Out-of-Character Chat

Mad Prince of Sanity] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12326-hales/ said:
@Hales[/URL] when you decide to ship Lowell
Again with the ships? I'mma use my iceberg, and titanic you.

oh the punnery
DaughterofAthena said:
*Peeks in to say hi*
So this is what a Fairy Tail opening with Naruto Shippuden visuals looks like... (I want to say it's all opening footage, but I haven't gotten far enough in Shippuden to be sure.)


Working on a mod post atm for everyone that's waiting, should be out today. As a heads up though I'm away tomorrow, so I won't be relpying to anything after the mod post until Monday.
shadowdude505 said:
So this is what a Fairy Tail opening with Naruto Shippuden visuals looks like... (I want to say it's all opening footage, but I haven't gotten far enough in Shippuden to be sure.)


Of course they upped the budget for that. its the last few final battles before the end of the series. Other then that, naruto animation has always been crap compared to others. Just take a look at the naruto movies and see the difference.
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Kaine said:
Of course they upped the budget for that. its the last few final battles before the end of the series. Other then that, naruto animation has always been crap compared to others. Just take a look at the naruto movies and see the difference.
Anime movies tend to have better animation regardless though. (Unless it's One-Punch Man.) I don't tend to think about animation quality though since I focus on characters and story.
shadowdude505 said:
Anime movies tend to have better animation regardless though. (Unless it's One-Punch Man.) I don't tend to think about animation quality though since I focus on characters and story.
I hold that true with one exception. When you are watching 300+ episodes like Naruto or double that for One Piece. You can only put up with it so much. Thats why i gave up and just started reading manga. I have always liked fairy tail's animation but i think its cause there is more comedy so they tend to have more of the types of expressions associated with anime so its always entertaining. But FT also movies to slow for me in the anime, so i just read it also. I dont think anything worse than Space Dandy. I still have nightmares of that anime.
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Kaine said:
I hold that true with one exception. When you are watching 300+ episodes like Naruto or double that for One Piece. You can only put up with it so much. Thats why i gave up and just started reading manga. I have always liked fairy tail's animation but i think its cause there is more comedy so they tend to have more of the types of expressions associated with anime so its always entertaining. But FT also movies to slow for me in the anime, so i just read it also. I dont think anything worse than Space Dandy. I still have nightmares of that anime.
The huge number of episodes does make it a slog. I've been reading the Fairy Tail manga starting from the end of Tartaros arc. Watching FT doesn't feel like a slog since I'm caught up and there's only a new episode every week. I'm feeling the slog a little in One Piece. I'm currently in the summit war arc, which looks like the longest one made so far episode count wise. I've barely made a dent in Shippuden (I'm on episode 73.) I've seen the endgame of the Naruto storyline through the new video game, but when it comes to catching up to the current episodes, I'm looking forward to it the least when compared to One Piece (even though I feel like the Summit War arc could benefit from a little faster pacing.)
shadowdude505 said:
The huge number of episodes does make it a slog. I've been reading the Fairy Tail manga starting from the end of Tartaros arc. Watching FT doesn't feel like a slog since I'm caught up and there's only a new episode every week. I'm feeling the slog a little in One Piece. I'm currently in the summit war arc, which looks like the longest one made so far episode count wise. I've barely made a dent in Shippuden (I'm on episode 73.) I've seen the endgame of the Naruto storyline through the new video game, but when it comes to catching up to the current episodes, I'm looking forward to it the least when compared to One Piece (even though I feel like the Summit War arc could benefit from a little faster pacing.)
oh dude the summit war was easily the longest arc in the chapters also. i dont know the exact number, but easily a years worth. However once its over, you can see how its going to have ramifications throughout the rest of the series.
So... Question: are any player controlled characters going to actually be able to learn anything useful or is all the intel only going to be given to mod controlled characters? That is what it seems like so far...

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