Ouran High School Host Club.

[QUOTE="Mitsukuni Haninozuka]Tamaki


Alright if needed I can take any one of them I love them all and I'm already Kyouya in doctor disharmony's host club rp but it pretty much died...
My Character

Name:Takashi Morinozuka

Nickname: Mori, Mori-senpai

Age: 17


Sexuality: Mitsukuni (bisexual)

Birthday: May 5th

Star sign:Taurus

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3

Blood Type:O

Favorite Subject(s): Geography, Japanese, History.

Favorite Food(s):Oriental Foods

Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior or Senior? : Junior

Type:Wild(and silent)Personality: Takashi doesn't talk much. He only speaks when things deem necessary. He is very loyal and over protective over honey, and would most likely give his life to protect him. He gives excellent advise when the time comes for it, and he's also very intelligent. He's down to earth, and always dependable in a pinch.
Name: Haruhi Fujioka

Nickname: Haruhi, Haru-Chan

Age: 15

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Haruhi.PNG.c7a86c7f79a7bbf6611b133fa46507ac.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4446" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Haruhi.PNG.c7a86c7f79a7bbf6611b133fa46507ac.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Birthday: February 4th

Star sign: Aquarius

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1

Blood Type: A

Favorite Subject(s):

Favorite Food(s): Sushi, Ramen, Strawberries, Ootoro (Fancy Tuna)

Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior or Senior?: Freshmen.

Type: Natural Type

Personality: If there are two characteristics that define Haruhi Fujioka, it is that she is straightforward and of a firm belief that one's gender should not define your personality. Since she was raised differently from her classmates at Ouran, she displays more practical, down to earth, responsible qualities and is not easily swayed by the charms of the other hosts. Even when she first meets the hosts, she only reacts nervously instead of becoming immediately infatuated like most of the girls. Haruhi has a deeper voice than other female students, so she is not easily recognized as a girl.



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Yay!, Haruhi!! ^_^ *Twin Glompage* 

[QUOTE="Angel Evans]Okay how about I Mattie?

[/QUOTE]you can!, which one do you want?
[QUOTE="Angel Evans]Either or idrc

Ok then you can be Kaoru then PM Hunny an example post first
lol, yeah he is and just an example post of what you'd post as Kaoru start a "conversation" with Hunny to PM him
Holy crap I am late to this! Sorry blame the internet where I am currently. Do you have room for a female character?
Name:Alexis Dupreee







Blood Type:O

Favorite Subject(s): lunch, art, music

Favorite Food(s): She loves sweets

Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior or Senior? :Senior

Type: (For hosts only)

Personality she's fun and sweet and flirty, She loves to do something new every day and not just sit around and do nothing. She loves to argue and always thinks that she's right. Whever she argues it's always usually very cute.
Actually, I'd say we need more guys. We seem to be quite the doughnut fest right now, so unless the Host Club will suddenly be run by women, male characters seem to be a necessity at the moment. :/
Okay i'll whip up a male character! 
Name: Ethan L. Howell






Birthday: 6/11/1996

Star sign:N/A



Blood Type:A

Favorite Subject(s): English,History

Favorite Food(s):Sushi,anything that's seafood,Pizza

Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior or Senior? :Junior

Type: (Forgot to ask if my character was a host:face palm:)

Personality: Usually Polite,but has his fun side too.

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