgiving tundra. Life was scarce and you had to be strong to survive. Her father was a veteran, and her mother had passed on when she was born. Her father raised her strictly, never one to coddle her because of her gender. He taught her combat, as if preparing her for war. He had been a part of overwatch, a small one, and still believed in their ideals. He would always tell her when the world changed, that she would be ready. When she was 15 Talon found her father. He gave her everything he had, and hid her in an underground bunker despite all of her protests. Her father did not go down easily, but in the end he was gunned down. He had been making armor for her that whole time, along with some instructions. It ran on more than electricity, but a powerful combination of chemicals. Was he trying to protect her? Sage, from that day forward, vowed that she would be the one that would protect. She grew to be a mercenary, helping wherever she could.

Likes: Exercise, Swimming, tea, cool weather, and Spicy food.
Dislikes: Arrogance, small spaces, and disorganization
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Class: Defense
Base Health: 350
Combos With: Reinhardt, Bastion, Soldier 76, and Winston.
Counters: Shields deflection and armor
Countered by: McCree, Reaper, D.Va, and Zarya
Strengths: Endurance, Accuracy, Speed, and fast reflexes
Weaknesses: Tanks, hidden enemies, will push herself past her limits.
Preferred Range: Close to medium range

Fighting Style: When not guarding someone she will attack from all angles. Fighting Style is almost purely offensive. She has high agility and reflexes. Her armor allows her to take high risks. She will run at the enemy or shoot them from behind.


Primary Fire: Glock 17 Machine Pistol

Cartridge, 9×19 mm Parabellum.
Action, Short recoil, locked breech, tilting barrel. High damage, close and medium range.

Secondary Fire: UZI submachine gun. Plasma powered gun that fires 10 rounds per second. High damage, close and medium range.

Passive: Add-on

As long as you're close to her you have added temporary resistance to bullets and other types of enemy fire.

Primary Ability:

Ability 1: Armor system activated.

Guard [Defense up 90+]- Armor makes her practically invincible for up to 25 seconds. However, to avoid over heating it will lower the defense to a simple 50+ defensive after one use.

Protect [Defense up 80+]- Armor will release an energy wave that overtakes allies within a 30 Meter radius. The energy wave will increase ally defenses perfectly for 15 seconds, afterwards dissipating and leaving them with a 20+ defense buff.

Secondary Ability:

Ability 2: Armor connect.

Gunner [Defense up 80+]- Armor morphs into a gun suit. Speed is slowed but her armor has guns pointed in all 360 degrees around her. Best used at close range.

Reflect [Defense up 95+]- Armor can now bounce back enemy firearms indefinitely. This however can be taken down by Reinhardt's hammer Zarya, or Winston. Also can be taken down with excessive damage, it can only reflect under intense fire for 15 seconds before she has to move.

Ultimate: Release. Armor discharge activated.

Armor release uses the shield used to protect allies to cage and drag in all enemies within a 15 Meter radius. The gun armor will activate at the same time, inflicting a solid 15 damage per second, for 12 seconds.

Allies can also inflict damage to the targets while the discharge is in place. Once the discharge is over the enemies still alive are debuffed.

The Armor discharge can drag in lighter enemies, like Tracer, faster. It will drag Larger enemies, like Winston, slower.

Announcement: This stops now!

Extra: Her defense points equate to how much damage she can take. If she had +80 or higher she can take bullets and the brunt of explosives without being harmed. +50 or higher she can take bullets and a majority of heavy attacks. Below +50 she can really only take bullets and some weaker melee attacks. Regularly her armor is only at +30 to +50.

Since her armor runs of toxic chemicals it tends to generate a thin force-field around her at +30 and up. Her primary ability protect spreads that field to her allies temporarily.

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Basic Information
Full Name: F-382-P
Titles/Nicknames: Bird
Age: 3 weeks
Job: None
Birthdate: 3 weeks ago
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs.

Character Information
Appearance: Bird is an omnic prototype, as denoted by her even number of lights on her forehead. She has upturned facial vents, and the area where the metal jaw meets the faceplate is curved into a smile. Her design greatly mirrors Zenyatta's own build, the majority of her body being an unpolished steel. Her torso and limbs are coated with pale, squishy, skin-like silicon, mirroring human female anatomical structure. Bird predominantly wears causal clothing, including but not limited to t-shirts, jeans, knee-high boots, hoodies, dresses, skirts, and the like.

Personality: Bird is curious of the world she lives in. Not being alive for long will generally do that. While she's young, she's naive, but not stupid. Quick to catch on, Bird is surprisingly sharp-witted. Kind and considerate, Bird hates getting in other people's ways, and highly believes that there is good in everyone, and that anyone can be a good person.
Background: Bird was made in an omnium in an unknown location. She was designed to be just a prototype, living her short and relatively buggy life within the omnium until her design was deemed sufficient enough to be made into finished versions. Such an event would result in her deconstruction and death, so her parts could be reused and reprogrammed into a new omnic. Bird, however managed to escape the omnium before they could disassemble her. The town just outside the omnium treated her poorly, chasing her off when she tried to find clothes and a place to rest. She fled into the mountains of Nepal, where she was eventually picked up by the Shambali. Though she didn't fully understand their way of living, they did give her a place to stay and clothes to wear, so she didn't complain much. Days passed, and Bird quickly grew bored of the monastery, feeling out of place among the monks despite picking up major parts of their way of life. Wishing to travel around and find where she belonged, what her purpose in life was, Bird left on something of a self-discovery pilgrimage.
Likes: Birds, other omnics, kind people
Dislikes: Bigots, rude people, dogs.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Class: Support
Base Health: 100, 50 shield
Combos With: Tracer, Genji, Hanzo, Zenyatta
Counters: Barriers and shields
Countered by: Anyone who can DPS
Strengths: Movement, high run speed
Weaknesses: Low health, low damage output
Preferred Range: Back lines, flanks
Fighting Style: Bird's only method of defense is an area of effect attack that stuns and electrifies anyone within a 30 meter range, dealing 20 points of damage per second and able to last up to five seconds, at 100 points of damage max. She prefers to only engage when the enemy is in low health, or is already engaged with an ally.

  • Primary Fire: Toss health pack
    • Bird tosses out the health pack she picked up.
  • Secondary Fire:Use heath pack
    • Bird uses the health pack she picked up on herself.
Passive: Pick up health pack - Health pack will not start respawn timer until it has been used. Activates by running into a health pack.
  • Primary Ability: Wall climb - Activates the miniature gravatons on the soles of her feet and palms of her hands, allowing her to scale walls.
  • Secondary Ability: Electro Pulse - Triggers the electric field mentioned in Bird's fighting style.
  • Ultimate: Electro-grav Bomb - Works like a minor form of Zarya's and D.va's ultimate combined. Bird sends out a pulse of electricity combined with one of the miniature gravatons in her palms, causing a slow effect within line of sight and dealing out 500 damage when it explodes, which can only be blocked by breaking line of sight. Barriers do not protect against this ultimate.
Announcement: "This is what I can do!"

I generally like the idea of this character. Unfortunately, I cannot accept it now cause I have two problems.

I don't think Bird, as a support, should do that much damage in her Secondary ability, especially because it has a 30 metre radius, which is actually huge. Anyone in the Overwatch universe who can do that much damage often need to be precise with their damage. If a character like yours existed canonically, you and a team of allies would be able to take a squishy down simply by using this ability and only worrying about taking down half more of their health. If you want it to deal 100 damage, I wouldn't mind it being within immediate range of her, or if you want it to be that wide, it ought to do much less damage. No support does that much damage either. Also consider how often your character can use this ability.

Also, her ultimate is more like a major form of Zarya and D.Va's ultimates combined. If barriers can't block it, that makes it too powerful. Every character relying on their mobility would be shut down by the slow effect, not to mention that large tanky characters are already slow. I know it's meant to be an insta-kill ultimate, but I won't allow it to go through barriers.

Everything else is fine though.
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Basic Info
Full Name: Ryan Ziegler
Alias/Nickname: Doc, Ry, Mercy.
Age: 20
Job: Combat Medic
Birthday: March 3
Height: 5'10
Weight: 184 lbs
Body Type: Lean, leaning more towards slim than muscular
Personality: Protective, fun-loving, kind
Likes: Music, cars, target practice
Dislikes: Spiders, coffee, rude people
Skin Color: Light tan
Hair Color: A light gold/blonde
Eye Color: Dark Grey
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Background:.Ryan was born in Philiadephia, at around the time they founded the new academy. Since that time he had grown skilled in his craft and grown close to the other agents and commanders at the facility, except for Morrision. To him Morrison just seemed to uptight and strict, as Ryan at the time preferred a more freeflow, roll with the punches type of life. He trained on a daily basis in both being a medic in the field and in the infirmary, working alongside many important people like his mother and Zenyatta. However he did feel he had a need to defend himself properly, and spent a good time with assualt specialists in learning how to effectively fend off enemies in combat if he were to be left alone. He has been combat-proven, well as much as training simulations can be called combat proven, and can adequately provide assistance to his team unless in severe cases of more than half the team being at critical, then he begins to get overwhelmed and somewhat panic.

Class: Support
Base Health: 200
Combos With: Most Tank characters,
Strong Against: Weakened enemies, healers
Weak Against: Most Attacks, Snipers, Mei, Turrets
Preferred Range: Close-Mid
Fighting Style: Ryan prefers to keep enemies within his range, always moving if he is attacking an enemy, using his glide ability for evasion as well as to get to those in need.

View attachment 309262
Ryan's usual appearel would be a medic's uniform, but in other, casual cases he prefers to where jeans, boots, a white 3/4 sleeve with the overwatch logo on the back, as well as a pair of black gloves, which he is always seen wearing.

View attachment 309261
(Similar to this build but with the trademark wings and there is no helmet)

Primary Fire: Cadecus Staff
Carries something similar to Mercy's staff, having both the damage boost and normal healing abilities. It heals 20 health per second as long as the stream is connected. The damage boost doubles damage for whoever is being targeted as long as stream is connected.

Secondary Fire: Cadecus Magnum
Pulls out in essence McCree's Peacekeeper, which would fire how the Peacekeeper normally fires, but without the fan the hammer ability. 5 shots, each doing 50 damage, headshots giving a 1.5x increase, increasing it to 75

Passive: Ryan get a slight health regen when not in combat.

Ability 1: Glide
When focusing on somebody, Ryan can glide closer to them in order to heal or damage boost them, or in other cases to get away from the fight. Also Ryan falls slower than most other heroes.

Ability 2:
Staff Smash
Ryan smacks the staff into the ground, dealing an AoE that centers around Ryan and damages as well as knocks back enemies while providing a small health regen(five hp/sec) effect to friendly's for 3 seconds. The attack does 20 damage and knocks back 5 meters from edge of attack, which is 5 meters.

Ultimate: Healer's Hellfire
This ult has one of two mores. The first form brings every friendly who has down back up and brings anyone at critical to full health. The second form occurs when he has the Magnum out, and he fires an entire magazine at one enemy, dealing anywhere from 250 to 375 damage, as criticals are randomized.
Form One: Stay with us now!
Form Two: No doctor can fix this!

I am really liking this idea. I don't think I can sit with increasing the damage output by 100% with the primary fire though. Mercy's, after all, is 30%, and Ana's ultimate is only 50%. Apart from that, everything else is lovely.
Basic Information
Full Name: Maxwell Teller
Titles/Nicknames: Shade
Age: 27
Job: Military Recon/Elimination Specialist
Birthdate: Feb. 20
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 146 lb.

Character Information
Appearance: He has brown hair which is spiked backwards. There is not much of it. He had lightly tanned skin, wherever flesh is visible. His one human eye is blue. Certain parts of him are robotic. His right arm is entirely robotic, and his left arm has metal parts in certain patches. His left eye is metallic, with a robotic eye in his socket that glows dimly blue. His right foot is robotic, and both legs, like his arms, have robotic components around. (I will try to draw a picture at some point, but for now, this is what I've got.)
Personality: While on a mission, Shade is dead serious. He takes no nonsense, and rarely cracks a smile. Outside of a mission, he's still a more stoic individual, but among his friends he can be found cracking jokes. Despite his intimidating demeanor, he deeply cares for people. He tries to help wherever he can, and he is a strong believer in justice and equality. He has a soft spot deep down somewhere.
Background: During the Omnic Crisis, Max found himself wishing desperately that he could help. He wanted to aid Overwatch somehow, but he found himself unable to really help. Then, he was offered an opportunity: scientists wanted to create soldiers who could take down Omnics efficiently. They wanted to be able to create more soldiers, should Overwatch's current resources failed. Max was one of their few successful tests, and with his augmentations he became Shade. From there, he joined Blackwatch to run covert missions against the Omnics, and later against their enemies. When Overwatch fell apart, Shade was recruited by the American military to run operations against their enemies wherever normal soldiers' abilities failed.
Likes: Justice, Chocolate, Dogs & Cats, Omnics
Dislikes: Selfishness, Sour or Spicy foods, Spiders, Alcohol
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Class: Attack
Base Health: 200
Combos With: Genji, Tracer, Pharah
Counters: Widowmaker, Hanzo, Ana, Bastion, Torbjorn
Countered by: D.Va, Reinhardt, Orisa, Roadhog, Pharah
Strengths: Stealth, Quick Movement, CQC
Weaknesses: Long-Ranged Combat, AOE, Enemies with Large health/armor
Preferred Range: As close as possible
Fighting Style: Rapid punches/stabs with quick dodges and movements


Weapon 1: Fist
  • Primary Fire: Rapid Punches (very rapid)

  • Secondary Fire: Counter: Allows to block melee or CQC fire attacks efficiently, and potentially respond offensively
Weapon 2: Pistol

  • Primary Fire: Shoot (Moderate Damage at close/medium range, significant dmg/acc drop at long range)
Passive: Acrobatics. He can, like Genji, climb walls, as well as jump between walls and slide through and under small gaps
  • Primary Ability: Bionic Sprint. Allows Shade to move very quickly, closing the gap between him and enemies with great time.
  • Secondary Ability: Bullet Break. Gives Shade a shield that he can lift to block most damage for a short period of time (about three seconds). Can be used at the same time as Bionic Sprint.
  • Ultimate: Overload. This ability clocks all of Shade's bionics and abilities to the maximum. He is protected (not immune) from most damage, moves very rapidly, and punches with greater speed and damage than ever. Using this ability, he can rapidly dash between enemies, beating the crap out of them and moving on to the next in record time, moving like a blur as enemies fall in his path.
RP: His bionic eye allows him to scan items to determine their makeup and purpose, as long as it or its components are registered on his database. It also allows him to scan distances and physical space to better increase accuracy and surroundings analysis.

Announcement: "If I do my job, you won't even see me in action."

I like this melee character. I just need to know how much damage each punch and how many times it occurs per second, cause I want an idea of how well this character would fare against an NPC that is squishy, tanky, etc.

I would assume Bionic Sprint is just like Soldier's? I just need to know how often he can use Bullet Break. I wouldn't allow it to be used every post, but maybe every other post in a battle.
Basic Information
Full Name: Sage Tekad
Titles/Nicknames: Agent
Age: 22
Job: Guard, Mercanary
Birthdate: October 31st
Height: 5'7
Weight: 175 pounds

Character Information

Appearance: Has light brown skin and short wavy black hair. She's lightly curvy and very well muscled in figure. Her clothing doubles as a machinery type armor and is slightly inspired by Alaskan Tribes. As for casual clothing, she hardly ever wears. But she usually settles on form fitting sweaters and workout pants. Her eye's are dark brown, but chemicals from the armor during battle make them seem light purple.
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Personality: Calm, determined, and stubborn. She is very level headed both in battle and in life. Sage has a powerful work ethic, and is completely independent, though she does work well on teams. But she likes to take care of herself and finds it a bit awkward when people try to offer to help her with things. Stubborn, she is known to hold her ground for a long as possible. In the case that she's protecting a teammate she will not abandon them under any circumstance.

Background: Sage was born in the cold unforgiving tundra. Life was scarce and you had to be strong to survive. Her father was a veteran, and her mother had passed on when she was born. Her father raised her strictly, never one to coddle her because of her gender. He taught her combat, as if preparing her for war. He had been a part of overwatch, a small one, and still believed in their ideals. He would always tell her when the world changed, that she would be ready. When she was 15 Talon found her father. He gave her everything he had, and hid her in an underground bunker despite all of her protests. Her father did not go down easily, but in the end he was gunned down. He had been making armor for her that whole time, along with some instructions. It ran on more than electricity, but a powerful combination of chemicals. Was he trying to protect her? Sage, from that day forward, vowed that she would be the one that would protect. She grew to be a mercenary, helping wherever she could.

Likes: Exercise, Swimming, tea, cool weather, and Spicy food.
Dislikes: Arrogance, small spaces, and disorganization
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Class: Defense
Base Health: 350
Combos With: Reinhardt, Bastion, Soldier 76, and Winston.
Counters: Shields deflection and armor
Countered by: McCree, Reaper, D.Va, and Zarya
Strengths: Endurance, Accuracy, Speed, and fast reflexes
Weaknesses: Tanks, hidden enemies, will push herself past her limits.
Preferred Range: Close to medium range

Fighting Style: When not guarding someone she will attack from all angles. Fighting Style is almost purely offensive. She has high agility and reflexes. Her armor allows her to take high risks. She will run at the enemy or shoot them from behind.


Primary Fire: Glock 17 Machine Pistol

Cartridge, 9×19 mm Parabellum.
Action, Short recoil, locked breech, tilting barrel. High damage, close and medium range.

Secondary Fire: UZI submachine gun. Plasma powered gun that fires 10 rounds per second. High damage, close and medium range.

Passive: Add-on

As long as you're close to her you have added temporary resistance to bullets and other types of enemy fire.

Primary Ability:

Ability 1: Armor system activated.

Guard [Defense up 90+]- Armor makes her practically invincible for up to 45 seconds. However, to avoid over heating it will lower the defense to a simple 50+ defensive after one use.

Protect [Defense up 80+]- Armor will release an energy wave that overtakes allies within a 30 Meter radius. The energy wave will increase ally defenses perfectly for 15 seconds, afterwards disapating and leaving them with a 20+ damage buff.

Secondary Ability:

Ability 2: Armor connect.

Gunner [Defense up 80+]- Armor morphs into a gun suit. Speed is slowed but her armor has guns pointed in all 360 degrees around her. Best used at close range.

Reflect [Defense up 95+]- Armor can now bounce back enemy firearms indefinitely. This however can be taken down by Reinhardt's hammer Zarya, or Winston. Also can be taken down with excessive damage, it can only reflect under intense fire for 15 seconds before she has to move.

Ultimate: Release. Armor discharge activated.

Armor release uses the sheild used to protect allies to cage and drag in all enemies within a 15 Meter radius. The gun armor will activate at the same time, inflicting a solid 15 damage per second, for 12 seconds.

Allies can also inflict damage to the targets while the discharge is in place. Once the discharge is over the enemies still alive are debuffed.

The Armor discharge can drag in lighter enemies, like Tracer, faster. It will drag Larger enemies, like Winston, slower.

Announcement: This stops now!

Your character is very interesting. I just want to understand how you imagine Sage's defence stats to work. Does each point of defence work like temporary armour? I don't know what to make of this defence mechanism you've got cause Overwatch doesn't have a defence stat(or any stat) system to begin with.

In other words: what impact does the defence values make in the fight?

I am okay with most of the abilities though, except for her Protect under her Primary Ability. Do the characters deal an additional 20 damage in their next attack? There isn't a damage stat either. :S

If I get a reasonable idea about how your defence values impact your allies, I will then accept your character.
I generally like the idea of this character. Unfortunately, I cannot accept it now cause I have two problems.

I don't think Bird, as a support, should do that much damage in her Secondary ability, especially because it has a 30 metre radius, which is actually huge. Anyone in the Overwatch universe who can do that much damage often need to be precise with their damage. If a character like yours existed canonically, you and a team of allies would be able to take a squishy down simply by using this ability and only worrying about taking down half more of their health. If you want it to deal 100 damage, I wouldn't mind it being within immediate range of her, or if you want it to be that wide, it ought to do much less damage. No support does that much damage either. Also consider how often your character can use this ability.

Also, her ultimate is more like a major form of Zarya and D.Va's ultimates combined. If barriers can't block it, that makes it too powerful. Every character relying on their mobility would be shut down by the slow effect, not to mention that large tanky characters are already slow. I know it's meant to be an insta-kill ultimate, but I won't allow it to go through barriers.

Everything else is fine though.

I'll make adjustments. The other role play allowed a lot more over-powered-ness, so yeah.
I'll make adjustments. The other role play allowed a lot more over-powered-ness, so yeah.
Yeah. I should clarify that in this rp, you will be facing characters that will be requiring a coherent team to work together and accumulate their efforts to beat them.

Of course, when you're fighting the angry omnic hordes(I'll be interested in how Bird will react to that), you can display the full strengths of your characters, since they would be just like adds or trash mobs(with the exception of the more powerful omnics), but against actual named characters with abilities and tenacity, it shouldn't be something one-sided.
I was wondering, since I greatly decreased the amount of damage taken by Bird's ult and made it so barriers can block the explosion, I added a small bit about chain electricity, as in a small current of electricity that would travel from enemy to enemy, doing 10 points of damage to each, and being able to hop to any nearby enemy. Would it be possible for the chain to be able to go through barriers, like Winston's primary, since they're both electric?

Besides being a support, I wanted to achieve area denial for the flanks with Bird, hence the ult choice and attack choice. Flankers are my least favorite to go up against, especially when on defense without a lot of hitscan DPS. Bird was kind of my idea of a solution to that.
I like this melee character. I just need to know how much damage each punch and how many times it occurs per second, cause I want an idea of how well this character would fare against an NPC that is squishy, tanky, etc.

I would assume Bionic Sprint is just like Soldier's? I just need to know how often he can use Bullet Break. I wouldn't allow it to be used every post, but maybe every other post in a battle.
The punches do about 8 - 23 DMG each, at 10 per second. This is just a bit more DPS than Soldier 76, for reference, though keep in mind that he has to get face-to-face with the enemy and not get killed on the way there. Super effective on squishies, but on tanks he's more likely to get killed before he can do anything.

Yes, Bionic Sprint is like Soldier. A bit faster, but not by much.

Bullet Break can be used every five seconds. If he manages to disengage from the fight and wait a few seconds, it's enough to use it again, but in the heat of battle he's likely only got one use. By the time it's charged again, he'll likely either be victorious or dead.
Wait, I thought of something... With my AoE knockback effect... If I were to change it to affect friendlies, would I be able to use it to knock people out of a Zarya Ult type attack? Just speculation, not really looking to add it
Wait, I thought of something... With my AoE knockback effect... If I were to change it to affect friendlies, would I be able to use it to knock people out of a Zarya Ult type attack? Just speculation, not really looking to add it
If you used it to push friendlies away, using it in a Zarya ult would leave you in the centre of the ult for a moment before the friendlies you just pushed away get sucked right back in, imo.
I was wondering, since I greatly decreased the amount of damage taken by Bird's ult and made it so barriers can block the explosion, I added a small bit about chain electricity, as in a small current of electricity that would travel from enemy to enemy, doing 10 points of damage to each, and being able to hop to any nearby enemy. Would it be possible for the chain to be able to go through barriers, like Winston's primary, since they're both electric?

Besides being a support, I wanted to achieve area denial for the flanks with Bird, hence the ult choice and attack choice. Flankers are my least favorite to go up against, especially when on defense without a lot of hitscan DPS. Bird was kind of my idea of a solution to that.
Sorry, I hadn't seen this post until I just replied to LoneSniper.

It looks pretty good! I really like it and I think it is a very creative countermeasure against squishy flankers. The secondary ability is looking great and so is the ult. :D

I would allow the chain electricity thing to go through barriers yes.
Sorry, I hadn't seen this post until I just replied to LoneSniper.

It looks pretty good! I really like it and I think it is a very creative countermeasure against squishy flankers. The secondary ability is looking great and so is the ult. :D

I would allow the chain electricity thing to go through barriers yes.

Awesome, thanks! Super hyped to get this started!
Actually I did the research Otakuyaki Otakuyaki the Zarya ult pull range is 9 meters, and my ability pushes back a total of ten meters from the epicenter, so he could push smaller characters(like Tracer, for instance) away, meanwhile bigger tanks(i.e. Winston) would still be pulled in.
Your character is very interesting. I just want to understand how you imagine Sage's defence stats to work. Does each point of defence work like temporary armour? I don't know what to make of this defence mechanism you've got cause Overwatch doesn't have a defence stat(or any stat) system to begin with.

In other words: what impact does the defence values make in the fight?

I am okay with most of the abilities though, except for her Protect under her Primary Ability. Do the characters deal an additional 20 damage in their next attack? There isn't a damage stat either. :S

If I get a reasonable idea about how your defence values impact your allies, I will then accept your character.

Hmmm...I'll get to work on clarifying that! Thanks for pointing it out. This shall require some more research on my part.
Actually I did the research Otakuyaki Otakuyaki the Zarya ult pull range is 9 meters, and my ability pushes back a total of ten meters from the epicenter, so he could push smaller characters(like Tracer, for instance) away, meanwhile bigger tanks(i.e. Winston) would still be pulled in.
Oh okay. If that's the case, it's fine then. Do you want it to affect enemies, allies, or both?
Basic Information
Full Name: Sylvio Pravis
Titles/Nicknames: The Guardian of Utopaea
Age: 28
Job: Captain of the Kshatriya, Architech
Birthdate: 26th of February
Height: 1.76 metres
Weight: 78 kg

Character Information
"What are you looking at?"
Appearance: Sylvio has dark brown skin and a head full of thick, darker hair. He keeps the sides shaved while the top is kept relatively short, about an inch and a half, styled and waxed with a top as flat as a mortarboard with military precision, befitting of his role in the Utopaean society. His broad shoulders top off his wide and muscled figure that subtly shows its strength through his uniform, and overall, but under his clothes is a hardy body with clearly defined muscles. He tries his best to be cleanly shaven, but finds it difficult when his stubble(and his body hair in general) grows back so fast. His wide hands and figure betray no sense of delicacy or grace that an Architech who weaves light and shapes would possess, but in action, his creative use of hard-light technology uniquely shapes his style as an embodiment of literal human strength.

His uniform is tightly fitting with a colour scheme reminiscent of the Vishkar: white, blue, and grey, with the rarest accents of orange. His coat is styled differently from the ordinary Vishkar architechs, possessing a military flair in its design with thin, silver, metallic armour plating his right shoulder, torso, and shins. These silver metallic armour pieces are not designed to protect him, but instead, are lined with hard-light projection technology to project an armour made out of hard-light, further adding to the shields that protect him. His nametag is visible on his collar, and the Vishkar visor he wears is light blue in colour. As per the norm, he wears metallic shoes that protect his feet.
"Talking behind my back, I see?"
Personality: Stoic, tough, and unerring, Sylvio, to the public, and especially to Utopaea, is a hero who wields hard-light technology offensively and defensively in an unprecedented manner. His stoic, meticulous, and attentive attitude to the job is not something he was born with, but something that was drilled into him after ten years in the military. Rightfully the captain of the Kshatriya, the charisma of his example and dedication, as well as his subtle care for his subordinates. With his hard-light technology, he has the benefit of using violent and fatal measures as a last resort, opting to drain enemies drastically before capturing them. For someone of his stature and build, Sylvio's approach to a confrontation can be quite gentle compared to the violent shootout that would be expected of a militaristic response.

Sylvio's strongest point, however, is his subtle but deep compassion and care for his subordinates and companions. His epithet as the Guardian of Utopaea is not for naught: his entire kit revolves around defence and protecting his allies while leaving himself free to dish out damage. The more he protects his allies, the stronger he becomes.
"I miss the good old days."
Background: Sylvio came from a rather privileged childhood, growing up under the Vishkar as an Architech. His promise as an Architech was bleak compared to others. He certainly could solidifiy light and produce material from it, but he lacked the creativity, intricacy, and delicacy to weave detailed and complex creations out of light. Despite this, he enlisted in the Utopaean guard, being a part of its special task force, the Kshatriyas, who were also Architechs, wielding their creations and hard-light technology on the front lines to keep Utopaea safe. Becoming accustomed to the use of photon barriers to protect his allies, Sylvio finally found the inspiration he needed in this application of hard-light technology to create innovative devices that bettered the safety of Utopaea: his shield batteries and photon domes. He also proved to possess a meticulous and unerring attention to the battlefield, capable of producing a large barrier frequently to protect his allies, which no one else among the Kshatriya could replicate to his degree. Coming to use these regularly, both his popularity and efficiency among the Kshatriyas skyrocketed, proving to be tough, unyielding, and charismatic when leading the guards. Eventually, he would become the deputy captain under Taniya Kalathevi, the captain of the Kshatriyas at the time, who proved herself to be a remarkable role model who gave rise to Sylvio's protective nature for his comrades.

It was not long after that Taniya Kalathevi died in service. Sylvio was depressed by her passing, but accepted the offer to become the new captain of the Kshatriyas, as the most capable guard of the Kshatriyas with a proclivity for hardening light never seen before in the Kshatriyas, capable of hardening it to the point of being corporeal without actually materialising it into matter. It was unfortunate that the next day, in a procession to bury Taniya Kalathevi, Sylvio began losing any form of response from his subordinates. A suspicious, unidentified figure had arrived on the scene, and by the time Sylvio realised that the guards stationed around the funeral had been taken out, the figure had unleased a bright pink light. For a couple of moments, Sylvio was completely disorientied, seeing images of the same venue from different angles, and hearing voices that he didn't understand. All of a sudden, men appeared around a corner and fired a taser at one of them, but in a daze, all of them suddenly convulsed, and Sylvio realised that he was getting tased as well. Being the last one left conscious, Sylvio attempted to apprehend the figure, but caught off guard without having deployed his devices, Sylvio could only watch as more men landed their tasers on him, while the suspicious figure stole Taniya's body. By the time reinforcements had arrived on the scene, the men were gone, and Taniya's body was never found again.

Sylvio never thought he could lose someone he was close to twice in a row, and vowed thenceforth to ensure Utopaea's security, no matter what the cost.
Likes: Spicy food, Utopaea, his job, Vishkar
Dislikes: Lucio, having to reprimand subordinates, slacking
Sexual Orientation: Undisclosed

Class: Tank
Base Health: 250 health, 250 shields
Combos With: Symmetra, Lucio, Mercy, all tanks, Soldier: 76, McCree, Reaper
Counters: Depends on tank mode
Countered by: Reinhardt, Roadhog, Flankers
  • Disrupting enemy formation -- creating space in enemy pushes
  • Large area of protection -- can deploy protective creations
  • Not effective on his own
  • Does not offer as strong protection as Orisa, Reinhardt, or D.Va
  • Must constantly deploy creations to remain effective
Preferred Range: Close range
Fighting Style: Sylvio is unique among fighters of his kind. With assets specialised in protecting and guarding his allies, he combines his use of hard-light technology with the creations he shapes from light to cover the battlefield with numerous defensive mechanisms to aid his protective abilities.

  • Primary Fire: Hard-light Voxel Volley
    Sylvio dons a glove with the customary hard-light projector in its palm, typical of the standard Architech. However, Sylvio simply solidifies light in cubes and fires them at the enemy. Sylvio can deal 60 damage per second with zero charges stored up. Each charge Sylvio possesses while firing increases his primary fire by six damage per second.

  • Secondary Fire: Photon Cannon
    Sylvio charges up a photon ball, similar to Symmetra. It can go through barriers, and deals damage to all enemies it hits in a straight line, but moves at a snail's pace. It requires two second to charge up. Each charge possessed increases its damage, from its base damage of 50, by 10.
Passive: Sylvio, upon entering battle, exerts a barrier around him that acts as a power field. This barrier is a lattice of hard-light barriers through which energy flows, both protecting his allies and empowering the creations he deploys so long as they are within the barrier. All allies within this barrier have up to 50 of their health bars changed to armour, upon leaving the barrier, the armour bars change back to health. The barrier also absorbs all incoming damage, up to 600 damage, before it dissipates and recharges over ten seconds and deploying itself again. Sylvio's passive barrier has a radius of 10 metres. Every 100 damage he blocks gives him a charge. Sylvio can accumulate up to ten charges, and loses a charge every two seconds out of combat or by eliminating an enemy.
  • Primary Ability: Deploy shield battery
    Sylvio deploys a Vishkar device that gives a nearby ally 20 temp shields per second, prioritising the ally with the lowest health. It fills their health pool with temp shields until their max health, and can help an ally sustain themselves before support arrives. The shields remain for one second once the battery disconnects, before dropping off at 50 per second. If it targets an ally with shield bars, it will begin by regenerating their actual shields, instead. The shield battery has a health pool of 250 and affects any ally within 10 metres. It also acts as a power field. Sylvio's secondary devices can only operate while within range of a shield battery. Sylvio can deploy up to three of these at a time.
  • Secondary Ability: Deploy photon dome
    Sylvio deploys a little device the size of a sentry turret with 50 health. If a damaged ally walks within 5 metres of it, the photon dome deploys a small, spherical barrier that shields all incoming damage, up to 100 damage. Once the shield breaks, the devices breaks as well, meaning these devices are expendable and must be constantly replaced. These devices must be within a power field from a shield battery or Sylvio's passive barrier to be operational. Up to six of these photon domes can be deployed around the battlefield at once. Upon activation, the barrier will only last five seconds before expiring. Each use of a photon dome gives Sylvio a charge, which increases his damage.
  • Ultimate: Deploy Forcefield Generator or Deploy Aggression Generator
    Sylvio has a choice between two ultimates. He can either deploy a forcefield generator, which will give everyone within its 50 metre radius 75 shields and reduce the damage that all allies within line of sight take by a quarter.

    Sylvio can also deploy an aggression generator, which makes his shield batteries fire a laser beam. Each shield battery fires a beam that deals 20 damage per second. The aggression generator must be within 20 metres of the shield batteries. The aggression generator also fires a laser beam that deals 20 damage per second.
  • Forcefield Generator deployed... I've got you covered, go! (to allies)
  • Aggression Generator deployed... This route is under my watch. (to allies)
  • The enemy has deployed a forcefield generator!
  • The enemy has deployed an aggression generator!

Basic Information

Full Name: Miyu Kazehaya
Titles/Nicknames: Silkthread
Age: 20
Job: Spy
Birthdate: 11th of December
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 102lbs.

Character Information

Appearance: Miyu is a slender young woman of pale complexion. She has long limbs, one of which--the left arm--is a cybernetic prosthetic. Tattoos run down the left side of her body, the imagery includes scales, octupi, and runny ink spilled from a quill. Strawblonde hair frames her youthful face, with soft features, though her predatory gaze and the asymmetrical, mulit-colored make-up she favors lend her a chaotic appearance. On the field she favors a scantily-clad appearance, showing off her various tattoos and cybernetics underneath black cloth and red strings, and subsequently striking fear into the unfortunate enemies that get a glimpse of her. In contrast to her scant outfit, she wears a bulky helmet with a heavy collar attached to it.

Personality: Miyu is a firm believer in authenticity and grace. She values beauty in all aspects of life, from people to landscapes, and considers those who are not true to "their own personal beauty" to be weak and untrusthworthy. Though she is certainly willing to make exceptions, should a man earn her respect or admiration, Miyu loosely believes in female superiority, both physically as well as mentally. She herself is a quick-witted, intelligent individual, not one to shy away from proving her strong-will, knowledge, or simply the bauty of her own appearance; Miyu takes pride in every last aspect of herself. Despite all of this, she is not a boastful person, only "stepping up" to a situation when she feels challenged.

Background: Miyu grew up in the streets of Tokyo, poor and almost orphaned, her parents negelectful . Early on, she admired the Shimada clan, not just in spite, but specifically for their dubious business--something that to her only proved that they were smart and could take care of themselves. Barely scraping by, she was eventually recruited by a criminal organization that operated in the shadows of both the Yakuza as well as the Shimada Clan, called Malchip. As Miyu would later find out, Malchip targeted young and impressionable girls, trying to condition them to be alluring assassins, in order to use them to get close to--and take out--important Japanese businessmen as well as criminal competitors. It is during her time with Malchip, that Miyu received various tattoos in order to fit a certain mold the organization wanted to have at their disposal.

Miyu, disgusted upon eventually finding out the truth about her purpose, feigned her ignorance to the plot. Determined to never be poor and on the streets again, and even moreso determined to never let a man use her again in such ways, she used her training to gain access to the organization's labratory, where she stole an experimental tool called Obsidium Silk--an ultra sturdy, barely visible substance that mimicked spider silk, and was capable of cutting even solid materials. Upon attaining the equipment, she fled the area, hiding from the eyes of the organization, and began to work as somewhat of a mercenary. Instead of aiding heartless people in their murderous, greedy endeavours, she took to vigilantism, working for those striving to expose criminals to the public. More than a few corporations around the globe found their dirty laundry showcased to the world, all courtesy of Silkthread.

Likes: Honesty, courage, tea, hot springs and saunas
Dislikes: Her tattoos, traditionalism, spineless gangsters, winter, greasy foods
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, with a strong preference for women


Class: Defense
Base Health: 200
Combos With: Sombra, Reinhardt, Tracer, Junkrat, Reaper
Counters: Orisa, McCree, Winston, Genji, Soldier 76
Countered by: Roadhog, Hanzo, Pharah, D.Va, Symmetra
Strengths: Flanking, sabotaging enemy flankers, close-quarters combat
Weaknesses: Open spaces, long-ranged characters, movement restriction
Preferred Range: Medium
Fighting Style: Silkthread's abilities are almost exclusively centered around the Obsidium Silk Technology. The extremely fine Silk is stored within a small chamber on her wrists, and dispensed through the fingertips of her modified glove. Obsidium Silk is extremely sturdy as well as thin, effectively functioning like spider silk with potent cutting properties. Silkthread fights with the motions of a dancer, merging fury and grace whenever she lashes out her lethal Obsidium Silk strings.

  • Primary Fire: Obsidium Silk Whip - Silkthread keeps her Obsidium Silk connected to her dispenser glove, being able to slash at, whip, and even choke enemies. Due to the high velocity with which Silkthread can move the strings around, they will inflict incisions upon making contact and deal increasing damage should they wrap around the target's body or limbs for prolonged periods of time. [75 Damage x second + 10xtime additional damage every 0,5 seconds]
  • Secondary Fire: Steel Web - Silkthread fires her strings on two seperate points, creating an invisible path between the two anchor points. Though Obsidium Silk itself is extremely sturdy, the anchor points are prone to damage, and can be removed from the attached surface by damaging them. [0 Damage]
Passive: Catwalk - Silkthread's balance and skill--and her coated soles--allow her to traverse her own attached Obsidium Silk strings.
  • Primary Ability: Tripwire - Silkthread places a trap attached to two walls. Whenever an enemy walks into the Tripwire, the Obsidium Silk wraps around their body, immobilizing them for a short period of time. [25 Damage]
  • Secondary Ability: Who Said That? - Silkthread places a small audio recorder behind enemy territory to confuse enemies by playing audio cues.
  • Ultimate: Arabesque Guillotine - Silkthread performs a sequence of graceful acrobatics, hurling Obsidium Silk around, and unleashing a cutting fury in the process. As Silkthread dances across the battlefield, enemies in her path will receive high damage due to the high momentum of the Obsidium Silk. [150 Damage per second]
Announcement: "Two things you can't run away from: the truth, and me."​
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