Overrated (A "Zombie" Apocalypse RP)


Brace the Fall
-Welcome and thank you for joining!-

-If you have any questions, feel free to ask!-

-Official RP thread will be up in a few minutes, thank you for the interest.-
Name: Sky Ocreesha

Age: 16

State: Human

Appearance: Long platinum blond hair reaches her waist. Her skin is pale with a dusting of freckles on her shoulders, nose, and cheeks. Here eyes are a bit too big for her face and a nice pale blue color. She is tall and slender.

Weapon of Choice: Metal baseball bat.

Personality: Sky is sky and withdrawn, only really talking to her twin brother, Darren. She is kind and sweet to those she gets to know.

Bio: Sky and her brother were on the road when the disease hit. They get around in a truck.

Extra/s: Darren Ocreesha is her brother.

Name: Darren Ocreesha

Age: 16

State: Human

Appearance: Darren has platinum blond hair that reaches just past his ears. His skin is pale but he's not in the sun long enough to have freckles. His eyes are are a pale blue. His is average height and weight.

Weapon of Choice: A Machete

Personality: The complete opposite of his sister, Darren is loud and obnoxious. He gets along with others easily and trusts people a bit too easy.

Bio: Darren and his sister were on the road when the disease hit. They still get around in Darren's truck.

Extra/s: Sky Ocreesha is his sister.

Name: Jaycee Warlon

Age: 18

State: Human

Appearance: Jaycee is pale skinned with jet black hair reaching just past her shoulders. Her eyes are small and bright green. She is average height and slender.

Weapon of Choice: small crossbow

Personality: Jaycee is cold and untrusting of anyone until she properly gets to know them. She stays quite most of the time.

Bio: Jaycee lived out in the country with her parents. About a month into the outbreak, the house was overrun. She fled, finding an abandoned farmhouse. She resides there.

Extra/s: None.
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AlleyKat666 said:
Name: Sky Ocreesha
Age: 16

State: Human

Appearance: Long platinum blond hair reaches her waist. Her skin is pale with a dusting of freckles on her shoulders, nose, and cheeks. Here eyes are a bit too big for her face and a nice pale blue color. She is tall and slender.

Weapon of Choice: Metal baseball bat.

Personality: Sky is sky and withdrawn, only really talking to her twin brother, Darren. She is kind and sweet to those she gets to know.

Bio: Sky and her brother were on the road when the disease hit. They get around in a truck.

Extra/s: Darren Ocreesha is her brother.

Name: Darren Ocreesha

Age: 16

State: Human

Appearance: Darren has platinum blond hair that reaches just past his ears. His skin is pale but he's not in the sun long enough to have freckles. His eyes are are a pale blue. His is average height and weight.

Weapon of Choice: A Machete

Personality: The complete opposite of his sister, Darren is loud and obnoxious. He gets along with others easily and trusts people a bit too easy.

Bio: Darren and his sister were on the road when the disease hit. They still get around in Darren's truck.

Extra/s: Sky Ocreesha is his sister.

Name: Jaycee Warlon

Age: 18

State: Human

Appearance: Jaycee is pale skinned with jet black hair reaching just past her shoulders. Her eyes are small and bright green. She is average height and slender.

Weapon of Choice: small crossbow

Personality: Jaycee is cold and untrusting of anyone until she properly gets to know them. She stays quite most of the time.

Bio: Jaycee lived out in the country with her parents. About a month into the outbreak, the house was overrun. She fled, finding an abandoned farmhouse. She resides there.

Extra/s: None.
Accepted~ Thank you. ^^ You can post pictures of your characters too if you want~
Name: Oliver Howell

Age: 27

State: Human


Weapon of Choice: Machete

Personality: Oliver is a spontaneous and....unique young man. He's very outgoing and confident, Oliver tends to rush into things without thinking. He's kind of bipolar, he could be happy and cheerful one moment, and then angry and violent the next.

Bio: Oliver was in his house watching The Walking Dead when he turned to the News and learned about the pandemic illness which was spreading quickly around the world. Being a huge fan of The Walking Dead, Oliver knew exactly what to pack and climbed outside to fortify his home. It only lasted a few weeks before Oliver's house was overrun with zombies, causing him to get in his car and run away.

Extra/s: Older brother of Magnolia Howell
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Name: Ellie Harkell

Age: 21

State: Human

Appearance: Picture, 5 feet 5 inches tall

Weapon of choice: A trophy that reads, "Panama City's 2005 Best Bowler Second Runner-Up"

Personality: Ellie is bubbly and outgoing, always speaking her mind. She's cheery and never negative. She loves to talk and will chat with the zombies, even if they're trying to chew her brains out. Ellie is very trusting and always sees the good in people.

Bio: Ellie's father was a biker, and fought valiantly to protect Ellie until the bitter end. Sadly, he couldn't save himself and told his daughter to take his motorcycle and go. Ellie did what she was told, albeit reluctantly, and skipped town. She's been cruising the roads ever since.

Extra/s: She's got ADHD, so she's always on the move.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.c75f4c1c776a432ced76d9ca69ec6deb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3473" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.c75f4c1c776a432ced76d9ca69ec6deb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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My characters: (#1)

Name: Claire Stanfield

Age: 24

State: Zombie

Appearance: Standing at 5’9”, Claire is only few inches taller than his brother. As Gabe’s older brother, they share the same characteristics; a strong nose complete with a lean jaw, directly inherited from their dad. Claire sports a somewhat messy crew cut, his raven locks contrasting with his light blue eyes (now gold due to being a zombie), making his irises look much more vibrant under the light. He is of regular muscle build, having participated in various hunting activities with his late father; his skin however, is in an unusually pale colour, inked with an exotic dragon figure that he got as a present for his twentieth birthday. Claire’s wardrobe is mostly consisted of his favourite light-gray leather duster, black belted boots, and a red crystal that hung from a chain around his neck.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/tumblr_mi9wd1jWiz1qjmnw2o1_500.png.929b2d94b094ef9951f3327408c160bb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/tumblr_mi9wd1jWiz1qjmnw2o1_500.png.929b2d94b094ef9951f3327408c160bb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon of Choice: N/A

Biography: Being the eldest, Claire received the early burden of learning how to take care of his family at the tender age of ten. The Stanfields live in a cabin in the countryside, their father making his living by hunting for feral animals and selling their hide. A year after their mother’s death, Claire was taught on how to use a gun, being assigned on specific areas as a lookout and backup, just in case his dad missed a game, or to simply hunt for his own. Claire was never sent to school. His mother taught him everything he needs to know; reading, writing, and basic math that he needs to learn to live by. Living in a cabin secluded from almost everybody, he doesn’t have that many friends. Acquaintances yes, but never anyone who he really knows best. The people that he talked to are often customers, or small-scale managers that wanted to buy a portion of their trade. Life fell shortly after their father died, leaving Claire took look after Gabriel. Claire never really liked his brother. Aside from having contrasting personalities, they never actually agreed on anything. In reality, he blames Gabe for their mother’s death. Theresa Stanfield died during childbirth. Just like any other mom, Therese chose to save her son’s life instead of hers, and just like any other son, Claire blamed the baby for taking his mother’s life. One night, while he was out hunting, something moved and caught him off guard, successfully biting him at the neck. He hasn't been the same ever since.

Personality: Claire is an obnoxious young man with a wicked tongue. He’s not a “people person,” often operation on his own, and doing things his own way. According to his brother and to the people that he’d met, Claire’s brain is said to be developing to a brain of a seventeen year old. He’s described as reckless, blunt, hot-headed, and somewhat obtrusive, imposing his so called “fool-proof plans” above others, that he’d only made a few seconds before the hunt. Of course once he manages to piss off a whole bunch of people, (mostly due to failed hunting trips) he’d back it off with sarcasm, adding more fuel to the fire. His hot-headedness doesn’t help either, almost always resulting in violent fights. Claire isn’t also afraid to voice out his thoughts, no matter how ridiculous, or harsh it may be. These characteristics alone made him undesirable, one of the many reasons he doesn’t know anyone outside their home. After the "incident," he had this "episodes" where he turns rabid and violent, but he had no full control of himself.

Extras: Claire detests the color green. He strongly abhors the color green to the point of possibly destroying them. Nobody knows the reason why. In fact, living in the woods with a bunch of trees and plants will make you wonder why. For Claire, there’s no reason to it. He just does. 
( I forgot to mention that zombies still looks like humans, but they have golden eyes and numerous unexplained bruises on their skin )



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Name: Gabriel Stanfield

Age: 22

State: Human

Appearance: Born as an albino, Gabriel has a completely washed-out look. He stands at 5'6", sporting snow-white hair, pale skin, and very light, blue eyes. The lack of pigment made him stand out almost anywhere, making it difficult not to spot him. He made it up for his clothing though. He is generally seen wearing a navy blue jacket, paired with a dark red, checkered polo shirt. Even though Gabe isn't allowed to join in hunting trips, he's ordered to practice at home, doing basic cardio exercises, and learning how to swing a blade. He soon grew up with a build quite similar to that of his brother, which annoys the hell out of the other.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/1365656169.jpg.42ec25e5f6fedd6f7ce8d34f50b3708e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3518" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/1365656169.jpg.42ec25e5f6fedd6f7ce8d34f50b3708e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon of Choice: Anything in sight.

Biography: Gabriel is the youngest in the family. He grew up under his father's wing, never really knowing what's it like to have a mother. He is always locked up at home, the small animals that dared to look in their window acts his only companion. When their dad died, Gabe is forced to interact with his brother. Of course, he knows all about the choice his mother made, being reminded to him by Claire every minute of the day. In concern with education, Gabe had been teaching himself the basics with the old books that their mother left. It was slow, but fruitful. Gabriel soon became immersed with reading day after day, the books and newspapers being the only vessel he had to the outside world. As far as interaction goes, Gabe tries to make their cabin a "peaceful and habitable" area. He often stays away from his brother's path, which usually consisted of the couch and the small, make-shift "garage" where their father's old pick-up truck is. Oftentimes, when fights are inevitable, and Gabe's tolerance runs low, the surrounding area will be invaded with noise of various sources; broken bottles of beer and alcohol, ( Due to Claire's drinking habit) sounds of paper being ripped, (Gabe's precious books) grunts and shouts, and things crashing and falling apart. After their "small" banter, Gabe will be thanking the Gods that they live in a secluded area, and then proceed to clean up both of their messes. Ever since the "incident," Gabe always ties his brother to chair in order to restrain him. Unfortunately, Claire never fails to escape, much to Gabe's dismay.

Personality: Gabriel is the exact opposite of his brother. Careful where Claire is rash, tender where he is short-tempered, and calm where he was restless. But of course, the anger and resentment he had sewn inside of him made him quite cold and doubtful. He began to keep to himself, being a lone wolf just like his brother is. He never learned to trust anyone, especially when he never had the chance to interact with anyone other than his family members. Gabriel has a soft spot for animals. They were his only companions throughout his life. He is often found in the woods, but in the safe distance to the cabin, playing with the small animals that dared to go near him. Unlike his brother, he can't make himself to kill or slaughter any of them, whether they may be feral or not. Killing just isn't in his gene at all.

Extras: Even with his calm demeanor, Gabe is ticked off easily when someone mentions, or makes fun of his current state. (Being an albino, being "different.")

Unfortunately, his brother, being the annoying person that he is, knows of this certain trait, and often uses it to his advantage. 

CinnamonToastCrunch said:
So when are we going to start?
I'll be setting up the official thread in a moment. :)



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OMG I love you're signature.

Also, on the zombies. Could we do maybe a gold rim around the pupil when they are normal and when they go wild their whole eye is gold?
[QUOTE="Ember Spark]I would like to join.

Sure, we're still open~ 

AlleyKat666 said:
OMG I love you're signature.
Also, on the zombies. Could we do maybe a gold rim around the pupil when they are normal and when they go wild their whole eye is gold?
Yup, that's alright. :)

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