Outreach [recruiting] [under construction]


In this role play, you will be able to play as either a ember of the Space station's team, or a member of the indigenous peoples tribe. Multiple characters are always allowed. Keep the roles diverse, your character will be denied if you apply as a soldier and there are too many soldiers (this applies to all roles) Please provide a minimum of three strengths, and 3 weaknesses.

Character Format




Team member, or indig:

Field of expertise: (role- no more military please!)

Equipment: (if indig, no guns or anything high-tech)


Description (picture please ^^)



Anything else:

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Name: John Abraus

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Team member, or : Team membeer

Field of expertise: Officer of a small frigate, used as a dropship.

Equipment: Small pistol.

Bio: He doesn't like to talk that much.


Strengths: Flying/Commanding almost every ship, and loves to build

Weaknesses: Really, really bad at close range combat.

Anything else:
Hi, Here is my OC :)

Name: Elijah Shay (often goes by his last name)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Team member, or indig: Team member

Field of expertise: Military/Medic

Equipment: A standard assault rifle, his medic bag and a long machete.

Bio: Shay was born into a military family, he grew up watching his father move from warzone to warzone or living in the civilian quarters of multiple army bases. His mother was a nurse and often worked on base to or in nearby hospitals. This left Shay alone for much of the day and he would often explore the bases.

One day when Shay was about twelve,he snuck onto one of the shooting ranges and watched quietly as a soldier hit two perfect bull's eye shots at almost four hundred yards, missing the third by about three inches. The soldier turned to celebrate when he and a few of his friends spotted Shay watching from a distance. They invited him over and after giving him a quick tutorial on how to work the gun allowed him three shots down the range. All three shots hit the bull's eye and Shay's career was sealed.

In the years that followed he completed both basic training and a university course on Medical science, both with flying colours.

However, a few days after his 18th birthday, two soldiers arrived at his door, informing him of his father's death. His mother took it hard, eventually resorting to alcohol and had to spend time in rehab. With nothing left for him on Earth, Shay signed up for the Outreach program,


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/imagesSM7C92B8.jpg.66a7778bcc1f35249272b7cdd2f423e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35592" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/imagesSM7C92B8.jpg.66a7778bcc1f35249272b7cdd2f423e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Strengths: Brilliant Medic, Decent shot, Loyal

Weaknesses: Impulsive, Inexperienced, Can't swim

Anything else:
Was a devout Christian until his fathers death, at which point he lost faith<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0eedd8e2_untitled(3).png.68cf00a83a69d2e4250ee5f42283a4c6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35587" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0eedd8e2_untitled(3).png.68cf00a83a69d2e4250ee5f42283a4c6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Goran Walther

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Team member

Field: Pilot

Equipment: An M9a1

Bio: In his early years, Goran was a pilot for the Luftwaffe, and was involved in several defense missions during World War 3. After the war settled down, he went to work for Airbus, flying their massive A700 Starliner. When airbus was drawn into this project, they suggested sending Goran along to fly the massive thing. Goran accepted, and quickly rushed to join the crew.



Strengths: Great pilot, history with all kinds of planes, great at vehicle combat.

Weaknesses: Fear of crashing, not good at close range combat, not very social.
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Name: Naomi Holmes

Age: Twenty

Gender: Female

Team member, or indig: Team Member

Field of expertise: Engineering and wildlife expert

Equipment: Her tools, utility belt, and a machete which she borrowed from the ship

Bio: When Naomi was younger, she was an orphan who scavenged on the streets for food. She would get into fight all the time. When she was twelve, a kind man came up to her one day an introduced himself, asking her if she would like to stay with him and his wife. Naomi had been hesitant and first, but had followed him back to his home. There, she learned he was an engineer and his wife was a biology teacher. They taught her how to read and write. She excelled beautifully and the man began to teach her everything he knew. His wife did the same thing. When she was seventeen, she was recruited to Project Outreach because of her skills.



Electronic malfunctions, scavenging, and hand-to-hand combat

Weaknesses: Emotional distress, stubbornness, and being too impulsive

Anything else: N/A​
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Character Format

Name: Jonathan "Jackdaw" Rook.



Team member, or indig:
Team Member.

Field of expertise: Military, rapid response assault.

Equipment: Downrange Tomahawk, Kukri (Tungsten), Standard .45 sidearm, High Caliber Assault/Support Rifle, Hazardous Environment Suit w/ Ballistic Armor.

Bio: Born to a politician and lawyer, Rook had an easy life, a life he dreaded. He longed for exploration and a life that didn't involve paperwork and bureaucracy, and so he joined the military. Starting from the bottom, Rook had made a name for himself as a ruthless, yet effective soldier. Often seen as liability by most, meaning he has many enemies within the military itself, although the few who know him, know he is far from the liability people believe him to be, and trust him to the marrow of their bones. He was given a choice, quit, or enter the new project, so he chose the latter, a win for him, as he got to explore and create more distance between himself and the cancer others see as a royal life with the politicians.



Add a little sci-fi plate armor and you got him.

Fast Reactions, Accurate, Adaptable, Tough and Cunning. Expert at ranged and close proximity combat.

Weaknesses: Stand-offish, problems with taking orders, tends to do things his own way, arrogant, chain-smoker, mildly alcoholic.

Anything else: Taking great pride in the path he has chosen, Rook has markings and trophies from his operations on his armor and in his quarters to show his accomplishments and deeds in battle. Oh, and he's a firm believer of the old Norse gods.

Decided to add his weapon of choice as well:

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everyone's accepted... I'm gonna scrap my character and make a new character. Too many military people as of right now xD

Name: Edward Hart

Age: 28

Gender: male

Team member, or indig: team member

Field of expertise: Head of the research team/primarily a geologist

Equipment: various scanning tools used to survey the landscape, mineral testing equipment, a radio, and a small calibre handgun

Bio: (working on it !)



intellectual, working under pressure, determined, leadership

Weaknesses: smoker, not very social, puts work first over the well-being of the group

Anything else: N/A

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