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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club: All's fair in love and war

Hajime internally groaned. He could practically see the tension between the cousins (although most of the guests would be a bit too airheaded to sense it too), but this would likely upset the guests, and upset guests made for low profits, which led to less money being available for their shows, which made the guests even unhappier...it was one of those vicious cycles his father always talked about. He could see their feud being profitable, though; for some reason, some guests loved the whole sibling (cousin?) rivalry schtick. He'd bring that up to the others after they were done, he decided.

He'd be done pretty soon, hopefully. Hajime hadn't run the idea past anyone yet, but he planned to host half the time, and spend the other half being hosted by the girls. If he could learn of the Hostess's weaknesses, he'd be able to play them for the favor of the boys. As silly as the rivalry was, his club came first. The intel might be useful. Or it might turn out be a total waste of time, he thought to himself.

"I apologize, Aikawa-san," he said to his last guest, bowing. "I'm only hosting half the usual time, so I'm sorry to cut your visit short. I enjoyed spending the time with you, and look forward to seeing you again." Sometimes, it paid off a little to not be one of the popular hosts. He stood up, offering a hand to the girl, and showed her to the exit before crossing over to the girl's side, heading towards the lady he recognized as Yume.

"Pardon me, mind if I join you, miss?"



She finished up with a client and she thought she might have a second to breath before one of the guys from the host came walking over and asked if he could join her her. She internally groaned but she didn't show it on her face. With a sweet smile she said, "Of course have a seat" she gestured toward a seat. "So...what brings you over to the hostess club?" She asks, keeping her voice sweet. She couldn't remember his name. She racked her brain trying to figure it out. It was...Hajime. She was happy she could remember. She felt he wasn't really here for just an annual visit but she ignored it, she just kept a smile on her face and did her job.

Azira yawned before his phone went off. it was some country song with a nice two stepped beat to it. he smirked. "Any of you know a two step?" Azira stood offering a hand.

"Two step? I know waltz." The girl took his hand.

"Okay, well the wall has three steps, you simply take the third step back. Here." Azira pulled his lady against him in perfect position and manged to walk her through without stumbling. Soon they were in perfect sync. He could feel the rage seeping off Connor, so may as well make him even more enraged. He suddenly acted like he was going of a dip, but rather did probably he of the most dangerous moves ever. A death drop. The girl shrieked in surprise as she was suddenly hurdling tward the ground, only to be stopped by Azira's strong and holding her inches from the floor. He had her feet setting flush against his boots to keep her from sliding downward. He pulled her back to him as she laughed.

"Scared?" Azira laughed.

"That was actually pretty fun! Surprizing but fun." She was laughing. Azira internaly sighed in relief. that could easily have gone badly.

"Know how to flip?" He asked, smirking.


"Azira, don't scare the girls. you could easily have dropped her." Connor growled. Seemed the girls actually did enjoy the tension between the two.

"What? naw. She's light as a feather. you too weak?" Azira laughed. making light of it, deciding it was better to handle this laughing than enraged.

"Yes, but what if her hand had slipped. That would definitely have been a concussion."
"Oh, I'm just taking some time for myself," Hajime replied, seating himself by Yume. "It's nice to be hosted, wouldn't you think so too? All the attention makes one feel really special." He leaned back, loosening his tie and removing his fedora. He'd be here for a while, so he might as well get comfortable. He eyed the tea set, impressed with the intricate design of it, and taking note of the quality. The girls knew what they were doing, at least. "So," he began, "would you mind if I asked a personal question? Why did you join the Hostess Club?"



"I guess..." She didn't know really what to say, she really had never thought about it. "Why not?" That's the best she could come up with. She never really questioned her decision about joining or ever really thought about the reason why she did. She tried to think of a way to get the topic of conversation off of her. "Why did you join the host club." She asked. 'Seriously that was the best you got' she internally admonishes herself. She still kept a smile and just moved a tad bit closer to him. He may be in the host club but when she was working, he was a client and no matter how much she hated it.

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Daiki walks into the room where rose petals were every where, female and males were scattered, surrounding others. She hurried her way, probably the wrong way. And took a seat. All she heard was screams from fangirls and praises to other men. She quickly turned her head to find a boy. His clothing style told you he was a bad boy. Her face started to turn red.

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Azira's two appointments had to cut short so he was left with free time... He would go over to the girls side too but. they just didn't do it for him... but he knew a certain blue eyed beauty on the boys side who would. He plopped himself next to Kai, remaining silent though. he only wanted to listen.

Connor smirked as it seemed Azira's girls left him, although it was simply a time issue. they both had a class and had to leave then and there, leaving Azira girl-less for the moment.

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"I joined it for the business experience," he said. Hajime had thought over which club he would join carefully, before he even joined the high school program. "Keeping customers happy is a large part of your success rate, and this club pretty much centers around it." He was the oldest, and male, so in a more fantastical world he would naturally be the heir to the Fujiyama companies. But it didn't work that way in his family. He and his siblings all had an equal chance to win the rights to the business, but it depended on who could show that they were the best suited for it. It was stressful, but also exhilarating, in a way.

Hajime glanced at the tea set again. "So, what tea are you serving today?"



"Earl Grey and Jasmine. Would you like some?" She asks graciously gesturing towards the tea set that was on the table. She hasn't even gotten some tea for herself after the fist cup. She looks at the tea cups and they were very elaborately designed. She loved the look of them, they did t really have tea sets like this in America.


"Jasmine, please," he replied, smiling slightly. "If you don't mind me asking, what does your family do?" Hajime had never heard of Yume's family, which was odd for such a prestigious school. Most students here had family in high places, that were renowned in their business field. A few were here on a scholarship program, but he didn't know who they were.



She froze when he brought up her family. She regained her composer and poured some tea for him and herself. She hands him a cup. Her parents died about a week after she came here. "If you don't mind, I really don't want to talk about it, but I am here on scholarship." She smile, the same fake smile she typically wears.

Azira then got a wicked idea! This was genius!

"Hey Connor? Remember the cow bell game?" Azira wondered out loud.

"Oh god no! Not here! That game is horrible we are not doing that!" Connor growled, a sudden fear rising in him.

"Come on, it's fun!" Azira laughed. "I'll bring the cowbells tomarrow."

"No.its not fun! Your a frikkin savage in that game! Never again!" Connor cringed as one of the girls asked what the cowbell game is. Azira instantly perked up.

"Well. It's a game all my cousins used to play at family reunion. The goal was to hang a cow bell around someone else's neck while they weren't lookin' . All slick like. Last one to be cow belled wins!" Azira explained with an arm around her shoulder, explaining it as if it were a mystical thing.

Connor just pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's a filthy game that only a low life red-neck would ever try to force upon me."

"Aw, your just mad cause your always the first one to be belled."

"That's because you jumped me in the shower! I thought I was safe!"

"Hon, you can't hide from the all mighty cow bell."

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