Out of Character Chatter

well, that depends on your dream, if it is to murder someone, than you should probably let it just be a dream... mostly anything else is good!!!!
well, the pooping on someone isn't to bad, but let me change what i said. depending on your dream, if it hurts or kills someone, then you should probably let it just be a dream... mostly anything else is good!!!!
Oh my goodness what have I returned to.

Once again, apologies for the wait, I ended up going to LA and only just got the chance to be on-site ;6_6

Working on it right now.

Like actually right now, I finally have a moment of not doing anything #finally
@Kitsune Leigon Excuse me, but from what I've learned about Druids, is that they are priests, or something around those lines, of the Celtic religion. We are not using real religions, as to avoid offending people.

Unless you're speaking about a different roleplay.

In which case, I'm not sure why you're asking us :))
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@Kitsune Leigon I am obliged to tell you orcs are the bestest as all classes ever however I will also tell you that statistically Wood elves are usually druids for a reason also undead seems a viable option because that's twice the spooky and druids are pretty spooky enough as it is

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