Overshock Academy School Of The Supernatural


Succubus Queen
@Adrian Johaanson noticed u two wanted to join that other one and were waiting so <3 Feel free to come join me here
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ummm normally i would say wait for me but go ahead since things haven't been good idk when i can start ^^; @Ophiel sorry for the wait
I'm very new to this, but I've posted a character sheet. I'll assume I need to be accepted before I post anything? That's perfectly fine if that's the case. ^_^
Does anyone want their character to talk to mine?? Kinda feeling left out and lonely lol. Oh but I probably won't be back on until like 6PM(PST)
hey so sorry for being absent yesterday, i was kinda busy with...things...anyways, what's going on rp wise? Anyone lonely, is everyone together in a group, etc...?
Do we have an ETA on when the actual opening is going to begin? xD We're at the 14th page right now.

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