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Fantasy Outcasts


Some Nerd with Glasses
Around three years ago, a law passed that allowed for the genetic modification of humans. Despite a multitude of protests stating that it was completely inhumane and that all these labs were doing is permanently disfiguring or killing innocent people. The labs weren't at all deterred by their movements, if anything it made them want to experiment more. In response to these protests, a lead scientist was quoted saying the following: "In today's society, the human race is beginning to grow weak and complacent. We must evolve as a species if we want to have any hope of surviving and creating a truly Utopian world. This dream will not come to fruition however if  we do not act quick enough. We are now left with two options. The first, we evolve and become an almost perfect species, being able to do anything we desire. Or, we die. The choice...is yours.

The motto Evolve or die, the choice is yours instantly became acquainted with the labs, but it didn't bother them in the slightest. They were now faced with selecting participants to take part in paving the way for a whole new world. Some, not really having much to lose, willingly agreed to be experimented on. Some, weren't so lucky. Children were pried away from unloving homes seeing as they were willingly given up by their parents to be a part of these experiments in return for an undisclosed amount of money. 

Despite multiple attempts to gain any sort of information of the treatment and well-being of the subjects, all is unknown at this time. Some say it's like a maximum security prison, others say it's an embodiment of paradise. One thing is for sure though, no one knows the truth. The only ones who actually know what it's like are the subjects themselves. Was it such a wise idea to put their faith so blindly into the hands of complete strangers who had promised them Utopia? Many people began to grow suspicious, but the labs reassured them that a Utopia would not be born in a day. It would take time, and a lot of it. They reassured the people, and everything continued on as normal.

Here we are...

"The subjects are to be retrieved in peak condition, am I clear?" A feminine voice on a cellphone commanded. "Yeah, yeah. I got ya. I'll get 'em here without roughing 'em up too much." A male responded, a small chuckle escaping him as he began walking to a large van, turning off his phone so he could focus on the job at hand. Starting up the old thing, the man proceeded on his way to pick up the subjects. For some, he merely had to park outside their house and knock for them to come out and hop into the back of the van without a single question asked, while for others he had to administer sedatives to get them calm.

All were searched for anything they could use to get in contact with the outside world, anything that could be used against the labs. It was all destroyed as they were placed into the van. They were all bound, not like any of them were much of a threat anyways, it was more so for their safety than his. Didn't want a straggler smashing his or her face up against the front of the van, now did he? Not like he really cared to be fair, but he didn't want to get locked out of the lab because one of oh so innocent subjects got a boo-boo. God knew when some of the dosed ones were going to wake up, it meant he could focus on driving. The ones that came willingly were awake, but its not like they had that many people to talk to.

Deciding now was the best time, the man took out his cellphone while driving and began texting his boss. "I got 'em. Be back in 25 min or so." Was the quick text he sent before placing his phone into the cup-holder. The only source of light in the back of the van was the occasional street lamp they'd pass by.

So...who are you? What do you do? All this, I leave up to you.


So.....anyone interested?
Whatever you feel like to be fair. You can give them elemental affinity, animal hybrids, ect, ect. Just run it past me so I can make sure it isn't too OP
Im in just need the character sheet.


WE CAN FINALLY START! I'll get started right away!
We are experiencing difficulties, I'm moving the RP to the hosted section so bare with me!

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