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Fandom Overwatch- A New Age(Rp)

Fast-learning hardware? Huh. She couldn't make heads or tails of Masquerade's instructions, and it was . . . humbling, somewhat, to be one-upped by an omnic. Maybe she needed a little fast-learning hardware herself.

"Well, I wish you better luck than me. I know more about how to cheat at this game than how to actually play. Although . . ."

She glanced at the gun on the table, and, cringing, reached forward to push it back towards its owner.

"That thing is dangerous. I think we all know that by now. We're not shooting anyone again, so put that thing back in its holster or I'll dispose of it."
Ashlyn grins and when Lucia pushes Masquerade's away, she sets her's down, setting it to stun as she twirls it. "Don't worry, it'll only tickle at this setting."
Orion stiffened up. It was like as if he entered war mode. He then looked at the group and said, "we have a mission to complete."

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