Video Games Overwatch RpN Group

Installed the Beta last night, so much fun! As per expected, I do very well with Torbjörn due to prior experience in Team Fortress 2 as an Engineer, but the Rivet Gun is much more effective than the shot gun in aiming for me, I'm playing rather well, all things considered.

Someone I wasn't so sure about playing, but quickly grew fond of, was Lúcio. He's incredibly fun to play, and being the person who prefers to buff teammates, his speed and movement with his buff options is really good. It also allows me to be a healer without getting the flack for being a garbage healer from teammates, which is nice.
Oof. So I know I said I'd be playing on PS4 as well but coming from PC to that feels rough. Just runs so much better on my PC, so I'm ducking out of that version.

Falling in love with how Mei plays. Block all the things!
I have really turned some games around with Mei. If ur in the attack, get behind them and throw ur put on the middle of em. Then, run in and smash the heck out of em like there's not tomorrow. Freeze!
NightCasterZ said:
Also, I have the pixel Mei spray which looks awesome as hell
Yeah, got that too. Had some fun with it last night. As it turns out having four people playing Widowmaker (only one of which actually seemed able to snipe) is a bad idea. Shocking. So I just ran around throwing that spray up in random locations. The other player in our group of six kept seeking it out when I was away and slapped Mercy's angel wing spray over pixel Mei's shoulders. Turned into a creative game of tag, because hey, guess they were as stubborn about avoiding that EXP penalty as I am.
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I downloaded the Beta since I can't afford to buy it now...But It's awesome! Definitely gonna when I get some money. Would love to play with you guys well the beta is going on.
Ammy said:
Oof. So I know I said I'd be playing on PS4 as well but coming from PC to that feels rough. Just runs so much better on my PC, so I'm ducking out of that version.
Falling in love with how Mei plays. Block all the things!
Falling in love with Mei in general. She's my newest waifu.
I have to say, Reindhart is the best. That jetpack charge is just too much fun.
Teamwork seems to be overrated, at least from what I've seeen so far... ever tried to attack with three snipers, a junkrat and a bastion? Felt a bit lonely on Lucio...

The game is awesome though - I'll certainly buy it as soon as it releases :) Anyone playing atm?
I know I came in late but I did play the Beta! I swear every player went all out on their purhases Monday.(Yes I know that was the last full day but everyone had different skins/Voice lines/POG one was using vanilla assests xD ) Haven't preordered but I should have the real thing before June! If you see an enemy Zenyatta named Mox on the enemy team it's probably yours truly C:<.
Overwatch ETA: Thirteen hours, thirty five minutes.

Haven't been that hyped for a game for a long, long time... I'll get myself a PC version later today :)
I'm loving the game so far! My only issue is all the loot boxes I'm getting are pretty terrible :| But otherwise the gameplay is great and aside for maaaybe 1-2 exceptions, I'm think the game is greatly balanced.
(blinks in with tracer wig) don't worry loves the calviery's here! On a more serious note I picked up the game day 1 of release for PC. I loves it! If you ever need a tracer, D. Va, widownaker, or a hanzo that gets way too many accidental headshot you know how to reach me.

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