Out of Character Chat

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There's so much potential for him!

I keep hearing that, but I'm not getting any detailed ideas for getting him into the flow of the story. I've been tossing ideas around since I made him but it seems pointless. I wanted to bring him into the meeting but that's apparently instant death, so ANY encounter with the main cast must equal instant death as well.

It would go against the design of his character for him to just go out slaying masses of vampires, so he's not about to draw attention that way. Besides that, he's being told by powerful supernaturals what he can and can't do. *shrugs* 

Again, if there are workable ideas out there, I'm all ears. 
I keep hearing that, but I'm not getting any detailed ideas for getting him into the flow of the story. I've been tossing ideas around since I made him but it seems pointless. I wanted to bring him into the meeting but that's apparently instant death, so ANY encounter with the main cast must equal instant death as well.

It would go against the design of his character for him to just go out slaying masses of vampires, so he's not about to draw attention that way. Besides that, he's being told by powerful supernaturals what he can and can't do. *shrugs* 

Again, if there are workable ideas out there, I'm all ears. 

Waltzing into a room filled with elders on a hair trigger just didn't seem to be a wise choice . . . . I don't think Will would have the patience for the sudden appearance of a holy hunter. Or Sunvaar . . .

Again, Beckett's out and about and it's even been stated in IC that  he will work with mortals. Selene . . . may be an option should Ghost ever reappear and actually tell Shan and I the rest of the plan for the Ethelwolf pack. Serana could be an option if he just waltzes into Lucien's home for whatever reason.

Three characters he could interact with and get a foothold into the current events.
He could get involved with Dorian's family. I get the feeling that there's going to be a threat to the masquerade coming out of that eventually. The populace as a whole is pretty panicked right now, so he could be involved with that (and that would lead him to vampire childer and werewolves one way or another). He has the unique potential to save the city without destroying it through his faith. A large group of faithful kine is something that would get the attention of at least Lucifer. There's at least some pagans in the city (looking at you ethelwolf) so he could be involved with them (even if he doesn't know that they're werewolves). He could be a voice for his god, teaching and motivating the kine.

He's not immediately involved with the council meeting, but he can get so involved with the city. He's not noticed right now, but he has the potential to become a very central character in the future.
I don't think Will would have the patience for the sudden appearance of a holy hunter.

Funny story- given his humanity is intact, William would NOT kill a priest. It would be out of character for him. Also, no one is killing a priest in front of him, either.
The entire reason I made him was because he was a non-destructive option for saving the city, but he's not even part of the plot yet. 

I mentioned before that Nicolas doesn't preach, so any plotline that requires that is out. His tendency towards non-violence and non-preachiness is important to me. He performs the work that he does, and once other people see that, they either come into the faith or they don't. He's also well aware that unless someone's faith is as strong as his, supernatural encounters are all guaranteed death, so he wouldn't be leading any kine to their demise.

It would be up to Kimi whether he'd be involved with the Greene family, and even then, not fond of just throwing him in with other inactive characters just for the sake of activity, especially without an arc plan. His meeting William sounds good if we can figure out how to make that natural.

I'm still thinking about possibilities, but I'm not going to break his character mold just to get him into the plot.
Well... I'm not sure what else to tell ya Angelic. I'm a little short on ideas at the moment anyway. 
It's fine. This idea we're tossing around with William is looking good. While I love Beckett, he's not one to get 'involved', so for my purposes, he just wasn't going to work. And if he'd be killed at the meeting, I can't fathom why it would be so much safer traipsing into the home of a 900+ year old blood sorcerer. 
It's your character, do whatever fits best. Catch William before or after the meeting perhaps?

That said I do need to find something for Beckett to do....
Our plan is for after, atm. But we'll see what happens.

What about that whole business with the sarcophagus?

That was actually mainly meant to be a callback to Bloodlines. But it was also something for @Missy's character to get involved with. Though I think life's gotten in the way and we may have lost her. :-/
So, that may be part of it. The kind if change he causes in people takes time. Hes probably just not been there long enough to have a distinct noticable effect
Yeah but I can't get any info out of @One Mean Ghost to find out what Alucard might of shared with Morro the night before so she's not calling a meeting just to ask questions she already knows the answers to. >.<
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