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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club: All's fair in love and war


qυєєи ∂яєαмєя

Basic information



|Name meaning:|








|Hair color|:

|Eye color|:


|Clothing Style:|

About the character






|Position in Host/Hostess club|

(Examples: "Jock, Nerd, silent type, rebel, dark and brooding, mischievous type etc etc", whatever you can think of. Basically a cliche type of somebody)


[ thinprogress=WRITEscoreHEREoutof100]Kindness[/thinprogress]

[ thinprogress=Writescorehere]Charm[/thinprogress ]

[ thinprogress=writescorehere]How popular you are[/thinprogress ]

(It is out of 100, so just fill in the red. Like for kindness, 88 or something. And make sure to delete all the space between the [brackets, so make 't' on 'thinprogress' close to the bracket)




|Best Friends:|


|Theme Song{s} :| (Optional)




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Soraru_4.png.510cfe43ae3898b4360eeab240f2f53c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98236" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Soraru_4.png.510cfe43ae3898b4360eeab240f2f53c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Basic information

|Name:| Kai Fuyumi

|Name meaning:| First name: Kai ((? (kai) "sea, ocean"))

Last Name: Fuyumi ((? (fuyu) "winter" and ? (mi) "beautiful".))

|Age:| 16

|Gender:| Male

|Sexuality:| Homosexual (though he hasn't come out)


|Height:| 5'8"

|Weight:| 132lbs

|Hair color:| Blueish black

|Eye color:| Vivid blue

|Clothing Style:| He likes to dress warmly and comfortably when he isn't in uniform, or in cosplay for the host club.

About the character

|Personality:| He is a gentle person who expresses very little of his feelings. He is caring, but can come across as cold to those who don't understand his lack of expression. Because of his lacking expression, Kai is seen as a mysterious person. Despite being a gentle person, he has very little passion for anything, as he sees life as a monotonous routine.

|Likes:| Music, kind people, sweet tea

|Dislikes:| People making rude assumptions about him, being asked to 'cheer up'

|Strengths/Talents:| He is a very good listener and doesn't judge others.

|Flaws/Weaknesses:| He has a lot of difficulty expressing how he feels.

|Position in Host club:| The 'mysterious' type.




How popular you are


|Family:| He lives in the home of his Aunt and Uncle, who are almost always away on business.

|Friends:| --

|Best Friends:| --

|Enemies:| --

|Theme Song:| [media]

[/media]|Bio:|At a fairly young age, Kai's parents passed away and he was left in the custody of his Aunt and Uncle. After his parent's death, he became detached.
To him life was a series of tasks which needed to be fulfilled. Go to school, get good grades, go home, sleep so that you have energy and then wake up to repeat the same old routine.

When it came to choosing a club to join, he decided based on whichever club he stumbled upon first. Luck had it that he walked into the music room, where the host club took place. Like all other things in life, he became the sort of host he was expected to be, based on his appearance and the 'vibe' he gave off, becoming a fairly popular choice by customers.

|Extras:| -His voice is the same as the singer of his 'theme song'.



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Basic information

Name:| Lucelle Evermen

|Nicknames:| Lucelle-chan

|Name meaning:| Beautiful, Surrounded by friends

|Age:| 16

|Gender:| Female

|Sexuality:| Pansexual Demiromantic



|Height|: 5'4

|Weight|: 120

|Hair color|: Raven

|Eye color|: Grey

|Race|: Japanese and American mix

|Clothing Style:| Usually knitted sweaters and turtlenecks when in the winter time, but in summer, she dresses in suspender shorts and t-shirts.

About the character

|Personality:| Lucelle is a sweet person, calm on most occasions. She doesn't really expose her emotions much, she doesn't need to, just a simple smile or blink will tell you everything. The teen isn't much of a chatterbox, she only speaks when she needs or has to. Just because she doesn't show expressions doesn't mean she can never get angry. It's scary... Especially the sweet smile that'll crawl up your spine. How will you know if she's in a bad mood? Oh, the aura changes quickly.... But, Lucelle can be easily calmed down. Just remind her of pumpkins and she'll pause for a moment to enjoy the picture in her head. Easy isn't it? Although, it only works if she isn't furious. The raven haired girl is very loyal when it comes to friends. She deeply trusts them and she wants them to do the same. Sometimes she can be too loyal, easy for anyone to betray her. It isn't like her if she offends anyone, because Lucelle isn't that kind of person. She's more of a lady than a tomboy, even if it comes to competitive games or activities. If enough is enough, she'll know.






~Being accompanied

~The Hostess Club


~Sports & Activities

~Watching Korean Drama

~Spicy food


~Professional Scissors



~Bullying or Harassment

~Bitter food

~Having to deal with stress

~The scraping of metal against metal


~Unprofessional Scissors


~Holding a poker face for more than 3 months ... Or even a lifetime

~Track and Field athlete

~A loyal buddy to have by your side

~Can be easily calmed down

~Your personal errand girl?


~She can be boring at times


~Dogs scare her

~Wolves terrify her

~Werewolves scarred her life



~Naive judgement on friends and comrades

|Position in Host/Hostess club|

(Examples: "Jock, Nerd, silent type, rebel, dark and brooding, mischievous type etc etc", whatever you can think of. Basically a cliche type of somebody) The Kuudere Mix Type


Kindness 89%

Charm 65%

How popular you are 95%

(It is out of 100, so just fill in the red. Like for kindness, 88 or something)


|Family:| She lives in a family of 7 in a mansion (Of course) by the sea.

|Friends:| The Hostess Club

|Best Friends:| Will edit

|Enemies:| Host club for now

|Theme Song{s} :| [media]

|Bio:| Not much is known except for the fact that her rich father is diagnosed with cancer...

|Quotes:|"A single smile can do a single something"

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|Name:| Nora Katsu

|Nicknames:| Sweet-tooth

|Name meaning:| Nora means 'honor' while Katsu means 'victory'

|Age:| 16

|Gender:| Female


|Height|: 5'3

|Weight|: 115 pounds

|Hair color|: Red

|Eye color|: Red

|Race|: Japanese and American

|Clothing Style:|

Nora is usually seen wearing the school uniform, but outside of school, she often wears skinny jeans with a loose top or even sweat pants when she is really lazy.



How popular you are

|Personality:| Nora is a person who is undemonstrative, seems remote or distant, rude or grim. She is very blunt and has a sense of humor that tends toward the vulgar, insulting, and dark. She is a intelligent person who thinks very logically. (Though to be honest, she has a lot of blonde moments as well) She's usually very reserved, and tends to try to stay away from people because she easily gets annoyed by them and her temper may lash out. Nora does have a soft side. If someone can reach it. She can be caring, protective, and totally loving if she trusts that person well enough. When she is around with someone she knows very well, she is funny, easily flustered and becomes very playful as well as goofy. Nora is also very ambitious and competitive and always strives to do her best. She does have a temper though and can be hot headed at times and very unemotional which she is working hard to be more, 'affectionate and cheerful' and show her feelings more. But other than that, she's a loyal, hardworking girl.













*Nora has a talent of being able to play the piano very well

* She is very intelligent and a very logical mind


* She can be to unemotional and not sensitive to other people's feelings, thus making enemies and hurting people's feelings

* Nora cannot. repeat, cannot cook! If her life depened on it, she would fricking die. She always burns food

* Babies. Specifically, taking care of babies and toddlers. If a baby looks at her, they always cry. She doesn't know how to take one anyway.

|Position in Host/Hostess club|: Nora is considered the 'smart yet cold hearted' type. She's kinda like the one who plans everything out.


*John Katsu, father

*Anna Katsu, Mother


*She considers the hostess girls her friends

|Best Friends:|

*Currently no one at the moment


*Anyone who on purposely makes her mad

|Theme Song{s}



Nora was born in America, yet she moved to Japan when she turned three years old since her father's business had grown they had to move to Japan. Since then, Nora has been enrolled in Ouran since she was in preschool. She is the only child and is very spoiled, but doesn't act like a snot. Since she has been in Ouran for a very long time, she thought it would be fair to create a Hostess club as well. (Only sometimes)


"We must bring our own light to the darkness."


*Nora owns a little pet cat named 'Sugar' and her cat will often be in the club room prancing around and rubbing on people

*She always carries around some type of candy or dessert with her

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Name: Tatsuo Hideyoshi

Nicknames: 'Suo 'Ta

|Name meaning:| Tatsuo is a Japanese male name meaning Masculine dragon. Hideyoshi means strong and vigorous


|Gender:| Male

|Sexuality:| Bisexual

|Height|: 6'1

|Weight|: 140 pounds

|Hair color|: Originally his hair color is black, but he dyed his hair a dark greenish blue.

|Eye color|: Light green/gray

|Race|: Japanese

|Clothing Style:| He goes for the 'dark' and punk look. Tatsuo has a lip piercing and wears reading glasses. Though he sometimes keeps the glasses on.

|Personality:| Tatsuo is considered very arrogant due to his family's position. He comes as off as a flirty and charming guy, often wooing and winning girls hearts with a simple wink or some type of manner from him. At times, he can be very rude, dissing people or ignoring them. Which makes him even more popular with the ladies. Tatsuo's attitude is very uncaring about things, and he just goes with the flow. He doesn't think about what his actions and how they will affect him and other people which greatly annoy his family and close friends. But one thing Tatsuo does good in is his grades. He attends a elite school, so of course he has to have good grades. In class, he'll often be bored and mess around, but he always manages to get his homework done (which is rather surprising) either by copying off some girl he had flirted with or actually doing his homework. Tatsuo may seem like a loser who is really mean, but he still has a sweet side of him. It just needs to be brought up.




*Video games


*Horror/thriller movies

*Being the best

*Being alone (sometimes)


*Being told what to do


*Loud people


*Cheesy romance

*Hot weather


* He is very smart, smarter then the average person (he's just to lazy to prove it)

* Very manipulative

*Can sing very well


*Tatsuo can be too uncaring or cold and sometimes hurts people emotionally

*Inpatient which makes people around him a bit nervous


|Position in Host/Hostess club|: 'Bad boy'




How popular you are


*Kenji Hideyoshi, fahter

*Lily Hideyoshi, mother

*Adric Hideyoshi, older brother


*No friends

|Best Friends:|

*No best friends


*Anyone who makes him angry

|Theme Song{s} :| (Optional)



Tatsuo was the second son of his family, meaning his older brother was always praised upon while Tatsuo was perceived as 'not good enough' compared to his older brother. In his early years, he would try his best to accomplish as much as his brother did, but it never seemed to please anyone. Finally, one day he had enough and decided not to care about trying to impress his parents and the people around him. That's when he turned 'bad'. He changed his look and style. Instead of the polite, shy and sweet boy, Tatsuo was cold, flirty, outgoing and more rude. But he still has that 'good' side to him.


"The less I care, the happier I am."


*He hates to be compared to his brother

*Tatsuo has a pet bird named 'Peach' http://data.whicdn.com/images/45841608/large.jpg who is always perched on his shoulder. The girls go even more crazy because he has a bird.

Basic information

|Name:|Azira Smith


|Name meaning:| Named after a family friend


|Gender:| Male


|Appearance:| A tall strong, red headed cowboy. He is an American dream, rugged in both appearance and personality. 5 o’clock shadows happen, but otherwise he’s usually clean shaven. The usual wardrobe is worn jeans, boots and a collared, sleeved shirt along with his hat. This is the everyday look for him, getting him out of his boots or his hat is impossible, but when he’s somewhere fancy he will wear boot cut khakis. He’s always wearing a belt with a large belt buckle he won for his cattle. His eyes are a golden honey color that goes nicely with his somewhat dark complexion. He has a light scar over the left side of his jaw from where he got in a fight with a boy in middle school defending a girl’s honor.


|Height|: 6 ft 1

|Weight|: 210lbs

|Hair color|: Aubern red. Can be classified as brunette

|Eye color|: golden amber

|Race|: caucasian

|Clothing Style:|country western (dressed up though. Not red neck hill billy. Classy cowboy)

About the character

|Personality:| Azira is very calm, cool and collected. He is usually laid back against a couch, chewing on a piece of straw and listening more than talking. Not much of a ladies man by choice, but the girls flock to him due to his stoic nature. He's very polite and always minds manners, however not the kind that rich Japanese students are used to. His manners sprout from his southern upbringing and he follows those rules instead, the Japanese practice of bowing upon meeting someone alludes him and he simply goes for a firm handshake. The words "ya'll", "howdy", "piddlin'", and "ain't" are permanently in his dialog and no amount of coaxing will get them to go away. He has an excellent work ethic and is always busy fixing something, working on somthing or operating business trades.

|Likes:|His cattle, animals, his horses, work.

|Dislikes:|Cruel people, spoiled kids, rudeness, people making fun of his accent.

|Strengths/Talents:| patience, kindness and morals

|Flaws/Weaknesses:| grudges, distant and awkward

|Position in Host/Hostess club| The rugged manly man




How popular you are


|Family:|Father and mother are back in America enjoying the retirement Azira has given them. They have earned it by working their entire lives.

|Friends:| He’s new here so he hasn’t made any friends who aren’t on four legs

|Best Friends:| see previous


|Bio:| Azira was born on a very small farm in central Texas and was raised as a son of a southern belle and a mechanic. The family was by no means rich, but managed to keep 10 cows and 2 bulls of all different breeds. Azira's father became too busy to tend to the animals so it became solely Azira's duty to raise them and make sure they all bred and help with calving. Work was hard on his aging father and sometimes his arthritic hands ached when he came home. Meanwhile, Azira was selectively breeding the cattle they had until soon his breeding herd began to look alike and show highly marketable characteristics making them extremely valuable. Azira's selective breeding resulted in a breed itself being created, a breed that could withstand heat, grow quickly and required little maintenance. Soon the breed became so popular among cattlemen that he was making enough money to tell his father he could retire and never had to work again. With the money from his cattle operation he began breeding horses, sheep and pigs and well, bought a processing plant, which was initially run by him on his own, but soon he hired some employees. His horses where sold for competition which he soon grew popular with horse breeders too. Eventually he was making millions, owned a ton of meat plants and built a very steady empire in North America, but he wanted to go international. Only problem was that he had not had the best education. He could not go to school and tend to the farm at the same time so studying never happened and he has a middle school reading level. He decided to apply for Ouran Highschool in Japan and bought a nice plot of land and brought over 30 cows and 5 bulls to begin again and then decided to get involved at the school since he'd never really had friends before. So why not join the host club?

|Extras:| He called his mom and dad almost daily to check up on him. He loves his parents and his family.

Basic information

Name:l Yume Kita


|Name meaning:| quiet, clear, dream

|Age:| 16

|Gender:| Female

|Sexuality:| Heterosexual



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.051ff0643b2823e6d6915dd36c66e9f2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98292" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.051ff0643b2823e6d6915dd36c66e9f2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|Height|: 5'6

|Weight|: 125

|Hair color|: Auburn

|Eye color|: Hazel

|Race|: American

|Clothing Style:|

She always wears casual stuff. She loves scarfs but will dress up for the cosplaying. She loves scarfs and loves boots. She loves wearing comfy thing but won't for school

About the character

|Personality:| She is sweet but can be mischievous. She loves pulling pranks and messing with people. She can be kind and actually very endearing but she still can be sarcastic and sassy, especially towards the Host Club. She looks sweet and delicate but really isn't. Delicate that is. She can pull the best pranks on the Host Club and loves to do it and they typically can't catch her. She doesn't do anything cruel though. She can be silly but also she can get really quiet and anti-social sometimes but typically doesn't. She doesn't really know how to dream, she knows the cruelties of life. She can be dark and twisty but won't really show it, she tries to make the best out of situations but isn't the kind of person that finds "the silver lining"


- Pulling Pranks

- Reading



-Getting Caught


-Cruel People

-People she loves or see as friends get hurt or even die


-Very Social

-Very Good Listener

- Very Good Memory


-People can sneak up on her easily

- Hides her emotions too well

- Closed off to People, doesn't open up easily

- Can't really trust people (will explain why during rp)

|Position in Host/Hostess club|



Kindness 90%

Charm 85%

Popularity 89%


|Family:| Her parents are not the richest but not the poorest. They are middle class. She is an only child and not very open to her parents. They live back in America while they sent her off to the elite high school.

|Friends:| People in the host/hostess club

|Best Friends:| None really

|Enemies:| Anyone who does something really mean

Theme Song



She grew up in a small town in Georgia. She didn't really love her life there. She wasn't close to her parents and she seemed very distant. She was about 15 when her parent finally decided to send her to high school. She really had a simple past and not much to it. She moved and she lives in a small apartment in a good neighborhood. She works so she can earn money. Shortly after she moved to where Ouran was, her parents died in a car crash, she didn't want to go to a foster system so she stayed where she was no matter how much it killed her to not be there for her parents funeral. She knows how to take care of herself and really doesn't depend on anybody. She joined when she heard about the hostess club for a way to distract herself from everyone that was going on in her life, plus she got to woo guys and get food.


"If we saws souls instead of bodies, how different our definition of beauty would be"​



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Basic Information

|Name:| Haruna Kawahashi

|Nicknames:| Haru

|Name meaning:| 'Haruna', compiled of 'Haru' meaning Spring and 'Na' meaning Greens.

Kawahashi, literally meaning 'River (Kawa)' and 'Bridge (Hashi)', meaning River Bridge when put together.

|Age:| 17

|Gender:| Female

|Sexuality:| Heterosexual




|Height|: 4'9

|Hair color|: Light brown

|Eye color|: Dark brown

|Race|: Japanese and English

|Clothing Style:| Ouran uniform when at school, and likes to wear skirts and dresses at home.

|About the Character|


Despite her cute, delicate appearance, Haruna is a sarcastic, cynical, and prideful girl who is easily made angry or upset. Despite her tendency to be aggressive, she is actually a kind person, especially to people she trusts. She is extremely loyal, too, as she is willing to fight tooth and nail to protect her loved ones. She is not afraid to speak her mind and is often bad-mouthed because of her somewhat rude attitude toward people and lack of social skills.People don't see her kind and loyal personality.

In the Hostess Club, she changes to act still 'tsundere', but a lot cuter and desirable than the real Haruna.








Annoying people

Being disturbed

Mean people

Corny, cheesy romance



Good at kicking and punching

Plays piano exceptionally - Surprise!

Good at drawing

Determined and head strong


Hot temper

Not very good in school

Quick to 'attack'


|Position in Host/Hostess club|

Tsundere Loli







Kei Kawahashi

Hinata Kawahashi

|Best Friends:|

None, yet


Pretty much everyone,
at first.

|Theme Song{s}:



Haruna grew up in a very loving childhood, with loving parents. But her dad was also a martial arts champion (therefore very rich) and taught her everything he knew, Haruna easily and quickly surpassing him. Haru was bullied because of this in school and eventually resorted to coming back more aggressiveness rather than sorting things out. She was both feared and mocked. Rumors were made of her sending people to hospital, but they were never true. Haru decided to just come off hot-headed to everyone to avoid people annoying her, or even worse, getting to know her.


"I don't need a punching bag like you to tell me how to be lady!" - Usual

"I-it's not l-like I've fallen for y-you or anything... Baka!!" - Hostess Club Act


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Neela Johnson


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c706a4c5b_Jedah_g_cheers(2).jpg.c04592d40d7dc1d9a02e9a62cf84faf2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98416" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c706a4c5b_Jedah_g_cheers(2).jpg.c04592d40d7dc1d9a02e9a62cf84faf2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Basic Information


Neela Johnson



|Name meaning:|

Neela: Variant spelling of Hindi Nila, meaning "sky blue."








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70638f8e_Jedah(3).jpg.ab31615b4a9f4930726176d9fe41ed86.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98413" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70638f8e_Jedah(3).jpg.ab31615b4a9f4930726176d9fe41ed86.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


5'3" {160 cm}


95lbs {43 kg}

|Hair color|:


|Eye color|:



Brazilian-African American

|Clothing Style:|

She'll usually wear anything as long as it's "cute."

About the character


Broad-minded and easy-going, Neela is an adjustable individual and has the desire to enjoy every moment run deep within them. A wide variety of subjects excites her, and hence, Neela will try her hands at diverse things. Surely, she won’t get stuck in any mundane tasks. Neela is enthusiastic and full of life, and always crave for accomplishing new and interesting things, however, her enthusiasm is infectious at times.Neela is blessed with brilliant communication skills. She can sell just about anything to anyone with their outstanding verbal skills. Neela can effortlessly impress you with their wit and humour, and people will never get bored in her company. Besides, her spontaneity adds to her natural charm. Neela can easily keep people entertained and involved for hour. Neela is a born intellectual, they are always interested in learning numerous subjects. She is a clever and sharp individual and will not shy away from voicing her opinions.

Neela is so sharp and prompt that it is hard for her to stay interested and focused in the projects she starts with. Such inconsistency is her main drawbacks.Neela is often seen as superficial people because of her inability to delve deep and pay attention to details.Neela is constantly in two minds whenever she are supposed to decide on something. At times, she loses out on very lucrative opportunities in her ife due to their inability to decide. Neela often lacks the direction and focus in her life and so she easily gets bored with the things that she is doing. Neela is full of energy, but have a tendency to bite off more than she can chew. This leads to anxiousness and makes her erratic.





|Position in Host/Hostess club|

The Daredevil Type








|Best Friends:|


|Theme Song{s} :|




" What drew you in first my charming looks or my sparkling personality!"




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|Name: Hajime Fujiyama|

|Nicknames: Whatever the guests call him is fine|

|Name meaning:



yama--mountain/hill |

|Age: 17|

|Gender: Male|

|Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic|




|Height|: 175 cm (5'9" ish)

|Weight|: 67 kg (about 148 lbs)

|Hair color|: Black

|Eye color|: Dark blue

|Race|: Half African, half Japanese

|Clothing Style:| Sort of casual-classic; nothing flashy, but well-made

|Personality: Hajime is naturally polite, and slightly reserved when he first meets someone, due to his slight shyness and introverted nature. He's always been mature for his age, and has the ability to see things from others' points of view. He's very understanding and is a good listener, although he doesn't have a lot to talk about. He can be standoffish, and often a little boring. He's not one to flatter or flirt, and only compliments if he finds something worth complimenting. He's a little blunt when people ask him for advice, and follows logic instead of emotions. This makes it hard for people to connect with him, but will be useful later when he inherits his father's business.|

|Likes: mapo tofu, American jazz, ballroom dancing, math, sweets, western-style tea|

|Dislikes: people who are ruled by their emotions, being taken for granted, people who assume that, due to his sexuality, he's "broken", lawyers|

|Strengths/Talents: good at listening, gives sound advice, genuine, intelligent, observant|

|Flaws/Weaknesses: blunt, boring, shy, hard to befriend, not socially skilled|

|Position in Host/Hostess club:| The Quiet Type



70[/COLOR]]How popular you are

(i can't get these to work, sorry!)

|Family: Wakatoshi Fujiyama--father

Ayah Fujiyama--mother

Izumi Fujiyama--younger sister

Tobio Fujiyama--younger brother|

|Friends: Mostly just family friends, although he gets along alright with the Host Club|

|Best Friends: none|

|Enemies: He doesn't really have any; he thinks the rivalry between the Host and Hostess club is stupid|

|Theme Song:| Hypnotic Fireflies--Bryan Balmages

|Bio: Hajime was the first-born son of the current Fujiyamas, who have had a monopoly over aerospace engineering since Japan's program started. His father met his mother when she attended one of his conferences, and they hit it off quickly. Hajime had been taught from a young age that if he wanted something, he had to work for it. His mother especially enforced this, having him clean his own room and help their servants on odd jobs to earn spending money. His father didn't have much of an influence on him, since he was away a lot for business. Hajime always looked up to his father, and idolized him. He was 5 when his sister Izumi was born, who he never got along with. Two years later his younger brother Tobio was born, and they often played together as children. Hajime was expected to achieve a lot. His mother enrolled him in the best schools in the area, and he eventually ended up at Ouran.|

|Quotes:| "It's only worth having if you're willing to work for it."

|Extras:| He's still really close with Tobio, and they talk often.
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Basic information

|Name:| Laura Zing

|Nicknames:| Zing

|Name meaning:| Sweet bay tree while Zing means energy, enthusiasm

|Age:| 16

|Gender:| female



|Height|: 5'4

|Weight|: 110 pounds

|Hair color|: Naturally blonde but she dyed it a light purple

|Eye color|: Blue

|Race|: Amercian

|Clothing Style:| When she's not wearing the school uniform she is often seen wearing bright and dark clothing with leggings and sweaters.

About the character

|Personality:| In nature, Laura is a very sweet and friendly girl who is pretty outgoing and has a lot of energy. She is a pastel goth, meaning she likes darkness and light. Dark and bright colors, mostly pastel. So sometimes, she is really odd in front of people, saying weird funny things such as 'I will hunt you down' then pausing to scare the person only to contuine the sentance. 'I will hunt you down and eat doughnuts with you.' She is a fairly odd yet funny girl which is perhaps why her popularity isn't so high. But she doesn't really care, it's for fun as she likes to think of it.


- Food







-Animal abusers




-One strength of her's is that she is a very loyal girl and will be loyal to her close friends and family

-She is very patient as well

-Knows how to make people laugh


-Can be a bit weird sometimes

-She tends to freak people out instead of making them laugh

|Position in Host/Hostess club| Pastel goth




How popular you are



-Father: James Zing

-Mother: Diana Zing (Deceased)


-She considers anyone who is nice to her, her friend

|Best Friends:|




|Theme Song{s} :| (Optional)


(Still working on this)




Basic information

Naoki Koizumi

|Name meaning:| First name: Naoki ((nao) "honest, straight" and (ki) "tree")

Last Name: Koizumi ("little spring")

|Age:| 17

|Gender:| Male

|Sexuality:| Heterosexual


|Height:| 5'3"

|Weight:| 132lbs

|Hair color:| Silver/White

|Eye color:| Right Eye: Pink

Left Eye:

|Clothing Style:| His style outside of school and host club is very colorful and cute.

About the character

|Personality:| He is a lonely child, who burries his feelings under bright colors and a cheerful demeanor. His true personality is dark and distrustful, and he uses his cute, bubbly mask to his advantage.

|Likes:| Sweets, bright colors, seeing other's smiling faces.

|Dislikes:| People discovering his 'real face'.

|Strengths/Talents:| He's good at being cheerful, and making others smile.

|Flaws/Weaknesses:| He is so used to his mask that he doesn't know how to show others his actual self

|Position in Host club:| The cute, cheerful type




How popular you are


|Family:| He avoids speaking about his home life whenever he's asked, though everyone knows that he is the youngest son of Zumi-Corp's CEO.

|Friends:| Anyone who's nice to him! [though he does not trust anyone enough to actually see them as friends]

|Best Friends:| --

|Enemies:| --

|Theme Song:|[media]

[/media]|Bio:|As the son of the CEO of Zumi-Corp, Naoki had everything he could have wanted growing up. Any toy, game or snack he could dream of was his before he even had to ask for it. The only thing he lacked was companionship. His only company growing up was his cat Mitts, who he grew incredibly attached to. When he had to go to school, he always lamented leaving Mitts behind, and once when he was in middle school, he even brought the cat with him in his backpack, only to be discovered and gently scolded by the principal of his school.
As a young person, many people tried to befriend him, but each time he would find out that their only motive for wanting to be friends was that his family was well known. This caused him to distrust everyone he met, knowing that it was only a matter of time until he was betrayed, regardless of the situation. He became much more dark and jaded inside, but on the outside he kept his bubbly facade so that nobody would realize such things.

When it came time to choose a high school, Ouran was an easy choice. It was a prestegious school filled with well bred sons and daughters of wealthy members of society. Not that any of that meant anything to Naoki. He was just happy to be going to a co-ed school with a variety of new faces to meet. When he heard about a club where he could sit, eat sweets and make pretty girls smile, he knew he HAD to join up!

|Extras:|-Most people mistake him for someone much younger.

-He is very used to people trying to become friends with him so that they can leech off of his family's success. He responds cheerfully about it, but inside he feels immense disgust each time it happens.
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Last Name:



None yet

|Name meaning:|

Damon- To tame, Bien- The sea/oceans






Hetero, but likes to tease Kai Fuyumi







175 Pounds

|Hair color|:

Charcoal Black

|Eye color|:

Deep Electric Sea BLue



|Clothing Style:|

Summer/Spring- Khaki shorts, with tees, tanks, or button downs open with no shirt underneath(Only at beach)

Winter/Fall- Dress pants, jeans, and button downs, or hoodies with tee shirts

About the character


Innocent Like a puppy, Intelligent, Oblivious, Caring Loyal, Trustworthy


Swimming, the beach, Surfing, The stars, The moon, Sleeping, Making people feel happy


When people are mad at him, Or he thinks he made someone mad, Compliments they make him uncomfortable, Being woken up, Rainy days,


Getting to know people, Seeing the good in people, Lacrosse/Swimming, All school subjects


To trusting to the point where it hurts him, Too Innocent, Kind of shy, and introverted

|Position in Host/Hostess club|

The "Innocent Puppy"



80[/COLOR]]Charm[/thinprogress ] [thinprogress=[COLOR=#ff0000]85[/COLOR]]How popular you are[/thinprogress ] [/CENTER] [CENTER] [B]Social: [/B] |Family:| Ashton Bien(Dad) Marine Biologist Maria Bien(Mom) Recently Deceased |Friends:| None Just moved to Ouran |Best Friends:| N/A |Enemies:| N/A |Bio:| Damon has always be a very nice kid. Every since he was little he was gently, and adorable like a puppy. He would try to make you happy, by doing the little things. For example, he would write a note for his mom before work, along with his dad. He would even go to the extent to where he would give up his own happiness to make others happy. Thus making him so innocent and naive. He has always been like that. Even when his mom recently died Damon saw the good in it. His mom wouldn't have to suffer form the pain anymore, and she would be happy where ever she was. So when his dad got the job at Ouran as a Marine Biologist. He took it to give Damon a change of scenery. Even though his dad is never around, Damon knows he loves his job, and that makes him happy. |Quotes:|(Optional) "Life is a game. So you know lets have some fun." |Extras:|[/CENTER]



。☆*:.。. .。.:*☆ 。

Name | Shiro Sakurako

Nicknames |

Blanc | A name for her naturally pale skin, blue eyes and love for the color white.

Cat | A name for her cat-like personality and love of tuna and the little tufts of hair that stick out of her head.

Name Meaning | [shiro] White [sakurako] Cherry Blossom Child

Age | 15

Gender | Female

Sexuality | Heterosexual

猫 猫 桜 桜

Appearance |

Height | 165 cm • 5'5

Weight | 49 kgs • 108 lbs

Hair Color | Naturally Black-Brown • Dyed Platinum Blonde

Clothing Style | Her style is Preppy and Simple which also includes sailor uniform. {Ex.

猫 猫 桜 桜

Personality |

Shiro is described as a quiet and pretty stoic girl, being coy and very easily overlooked by others. She also rarely shows much emotion at all on her face and is quite mature, despite she only speaks a few words to express her thoughts. She is known to be get angry easily and is quite the thinker. Without her facade of standoffishness, she is actually quite playful and is fond of making friends.

Likes | Cats, Chocolate, Warmth, Cuteness, Flowers, Music, Fish

Dislikes | Loud Noises, Being Tired, Cold Weather, Being disliked, Being touched by guys, Waiting, Messiness

Strengths/Talents | She is good at singing and drawing as well as writing. She is also quite mature.

Flaws/Weaknesses | She is antisocial and quite stubborn despite being sheepish. She is also very blunt and insecure.

Position | Cute and Stoic

猫 猫 桜 桜




猫 猫 桜 桜

Family | MomSisterBrother

Friends | N/A

Best Friends | --

Enemies | --

Theme Song | --


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Basic information


Daiki Kazahura



|Name meaning:|

? (dai)

"great" combined with

? (ki)











5'7 (170 cm)


110 lbs (50 kg)

|Hair color|:


|Eye color|:




|Clothing Style:|

Vintage style

About the character


She is the type of person who likes to get into deep conversations. She can sometimes be mysterious and quiet. She loves poetry and metaphors and uses them often.


Night time


Cheesy romance stories





Amazing writer and poet


She doesn't really know how to express herself.

|Position in Host/Hostess club|




|Family:| Father, Mother,

|Friends:| TBD

|Best Friends:| TBD

|Enemies:| TBD

|Theme Song{s} :| (Optional)




"This job is the cancer of my dreams and aspirations."

"This song shall be thy rose, soft, fragrant, and with no thorn left to wound thy bosom."

"There, one whose voice was venomed melody."

"A sweetness seems to last amid the dregs of past sorrows."


She likes to eat rice cakes.


Kindness 85%

Charm 90%

How popular are you? 84%
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(I am unsure as to whether or not that this one will be fine but I will post him anyway, he is not a member of the host club but never the less here it goes)

Basic information


Yuu (?) Tetsuo (??)


|Name meaning:| Yuu-Higher/Superior

Tetsuo-Wise Hero/Wise Man












150 lbs

|Hair color|:


|Eye color|:




|Clothing Style:|


About the character


Yuu Tetsuo is a rather quite individual who prefers to keep to himself most of the time and do as he wishes. He is quite intelligent even though one would not think to wonder about him for a moment in such a way. Most of the time he chooses to blend in with the background and simply do his won thing, him not caring for the popularity that he could undoubtedly attain if he wanted to. Even though he is the one that tends to blend in to the background he is quite the nice guy and very charming when he is speaking to someone.


The violin, quiet moments to himself, cats, reading, etc


Blatantly rude people, dark chocolate candy bars, rain, extreme cold, etc


Very high GPA, skilled with the violin


Has a problem with bodies of water and swimming as someone close to him drowned

|Position in Host/Hostess club|

He is not in the Host Club







Has a mother and father, although they are rarely around


He has a couple close friends

|Best Friends:|

None would really be considered best friends though


None to speak of


Tetsuo is a student that prefers to be engrossed in the things that he enjoys rather than garnering attention from those around him, which is why for the better part of his school life he didn't really care to stand out all that much. That fact that he is quite the looker seemed to only make it that much odder, him quite capable of being one of the more recognizable guy in the school. After all many a girl likes the smart good looking guy stereotype after all. He however does not really care about superficial things that won't mean anything in the larger picture of life, him rather spending time sitting back and enjoying the day to day affair of doing things that interest him the most.

His family is known for being one of the biggest multi billion dollar companies that handle the manufacture of many products that are shipped all over the world, both industrial and commercial. He however has yet to show any interest in the family businesses, him preferring his mother's stance as a musician and striking his own mark on the world instead of following in the footsteps that have been set for him.


"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you someone else is the greatest accomplishment" ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Basic information

|Name:| Conner Wolfpaw

|Nicknames:|Engine (Only Azira and he hates it!)

|Name meaning:|Conner was his grandfather’s name. The last name was a tribe name.

|Age:| 15


|Sexuality:| Bisexual

|Appearance:| Conner is a decently muscled half Native American man. Although not nearly as ripped as Azira, he is still relatively muscular with angled features.


|Height|: 5 ft 11

|Weight|: 175

|Hair color|: Black

|Eye color|: Brown

|Race|: Half Native American (Comanche) Half Caucasian

|Clothing Style:|Very casual. Usualy collared button up with nice jeans or slacks. Sometimes a tie if he’s lucky. But he loves costumes!

About the character

|Personality:| Connor is a very soft spoken, kind person. He seems to get along with everyone. Well almost everyone. Connor and Azira have disliked each other since the day they met, he thinks Azira is too rough and doesn’t slow down to enjoy the beauty in things, while Azira finds Connor to be too hippieish. The two butt-heads at everything and often wind up making bets to try and outperform the other. Connor becomes brash, brazen and sometimes just plain mean around Azria, often insulting his work and questioning his education level. He knows Azira is sensitive to the fact that he doesn’t do very well in school no matter how hard he tries and often picks on that to try and bring him down to his level and “win” arguments. But, other than fights with Azzy, he is very kind and sweet and wont argue with anyone else. He can be pretty eccentric when it comes to costumes.

|Likes:|Peace, Quiet, animals, flowers, anything pretty

|Dislikes:|AZIRA! Being in a rush, time constraints, pressure

|Strengths/Talents:|Artist, the boy can draw/paint/ carve almost anything he sees, He can put on a completely different face than his emotions show, and he’s pretty good at manipulating things to make him look good in the argument.He is also super smart and can ace almost any class or test.

|Flaws/Weaknesses:| He’s pretty judgemental, if someone believes differently than he does he will think there’s something wrong with them. He will always go for the low-blow in an argument, if something bothers someone he’s going to use it to pick on them.

|Position in Host/Hostess club- Exotic foreigner




How popular you are


|Family:| Azria: cousin

|Friends:| none yet, hes new

|Best Friends:|see previous


|Bio:|Azira was born on the native American reserve in Oklahoma to a single mother, however he went to a nearby public school where he excelled in every class all the way until high school where he had achieved such high scores in classes he could go to any school he wanted with almost guaranteed acceptance. His life was good until his mother remarried Azira’s uncle. He hated his new stepfather and resented his cousin even more.

He disliked Azira at first simply because he wasn’t as educated as he was and couldn’t really understand Connor’s use of words. However the hatred started when Azira solved every argument with a wrestling match, which the bigger boy always won. Azira had no idea why his new cousin hated that, all his other cousins did it. The two began to argue and although Azira wouldn’t overstep the line, Conner learned something that when brought up in the arguments would stop the argument. Things were somewhat peaceful until Azira made it into Ouran High school based on his achievement as a cattleman. Connor couldn’t understand it, Azira got in for simply “raising some dirty cows” while he worked in a public highschool? He was immediately jelous and signed up too. He believes his mentally inferior cousin doesn’t belong here.

|Extras:|Throughout the Rp he may become a bit of a trouble maker. The longer the two cousins sit in the same room the more brazen and rude he gets.
lol mind if I start with an argument? These two are really going to hate each other. Connors just a bit more brutal. Azira at least wont be flat out mean xD . Azzy's only teasing. Connor's out for blood.

Fun fact Connor dosnt know: Azzy's paying for Connor's living expenses himself xD . Connor's literally biting the hand that feeds him

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