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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club: All's fair in love and war


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Head to the overview, rules will be there. Once you read the rules and the information and made your own character then we can start role playing.

I will start tomorrow since I have to go to bed at the moment.

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Ouran was a very well known school, famous for it's education system and style of course. Only the most elite and smartest kids attended Ouran. Yet it seemed as if not all the students were that bright. Rich yes, but not smart. Nora thought bitterly as she was sorting out the bouquet of flowers on a table. The Host and Hostess club was going to open in less then five minutes, and Nora was just going over everything, making sure things were in the right place and all the other things that needed to be checked. Now that all the flowers on the tables were aligned, Nora turned towards the girls and glanced at them before asking. "Lucelle, Yume, Haruna, Neela, Laura, you girls are ready and good to go?" Nora questioned them. To be honest, Nora was kinda like the manger in a way and she always checked to make sure everything was fine, meaning she had to know if the girls were doing fine as well.

"I think today were going to get a lot of customers due to our theme." Today, they had all decided to dress up as 'gangster' girls which Nora heard would attract in even more customers The costumes (http://www.singaporesales.sg/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Mafia.jpg) were excellent and suited the theme perfectly. She thought it would be a good idea. "Perhaps we'll even get more customers then the host club." Nora added, casting a quick glance towards the boys who shared the other side of the room. It was disappointing when she found out that they wouldn't get there own room for the Hostess club. Instead, they had to share a room with the Host club. Which she still disliked, but it did provide competition for them. It just made them want to be the best club with the most customers.

Nora pulled her long red hair in a ponytail, and glanced around the room one more time. She was proud of how the whole room was decorated. It always matched the new theme that both the clubs were doing. "Everything seems to be fine. We just have to wait until the bell rings and then people will start pouring in." She said. It was true. Once the bell rang, countless of boys and girls swarmed the place, waiting for turns to be entertained by the Host members or either the Hostess members. Really all they did was eat, complaint the customer endlessly, make them feel special and wanted. That was pretty much the whole point of Host/Hostess clubs, to make people feel good and make them laugh.






(I'm SO sorry for taking forever!! I'm so horrible when it comes to starting.)



Tatsuo stood near the table of food and he picked up a glazed doughnut. He began to munch on it while waiting for the bell to ring. Luckily there was some peace and quiet for the spur of the moment, but even still it wasn't completely quiet since the other half of the room was filled with girls. Tatsuo finished the doughnut and wiped his hands on the napkin. He wouldn't want to get his clothes dirty. Currently, he was wearing a 'gangsta' suit since that was the theme the girls had chosen. Both clubs took turns on picking themes every week. They dressed up three times during the school days, leaving them two days to wear the normal uniform or their own outfits. But, he didn't mind this theme actually. It seemed pretty cool. Still. He found it kinda annoying that the girls were trying to get all the customers. I mean, we had this club to ourselves before they came in and started taking away some customers. But he had to admit some of those girls were pretty nice looking. Still. Tatsuo let a small sigh escape his lips as he stroked Peach (His bird) gently on the back. He liked how his little bird would sit on his shoulder and stay there. Plus, his bird would bite anyone if he told Peach to do so. Peach also helped him with the ladies, seeing they went crazy over the bird.

"Aye guys, you all ready?" Tatsuo questioned boredly as he walked over to the couch and sat down, leaning his head back, resting his head on the couch rail as he looked up at the high ceiling. As he was staring at the ceiling, he started thinking and would occasionally glance over to the girls side before he would stare back up towards the ceiling before he closed his eyes. To be honest, he did like being in this club. It was fun in a way. Sure he didn't really care/mean anything that he did and do, it was just nice to be in a place where people adored you as well as adoring other people. In a fake way. As much as he didn't care about stuff, it was this one thing that kinda made him feel happy. "I want popcorn." Tatsuo groaned as he lazily slumped onto the couch, closing his eyes shut again. He often did this out of boredom. Plus, he thought it was funny when the others would complain about him. "The suit is getting really itchy." He said to one in particular. That was another habit of his, talking randomly to no one. It freaked out his parents and other people. I bet the Hostess made our suits itchy on purpose. The little rivalry between them was actually quite fun.

In fact, it was common for them to visit each other. Like one day, the girls would attend this side of the room and talk to boys as if they were the customers. And other days, he would visit them and sit down, eat and flirt with them. Or sometimes both the clubs would end up bickering and trying to wreck the other's side. It was kinda funny in a way. Tatsuo snapped out of his thoughts as he ran his hand through his hair and stood up. He glanced at the clock. Three minutes to go. Then the doors would ‘magically’ open and all of them, including the girls would say their line/part. The boys always started it off, saying ‘welcome to the ouran’ and bla bla, and all that boring shiz. Though he didn't mind. This was the time where he could chill and relax. At least, most of the time anyways. Sure he had to some work, but it wasn't really 'work' for him.



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Ouran was quite the school. It was known all across the area, in fact. Very famous. Extremely rich. A private academy for the richest teenage boys and girls? You got Ouran Academy. Inside, despite the 'royalty' feel of the school, it was quite normal. Except for two particular clubs; the Host Club, and the Hostess Club.

"Aargh! Dammit, I'm late!" Haruna Kawahashi cursed under her breath as she ran at the pace of lightning to Music Room #3. Also known as the club room for both the Host Club and Hostess Club. The sharing of the room proved difficulty, of course. Haru slammed open the door. The scent of roses, the consistent themes. "I'm here, okay?!" she said. Oh. She wasn't late. That was good. "If you say anything I'll use you as a punching bag," Haruna said to a certain girl called Nora as she passed her to collect her costume for today. You might be thinking that a host shouldn't act like that, but she was quite hot tempered when she wasn't doing the whole 'tsundere loli' act thing.

Today's theme was Gangster Girls. Haru changed into her clothes. She sat down on a couch and combed her hair out with a brush. All she had to do was wait for everyone else to arrive. The club basically just entertained males all day. Tea, eating, talking. That's it. Haru growled as she mentally prepared herself for the usual day.


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Hume didn't have a rich family like most people at Ouran, she was here on scholarship mostly. She lives by herself and takes care of herself, simple as that. She walked into Music Room #3. She got her costume from Nora. She kept adjusting her costume while looking in the mirror. Once she was ready she walked out of the dressing room and looked around at everybody. They were all getting ready. She had her hair pulled back into a pony tail. She curled the ends. She was happy to join the hostess club. Once she heard of what they do, it just sounded like fun to her. She saw all the guys getting ready for all the ladies that had way too much time on their hands. She looked around at the hostess club. She plastered a smile on her face and started helping Nora adjust some things to make everything look perfect. She looked at the clock waiting for the bell to ring and the customers to flow in. She's ploped down on a couch that was on the hostess club side once they were done fixing things up. She figured she could relax a little bit before the customers flowed in and she would have to go through her usual day. She looked at herself in a mirror real quick to make sure she looked okay, she really did like the costumes this week but she typically liked them every week. She looked around the place once more when Haruna slammed the door open. She watched as she grabbed her costume and went to go change, walking right past her. She walked in circles around the hostess side like she always did before the day started. Plus she needed to be able to walk in these hells she was in. She typically always found a way to not wear heels but this week it was unavoidable. Once she was comfortable walking in them, she sat down at one of the tables and she crosses her legs, resting her elbows on the table and she waited for the bell to ring once more and then she would sit up and act like a "proper lady", some people would call it.



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Azira sighed. he had said no to so many suits. After a while he eventually got them to settle on a scaled up version of his usual attire. Kakki boot cuts with some semi-clean dark brown boots, a maroon long sleeve it had white pin stripes though! that was gangsta right? the shirt had pearl white buttons tucked in and topped off with his belt and large belt buckle he'd won for a champion calf at some show. He also wore his hat. that was until he entered the room, he then hung it on the top of the coat rack and ruffled up his hair. Jhon Wayne never wore a hat indoors, so Azzy wouldn't either. but today it seemed would be decent. he wasn't "gangsta" no would he ever be but the theme had to be fit. so he had brought a fedora. never in his life had he worn a hat indoors, but today he'd break his rule. He slipped on his fedora, hating this theme for the moment. He held a piece of straw between his teeth out of a manner of habit, the only time he didn't have that twig of straw at his lips was when he was pissed or concentrating or otherwise occupied... or if he'd managed to loose it.

Azira was no man of sheer sophistication, he was a man of his trade... he just happened to look damn good. He plopped back in a couch, Legs crossed, arms sprawled as he waited on a bored lady to take the bait... Untill then he took a sip on the sealed thermos of iced tea. texas style ice tea, none of that fancy crap. all was well until he glanced over to the women's side. he coughed, avoiding spitting his tea. what the hell was this!? They looked like a bunch of... he didn't know what but nothing he'd ever seen.

He leaned over to Tatsuo, who was on the couch directly behind him. "Hey, What in tarnation are the girls doing? are stripy pants a thing here? and I thought only men wore suspenders?" He asked, completely oblivious to "gangsta style"

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Hajime checked his hair in a small pocket mirror one final time, before finally deciding that all the hair gel in the world still wouldn't get it to stay flat. Sighing internally at his own misfortune, he entered the infamous Music Room #3, nodding politely to the girls before getting his costume and heading away to change into it. He really didn't understand the rivalry between them; frankly, he thought it would be a better idea to combine the clubs. They already shared a clubroom. He dressed quickly, still tossing the thought around in his head, and took some time to look at himself in the mirror.

It was like staring straight into a previous decade. The suit was classy, but gave off a dangerously sharp aura, as if he was actually a (very, very rich) member of the mafia. The pinstripe tie was a bit much though, and Hajime personally found it tacky. Oh well, the customers would still go crazy over it. Why they were romanticizing the mafia was unknown to him, but some people were into that, and profits would likely increase. He adjusted his tie and straightened his fedora, knowing how important presentation was to their success, and headed back out to where everyone else was.

"Are those...pinstripe pants?" he muttered to himself. Wow, the ladies had no idea how to dress, apparently. He wasn't impressed, at all. He sat down by Azira, secretly agreeing with him. But he wasn't being talked to, and therefore he had nothing to say.​


Haruna glanced with scary tiger eyes at the boys who'd arrived. "It gangster day, idiots," she said as she flicked her hair. "Don't act as if you're prettier than us or something!" There was always behind the scenes competition between the two clubs. Part of being a Host or Hostess and sharing the room with the opposite club, Haru supposed.

Haru got out a book and read, to take her mind off the annoying frustrations around her. Actually, she didn't really think of them that way. It just appeared like that.
Aargh! I think that tsundere role in the Hostess Club is actually getting to me! she growled inside her little head.

(Sorry for short post)


Kai suited the concept they were going for surprisingly well. His features which lacked emotion seemed even more mysterious than usual when paired with the gang-style clothing. He looked both intimidating and intriguing, which he supposed was the purpose of it all.

He left his collared shirt untucked, a peek of skin showing at his stomach due to the way it was improperly buttoned up. He leaned against the arm of the couch that Tatsuo was sitting on, positioning himself in a way that when the customers arrived, he would be ready to receive them as usual. He crossed his ankles and rested one of his arms against the back of the couch, eyes scanning the room's other occupants to see how the others were handling the day's theme.

Hearing how flustered the Auburn haired host-club member was, Kai's tilted his head back, his eyes came to rest on the self-proclaimed 'cowboy'. His face seemed honestly shocked to see woman dressed in a way that was tough and aggressive. It was a theme so it didn't strike him as being strange, but different people come from different places in life, so viewpoints also tended to differ from person to person. "They are costumes." he said simply in a gentle tone. "Just like we are dressed tough, so are the hostesses. The theme was their choice after all." He left no room for smalltalk, his speech being brief and to the point.

He raked his fingers through his hair as his gaze once again lacked direction. Soon ladies and gentlemen alike who wanted to be entertained by the host and hostess clubs would file through the doors of the Music Room, and he would once again entertain those who gained interest in his company. It was the same routine as every other day, just with a different costume.


Loosening his tie a little bit, Naoki grinned, not caring that his collared shirt was unbottoned or that his hair was draped in what was supposed to be a menacing manner in front of his face. Instead, he skipped toward the larger crowd of people, humming as he moved. "Almost opening time. I hope that everyone is ready!" His smile became broader as he pulled a flower out of the breast pocket of his white blaizer, taking a smell of the aforementioned flower and miming giving it to a girl as practiced for the day.
"yeah but. uhg." Azira sighed, defeated. "This country eludes me. yet I love it. sept' for one thing. We're wearing hats indoors! That's wrong on so many levels. Heck Jhon Wayne'd tan my hide if he walked in from the dead right now." Azira fiddled with the fedora that irritated him so much. if he had to wear a hat inside at least let it be HIS hat. He would say that he felt naked, but that's wasn't true... he felt over dressed. like wearing a suit to a 5 year old birthday party. except even then, assuming it was outside, wearing a hat was appropriate.

"Reckon we oughta get this show on the road. Theres work to be done." Azira smirked back to Kai. Azira sure played the ladies man well for not even being remotely interested in them, he didn't know why women didn't do it for him. he just couldn't see himself chasing them like so many men do. Other men seemed to make more sense. he didn't understand it, but he sure didn't question it and luckily neither did his parents. boredom seemed to overtake the cowboy so he pulled a piece of wood he'd sawed off earlier that morning and his pocket knife and started carving it into... something. he had just started so nothing had taken shape yet.

He then smirked to Hajime. "Besides, suspenders are for men who couldn't find their belt to hold their britches up."
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Lucelle Everman

It was mafia day? No, gangster? Lucelle rubbed her nose when she picked up her pinstriped costume. It was the only one that hasn't been touched. Ah, she was late, wasn't she? It was almost time for the customers to start settling in... Her gaze turned to the manager/hostess, Nora and said a simple, "Sorry.", before she headed into the changing stalls. The reason for this small delay may be a small excuse, she just had to deal with a little cleanup that had involved her uniform... Was it legal to spill ink on someone for the fun of it?.... But, it's better late than never. The raven haired walked out with her costume on and hair up in a ponytail. So was it mafia or gangster day?

Lucelle sat herself down on the couch, looking around at the miscellaneous that were decorated. She then switched to their rivals, the Host Club. Hm. Suits and hats, huh? Formal, aren't they? She wondered who made these costumes... Although, they did look good in them... The hostess turned around and sighed. It was almost time to make herself look better....

Hajime smiled slightly. "True that. Why the ladies chose that style is beyond me." Although, they managed to pull it off quite nicely, he added silently. Stretching his arms above his head, he glanced disapprovingly at the straw between Azira's teeth. There were certainly things that eluded him about America, this being one of them. It wasn't his place to say anything, since it was part of his kouhai's 'look', but still.

"Alright, let's get set and make sure that we all look presentable," he said, decidedly not looking at Naoki.​


Haruna watched as more people trickled into the host and hostess club. Members of course. The clubs would soon be open to the students. Haru observed the members around her. They were mostly sixteen. Haru was seventeen. Yet, she looked like a child. Alas, part of the loli act. She didn't care as long as nobody commented about it.

The Host Club were wearing nice suits and hats. She rolled her eyes and fixed u her suspenders a little. "It's opening soon," she said to herself to prepare.



Nora huffed as she fixed the sleeve of her shirt. Sometimes, the outfits were so annoying , but she had learned to put up with them. It wasn't all that bad, at least sometimes. She began to wonder what outfits the boys would choose for tomorrow. She shrugged, brushing off the thought. There was more important things to worry about then that. A small smile appeared on her lips as she could hear what the others were talking about. It was kinda odd, the outfits but it was what the fashion interior club had designed for them. It wasn't like she could complain and make them do another set of outfits.

Nora looked at the clock. Two minutes till the bell rang. "Is everyone ready?" Nora questioned to the girls and the boys, loud enough so they could hear. They would all sit on the couch and some would be standing behind it, since there wasn't enough room for all of them to sit. Then once the bell would ring, the doors would swing open, revealing them and all the customers. Once that happened, the boys would always start if off, welcoming them and then the girls would end it. That's when the customers would have to choose between the boys and the girls. To be honest, it was a hard choice. Both groups were dazzling and gorgeous.








Tatsuo listened to the conversations’ between everyone as he continued to cuddle his bird. He chuckled when he heard Azira talk about wearing hats indoors. “I don’t see what’s the big deal wearing hats indoors. It’s style I guess.” He commented grinning slightly. He wore hats all the time, indoors and outdoors. It was for style he guessed, but it just seemed cool as well. The suits

https://images.secure.halloweencostumes.com/blog/images/386/3967-1/men.jpg that the guys were wearing was cool. The room was all misty and dark, as if they were in a bosses office or something.

Tatsuo opened his eyes and looked around the room. The other guys were chilling and talking. He looked at the clock and sat up straight as he fixed his suit. It was just about time for them to get ready. "Yea, I think everyone's ready. Everyone pile on the couch." Tatsuo said chuckling as he ran his hand through his hair. He scooted some so there would be room for the girls and some of the guys.





Neela Johnson

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c72005895_Jedah.png.7e3f6c1e9401f90449a4f9ed28e761f8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99343" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c72005895_Jedah.png.7e3f6c1e9401f90449a4f9ed28e761f8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Neela was usually one of the first few to make to Music room #3. She'd usually nap and wait for people to trickle into the room before, changing. When went to the dressing room and changed into her costume. It's "gangster" theme in the host club today why gangster? What was gangster about privileged rich kids? No idea. The host club was always so fun. The host would always argue with the host and it went back and forth but, when customers entered they were cool and civil It was nice for customers to have options. Majority of female customers would go to the Host side but, the few that wanted to talk or trickle over to Hostess side.

It was nice to simply talk to different people everyday. Her customers though she was cute, because her Japanese was a little rocky.
"Two more minutes." Nora had said. She fixed her skirt and sat down on one of the couches sinking into plush material. She tipped her fedora forward. She sighed. As the host and hostess bickered back and forth. Two minutes to long.

(Sorry it's short)



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Haruna's attention shifted from her hair to Nora. "Ready," she said. She practiced her loli face to herself. Apparently she was supposed to be the loli tsundere character in all of this mayhem. She could pull it off, sure. Saying things like an anime character. 'I-it's not that I-I think you're c-cute or anything! Baka!' and 'Hurry up and take my food!'

The doors would open soon, like they usually did. A sweet aroma, a flutter of rose petals. A flood of adoring girls and boys, rushing to their sides of the room to once more be swayed by the Host's and Hostess's charms.



Hajime leaned back on the couch, settling into a much-practiced casual-yet-cool pose. It was pathetic of him to care so much, claimed the logical voice in the back of his head, but if he was going to take part in this club, he was going to do it right. He also had a little fun, although he was often saddled with those who needed advice about ridiculously frivolous things.

He waited patiently for the doors to open, already running through possible scenarios that he'd have to deal with today and practicing his 'I care about your stupid unrequited crush' face.


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She looked to Nora and just nodded and she sat up and crossed her leg and straightens her posture. She still leaned on the table slightly going through the the normal pick-up line and what conversations she would have with the customers. She always kept the topic of conversation off of her. She would just smile and listen she was the mischievous type so it was fun for her. She looked around the room to the different types of tea and sweets. She memorized where everything she could possibly need was set up. She looked at the clock. One, minute until the bell rang and the customers would come in.

She adjusted her costume once more thinking it was pretty comfortable. She would survive through the day with ease, she did thins so often it was like second nature to her.

(Sry for the short post)



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The best thing about being Azzy. No need to stay "in character." His character was him. There was no act to him, he was the way he was within the host club and out. He finaly finished his carving, it was a wooden rose as well as a nice , neat pile of wood dust on the floor. Janitors never seemed to complain about the wood shavings, so why not?

He propped his feet up on the coffee table, arms crossed behind his head and amber eyes closed for a moments rest before the bell rang. Then his tea cravings hit him again. He held the piece of straw in his fingers while he sipped another bit of HIS tea. He abstained from host club tea. it was way too unsweet and hot tea just didn't set right with him. He was the same with coffee. His dad always taught him cream and sugar were for women and children, men drank it black. Then his phone buzzed. he checked the text. It was mama.

Hey honey, Just thought we'd let you know your cousin Conner's coming next week to check out the school. PLAY NICE! I hear you two have been fighting I'll whoop ya. Love you!

Azzy visibly stiffened. He and his cousin never got along... EVER. They mixed about as good as oil and water did. He always thought Conner was a sissy and Conner thought Azzy was just a brute. Which Conner wasn't completely wrong because if Conner insulted him, Azzy would put him in a headlock until the argument was settled. But that was besides the point. His cousin was coming to consider going to school with him. Azira groaned, he dreaded having to put up with it and he was sure the girls didn't want to hear the two argue day in and day out.
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When Damon heard it was almost ready to start, he put on his best puppy dog eyes, and a cute naive grin, that made the girls think he was a puppy. He was standing next to the couch, with his look, so it seemed like he was scared. Though really it was only a show for for the club. He was so hyped to finally be part of a club. Since he just moved here no one really knew him. He had just started he as a first year. And he was damn sure he was going to make an impression while he was here.​

Connor sighed as he read the paper. All he was told was dress mafia. so he did, he wore a classic black suit and tie but he didn't buy it. It just showed up at his door. He didn't question it, he assumed it was his mother buying it. He opened the door to the music room, only to gulp at exactly how many people there were in this 'club' he was told he'd be joining.

Then there was him. He dreaded him. He kept up a friendly smile. "Azira, hey. I brought you a present." He handed Azira a wrapped box with a wicked grin. Soon to be revealed it was a book, Pride and Pedjudice to be exact. Azira nicely smiled and thanked him for it, even though it was a mean joke. He knew Azira couldn't read anything like that, the verbiage was way to complex. However the slightly embarrassed Cowboy opened it and attempted to read it, stumbling over the first chapter.

"So whats the point? Get girls? I'm good at that." Connor grinned, sitting on the couch across from Azira, Grinning as he watched the flustered panic on the usually stoic man's face.

"Pretty much... Nice book here. um. very. complicated." Azira smiled, trying to pretend he was actually reading it. He didn't want his new friends to know he couldn't read well, he thought they'd judge him. he knew some people had probably figured out he was no brain for even reading signs around school gave him trouble.

"Oh really?" Connor grinned, knowing he was faking it. " What do you think of the first chapter?" He leaned forward, laughing to himself. He noticed Azira seems to have flipped the pages unbelievably fast and he was half way through chapter two.

Azira's cheeks grew red with either fluster or anger as the piece of straw between his teeth fell to the floor. never a good sign when the straw is gone.

"I. um." He looked over to Hajime for a moment, perhaps asking for a bit of help? Hajime seemed pretty smart, maybe he'd read it before? or at least could hint him in the right direction? But hopes of that were squashed when Connor laughed out loud.

"You can't ask for help Azira. He can't make you able to read." Connor finally spilled it for him, Azria was pretty sensitive about not being able to read very well.

"I can read!"

"No you can't"

"Why do I even need to be able to read. Cattle don't come with writing on them." Azira set the book on the coffee table, crossing his arms in irritation.

"Dunce." Connor insulted.

"You better watch it, Brainiac. Thems fight'in words." Azira growled.

"Ohhh bad grammar, scary!" Connor laughed.

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As Damon heard these two host fighting he went over to them. "Hey guys you shouldn't be fighting. We all have our differences, others are good at different things. So we should respect each other as we would if they were better than us." Damon said, as he gave a gentle smile and winked at Azira to show he had his back. "So lets just focus on making the guest happy. Oh and this book is so boring I read it when I was six. Though is seems complicated it really isn't, but Conner you only gave Azira this book because you're just an insecure pretty boy who has to fake it to get girls." With that Damon winked at Conner and walked back over to the side of the couch.​

"Oi, you two, break it up," said Hajime sharply. Looking directly at Azira, he added, "I'm sure you enjoyed the part about Boo Radley, that was my personal favorite. Of course, the Finches' history was pretty interesting too, it's more of a matter of opinion than anything else."

He really felt sorry for Azira, knowing what it felt like to have a mean relative, but Hajime's situation was slightly different from his. He wasn't going to judge his kouhai on his reading ability, or anything else. It was unnerving that anyone would even make fun of someone for such a thing. "Don't fight while the girls are here, or...else."​


Shiro Sakurako

Shiro was at the hostess club, crossing her legs and looking at hands, like a mafia boss or something, not really. Shiro then sighed and walked around the club, her pinstripe suit suiting her body nicely. She was a bit sleepy and all she could think about is eating and sleeping. Shiro was also thinking about the Host Club, how they were rivaling them. God, This was tiring. She was also quite bored, walking around in her little pinstripe suit was very tiring.

Shiro then leaned on a chair, yawning. Jesus, Was this girl a cat! Eh, Maybe. Then, Her big blue eyes scrolled across the room. Shiro's first year here better be great, then again, it will be. She then some people fighting and ignored being the cat she is. But, She was bored and while she had enough courage to go up to them, she walked to close to the group and uttered, "Hmm...What's This?" Oh, Shiro.

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