Out-of-Character Chat

always can count on arch to respond... except when i want him to click a link...

then i cannot count on him at all:unsure:
Look I actually do tap ((Meaning I'm using tapatalk)) on the links, I just like to mess with you about not actually doing it.
Cause that changes everything and makes you more better of a person

if you did not catch it... it was sarcasm

and you are a horrible person
i thought we where friends... or was that a lie too...

I.. I... I just dont know if i could believe you any more 
Sophia Jarvinia

Theme Song:


Unyielding said:
*sniffles* thanks KM
I will be strong though because i am your protector *sniffles*

Yes he has :cry:

He is mean
Sacrilege!!!! Only Aedon has the right to be mean! 

CelticHero37 said:
Sacrilege!!!! Only Aedon has the right to be mean!
Why doth all my memes work against me :(

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