Out Of Character

also, what are your opinions (i mean everyone's) on this -

- could it be said that people with semblances have a natural superstrength? my main evidence is Ruby and her scythe - a girl of (16?) with her build should not be able to swing that around with no problems, right? you could say the scythe could be made of lightweight material, but if it was there is no way it could also imbed into rocks and stuff (often pictured in the series) without a form of superstrength.
also, what are your opinions (i mean everyone's) on this -

- could it be said that people with semblances have a natural superstrength? my main evidence is Ruby and her scythe - a girl of (16?) with her build should not be able to swing that around with no problems, right? you could say the scythe could be made of lightweight material, but if it was there is no way it could also imbed into rocks and stuff (often pictured in the series) without a form of superstrength.

There's probably a legit explanation for the boost, but I see it as channeling one's Aura into their body -- much like how one's Aura automatically takes a hit when they, well... Take a hit. It's just that the consumption or perhaps even type of Aura used to enhance one's speed/strength/etc. is negligible/isn't measurable -- sort of like one can't physically gauge the difference in stamina consumption of raising a 10lbs weight and an 11lbs one (or even measure stamina at all).

My theory is basically that these 'added stats' only really come into play in times of crisis, or when one wills it to, so rather than 'natural super-strength' which would be on passively at all times, I believe it's more of a 'short boost that can be maintained for x amount of time, with x being an intangible, immeasurable number'.
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you say short term, but she carries it around with her for sometimes weeks on end. its not like the scythe loses mass when it is sheathed - it would actually seem heavier since it would be denser.
you say short term, but she carries it around with her for sometimes weeks on end. its not like the scythe loses mass when it is sheathed - it would actually seem heavier since it would be denser.


Chalk it up to exercise and experience, or otherwise 'fantsy logic'. She's been carrying the scythe around and practicing with it for a while, so my opinion on the subject is that she's simply gotten used to the weight, and found the proper center of balance to make it appear near-weightless.

-- It's also entirely possible that Humans/Faunus on Remnant are simply stronger than Humans on Earth.
one does not simply get used to the weight of something that massive, and i think the centre of balance of a weapon so massive is irrelevant here (theres a reason why rl weapons arent that big), at least without looking like Dwaine Johnson.

and if they are stronger, would that not class as super strength?

dont get me wrong, @~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai, i love oversized weapons that wouldn't work at all (i play monster hunter, for example) but when you try to explain the reason for it, super strength is the most logical. besides, it also sorta affects what my character's tactics against charging enemies is which is why i brought it up
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one does not simply get used to the weight of something that massive, and i think the centre of balance of a weapon so massive is irrelevant here (theres a reason why rl weapons arent that big), at least without looking like Dwaine Johnson.

and if they are stronger, would that not class as super strength?

Well, there's also the possibility that the weight of materials used in weapons are different than here on Earth... Or even that the gravitational pull is altered on Remnant. Heck, you could throw in a whole new batch of Physics and rules revolving around it if you wanted to. Or, going back to my theory, people who use weapons simply tap into their 'Secondary Aura'(provisional name) subconsciously to support their weapon(s) whenever it's/they're on their person.

As for super-strength, that's a matter of perspective. If their physiques truly are superior to our own, then to us they've got super-strength. To themselves, they have average strength, with 'super-strength' probably being a Semblance.
ive already considered weight. and concluded that nah, its not that. a lightweight weapon would not be able to carve into a cliff like it does in the series. and even if gravity was altered, the entire world would change to its effect, meaning that it would still be impossible to do such a thing. take superman for example. when superman is subjected to his own gravity, he becomes a normal man.

i think this should come to a vote, however, or the decision of @Sensei Fox. don't you agree?
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ive already considered weight. and concluded that nah, its not that. a lightweight weapon would not be able to carve into a cliff like it does in the series. and even if gravity was altered, the entire would would change to its effect, meaning that it would still be impossible to do such a thing. take superman for example. when superman is subjected to his own gravity, he becomes a normal man.

i think this should come to a vote, however, or the decision of @Sensei Fox. don't you agree?

Once again, if other scientific rules are in play, the way density & weight accounts for damage and durability could very well be different.

As for a vote... I personally don't think it matters enough to do so. Finding a solid rule simply isn't needed. I was simply theorizing to kill time, but... In the end, this is a fantasy Roleplay. We can make theories, but trying to bring in Earth's logic as cemented rules into the lore of the world is a bad idea. It'd over-complicate things for no reason.

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