Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - Interest Check!!!


New Member
This was an rp that I'd attempted to get up and running on another site, but I failed as its GM due to writer's block and a number of other problems. Completely original idea. Sat on my brain for a good six months or so before I put it to font. Hope you like it! :)


New York, New York; What was once a proud and bustling city, teeming with life, is now a wasteland left to the atrocities and monstrosities of the world. The average street criminal has become something more menacing. Super-powered criminals roam the littered streets. Doomed to roam with them, are the would-be heroes of today’s society, shunned by NYC’s big wig mayor, Henry Isley.

When meta-humans first surfaced a little over a year ago, the masses became frightened at the possibility of a downfall in society, the enslavement of humankind. At first, the idea of meta-human genocide became a great possibility, but the citizens of NY spoke out against murdering their own relatives and friends. With the uprising, another solution to protect humanity came into play…segregation. And so, a barrier fashioned from diamond was constructed and made to protect the more attractive parts of New York City, its radius covering areas from Times Square all the way to Wall Street. Days before reaching the age of seventeen, carriers of the meta-human gene are ushered out of their peaceful utopia and thrown to the wolves. These people, both good and evil, have become known simply as "the outsiders".

  • The year is 2014 – Present Day
  • Though New York City was the first meta-human outbreak zone, super-powered youth are becoming a common occurrence in other places around the globe, and other cities have taken up utopian barriers as well.
  • Utopias, and surrounding areas within a mile radius, are heavily monitored via satellite. They are also heavily protected by well-trained security, government officials and drones armed to shoot and kill anyone who comes within one hundred feet of the barrier.
  • The areas outside of the utopia, the areas in which your characters live in, are not without proper living conditions. Outcasts still have plenty of water, food (as provided from the utopia by the truckload), and places to go. The only real difference between the meta-human wasteland and the utopia, is that the utopia is void of meta-humans and, therefore, meta-human related violence.
  • Meta-humans aren’t the only ones that have been shunned from utopia. Those who spoke out against the segregation (anywhere from your average Joe and Jane to entire businesses) were also cast out.

  • All meta-humans have developed peak human attributes (strength, speed, and agility)
  • Not one meta-human is considered a god among the bunch. There will be no Superman’s or Jeans Grey’s.
  • Superhuman physicality aside, all meta-humans have one power and one power only.
  • All meta-humans suffer from physical overexertion should they use their powers excessively.
  • Meta-humans are not born from toxic waste or spider bites. They are simply born. Something within their genetic code allows them to possess superpowers.
  • It is known that most meta-humans manifest at the age of seventeen. Sometimes, this is not the case, and powers do not manifest up until a year later, or, in an even rarer case, a year earlier. There have been cases where late bloomers were thrown out of the utopia and, not having a means to defend their selves, were killed.
  • Most, if not all teens, had no idea they even possessed superpowers shortly before or after the events of June 1, 2012. There are no meta-human adults present within NYC, the first outbreak zone known to man, or any other major city.

  • New Year's Eve - December 31, 2011 - An explosion rocks New York City, killing hundreds of citizens.
  • January 1, 2012 - The media becomes involved with the New Year's Eve catastrophe. Help is sent to Times Square. A sixteen year old boy, alive, is found among a number of corpses debris, hugging the body of his dead mother. He introduces himself as simply Donnie...the one who caused the explosion
  • February 12, 2012 - After heavy interrogation from the U.S. Government, the idea of Donnie being a betrayer to his own country, a terrorist, is pushed off to the side. The media become more heavily involved with the case of Donnie and the New Year's Eve explosion, wishing to know more.
  • February 14, 2012 - Donnie comes forth and explains exactly what had happened to the media. "One moment...I was celebrating with my mother. The next...I had this burning feeling. I was on fire. I went to scream, and, when I did, I just...exploded." The public figures Donnie for someone mentally insane. The idea that he planted a bomb somewhere within the city comes back into play. Donnie moves to enlist the help of medical professionals to conduct experiments on him, hoping to provide proof to the world that what he speaks is the truth.
  • March 17, 2012 - Reconstruction begins. A memorial is made for those who lost their lives in the tragedy and is built in the middle of Times Square. On this day, Mayor Henry Isley is to give a speech in remembrance. As he is about to begin, government officials, dispatched by the President of the United States, interrupt and confirm to all those present that Donnie, a supposed loon, was actually telling the truth, that his DNA is unlike any other human being's. The idea that others like Donnie exist becomes widespread.
  • May 31, 2012 - Without warning, a barrier constructed of diamond is placed over New York City. Mayor Henry Isley renames the area within the barrier "Utopia", with surrounding areas being known as the "wasteland".
  • June 1, 2012 - Every citizen between the ages of sixteen and up is made to go through a medical analysis. The "meta-gene", as it is now called, has been identified and found within a few dozen teenagers. Adults do not suffer from the ailment. Families and friendships are torn apart as the first few groups of shunned citizens, labeled "outcasts", are ushered out of Utopia. Those who try to resist are exterminated without mercy.
  • Present Day - 2013 - It's been months, nearly a year since the first group of outcasts were exiled. Every other day since then, an ex member of the utopian youth is made to join the wasteland...and those who inhabit it.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

I TRIED to post this yesterday,but the site up and died for the rest of the night. I'm ALL over this. Count me in.

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