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Fantasy .๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฌ ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฐ. [out of character]

Awww, I was itching to start some drama with her.

Will there be any other villainous characters? I plan to lay claim to Eros and one more if there aren't.
If you do Eros and he is accepted my Aphrodite would be very pleased no joke... The 'friend' in her biography is in fact based on Eros!
When do you plan to start the roleplay? I will be gone all weekend '._.
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
I hope you don't mind me joining in. I am a bit late but it says its still open.

I'm sorry, but I don't think I can accept your character. Not only has the character sheet deadline passed (the "still open" in the interest check was from when I actively was searching for interest), but from your sheet, I don't think you quite understood the concept behind the roleplay or the plot. Also, we already have an Aphrodite, and unless I'm mistaken, she does not have a son yet--your backstory relied heavily on the myth when we have been more creative in that aspect. I do, however, wish you luck in your future endeavors!

I'm sorry, but I don't think I can accept your character. Not only has the character sheet deadline passed (the "still open" in the interest check was from when I actively was searching for interest), but from your sheet, I don't think you quite understood the concept behind the roleplay or the plot. Also, we already have an Aphrodite, and unless I'm mistaken, she does not have a son yet--your backstory relied heavily on the myth when we have been more creative in that aspect. I do, however, wish you luck in your future endeavors!

If you read i did not call eros her son like at all. I associated them as extremely close friends an aprhodite more like a boss. Which I donโ€™t understand how you got the confused. I didnโ€™t even call zeus his grandfather. I made them associated as friends so the plot was not conflicted either. I did my best to make the bio and mythology correlate a bit. I did not even associate eros as married to her at the end of the bio but that he helped her achieve being a goddess. I spent alot of time of Psyche. I would like if you read my stuff throughly in the near future. And if you have interest checks and you leave them open that can be extremely misleading.
Have a good day.
If you read i did not call eros her son like at all. I associated them as extremely close friends an aprhodite more like a boss. Which I donโ€™t understand how you got the confused. I didnโ€™t even call zeus his grandfather. I made them associated as friends so the plot was not conflicted either. I did my best to make the bio and mythology correlate a bit. I did not even associate eros as married to her at the end of the bio but that he helped her achieve being a goddess. I spent alot of time of Psyche. I would like if you read my stuff throughly in the near future. And if you have interest checks and you leave them open that can be extremely misleading.
Have a good day.

This rude reaction is giving me another reason not to accept your character--you did not ask either me or Aphrodite's writer about any of these associations. I assure you I did read thoroughly and your character is simply not a fit for this roleplay. If you want to be accepted into roleplays, perhaps you should consider accepting GM decisions with grace instead of anger. Again, you did not seem to understand the roleplay's concept, and that was the biggest concern. So instead of wishing you luck in the future, I simply ask you remove your character from the character page and do not bring this sort of behavior to me ever again.

Thank you for this birthday present.

Yes I'm in. Sorry I haven't taken it down, I just haven't been on much these days. I'll put Ares in, hopefully soon.
Reported for using me as your owl.

you still going for Eros and/or Gaea? cuz I was considering Eros but if you wanna do it, by all means, go ahead!
Yea! I've already got a pretty solid idea. DId I steal your Eros spot? I'm sorry.

I have an idea for Gaea as well but I haven't done anything about it since I don't have any ideas about how to fit her in yet. Are we allowed to play as teachers or no?
Yea! I've already got a pretty solid idea. DId I steal your Eros spot? I'm sorry.

I have an idea for Gaea as well but I haven't done anything about it since I don't have any ideas about how to fit her in yet. Are we allowed to play as teachers or no?

No no you're good! I didn't want to use whatever I had nor did I have the inspiration for a new idea XD

Mmm, I'd say no, since they would be around so little in the grand scheme of things, if that makes sense?
No no you're good! I didn't want to use whatever I had nor did I have the inspiration for a new idea XD

Mmm, I'd say no, since they would be around so little in the grand scheme of things, if that makes sense?
I'll work on getting Ares in before I actually start work on either of those two though, if it's alright.
oh, well, well, look who came into the fray, 'tis Ares, eh? [ Dictionaddiction Dictionaddiction ]
i think it'll be interesting to see Eris and Ares interact ! ( am forever pronouncing their names in a similar manner ) , that being said, I was reading your CS and there was a small mention of Eris in there ( which I don't mind ) , did you want to explore that ? Or was it just like a "passing" / comparison thought sort of thing? 'cause as I was reading that section and then my Eris' backstory - if you wanted - we can do something there or if not, them meeting at the moment in IC could be the first time they ever met, for sure !

this is also me realising i haven't made relationships clarifications, oops!
but since we started the ic interactions. . . can add more pov and descriptions for sure !

User User , this is me thinking out-loud but, i can definitely see Eris [ def. mentioned in the IC ] taking a liking to Tyche ! i think , honestly, Eris would encourage her to voice out her feelings more rather than suppress / hide it behind words? i think that would be one thing that would bother Eris - but other than that, I can see them getting along swimmingly , unlikely friends for sure? Tyche's pettiness would amuse Eris and she's def. support that as well pffttt.

and tbh, Ares, Eris, Nemesis, and Tyche all being in one spot makes me kinda scream because this could go really, really bad or really, really good [ depending on ya know, your perspective ~ ]

[ FireMaiden FireMaiden ] , drama? chaos? why not ~ but also, I realised I was vague about when Eris saw her sister and brother - so I probably need to clarify that up at some point, but I'm assuming she went to the mortal realm when she was at least 15 years old, came back at 18 years old and it's been 3-4 months since she's been back at home? kinda makes sense, I think? since father dearest probably "house-arrested" her at some point pfft

alsooooo, i know i was also vague about this in my post, about recollecting some sort of "event" but would you say that the Gods have banquets every now and then? [ AnimeGenork AnimeGenork ] where they gather together for some sort of feast? [ like parents of our characters and etc. etc. ]
- so that way like. . . . these gods and goddesses could have gotten to know each other in some fashion during childhood or something like that?

[ i probably should have wrote this on discord but. . . i since i'm already in the ooc. . . thought i'd ask anyways hehe ]
alsooooo, i know i was also vague about this in my post, about recollecting some sort of "event" but would you say that the Gods have banquets every now and then? [ @AnimeGenork ] where they gather together for some sort of feast? [ like parents of our characters and etc. etc. ]
- so that way like. . . . these gods and goddesses could have gotten to know each other in some fashion during childhood or something like that?

I'd say if the parents got together to discuss stuff (stupid mortals etc etc) they most definitely could've
I imagine the kids grew up on Olympus and since it's not the span of the globe it would've been easy to run into each other, but that's must me ๐Ÿ˜‚
oh, well, well, look who came into the fray, 'tis Ares, eh? [ Dictionaddiction Dictionaddiction ]
i think it'll be interesting to see Eris and Ares interact ! ( am forever pronouncing their names in a similar manner ) , that being said, I was reading your CS and there was a small mention of Eris in there ( which I don't mind ) , did you want to explore that ? Or was it just like a "passing" / comparison thought sort of thing? 'cause as I was reading that section and then my Eris' backstory - if you wanted - we can do something there or if not, them meeting at the moment in IC could be the first time they ever met, for sure !

this is also me realising i haven't made relationships clarifications, oops!
but since we started the ic interactions. . . can add more pov and descriptions for sure !

User User , this is me thinking out-loud but, i can definitely see Eris [ def. mentioned in the IC ] taking a liking to Tyche ! i think , honestly, Eris would encourage her to voice out her feelings more rather than suppress / hide it behind words? i think that would be one thing that would bother Eris - but other than that, I can see them getting along swimmingly , unlikely friends for sure? Tyche's pettiness would amuse Eris and she's def. support that as well pffttt.

and tbh, Ares, Eris, Nemesis, and Tyche all being in one spot makes me kinda scream because this could go really, really bad or really, really good [ depending on ya know, your perspective ~ ]

[ FireMaiden FireMaiden ] , drama? chaos? why not ~ but also, I realised I was vague about when Eris saw her sister and brother - so I probably need to clarify that up at some point, but I'm assuming she went to the mortal realm when she was at least 15 years old, came back at 18 years old and it's been 3-4 months since she's been back at home? kinda makes sense, I think? since father dearest probably "house-arrested" her at some point pfft

alsooooo, i know i was also vague about this in my post, about recollecting some sort of "event" but would you say that the Gods have banquets every now and then? [ AnimeGenork AnimeGenork ] where they gather together for some sort of feast? [ like parents of our characters and etc. etc. ]
- so that way like. . . . these gods and goddesses could have gotten to know each other in some fashion during childhood or something like that?

[ i probably should have wrote this on discord but. . . i since i'm already in the ooc. . . thought i'd ask anyways hehe ]
Rather than Eris being there to literally cause strife in his mortal foster family, my reference to your Eris was simply just a way of establishing that Ares is very familiar with the strife that Eris craves. I didn't mean that your character was there to wreak havoc, rather, strife simply festered and Ares thought of Eris as he witnessed it.

It's like how I think of farts when I think of my sister. Not because she's a fart, its cause I always use the bathroom after she does.

If you would like to flesh out a relationship between Eris and Ares with me, that would be wonderful!
Rather than Eris being there to literally cause strife in his mortal foster family, my reference to your Eris was simply just a way of establishing that Ares is very familiar with the strife that Eris craves. I didn't mean that your character was there to wreak havoc, rather, strife simply festered and Ares thought of Eris as he witnessed it.
i thought so! and not to worry, i completely understood ! just didn't know if you wanted to make any relations prior to their meeting now since they were both in the moral realm - though, not sure in the same country, city, etc. etc. etc.

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