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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

" Feeling Struck by the fact that she or anyone else dosent knoe he can singother song too but dosen't hope anyone knows that." Kuroko thought to himself.
well im gonna fly other i dont know about you guys i know kuroko cant fly but can teleport, what about you lily?"
So tokyo is it is?' "ok 3...2...1... time to go!" kuroko said with a sad voice because of the fact that people didn't like it.
Kuroko stopped midway to say that "actually no i can fly because of the Sharingan i can copy anything i see." he says with newfound pride
so are we flying or not?" He asks Lily and Raidon

i can fly myself, thank you though"

(sharingan can copy any thing it sees)
sure i fly." kuroko says while rocketing 40ft into the air, but stopped to ask Lily if shes coming

not me, my power gets no limit to how long i can i fly".
"well i can fly really far for a long time so i should be good and i fyou loose energy i'll catch you ok? also i dont wana go that fast right now ima be going like 40 MPH at the most"
mumbles under breath "Fuck you thunder you can suck my dick, you cant hurt me cuz ur just gots farts!"

Speeds off right next to her and puts shades on and looks lily in the eyes
Kuroko flys in front and them and says, "so where in Tokyo are we going?" after turning around and begins to fly backwards.
"Me neither!" shouts back to lily and grabs her hand

"Who cares! its tokyo man itll be awseome either way! anime bilboards everywhere, Ramen shops!" shouts over wind

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