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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club: All's fair in love and war


Tatsuo raised a eyebrow curiously at the two boys, Conner and Azira. "You two always fight like this?" He questioned them. He sighed, draping his arms over the couch. "Hajime and Damon are right. If you guys do always bicker, you guys will have to tone it down once the customers come in or you guys will scare away all the customers. Then we lose and become less popular." Tatsuo said lazily as he glanced at the girl who had walked over to them. A small smirk appeared on his lips before he said something to her. "Hey there. Your Shiro right?" Tatsou asked the girl as he sat straighter. "Come sit next to me, why don't ya." He commented.

Nora shook her head as she walked over to the group of people on the couch. She glanced at Azira and Conner and tilted her head slightly. It seemed as if those two did not get along well. She shrugged. It wasn't none of her business. Nora couldn't help but roll her eyes at Tatsuo. "Such a flirt." She commented to him bitterly. "Haha I know. It's why girls love me." Tatsou retorted. Nora shook her head again and ignored him. She just had to wait until everyone was seated and ready... "Oh hi Damon." Nora said as she saw the boy sit on the couch.



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Oh oh Hi." Damon couldn't help but stutter. He was only good at talking to girls when he started the conversation. "Hi Nora, I... I...." Damon just instantly shut up, and blushed a deep crimson. The color of his cheeks seemed to pop because of his blonde hair, and gray eyes. He felt like an innocent boy talking to a girl for the first time.​


Azira seemed confused for a moment until he caught on with what Hajime said. "Right! Right. Boo. Boo?" Azira flipped back in to book, searching for that name. coming up with nothing. Uh oh. Atleast Damen had his back. It made him feel slightly better that he didn't have to actually know how to semi-read here.

"Boo Radley, huh? I don't remember getting you To Kill a Mockingbird." Connor laughed a Hajime explained the wrong book. "Me? Faking it? Which one of us is faking it here? Maybe I should have bought you 'Tequila'-Mocking bird."

Azira growled. "I don't drink and you know it."

"Bull crap. Last time I saw you, you chugged an entire bottle of Jack Daniels."

"I had a cup. ONE cup." Azira muttered back. Azira really didn't drink, maybe a celebratory beer on his birthday or new years but that was about it.

"Right. and not arguing around the girls. alright. don't embarrass yourself, Huckleberry Fin." Connor laughed as he moved to another couch.


Azira growled, biting his tongue. "ooh he likes to get on my nerves. I should read this just to spite em!" Azira picked up the book, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a replacement piece of straw. He opened the book again. he read for a but before getting stuck. The word 'scrupulous ' gave him some trouble.

"Um... anyone know what... scrapnelous means? s-scrumpulous? scrumdiliumptous? that's on them wonka bars aint it? what kinda yuppie nonsense is this!?"


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Shiro Sakurako

Shiro was thankful that the fight broken up, but then it became a rather unalluring place of interest. Shirt then saw a black haired male smile at her, her stoic expression forever unchanging. She walked closer to him, interested in him. You see, Even though Shiro was a rival, who said she couldn't have allies? " Shiro's baby blue eyes, shined a bit as she became to study his looks. He had short black hair and was fairly tall, very handsome, in a very rational way, of course.

Shiro then replied to him, "Yes, it is." She said in her monotone voice, her voice being rather platonic but mysterious. She heard his suggestion and though about it. Well, why not? She was quite bored in the first place and maybe hanging out with him would be better.

She walked closer to him and sat next to him her legs crossed. She blinked at him, and looked innocently, even though she was actually just studying his features


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Oh, wrong book. Hajime was pretty bad at literature, anyway, so it didn't bother him, but he felt bad for Azira. He sighed and leaned back on the couch. "...Do you mean scrupulous? That means something like...really detailed, I guess." He checked his watch; nearly 4:00. Such things as rivalries could wait for another time.

"Oi, everyone get ready! Who has the rose petals?"



[/font]Nora tilted her head as she looked at the boy. Oh yes. She had forgotten that Damon was considered the 'Innocent' one out of the group.

A small grin appeared on her lips before she spoke. "I can see why girls would like you. Your pretty cute." Nora commented

as she looked up at the ceiling. Which was why they had a bit more customers then the hostess club. Augh. The hostess club needed a

really cute
Lolita girl or something. "Don't worry, I have the rose petals. All I have to do is push a button on the remote." Nora responded to Hajime.


Tatsuo listened to them and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Why would anyone know that? I don't think anyone would care to know what that word means. It's not like it's going to help me or anyone in the future." He said yawning. Tatsou looked at Shiro and rested his head against his hand. "Hn. I'm Tatsuo." He said to her as he took a moment to study the girl. Very alluring and mysterious was the first thing that came to though. "Oh, and that's my bird, Peach." Tatsuo added as he pointed to his little bird.





Damon just blushed even more at Nora's comment. "Y..Y..Yeah I think you're pretty c...c...cute too." All the while Damon was blushing even more because he kept stuttering. "Not t... to me...mention yo...your personality is quite ch..cha...charming." Damon said as he smiled a genuine smile at Nora.​


"Awesome, Thanks. Frikkin, we need to downsize English a little." He kept trying to read. "Rapture? This about some apocalypse? Where are the zombies?" Azzy flipped through the pages before setting the book back on the counter. the girls didn't need to know of his problem.

"There a movie over that or somthin'?" He asked just anyone in general.

Connor laughed from afar as that moron kept trying to read something he couldn't understand. Pride and Predjudice was a notoriously hard book to read, no manner trying would get Azira even close to getting the concept.

Shiro Sakurako

Shiro looked at Tatsuo and gazed at his eyes, still looking like a innocent girl. He was very interesting and seemed to be a cute guy. She was quite intrigued by the bird, reaching her finger out to it. Shiro replied to him, "It's very cute..." She said in her stoic voice. She then gazed at the bird looking at its plump little body. It had little eyes and looked like a toy. Just very adorable. Of course, She was very shy, despite her curiousness of him. She then gazed on to Tatsuo again, replying, "Nice to meet you." Of course, She was the one who spoke little words, so the conversation would be very idle and what not. But of course, He was a host so, he could make any girl swoon, except her of course. She was just interested in people's actions and their faces.

Shiro then scratched her cheek, her slender fingers being quite pretty and feminine. Although she was a stoic girl, she was cute with her doe eyes and short hair with cat like tufts.



When customers began to file in, Kai sat down, scooting to the middle of his seat so that there was free room beside him. One of his customers sat beside him and looked up, batting her eyes as her hands folded in her lap. His face was unmoved, but he nodded, using a gentle voice to greet her as a small group of girls squealed. It was something he was good at, his 'mysterious' act. He didn't have to let much of his true self be on display because the girls ended up liking that more.

He was thankful that it meant that he could gently reject girls with a cool expression when they confessed and instead of finding it rude, it just meant that they thought even more about what kind of girl the mysterious host might be interested in. Unfortunately for them, the type of person he preferred wasn't a girl at all. His type was more similar to the customers' type than to most of his coworkers' in the host club. He liked nice people who were their own person and didn't let others change them. Which would be typical for a guy his age except he also happened to be attracted to men instead of women.

Snapping his attention back to the floor, he let his arms drape casually on the back of the seat he was on, the girl beside him taking it as a cue to scoot a little closer to the gangster-clad sixteen year old.

"Ooh!" Naoki grinned when the host club opened up to customers, jumping up and hurrying to grab a plate of sweets and tea for those who were interested in sitting near him. He set the tray down, purposefully dropping a sugar cube. He made an act of pouting, tilting his head when it hit the ground. "Oh no...I messed up again."

Hook, line and sinker. The girls around him patted his shoulders and hair, assuring him that it was an accident and they didn't mind since there were plenty of other sugar cubes there, and that he was sweet enough that they couldn't possibly need as much sugar as usual. He liked the attention that the host club brought to him. For a while, others seemed to forget that his father was a ceo. For a while, he was just seen as the cute shota-type and people fawned over him. This sort of attention made him forget his lonliness, even if only for a few moments in the day.
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"Ha, thanks." Nora said as she crossed her arms. She raised a eyebrow at him and smiled slightly. "Oh really? I'm usually not that popular in the hostess club. I'm more like the manager to be honest. So I'm glad someone finds me charming." Nora replied to him, her tone casual. She jumped slightly as the bell had suddenly rang. "Ok everyone, it's time." Nora said loud enough. "No more bickering for the moment," She added as the doors flew open and she pressed the button on the remote, as rose petals came falling down and the customers would be blinded for a mere moment in bright light.


"He is pretty cute. And nice to meet ya as well." Tatsuo said. First of all, he was kinda curious about the girl. Usually, girls would be swooning over him and saying flirty comments to him. But she just seemed to be curious or something. He tilted his head slightly at her, trying to figure out who she was in the hostess group. Was she the innocent one? The kawaii one? He didn't think so. Tatsuo looked up as the bell had rang. "Bummer. I guess we'll talk later on then." Tatsuo said as he grinned at her. "Duty calls." He added as he crossed his leg, preparing for the massive swarm that would enter right about now. He cleared his throat as the doors opened and the petals began falling down. All at once, the boys started it, all speaking together. "Welcome to the Ouran," Tatsuo said a big smile on his lips. And then the girls all had said there little saying. Soon everyone had shifted to there side of the room. "See ya later Shiro." Tatsuo added as he waved at her.



@Mediocritys Muse




"Okay Nora I am going to my table I will try to talk to you throughout the day." With that Damon kissed Nora on the cheek and walked away blushing like a mad man. Damon forced himself to not look back and keep walking. When Damon got close to Kai he made sure to walk over and kiss Kai on the cheek. "Just remember Kai is mine ladies." Damon made sure to have his puppy dog eyes on and walked over to his table sitting down as girls came to talk to him.​
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The warm feeling on his cheek caused Kai to tense up, his blue eyes glancing upward to see Damon grinning like an idiot. The girls sitting around him squealed even louder as he rubbed the place he was kissed with the back of his hand. Though he acted cool, he hated things like this. He wasn't out as being gay, and though he knew that acts like this were popular with girls (especially when both the guys were attractive in their eyes), he couldn't get over how frustrating it was to him, to feel trivialized without being able to react.

"Don't mind him, my heart belongs to all of you equally~" it wasn't technically a lie. He cared about all the girls in the same manner. It was just that the manner he cared for them was more a warm acquaintanceship than a crush like he was sure most of them would prefer.​

Connor stood as the girls came in, he then sat back down and managed to get three interested and managed to keep them relatively entertained by telling them about what a reserve was like.

Azira gave a smile as he managed to get two girls to request him. It was a start for his first time with the club, he was relatively nervous and stiffened when one noticed the book on the coffee table. crap! "Um.. uh. That's Hajimes." He lied, praying Hajime'd take the rap for him. Atleast Hajime knew how to do the book thing. He atleast could read it back to the girls if they asked. this made Connor smirk. what a beautiful mess hed made


As hears the bell ring and people start coming in. Girl separating to the host club side and guys coming over to the hostess club side. Here goes nothing. A couple of her weekly visitors come over to her table she smiles mischievously as they sit down. "Hey boys" she says flirtatiously. She bats her eye brows. One of them offers to go and get her tea and she nods. Once they are all sitting back down a guy asks her how her tea is. Perfect. "Sweet but not as sweet as you" she says with a flirtatious smile and she lightly brushes her hand against his cheek. "So how are you boys doing this fine day?" She asks still smiling.

Yuu Tetsuo

Entering The Hostess/Host Club

Yuu had spent most of his time today in the art room, him going over his project in lou of actually spending time with his sparse accumulation of friends that he had. In truth the majority of the school didn't even know he existed, only a few select people that shared classes with him even knew how kind and charming he actually was. If he had the drive to be popular in the school he would surely garner a following in no time flat, although he doesn't care for popularity which is quite obvious to any who know him even a little bit. That in mind however his friends now drag him to the Host/hostess club, them figuring that he needs some kind of fun...even though he considers spending time working on his project fun. The annoying fact of it all was that he was in the middle of practicing a new song on his violin when they scooped him up, him getting taken to the club with the violin case in his hand. It was quite a site to behold, a guy being pushed down the hall holding a violin case by two of his friends isn't something you see that often in Ouran.

Regardless he is now standing in the doorway of the club, him at the moment letting out a light sigh as he thinks to himself, 'Well they are probably watching the exit so I can't just leave now, suppose I have to mingle even if I don't care to.' So with that in mind he walks further in to the club.

Shiro Sakurako

Shiro stretched her arms then petted the bird and stood up. "I have to go...Bye." She said in monotone and walked away, leaving a trail of mystery along her tracks. She noticed that he seemed confused but, like always, this was war; she couldn't afford to be flattered even if she had the slightest crush on him. She had to be a femme fatal, or in this case, Sugars and Ice. Shiro then fixed her outfit and started to prep for the arrival of her guests. Of course, She was very, very new and nonetheless, not as known. Her popularity wasn't as high, but she was looking forward to make it sky rocket. She patted her cheeks and tried to look the best she can. When she had found some guests, she sat down with some snacks. One of the guests insisted to feed her and accepted it. Honestly, She loved to be fed, with tea, sweets and pastries. However, She also liked to feed the guests, purposely putting crumbs on their faces to flick them of with her soft touch.

Shiro put some more tea down for her guests as they continued to feed her. She had also put a crumb on her face purposely as she let one of the guests to touch her face. She acted like a cat almost with a forever unchanging expression and her cat like personality. She had trying to win people over to the Hostess club, and fast.

She had then glanced at Tatsuo again, looking at him for a few seconds then reverting her gaze back to the guests.


@Anyone Else?


"Oooh, Hajime-kun, you like classical literature?" chirped one of the five ladies who had chosen him. Internally, he winced. He barely knew them, so what gave them the right to tack '-kun' on his name? "Um, I read a little for school, sometimes," he replied, shooting a brief look at Azira that clearly meant 'I'm not going to cover your ass forever.'

"Woooah, you're so smart," squealed the blonde on his right. "I bet you can come up with a solution to anything!" Oh boy, here we go with the drama, he thought to himself. "Misaki-chan and I both like the same boy--"

"I saw him first!" shrieked the girl who was apparently Misaki, and both girls pouted at Hajime.

"Well," he began, "it doesn't matter who saw this boy first, because even if you like someone, that doesn't automatically make him yours, right? He'll choose whoever he wants, and it may not be either of you." Both girls seemed to be considering this, although they looked upset. Sighing, he turned his attention to another guest. Same routine, same day.​


Yuu Tetsuo

Within the Host/Hostess Club

While he walked in he noticed that there was already a good deal of people within the location, may of them tending to whomever may be around at the moment. This was the first time that he had ever entered the club area, him not really caring that much to spend time in places like this in the past. That in mind he looked around and noticed that one of the females was looking his way, her looking to be one of the girls that populated the Hostess Club considering the number of people that were paying attention to her. Quite frankly he simply cocked his head as she went about dealing with sweets and the tea, her seeming to be the cute one of the group. His mind wondered for the moment, him thinking of what he was even supposed to do in this place besides talk with the people that inhabited it.

Tetsuo let out a light sigh as he walked further in to the room, him noticing that there was a piano on the room. At that moment he realized that this place was once a music room so having a piano within the place would make sense, evidently it has not be played that much though. 'What a same,' he thought to himself as he laid eyes on it, him looking down at his violin as he stood there. Quite frankly he would much rather prefer to spend time playing or doing something constructive, him at the moment wondering if the members of the respective clubs would mind if he went about his own way. With a light shrug he walked to the back of the room, him sitting at a free table near the back of the room, him at the moment sitting down his violin case and pulling out his violin. The majority of the room was tending to their own needs, him putting the violin in place and then beginning.


He paid no attention to any of the people in the room as he started playing, his eyes looking through whomever may be in his sight line as he was lost in the music.
Azira internaly gave a sigh of relief. Hajime was literally saving him his life, okay maybe not literally but dying of embarrassment might actually be a thing.

"so, how did you get here exactly?" One of the girls spoke up, wondering how what looked like a commoner got into this school.

"Oh. I bred an efficient breed of cattle. they're so popular because they can live on half the feed a normal cow gets without starving and they can withstand heat. I also breed quarter horses and race horses. I'm beginning to experiment with sheep and pigs, but I don't really like hogs so much. so loud." Azira winced remembering what happened the first time he grabbed a hog by the back legs. he swore he went deaf for a while.

"Oh, I'll be they're dirty too!" One of he girls gasped. "Do they really roll in the mud?"

"Eh, they're not so dirty. They only roll in the mud because they ain't got seat glands and they're prone to sunburn. No animal's 'dirty' per say. just a lot of dust."

The girls laughed at his use of the word 'ain't' it was as if they had never heard it before.

"Father says that 'ain't" ain't a word, so I ain't gonna say it."

"Yeah, its not in the dictionary."

"Oh on contrare' I believe they added it. my slang has been saved." Azzy laughed.


Connor was having a nice chat with the three girls that chose him before... uhoh. the flower allergy. He sneased, loudly.

"Bless you!" one of the girls chirped.

"Thanks, sorry ladies. I'm allergic to flowers. Next time I'll sit far away from the rose cannons." Connor sighed. Well this wasn't going so well. and Azzy was far too occupied to annoy.

Shiro Sakurako

Shiro kept on interacting with her face, having the same stoic face as ever. She had been charismatic with the guests, her characteristics and charisma paying of well. As she was talking with guests, she had glanced at a one of the guests glancing at her, or actually staring at her. When her eyes met with his, She stared at him. When his head cocked, she had waved at him for him to come here, her eyes directly staring him. Why was her staring at her? After all, she is a hostess; she was supposed to have charm.

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Kawaii said:

Shiro Sakurako

Shiro kept on interacting with her face, having the same stoic face as ever. She had been charismatic with the guests, her characteristics and charisma paying of well. As she was talking with guests, she had glanced at a hosts glancing at her, or actually staring at her. When her eyes met with his, She stared at him. When his head cocked, she had waved at him for him to come here, her eyes directly staring him. Why was her staring at her? After all, she is a hostess.

Azira yawned sipping his tea when one of the girls asked if he had cats. "One house cat three barn cats."

"Barn cats? you mean strays?"

"No.no. They just live in the barn. they don't prefer the house. They do a good job keeping the mice and snakes out of my feed bins. although occasionally I bring a bb gun out there and peg some of em'."

"Oh my how awful. You kill helpless snakes?" Connor snapped.

"helpless? you aint been bit by one son. them snakes are the devil."

"How can a poor animal be the devil. your the one on the other end of the rifel."

"Oh? if you got a better solution to get rid of the pest, please do. bbs are expensive." Azzy laughed. "anyway... im actually about to have some unplanned kittens. I may bring them someday if i'd think someone would take them to good homes." Azira managed to push the conversation to a less unsightly topic. who didn't love kittens.

He shot Connor a look mid-scentance that screamed death.

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