Out-of-Character Chat


See, I should be exempt but the people are stupid and making me go the third day. My english teacher said we're still exempt from hers, but my history teacher is rude >.>

Everyone still has to take hers. So on June 1st I'm going to school late
Yeah I have 7 AP classes :/ but only full year ones are exempt. I'm not sure what are your requirements for exemptions but we are the last year of students to be exempt from finals this year. Requirements- 90 or above semester average and no more than 2 missed days in the period.
Our thing used to be, if you take the AP test, you're exempt from the final. Then college board said some crap about taking it anyway. Then they changed their minds again and said it's up to the teacher's discretion. So my English teacher isn't making us take it, but my History teacher is >.>

And we have six classes, my last two are AP classes. Finals take three days for us. So I actually have to go on June 1st now <.<
If we take an AP class our school requires us to take the AP exam as well unless there are any restricting factors - like getting hit by a car by the sign up deadline- our finals are over the course of 3 days as well. That sucks that your teachers are more chaotic
It's just the one... >.>

Well...our tests cost us about 90 dollars each so....yeah...plenty of people don't take them
Seriously though, even most of the crazy asians I know don't take seven APs and expects to get straight A's :P (trust me, I live in the crazy asian part of the US)
x.x when you're given the opportunity to study in America from a 3rd world country...Asian parents become very very strict.
Yes yes, I'm very fortunate to be in Amrica >u< first in my familyline. But Lots of pressure though...what My mom was born in the year of the tiger...what is the tiger book about?

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