Ouran Highschool Host Club RP!!!!!!

(i want to be my own character, but i will play Mori as well. he will be my characters close friend.)
Omg!! Yes!! >_< I'd like to make my own character though lol. It seems too restricting to have to be someone who is already made. However if it comes down to me HAVING to be a regular char, I pick Honey.
Haruhi always seems to be a fan favorite, huh? lol I wanna play the twins. (btw, why do girls like homosexual brothers? they aint gettin none of that xD )
Faith walked up to the huge school building. today was her first day at Ouran. she came because she heard about the famous host club in which her friend was a part of. her family was the owner of a huge designer clothes line, and a close friends with Mori's family. she walked about the hallways trying to find her way around, or at least looking for Mori.

(by the way when i say close friend, thats the way it will stay. my character will find her love interest later....)
(And i look exactly like her....) Haruhi sat in the club room reading, enjoying the peacefulness that was almost never there.
(well, i have my character plus Mori, just so we can fill in the character that are already there)
Hikaru and Kaoru sat parallel to each other, mirroring each other's bored movements and lazy gaze. They both sat in the host club, which was noticeably vacant of guests. The btothers looked at eachother, as if communicating wordlessly about what to do next. Each raising a brow, they stood up, walking over and dropping their weight on each arm of Haruhi's chair.

"Why are you reading?" Hikaru asked bluntly.

"It's just a slow day." Kaoru added.

"We could always go scouting for guests," They said in unison with devilish grins.
Faith climbed a few sets of stairs. she was certain Mori would be in the host club room, if only she knew where that was. she coninued to look around. she was never good at getting around, she had no sense of direction.
Yuuki walked through the school building, planning to attend a club meeting. She was unsure of what club it was, but a friend had told her about it this morning and asked her to come with her after school. So Yuuki wandered the halls, looking for the room when she heard male voices coming from one of the other rooms. She peeked in the cracked door to see what looked like twins and a third boy sitting in the room.
Hikaru and Kaoru glanced at each other, shrugged, and stood straight. A small noise caused them to look back, where the door slightly opened. They grinned, approaching the door and swinging it open. They put an arm around each other's shoulder and leaned on one leg. "Welcome to the Host Club." They said, guiding the newcomer in. Hikaru led her to a seat next to Haruhi, Kaoru placed down some tea for her. "Have you come for anyone in particular?" They asked her, sitting on either side of her and leaving their head in a way that they can look to her as she speaks.
Faith spotted a girl walking into a room nearby and heard a familiar voice, she walked up to the door and entered what she confirmed to be the Host Club. "Mori!" she smiled and walked over to her dark haired friend. she gave him a hug, and looked around, "so this is the host club?"

Mori looked down at Faith. "yeah." he said bluntly.

(by the way, my chara pic:View attachment 6938 i finally finished her official pic! you all know what Mori looks like. :P )
She puts her book away. "Hello" she said (of course I'm gonna put her/she because Imma girl. Though people think Haruhi is a boy.)
Yuuki blushed when she was pulled into the room. Right after she sat down, another girl casually walked in and started speaking to one of the taller boys. The twins set a cup of tea in front of Yuuki and asked if she was here to see anyone in particular. Yuuki had no idea what was going on. "See who for what?" she asked shyly.

((Yuuki doesn't know anything about the host club, she just transferred in))
"Umm, yes..." Yuuki replied. There was something oddly feminine about this boy. If Yuuki didn't know any better, she'd think the brunette was female. But he wore a boy's uniform, so that was a silly thought.
Faith paused a moment and glanced over at the person with the book. she walked over to the twins, "you must be Hikaru and Kaoru. and you.....must be new?" she looked at Haruhi, "i havent received any news from Mori for a month, so i havent heard of you." she looked curiously. she was rich, but unlike most of the Ouran students, she studied, and was quite intellectual.
((Everyone's posting pics of their charas lol, mine looks like my avatar))

Yuuki took Haruhi's hand. "I'm Yuuki Aizawa." she said. "Nice to meet you," she said. "And you, too," she said to the twins. She smiled at the other girl. She was meeting a lot of people today. Was this some weird club?
The twins looked at each other receiving an answer, raising a brow. "Newcomer," They said with a grin. Hikaru turned his attention to her, crossing his legs and resting his chin on his hand. "Well welcome, my beautiful princess."

Kaoru took her hand, lightly kissing her fingers. "We're glad to have you here, princess."

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