Work’s started OT again, and so while I am, obviously, still here and writing, it was time for a refresh to focus on things that will hold my attention in an RP, so see below for an updated list of my interests! (Work brought back OT in February, I need to start reconsidering my life choices, lmao).
Check the rules if we have something in common, there’s a code.
Now updated to split fandom and "original-ish" ideas up, with more original-ish ideas.
Armored Core 6
My life for a good C4-621 and Walter story! And yes, I'm looking to play 621 in the scenario, but I love the cast of this game so absolutely willing to play most anyone on the other side, from Ayre to Rusty to even G5!
Star Wars
Link to specific ad: Fandom - Star in my Wars? [12/9/24]
Sequel-verse exclusively right now, looking to RP across from Poe Dameron and Armitage Hux mainly, but Finn and Kylo are not off the table. My main characters are usually scions of powerful families (Tarkin, Pryde, Hux are favorites), and enemies to lovers are some of my favorite plots in Star Wars. However, I do have some old ideas that no longer quite fit with the canon (Knights of Ren before we knew what they were, Sith Ladies).
Mostly looking for Fallout 4 at this time, and looking for Nick Valentine. Not opposed to doing New Vegas, just not feeling it as much. Usually look for Benny or an OC Legionnaire in that place.
Looking to write an OC Vampire across Trevor Belmont. Quite comfy playing Alucard, definitely good with the idea of playing Sypha, Isaac, or Hector. Others are debatable.
Baldur's Gate 3
Looking to write an OC Durge across Gortash, very comfy writing Astarion and Gale on your side, but willing to write plenty of the others, just haven't had them requested as much.
Devil May Cry
Basically, DMC 3, Pre or Post, and looking to write across Vergil. I’ve got a demon from the choir of Pride I’ve been wanting to write more of.
Final Fantasy VIII
Yup, still on this one, still looking to write across Seifer.
Final Fantasy XII
Looking for Vayne Solidor in this one.
Final Fantasy X
Either an OC Cast, Pre-Yuna summoning party, or Yuna's time, and I want to RP across Seymour because I am utter trash, lol.
Vampire Hunter D
I don't need canons in this, but I'm open to discussing having D involved. I just really like the world.
The Witch and the Beast
Yet another where the world fascinates me, not so interested in canons.
Taking the idea of children separated young, either siblings, or childhood friends, who come across one another later in life on opposite sides of a conflict. I'd like to keep this within the "demon and angel" realm, though potentially willing to discuss other supernaturals. I'd like to take on the "Vergil" role in this, as I feel I can drive the narrative well on that side, and then take up the side-kick to "Dante", whatever role that ends up being through our discussions.
One thing I would like to maintain for sure, is that the "villain" needs the "hero"-- or something the "hero" has -- so that they have to come into conflict.
Black Butler Inspired
Ever since I completed an RP in this genre, I've craved another. Basically, a human and a demon in a Faustian contract, adding in another set -- underground contacts, staff, a paranormal investigator? -- into the game. I usually keep this to Victorian England, but I'm willing to talk Modern USA, as well. It'd follow a similar path. Someone was wronged in the line of service, and with no other options, cuts a deal with a demon to uncover the source, and tear it asunder. However, it's not as straightforward as it seems.
My vampires cannot be exposed to sunlight, and they must drink blood, but it can be animal blood – it’s just not as good for them. Other things about them are open for discussion. Most of my ideas for vampires come from Vampire: the Requiem, and so I adore using powers from that series, and utilizing diablerie – but these aren’t difficult to explain and can be used outside the system if you’re interested.
I’ve got OCs that range from being pacted with demons, harlequin romance novelists rooming with a werewolf, Roman powerhouses, would-be Sun Gods Egyptians, Renaissance entrepreneurs, flapper-esque ladies turned jaded and cynical, Victorian duos, and I’m almost always willing to create more.
I love vampiric rivalries that span centuries, “not quite” vampires blending in with the rest, sealed evils, hunters, and all sorts of things in my vampire plots.
Horror Games/Stories
I love listening to The Dark Somnium, and it's stirred some ideas of taking some of these stories, and writing them. One in particular is the "Backroads", which involves a game of backroading to win a prize, though it is increasingly more dangerous. The Infinity Game and Midnight Game are two I haven't read/listened to yet, and the old "Enders" series has potential for inspiration (a group looking for the pieces?).
Basically, if you have a "horror story" that could be used as a setting, you can pitch it to me, with a link to listen to it or read it, and I'll see if I'm interested. I also tried to create one way back in the day called "Mirrored" for a Halloween plot, willing to open that back up if you want to hear.
The Sins
This is a story that isn't mine, it was something an old RP partner came up with long ago, and I mean like, over ten years ago, possibly over 15 years ago. In a nutshell, the manifestations of the Sins were locked up -- in the OG it was in Pandora's box, but we can go another route. They still had influence on the world, but the lock kept that influence limited. Someone opened the box, and basically, kickstarted the apocalypse.
I loved playing Pride in this, with the end goal of literal world domination, though with managing the other sins alone, that wouldn't be possible. I don't really have much of an idea for an "end", or even the heroes, so this is very much A Concept. It's also to say, I enjoy involving anthropomorphic Sins into a story, and if you've got something brewing that could use a villain and they work, hey, hit me up, lmao.
Check the rules if we have something in common, there’s a code.
Now updated to split fandom and "original-ish" ideas up, with more original-ish ideas.
1. Don't God-Mod. In other words, don't make my character speak, don't make my character take damage, and don't control my character. If you want something to go a certain way for plot purposes, just PM me and ask. Usually, I accept "god-modding" during travel and the like. It is usually acceptable to assume movement if a character is already committed to the journey.
2. Please be able to play all genders, and play multiple roles. Your main character(s) may be just male or just female, but I expect all the side characters and NPCs to have life and flavor, too.
3. I always double regardless of pairings involved, so you are also expected to double.
4. On the note of characters: I will always play one female character. So, be aware of that. I'm open to all pairing types, and have enjoyed all, so come at me with what you want!
5. I only RP on threads, (or GDocs in rare cases; you’ll have to convince me because I hate cluttering it up), so no PM, discord, e-mail, or other rps with me. So that I know you’ve read the rules this far, please let me know what your "I deserve a treat" food is!
6. Please be able to write more than a couple of sentences as responses to me. I have tried to do “simple” RPs, but I end up not feeling motivated to respond or continue the RP. I will need you to be able to write a paragraph or two, each post, at least.
7. PM if you are interested. The only reason for you not to PM me is if you cannot do so due to the fact you haven't reached 24 hours/10 posts.
1. I do not like to be hassled for posts. Especially if I have already posted that day or the day before. Do not bother me for posts until at least two days have passed. Otherwise, I will start to resent our RP and lose interest in it.
2. I enjoy OOC talk, however I will not respond to "hi" or "-poke-" or equivalents. Have substance to the chatter, even if it just asking "How are you?".
3. Do not bump our thread, or do anything OOC in the IC thread. I will not post out of spite. I have a problem with this, I acknowledge it, I'm not fixing it.
4. On that matter, please keep OOC to PMs and not on our IC thread. IC is for posting. If you have a question, concern, or comment, just shoot me a PM.
5. In general, I do not enjoy immediate romances or "slice-of-life" RPs, so do not come to me expecting I'll do either. I do want romance in 9 out of 10 cases, though. I may make rare exceptions.
2. Please be able to play all genders, and play multiple roles. Your main character(s) may be just male or just female, but I expect all the side characters and NPCs to have life and flavor, too.
3. I always double regardless of pairings involved, so you are also expected to double.
4. On the note of characters: I will always play one female character. So, be aware of that. I'm open to all pairing types, and have enjoyed all, so come at me with what you want!
5. I only RP on threads, (or GDocs in rare cases; you’ll have to convince me because I hate cluttering it up), so no PM, discord, e-mail, or other rps with me. So that I know you’ve read the rules this far, please let me know what your "I deserve a treat" food is!
6. Please be able to write more than a couple of sentences as responses to me. I have tried to do “simple” RPs, but I end up not feeling motivated to respond or continue the RP. I will need you to be able to write a paragraph or two, each post, at least.
7. PM if you are interested. The only reason for you not to PM me is if you cannot do so due to the fact you haven't reached 24 hours/10 posts.
1. I do not like to be hassled for posts. Especially if I have already posted that day or the day before. Do not bother me for posts until at least two days have passed. Otherwise, I will start to resent our RP and lose interest in it.
2. I enjoy OOC talk, however I will not respond to "hi" or "-poke-" or equivalents. Have substance to the chatter, even if it just asking "How are you?".
3. Do not bump our thread, or do anything OOC in the IC thread. I will not post out of spite. I have a problem with this, I acknowledge it, I'm not fixing it.
4. On that matter, please keep OOC to PMs and not on our IC thread. IC is for posting. If you have a question, concern, or comment, just shoot me a PM.
5. In general, I do not enjoy immediate romances or "slice-of-life" RPs, so do not come to me expecting I'll do either. I do want romance in 9 out of 10 cases, though. I may make rare exceptions.
Armored Core 6
My life for a good C4-621 and Walter story! And yes, I'm looking to play 621 in the scenario, but I love the cast of this game so absolutely willing to play most anyone on the other side, from Ayre to Rusty to even G5!
Star Wars
Link to specific ad: Fandom - Star in my Wars? [12/9/24]
Sequel-verse exclusively right now, looking to RP across from Poe Dameron and Armitage Hux mainly, but Finn and Kylo are not off the table. My main characters are usually scions of powerful families (Tarkin, Pryde, Hux are favorites), and enemies to lovers are some of my favorite plots in Star Wars. However, I do have some old ideas that no longer quite fit with the canon (Knights of Ren before we knew what they were, Sith Ladies).
Mostly looking for Fallout 4 at this time, and looking for Nick Valentine. Not opposed to doing New Vegas, just not feeling it as much. Usually look for Benny or an OC Legionnaire in that place.
Looking to write an OC Vampire across Trevor Belmont. Quite comfy playing Alucard, definitely good with the idea of playing Sypha, Isaac, or Hector. Others are debatable.
Baldur's Gate 3
Looking to write an OC Durge across Gortash, very comfy writing Astarion and Gale on your side, but willing to write plenty of the others, just haven't had them requested as much.
Devil May Cry
Basically, DMC 3, Pre or Post, and looking to write across Vergil. I’ve got a demon from the choir of Pride I’ve been wanting to write more of.
Final Fantasy VIII
Yup, still on this one, still looking to write across Seifer.
Final Fantasy XII
Looking for Vayne Solidor in this one.
Final Fantasy X
Either an OC Cast, Pre-Yuna summoning party, or Yuna's time, and I want to RP across Seymour because I am utter trash, lol.
Vampire Hunter D
I don't need canons in this, but I'm open to discussing having D involved. I just really like the world.
The Witch and the Beast
Yet another where the world fascinates me, not so interested in canons.
Taking the idea of children separated young, either siblings, or childhood friends, who come across one another later in life on opposite sides of a conflict. I'd like to keep this within the "demon and angel" realm, though potentially willing to discuss other supernaturals. I'd like to take on the "Vergil" role in this, as I feel I can drive the narrative well on that side, and then take up the side-kick to "Dante", whatever role that ends up being through our discussions.
One thing I would like to maintain for sure, is that the "villain" needs the "hero"-- or something the "hero" has -- so that they have to come into conflict.
Black Butler Inspired
Ever since I completed an RP in this genre, I've craved another. Basically, a human and a demon in a Faustian contract, adding in another set -- underground contacts, staff, a paranormal investigator? -- into the game. I usually keep this to Victorian England, but I'm willing to talk Modern USA, as well. It'd follow a similar path. Someone was wronged in the line of service, and with no other options, cuts a deal with a demon to uncover the source, and tear it asunder. However, it's not as straightforward as it seems.
My vampires cannot be exposed to sunlight, and they must drink blood, but it can be animal blood – it’s just not as good for them. Other things about them are open for discussion. Most of my ideas for vampires come from Vampire: the Requiem, and so I adore using powers from that series, and utilizing diablerie – but these aren’t difficult to explain and can be used outside the system if you’re interested.
I’ve got OCs that range from being pacted with demons, harlequin romance novelists rooming with a werewolf, Roman powerhouses, would-be Sun Gods Egyptians, Renaissance entrepreneurs, flapper-esque ladies turned jaded and cynical, Victorian duos, and I’m almost always willing to create more.
I love vampiric rivalries that span centuries, “not quite” vampires blending in with the rest, sealed evils, hunters, and all sorts of things in my vampire plots.
Horror Games/Stories
I love listening to The Dark Somnium, and it's stirred some ideas of taking some of these stories, and writing them. One in particular is the "Backroads", which involves a game of backroading to win a prize, though it is increasingly more dangerous. The Infinity Game and Midnight Game are two I haven't read/listened to yet, and the old "Enders" series has potential for inspiration (a group looking for the pieces?).
Basically, if you have a "horror story" that could be used as a setting, you can pitch it to me, with a link to listen to it or read it, and I'll see if I'm interested. I also tried to create one way back in the day called "Mirrored" for a Halloween plot, willing to open that back up if you want to hear.
The Sins
This is a story that isn't mine, it was something an old RP partner came up with long ago, and I mean like, over ten years ago, possibly over 15 years ago. In a nutshell, the manifestations of the Sins were locked up -- in the OG it was in Pandora's box, but we can go another route. They still had influence on the world, but the lock kept that influence limited. Someone opened the box, and basically, kickstarted the apocalypse.
I loved playing Pride in this, with the end goal of literal world domination, though with managing the other sins alone, that wouldn't be possible. I don't really have much of an idea for an "end", or even the heroes, so this is very much A Concept. It's also to say, I enjoy involving anthropomorphic Sins into a story, and if you've got something brewing that could use a villain and they work, hey, hit me up, lmao.
Tropes, Not fleshed out ideas, and Pairings I like, but have no plot for:
- Enemies to Lovers
- Hunter x Hunted
- "Master and Servant" but in the Black Butler, Armored Core 6, or Witch and Beast way, where the Servant is stupidly more powerful than the Master and serves out of respect or a contract.
- Ancient Rome (Look if I can play a genderbend Octavian, or Octavian Inspired, I'll give you my soul). Or, Romans Reincarnated.
- Red String of Fate, but make it Hate (people who hate each other keep getting reincarnated, but there's a Reason)
- "Plot Armor" Isekai. The person pulled into the world either has insane plot armor, or a power similar to the one in Re:Zero.
- Betrayal. I'm a huge fan of Berserk, so...
- Supernatural Hunters. Like Supernatural, but our own rules. Also I -really- want to play a Wendigo, lmao.
- Host Clubs. Probably my only "potentially" slice-of-life one. Not like the anime, and I'd like it to be more than slice-of-life, but this isn't fleshed out at all.
- Small Town Horror. I enjoy Silent Hill and Stephen King, and with all the horror stories I'm listening to lately, there's a certain "vibe" to small town horror. Do I have ideas? No.
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