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Futuristic Outreach


The year is 2388. Earth, as we know it, is decaying. Resources are scarce, population levels are rising too high, countries will soon be at was. The governments of all major super powers of the world start funding a project of space exploration, bigger than any previous explorations, this mission will be known as Project Outreach.Each nation is given a sector of space to survey, in attempts to find an inhabitable planet sufficient for the human race. Return will be highly unlikely for most, as there is not enough fuel for the space stations, this is the end of the line. The United States' sends out a space station and covers a vast area of space they were designated. Here, the crew of the space station finds a planet, a planet that shows very promising characteristics They send down a group of highly capable individuals ranging from medical, scientific and military backgrounds to test if the planet is inhabitable for humans, and if it is already inhabited. This team encounters new wildlife, fauna, and most importantly, an enemy. They must now survive on this planet whilst being at conflict with these, things, the team will be able to access the space station throughout the RP, and will be used as an HQ/base.

The planet - "KT-4788-B", commonly known as Nova- is rather forested and provides a lot of lush, green environments. This is already a promising sign to the team, for it shows it can sustain some life.

Little do they know, the people living on this planet were explorers from Earth, long ago, since then they have become a savage race. Most of them are hostile towards the team, but some interaction/communication between the two groups is expected.


1. No GMing in the role play, characters can die, but make sure the other person is okay with it at first. Remember, no character is perfect

2. You can have more than one character, just try and make sure you're active with each.

3. cussing is allowed in moderation, so is romance (leave out extreme detail please )

4. if you plan on leaving, kill off your character. If you will be away for some time and are unable to post, just make sure you let us know (some bunnying may be necessary in order to move the plot along)

5. must be semi literate. One liners are acceptable in certain situations, but try and keep your replies 1 paragraph in length (at least)

6. have fun ;)
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It had been a long trip, a hell-of-a-long trip, luckily the crew had plenty of space on their automated ship, run by the most advanced AI any human has ever had the luck to be in the presence of. Rook had kept to himself for most of the trip, practicing his ways as he usually did, or explored the ship he was staying in, heck when he got really bored he'd pull pranks on the crew, subtle ones like placing small items in other parts of the ship, or creating small riddles in rarely occupied corners for others to solve, it was all for good-hearted fun, a way to keep everyone on their toes and not go dull during the trip itself.

All of this was coming to an end though, the AI had messaged each crew member personally to remind everyone that it was soon time to begin the descent towards Nova, a planet that was more than perfect for colonization, of course, it had to be scoped out first. Rook had already packed whatever he needed, a metallic box with a reinforced codepad held his trophies and personal belongings, while the things he would need to use immediately was either packed away in his operators backpack, or strapped to his belt or utility vest. He walked with a joyful gaze, a small bounce in his step, it was strange to see a man of his age and stature act the way he did. A cigarette rested in the right corner of his mouth, ash dropping down onto his shoulder where it rolled off and hit the floor.

He made his way to the hangar, where the drop ship was waiting, he was earlier than most, as he wanted the gunner seat before anyone else managed to take it. Coming to stand at the side of the large ship he'd stop, looking up at it for a moment before shouting out.

"Hey Pilot! Open this baby up so I can get my stuff in!"

He waited for a moment, looking around before moving to the loading ramp that was open, looking into the cargo bay for a moment, he was getting mildly annoyed now, and took a few steps up the ramp and into the ship.

"Look I'm not down for playing games here! Where's the gunners seat, I got dibs!"

One could find faint hints of Scandinavian in the mans English, but despite this, he spoke the language perfectly. After a moment of waiting he began cussing under his breath in Danish, plucking his cigarette from his lips and throwing it onto the loading ramp, allowing his armored boot to kill the cigarette before helping his way into the frigate, dropping his box and backpack on the cargo hold before moving in deeper, his high caliber assault rifle hanging from it's clip on his chest.
Noise. That's all Naomi heard when she woke up. Glancing around her cluttered desk, she shook her head, trying to organize her thoughts. She had fallen asleep in her workshop once more, trying to complete her wildlife journal before she had to go . . . do something. She couldn't remember right now; the air was warm, the engines were humming, and everyone was running about, shouting orders and simply being a nuisance. She had to admit, sleeping in the engine room had its perks, when no one was there to bother you, that was. Sitting up, she glanced about for calendar, curiously looking at the date.

"What the . . . ?!" She began, her eyes widening comically as she sat up straight, her other hand flying to grip the edge of the paper she held. "I'm gonna be late." She muttered to herself, standing and tripping backwards onto the grated floor. She groaned low in her throat, wincing as she turned on her side in order to stand. On her hands and knees, she forcibly pushed herself off the floor, moving over towards her bed quickly. Grabbing her boots, she began to tie up the laces, her fingers moving nimbly. Standing, she stood too quickly and wobbled, catching her balance once more.

Reaching over, she grabbed her coat, quickly tying it around her waist before she moved over towards her work station. Hundreds of paper cluttered the table and she cursed under her breath, moving forward and swiping a few off to the side so that she could easily search through them. After a moment, she quit, throwing her hands up in the universal sign of defeat. A second later, she heard an automated voice begin to speak over the intercom. "Ten more minutes before launch sequence begins."

"Great." She muttered, stomping over towards her door, where her backpack laid, blocking her exit. Picking it up, she lugged it over to her bed, where she slipped in her journal. There, she began to mutter to herself, trying to remember anything she'd missed. Counting on her fingers, she would riffle through her luggage, withdrawing her hands as soon as she found her designated item. Quickly, she slid in the journal she had been working on and tossed it over her shoulder. Moving towards the door, she paused, her hands flying to her waist. Tool belt. Almost forgot my tool belt, she thought and patted her body quickly to make sure she hadn't forgotten it. "Where is it. . . ?" She hissed out loud, her head whipping about as she searched for the leather strap in desperation.

"Oh!" She cried, seeing it laying on the floor. "Good job, Naomi. You managed to prove yourself a bigger idiot than usual." She said to herself and sighed, quickly bucking it around her thin waist. "Seven minutes before launch sequence begins." The automated voice spoke once more and Naomi bristled, glaring up at the intercom.

"Oh, shut up." She hissed, making her way towards the door and flinging it open, slipping through the threshold and out into the chaos that surrounded it.

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