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Realistic or Modern Overcast: The Rebs [CHARACTERS]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)






BACKSTORY [Optional. Ask questions if you're unfamiliar about the world]:






TRIGGERFINGER: You are able to fire more rounds during gunplay.

STEADY: You receive an accuracy bonus with firearms.

VITALS: You receive a damage bonus with firearms.

WARRIOR: You are more effective in melee combat, and have the possibility of intimidating enemies with your presence.

HARDY: You take less damage, and are harder to kill/wound.

WILL TO SURVIVE: Your combat skills gain a slight boost when you are wounded.

COVERT: You are harder to detect.

RUNNER: You cover distances more quickly.

DEXTEROUS: You reload and draw your gun more quickly, and also use tools faster.

GRENADIER: You can throw explosives over longer distances and with increased accuracy.

MEDIC: You are more effective at healing yourself and others using First Aid Kits.

BUDDY: You cause a friendly rebel NPC to be added to the team.

MISER: You get 5 extra equipment points.



Extra trait: 5 points

Extra ammo: 2 points

First aid kit: 3 points

Flak jacket: 4 points

Bulletproof vest: 6 points

Ballistic vest: 7 points

Knife: Default

Machete: 2 points

[SIZE= 16px]Weapon scope: 2 points[/SIZE]

Petrol bomb: 2 points

Pipe bomb: 3 points

Remote IED: 3 points

Zip gun: Default [Removed if another weapon is chosen.]

Revolver: 2 points

9mm pistol: 2 points

Vermin rifle: 3 points

Mini-carbine: 4 points

Hunting rifle: 4 points

Scattergun: 3 points

Pump shotgun: 4 points

Submachine gun: 5 points

Brushfire carbine: 6 points
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NAME: Ralph Emerson

AGE: 23

SEX: Male

APPEARANCE: gasmaskradioactive.jpg

Face+Body under the gear: When not on mission, Ralph is seen with a wifebeater and a pair of jeans, ended with some beat up sneakers. His skin is a light tan, and his brown eyes are somewhat sunken into his gaunt face. His nose looks as if it were made of stone, and is a prominent feature on his face. His brows are thin, and his mouth is too. His hair is a soft matte over his scalp, more so for versatility than style. 

His body accompanies his face appropriately. He is thin, and has lanky long arms. His legs are thin as well, but he isn't weak either. You would call him a ball of muscles, sans fat. (You've all played TF2 right? Imagine scout's body image, but with a bit more realism. No, no bendy kneecaps. Sorry pal.)

PERSONALITY: A little blurb about myself? Well, i'll be. Some people like to say that i'm kinda... Out there. I don't mind that though, they can think whatever they want. I just prefer "Creative." It takes a lot of guts to run out there guns blazing, but I think I have luck on my side. At least this time.

TRAIT: TRIGGERFINGER: You are able to fire more rounds during gunplay.

EQUIPMENT: Brushfire carbine, Extra Ammo, Petrol Bomb

OTHER: Isn't actually all that great at hitting things, but fires enough shots that he will eventually hit something.
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@Exiled Ace

The whole 24/7 mask thing seems a little edgy.



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I'll do one i gues

EDIT (For the sake of not flooding character creation): WUNDAVA! I've always hated to have to find some "Animu pics only" for an rp. Love having to describe the face.
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I know, it's pretty difficult to find anything remotely good. You can type a description instead if you want, though.

Edit: Looks good!
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NAME: Jason Adams

AGE: 27

SEX: Male

APPEARANCE: Jason has a bit of a rough looking face. He has a short, stubly beard and mustache. He has a scar on the right side of his face that begins at the base of his jawline and ends at just over his eyebrow. He has slightly tanned skin and icy blue eyes. Jason is well fit. He commonly wearing deep green cargo pants with a lighter green shirt. He also wears a thin gray windbreaker. Jason also wears a skull bandana his father gave him and a black benie. He also has thin, black, fingerless gloves.

PERSONALITY: Jason is a rough guy. He is no stranger to cold. By now he dosen't feel it. Jason is well rounded in combat, melee and range. He is a serious guy, but he knows how to have fun to. Once you get past his rough side he is actually a nice guy. A bit of a strange guy though. He almost enjoys it when he is in battle. Against Territorials or Fecks.

BACKSTORY: Jason had a trully bad childhood. He was born two years prior to the outbreak and grew up with it. He was 11 when he watched his father die fighting of a horde. He was 14 when he had to shoot his mother after she was infected. Since then he has been surviving on his own or popping in and out of groups. One particular group he was in was going strong for a long time. They were prosperous. The group was swarmed by what seemed to be endless hoards of fecks. The group could not defend and was overrun. Jason was lucky to escape with just a nasty cut that made his scar. Eventually he settled down in a rebel settlement were he joined their forces. He was quickly seen as an amazing soldier and leader. And now hes here.

TRAIT: Hardy and Will to Survive.


OTHER: He is hardly phased by pain. He also uses the semi-auto on his SMG to be accurate and conserve ammo. 
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NAME: Ziva Hadar

ROLE: Marksman

AGE: 25



Ziva is a tall, slender woman with olive skin, dark hair, and matching eyes. Her features are soft with a tinge of sadness to them. Underneath her chin, on the upper part of her neck, you might find some scarring from her past. While on a mission, Ziva wears a short-sleeved leather jacket, cargo pants, and boots. This comes with her hair wrapped up around her head. (She once saw a squad mate get bit because a Z was able to grab her ponytail.) While not on a mission, she wears whatever is clean and warm.


If you're living here, in this time and space, you've suffered. It's an undeniable truth - this world is overflowing with suffering and it touches everyone unlucky enough to live in it. Ziva is no exception. She is forever scarred by the events of her past, but has learned to keep her head down in order to survive. This means Ziva is mostly quiet, but can be relentlessly determined when needed. She tends to keep to herself besides the few she truly trusts. If Ziva believes they deserve it, she can be fiercely loyal to a friend. 


There was a time, long ago, when Ziva didn't know the sorrow this world held for her. She was young, happy, and loved by two parents that would give the world for their child. It wasn't long before raiders found their small sanctuary and attacked. Ziva was violently ripped from the life she knew as the raiders took everything of value and destroyed everything else. The women - Ziva and her mother - were deemed valuable. Her father was not.

Those raiders, in turn, sold Ziva and her mother to slave traders. The scarring around her neck is from a collar system the slavers used to keep their product in line. For years Ziva and her mother were constantly rotated into different positions of servitude. When they were lucky, which was rare, they were used as hard labor. When they weren't, well, it was worse than you can imagine.

Ziva was almost 20 when the Rebels took down the Raider hideout she'd recently been traded to. Surprised to find noncombatants, the Rebels took Ziva and her mother in. Ever since, Ziva has been passionately dedicated to the cause of the Rebels. She trained to fight and found herself especially adept with a rifle at long range. 

TRAIT: Vitals


-- Bolt Action 7.62mm Hunting Rifle, named Judith

-- 2-8x32 Telescopic Rifle Scope

-- Semiautomatic 9mm Pistol
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NAME: Kiso Alshua 

AGE:21 ears old 



Kiso stands at 5'4 feet tall, as seen in the photo she has a slight tan to her skin but not much . Along with a with a messy head of hair adorn with a set of googles, along with multiple strings cords kaki in hue and a rare neo light   . Her rebreather is a refurbish item she tends to wear for appearance sake and at minimum dust protection. She wears what remains of a tatter red dress that had definitely seen better days ,along with a pair of shorts and fish nets. Her right hand has a leather glove that sport a set of four claws that are more looks than a true weapons ,while her left arm is bonded up in a barbaric manner with used bandages . Her finger nails are filed to a point though at most can offer some limit defense but nothing else along with a number of her teeth and her facial tattoos ,these body modifications a sign of clearing out of adolescent among her raider family .  She also wears a pair of worn out pair shoes while her calf to ankle are bonded with charcoal color cloth .(Ingore the extreme pony tail ))


Personality: Kiso has been heavily molded and shape by things around, as every encounter has left some sort of scar or dent in her life some good some bad. She has learned to become cunning after all showing all your cards to a stranger could lead to your incidents that could've been avoid with one or two sly words. Oath-Keeper once she says she'll do something she finds it hard to attempt to break her word even if relationships are at stakes. High degree of common sense, though not to out done moment when her tribal urges acts up ex. moving around on all fours or howling at the moon .


Her back story starts with her family, as they were hunter and gathers nomads living in the dirty zone. Though she wouldn't grow up to know them as they were killed while she was young, and she would be "adopted" by raiders. Her new parents would begin to train her young to be an effective member of their raiders party, though their animal ritualistic raider group had a number of influences over the youth . At first, Kiso would lure others into ambushes or stick ups using her child charm to fool those into helping her or exposing themselves to harm. Though this only went so far after she began to mature she would be put on the line with the other ,and began to learn knife play . As she would begin to be involved in attacks on hapless travelers her first kill, was after one of them attempted to play hero, taking them down with a fighting knife like a wild butcher .After her first kill she was seen as a adult earning her first tattoos gaining more of these tattoo's with each kill, and for a while her life was good well at least as good as a raider life could be . Than came a coup after the death of the raider party old leader Leo in a failed raid  ,there would be a power struggle that would fracture the gang allegiances and integrity . Quickly turning into a failing power member began to abandon their cause either striking off along or in small groups . Kiso would choose to go lone wolf abandoning the gang old hunting ground the youth would travel with others ,like a wolf among sheep's she would end up joining the Rebel cause after a meeting with recruiters

Though she didn't care much for the cause but simply enjoy the pack mentality that was offered by joining the cause, along with the chance of gather more tattoos and loot .





Warrior -5



Knife-Bowie Knife -
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Artan "Papa Bear" Cath


Civilian appearance

You don't live in as long as Artan without accumulating some rough scars; And needless to say Artan isn't the prettiest man out there. The skin on his right cheek was burned off a long time ago, his jaw being exposed to the harsh winds. Scars twirl and dance among his arms and chest, cascading like roots across his body. His hair is a dark red, meshed with small amounts of gray hair here and there; The man is built like an ox above all however, standing at 6'3 and coming in at 240 pounds.






"A quiet man with a loud message."

A man of few words but of action, Artan stand against the flow of the north; His resolve being tested, but never broken. May that be due to his faith, or his morals, one may never know. However his stoic demeanor hides an overly righteous personality coupled with overly protective instincts; None the less, as a man hes hard to anger, lashing out against anyone who might harm his crew. His instincts that once acted as a shield quickly becoming hostile. His pride leading him to step into fights he probably won't win; and his will and desire to keep his crew safe over ruling his ideals of self preservation.



"The Best Way to Honor The Fallen;Is Not To Join Them."

The gruff voice of a man floods your ears, the rumble that follows behind the deep tones of the man almost rocks along in your head. "A lot of things make a man who he is: Family, the memories they cherish, and what they hold dearest; Well, I'm afraid this entire thing took all that from me. " There is a slight pause, before your eyes you see a small cracked glass. Whatever odd caramel tinted liquid is inside stings your eyes as you bring it to your lips. The man soon goes back to talking after pounding back his own shot. "Had a wife, a little girl who made my world turn round and round. But survivors don't get those things, the little luxuries; The things that tie you down to being human."  The mans hazel eyes seem to fog over slightly, the slightest bit of tears welling in the mans eyes. "I still remember the day epidemic hit, but man I wish I didn't. Its hard to remember the smiling faces; The small worries I used to have as a teenager all replaced by the lives that rest in my hands." He pours you another shot, you can see the scars that run along the mans arms. Twisting like gnarling branches, they soon retreat underneath the beaten up camo jacket. "What happened to my wife?..." The man drags on for a moment, almost as if the question caused him to shut down. The same wetness still lingers around his hazel eyes.

"Was way back, during the Repatriation Wars, Blackcoats were coming through my DZ. No one cared about collateral damage, it was all about the zone; Petrol bombs going off left and right, rounds flying through the air and daring me to move. I remember the smell of burnt flesh, smoke, the final hint of gunpowder flooding my nostrils. But the only thing I heard, between the ringing of my ears, and the clip of my shotgun; Was crying, screaming, the kind of howl that comes from the most hurt part of the soul. " The older man takes down another shot, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. "I ran, shrapnel tore up my back, but I kept running until all my dreams, all hope I had  came crashing down. My beautiful wife, the angel who gave me  something to live for again, holding the little girl who made my world keep turning. A petrol bomb had taken that little girl from us that day; It was all I could do to tear my wife away from her tiny frame to get out, to flee from a fight we weren't winning."  The mans grip tightens on his shot glass, the slight cracks in it seeming to worsen slightly. "I cursed god for months, swore I'd never forgive him; Yelled at the sky about how that should have been me on the ground. But nothing changed, it only got worse as the months became years. I couldn't take the guilt, and when my old lady needed me, I couldn't be the man she needed. It was almost four years after baby girl died, that my wife took her own life. Found the note after returning from a voyage to another DZ. Can't really blame anyone but myself, been trying to bite the bullet for years now. But I reckon god has a purpose for me to keep your sorry ass alive." The once gruff voice has been cracking slightly. The man standing up from the table, his cheeks stained by the few tears that fell. You get a better look at the man, the right side of his face badly scarred; The skin on the right cheek missing, his teeth permanently exposed in a glasglow smile. You might feel the urge to question, but before you can ask hes started out the door.




"Will To Survive"


"Pump Shotgun"



Carved into the side of his shotgun is the phrase "Mother don't you cry, Hell don't need me."

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Looks great! Zombie Survival Guide-approved hair, too.


@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Add in a typed physical description of some sort and you're all set. Anime pictures aren't really much to go off of, is all.





You've got a pretty good backstory. Same thing, just tag a quick phys desc and you're good.



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APPEARANCE:she wears a black tank top and some ripped jeans she has heterochromia which means one eye is green one eye is brown she has a pink streak through her brown short hair

PERSONALITY:she's a punk rocker her name might not suggest it but she is. She acts pretty emotion less but she can warm up to people

BACKSTORY:(left blank due to no knowledge of this world)


EQUIPMENT:med kit,machete,mini carbine

OTHER:can't aim well,carries a locket containing pictures of both of her parents

You need to improve the grammar in your CS, as well as include a last name. Also, your character would have been born five years after the initial outbreak, so I highly doubt they'd dye their hair/be part of a music subculture.

Lastly, people keep doing it, but... miser is useless unless it's your sole trait. It's value is canceled out by the fact somebody has more than one trait to begin with.
It depends on where your character was born. If they were born in a farming settlement, life might have been easier. If their parents were scavengers, they would have had to fight for survival every day.

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