• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
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birth of venus

𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙.
Roleplay Type(s)
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gm'ed by venus and erzulie.

you can use any vertical ratio image
Somewhere, out there, on the worst day of your life contained a small peculiarity. It did not announce itself, yet its presence was felt like an anomoly existing outside of our humanlike understanding of time and space. Whether it was in your mailbox, stuffed in your winter coat pocket, laid atop your car's dashboard, the brochure sought you out and found you for a reason. Upon opening the black envelope, the brochure reads as follows —

Our Lady Wollstonecraft Academy - in our prestigious institution, we encourage students to embrace their identity as mythological, extramundane and otherwise supernaturally gifted. Founded in ████ by ████ ██████ ████████, our academy offers a rigorous college preparatory education and curriculum, an effervescent and encouraging academic community, a wide variety of extracurricular activities including the arts, our awards winning sports programs, student government, and cosmological and entropical exploration, to encourage the development of well rounded and healthy student lives. Our students are invited to take advantage of all these resources with the guidance of our distinguished faculty, and become part of Wollstonecraft’s long, proud history of helping the unusual, otherworldly and unorthodox to find their place in the world.

Generations of legends have slithered, soared, prowled, oozed, and marched through the campus. With superlative experts leading the fields of Astral Projection, Cult Leadership, Demonology, Cryptozoology and Business, Wollstonecraft academic offerings are unrivaled: Over 600 courses in 78 subject areas, and with a student to teacher ratio as small as 8:1, the opportunity to explore the extranatural world in small classes with support from the adults in the community will not be missed.
Boarding residences are centrally located on our campus, close to classroom buildings, the dining halls, and other amenities such as a beautiful natural park with hiking trails, streams and lake, three pools, multiple athletic fields, and a half priced movie theater! We have four beautiful and historical dormitories, each with its share of secret passageways, hidden crypts, and deadly traps to encourage our students’ natural sense of curiosity, as well as fully modernized plumbing, heating, cooling, and wifi.
The brochure had found you at your worst moment. It was an olive branch, an invitation to somewhere where you would no longer have to hide, a solace. To almost all of its students, Wollstonecraft Academy was a new step in life, something you think could only bring good things. Sure, the student body may be a bit curious, hard to grasp, and potentially murderous, but it was a new home.
Existence at the academy is something many have never experienced before. The academy has no physical location; the location and existence are constantly in flux, and that includes its time period as well. The effect gives students a feeling of curious timelessness; many students can be seen roaming the halls from different decades, but all campus comforts and technology are up-to-date modernized. This was also what made it so safe for most; you could not find it, unless it wanted to be found. Sometimes, the students and faculty refer to Wollstonecraft as if it is a person, not a place. It's not hard to understand why.
However, with each passing school year, the safety of the academy is questioned. Two months into the new semester and a regular, supervised off-campus field trip leaves it's residents stunned: wherever you were, whatever location and time period, it seems that the academy was visible. Something was off, and the field trip went all wrong, and now there are humans at the gates of the campus. Though at times it may seem the academy has a mind of its own, now its own students are left to fend for themselves in a newer, stranger era.
As peculiar as any one of its inhabitants,
prides itself in its everchanging nature - an institution that students can rely on, yet amorphous to the common eye.
does not have a physical location. It appears where it’s needed and vanishes into the night like a particularly flighty chaotic neutral eldritch fairy godmother: it is likely that your character found a brochure in their darkest moment, which included capricious instructions for getting to the campus. Yes, it's location and existence are constantly in flux, and that includes its time period as well. The effect gives students a feeling of curious timelessness; many students can be seen roaming
's halls from different decades, but all campus comforts and technology are up-to-date modernized. Made up of tall, dark gothic architecture, the buildings are a marvel to witness, and the campus seems to be surrounded by sprawling forests and greenery. On the far northwest corner of campus, there is a sizable lake. From the rustic location, boarding students are afforded all of the opportunities of being part of the extranatural community.
The town of
is within walking distance of our campus, offering a plethora of cultural events, old world charm, and semi annual ritual sacrifice! Organized weekend activities offer our students the best of our region as well, including cultural trips to the Mountain of the Beast. Hiking and biking in the nearby
Park, situated on the edge of our very own Forest of Many Voices, and enjoying movies, bowling, and ice skating right here at home are often on our students’ weekend schedules. A small town with less than two thousand residents, it seems to be magically connected to the campus in some way, always moving wherever Wollstonecraft goes, always available to visit.
, for our nocturnal pupils, is a standard bipedal and quadrupedal three floored building, built in 1535. Several extensions have been added over the years, but the original foundations remain strong, deeply haunted, and slightly bloodstained. All windows and doors are capable of being completely sealed off from sunlight.
runs on a nocturnal schedule, which is directly inverted from the typical diurnal schedule. All classes and most extracurricular activities will be available. Under no circumstances are any resident students to attempt to open any of the seven locks of the seven doors that lead to the forbidden northwest tower.
, near our beautiful forest trails and lake for nature-oriented and nature-dependent students, integrates the amenities of modern living with easy and convenient access to the natural word. Technically two buildings, half the dorm is situated in and around the forest, with most structural support provided by trees and natural rock formations marked by pre-historic art depicting the Beast Within the Mountain. A real cultural treasure! The other half of the
dorm is located on the banks of the lake, with rooms of differing amounts of terrestrial and marine space to accommodate the needs of every water-dwelling student. Certain underwater caves are forbidden. They will be marked with large, inhuman skulls stationed outside the entrance. Students unable to leave the water will be provided special transportation and tutoring as needed.
, for students of mutable physical states, is a recently renovated two floor manor equipped with stairs, ramps, climbing walls, and lifts designed for ease of movement no matter your student’s shape or state of matter. The basement is also equipped with comfortable, secure holding facilities for involuntary transformations that may prove dangerous to the student or any other students or members of faculty. There are certain rooms that can be made available in
for students existing outside the usual three dimensions, but notice should be given as soon as possible, as the ritual for extending dorms into the fourth dimension can take between two weeks and two months.
for our bipedal, naturally humanoid students with various other talents such as witchcraft, invisibility, flight, ceaselessly growing fingernails and/or teeth, or necromancy, is our newest addition to campus! Built in 1836,
is the height of period architectural beauty, with enough turrets for every student’s turret needs, a widow’s watch for keeping watch for widows (a nightly task that each resident student will be called on to perform on a rotating schedule), and delicate gingerbread trim inlaid with ancient and terrible runes!
was also voted Most Comfortable Lounge in our 2015 You Choose! Campus event.
Lines of salt, buried jars, and intensely protective wards protect the border of campus. Students are strictly forbidden to leave campus boundaries and explore
, unless given explicit permission from the campus headmistress. Though dorm Druantia lies nestled along the northern side of the lake and into the forest, venturing
's southern shores is grounds for suspension and expulsion.
Our Campus
1. Firstly, please follow all RPN rules. Being kind, courteous, and respectful helps us make a great group roleplay together. Please be aware this roleplay will include: various themes of horror, violence, and mentions of murder/death. Scroll down to read our rules.
2. Age requirement. This roleplay is strictly 18+. No hate to the younger writers here, as y'all are crazy talented, but I am an adult and I would prefer to write with other adults! Please respect this rule, thank you.
3. Discord. Please know that a Discord server will be made once the cast is chosen. Personally, I find it really great to have a server for easy OOC chatting and convenient plotting. Be aware of this if you’re interested in joining!
4. Literacy. Please know that literacy is a must! This will be what most would consider a "literate to advanced" roleplay, where I expect good grammar, literacy, engaging writing, and 400+ word count multi-paragraph replies. I'm not super harsh on this rule, I understand inspiration comes and go in waves, so I don't expect walls of purple prose. As long as we keep things fun and moving along, I'm happy. No one-liner replies.
5. Activity. The world has gone a bit crazy as of late, so I understand that not everybody can be on daily. Once the roleplay has started, please be able to post once or twice a week, but also keep in mind I'd really like folks who are happy to chat OOC and contribute to plot discussions and such!
6. Joining. This is not first come first served! If enough interest is garnered, there will be an application process, and once applications close I'll be considering which characters will fit best for this plot. Please only use realistic face claims for your characters. No anime or cartoon-ish face claims. Yes, I know this is a monsterkid roleplay. If your face claim isn't entirely accurate, as long as you properly describe your character's appearance, it's fair game. FCs are not required, but encouraged! I'm looking to accept around ten to twelve people.
Greetings! My name is Venus, and welcome to my weird little monsterkid academy roleplay! If these seems familiar, don't fret, this is a roleplay that I hosted a while back that I thought deserved another chance. As autumn rolls in, I thought it'd be perfect timing for a Halloween-y, spooky horror style roleplay. I'll be co-gming with my lovely friend erzulie erzulie so please direct any questions to both of us!
As you might've guessed, our characters can range through any type of monster, mythological being, really whatever you can think of. There's little restriction to what you'll be allowed to make! Diversity and creativity are heavily encouraged, and if enough people are interested, I'm delighted to see what everyone will bring to the table.
Before showing your interest and/or applying, please make sure to read the rules as well. Thanks!

gm'ed by venus and erzulie.​



Somewhere, out there, on the worst day of your life contained a small peculiarity. It did not announce itself, yet its presence was felt like an anomoly existing outside of our humanlike understanding of time and space. Whether it was in your mailbox, stuffed in your winter coat pocket, laid atop your car's dashboard, the brochure sought you out and found you for a reason. Upon opening the black envelope, the brochure reads as follows —

'Our Lady Wollstonecraft Academy - in our prestigious institution, we encourage students to embrace their identity as mythological, extramundane and otherwise supernaturally gifted. Founded in ████ by ████ ██████ ████████, our academy offers a rigorous college preparatory education and curriculum, an effervescent and encouraging academic community, a wide variety of extracurricular activities including the arts, our awards winning sports programs, student government, and cosmological and entropical exploration, to encourage the development of well rounded and healthy student lives. Our students are invited to take advantage of all these resources with the guidance of our distinguished faculty, and become part of Wollstonecraft’s long, proud history of helping the unusual, otherworldly and unorthodox to find their place in the world.

Generations of legends have slithered, soared, prowled, oozed, and marched through the campus. With superlative experts leading the fields of Astral Projection, Cult Leadership, Demonology, Cryptozoology and Business, Wollstonecraft academic offerings are unrivaled: Over 600 courses in 78 subject areas, and with a student to teacher ratio as small as 8:1, the opportunity to explore the extranatural world in small classes with support from the adults in the community will not be missed.

Boarding residences are centrally located on our campus, close to classroom buildings, the dining halls, and other amenities such as a beautiful natural park with hiking trails, streams and lake, three pools, multiple athletic fields, and a half priced movie theater! We have four beautiful and historical dormitories, each with its share of secret passageways, hidden crypts, and deadly traps to encourage our students’ natural sense of curiosity, as well as fully modernized plumbing, heating, cooling, and wifi.'

The brochure had found you at your worst moment. It was an olive branch, an invitation to somewhere where you would no longer have to hide, a solace. To almost all of its students, Wollstonecraft Academy was a new step in life, something you think could only bring good things. Sure, the student body may be a bit curious, hard to grasp, and potentially murderous, but it was a new home.

Existence at the academy is something many have never experienced before. The academy has no physical location; the location and existence are constantly in flux, and that includes its time period as well. The effect gives students a feeling of curious timelessness; many students can be seen roaming the halls from different decades, but all campus comforts and technology are up-to-date modernized. This was also what made it so safe for most; you could not find it, unless it wanted to be found. Sometimes, the students and faculty refer to Wollstonecraft as if it is a person, not a place. It's not hard to understand why.

However, with each passing school year, the safety of the academy is questioned. Two months into the new semester and a regular, supervised off-campus field trip leaves it's residents stunned: wherever you were, whatever location and time period, it seems that the academy was visible. Something was off, and the field trip went all wrong, and now there are humans at the gates of the campus. Though at times it may seem the academy has a mind of its own, now its own students are left to fend for themselves in a newer, stranger era.


THE ACADEMY: As peculiar as any one of its inhabitants, THE ACADEMY prides itself in its everchanging nature - an institution that students can rely on, yet amorphous to the common eye. THE ACADEMY does not have a physical location. It appears where it’s needed and vanishes into the night like a particularly flighty chaotic neutral eldritch fairy godmother: it is likely that your character found a brochure in their darkest moment, which included capricious instructions for getting to the campus. Yes, it's location and existence are constantly in flux, and that includes its time period as well. The effect gives students a feeling of curious timelessness; many students can be seen roaming THE ACADEMY's halls from different decades, but all campus comforts and technology are up-to-date modernized. Made up of tall, dark gothic architecture, the buildings are a marvel to witness, and the campus seems to be surrounded by sprawling forests and greenery. On the far northwest corner of campus, there is a sizable lake. From the rustic location, boarding students are afforded all of the opportunities of being part of the extranatural community.

BLACKCREEK: The town of BLACKCREEK is within walking distance of our campus, offering a plethora of cultural events, old world charm, and semi annual ritual sacrifice! Organized weekend activities offer our students the best of our region as well, including cultural trips to the Mountain of the Beast. Hiking and biking in the nearby BLACKCREEK Park, situated on the edge of our very own Forest of Many Voices, and enjoying movies, bowling, and ice skating right here at home are often on our students’ weekend schedules. A small town with less than two thousand residents, it seems to be magically connected to the campus in some way, always moving wherever Wollstonecraft goes, always available to visit.

DORM ARTUME: ARTUME, for our nocturnal pupils, is a standard bipedal and quadrupedal three floored building, built in 1535. Several extensions have been added over the years, but the original foundations remain strong, deeply haunted, and slightly bloodstained. All windows and doors are capable of being completely sealed off from sunlight. ARTUME runs on a nocturnal schedule, which is directly inverted from the typical diurnal schedule. All classes and most extracurricular activities will be available. Under no circumstances are any resident students to attempt to open any of the seven locks of the seven doors that lead to the forbidden northwest tower.

DORM DRUANTIA: DRUANTIA, near our beautiful forest trails and lake for nature-oriented and nature-dependent students, integrates the amenities of modern living with easy and convenient access to the natural word. Technically two buildings, half the dorm is situated in and around the forest, with most structural support provided by trees and natural rock formations marked by pre-historic art depicting the Beast Within the Mountain. A real cultural treasure! The other half of the DRUANTIA dorm is located on the banks of the lake, with rooms of differing amounts of terrestrial and marine space to accommodate the needs of every water-dwelling student. Certain underwater caves are forbidden. They will be marked with large, inhuman skulls stationed outside the entrance. Students unable to leave the water will be provided special transportation and tutoring as needed.

DORM PROTEUS: PROTEUS, for students of mutable physical states, is a recently renovated two floor manor equipped with stairs, ramps, climbing walls, and lifts designed for ease of movement no matter your student’s shape or state of matter. The basement is also equipped with comfortable, secure holding facilities for involuntary transformations that may prove dangerous to the student or any other students or members of faculty. There are certain rooms that can be made available in PROTEUS for students existing outside the usual three dimensions, but notice should be given as soon as possible, as the ritual for extending dorms into the fourth dimension can take between two weeks and two months.

DORM RA: RA for our bipedal, naturally humanoid students with various other talents such as witchcraft, invisibility, flight, ceaselessly growing fingernails and/or teeth, or necromancy, is our newest addition to campus! Built in 1836, RA is the height of period architectural beauty, with enough turrets for every student’s turret needs, a widow’s watch for keeping watch for widows (a nightly task that each resident student will be called on to perform on a rotating schedule), and delicate gingerbread trim inlaid with ancient and terrible runes! RA was also voted Most Comfortable Lounge in our 2015 You Choose! Campus event.

BEYOND THE LAKE: Lines of salt, buried jars, and intensely protective wards protect the border of campus. Students are strictly forbidden to leave campus boundaries and explore BEYOND THE LAKE, unless given explicit permission from the campus headmistress. Though dorm Druantia lies nestled along the northern side of the lake and into the forest, venturing BEYOND THE LAKE's southern shores is grounds for suspension and expulsion.


Greetings! My name is Venus, and welcome to my weird little monsterkid academy roleplay! If these seems familiar, don't fret, this is a roleplay that I hosted a while back that I thought deserved another chance. As autumn rolls in, I thought it'd be perfect timing for a Halloween-y, spooky horror style roleplay. I'll be co-gming with my lovely friend erzulie, so please direct any questions to both of us!

As you might've guessed, our characters can range through any type of monster, mythological being, really whatever you can think of. There's little restriction to what you'll be allowed to make! Diversity and creativity are heavily encouraged, and if enough people are interested, I'm delighted to see what everyone will bring to the table.

Before showing your interest and/or applying, please make sure to read the rules as well. Thanks!

1. Firstly, please follow all RPN rules. Being kind, courteous, and respectful helps us make a great group roleplay together. Please be aware this roleplay will include: various themes of horror, violence, and mentions of murder/death.

2. Age requirement. This roleplay is strictly 18+. No hate to the younger writers here, as y'all are crazy talented, but I am an adult and I would prefer to write with other adults! Please respect this rule, thank you.

3. Discord. Please know that a Discord server will be made once the cast is chosen. Personally, I find it really great to have a server for easy OOC chatting and convenient plotting. Be aware of this if you’re interested in joining!

4. Literacy. Please know that literacy is a must! This will be what most would consider a "literate to advanced" roleplay, where I expect good grammar, literacy, engaging writing, and 400+ word count multi-paragraph replies. I'm not super harsh on this rule, I understand inspiration comes and go in waves, so I don't expect walls of purple prose. As long as we keep things fun and moving along, I'm happy. No one-liner replies.

5. Activity. The world has gone a bit crazy as of late, so I understand that not everybody can be on daily. Once the roleplay has started, please be able to post once or twice a week, but also keep in mind I'd really like folks who are happy to chat OOC and contribute to plot discussions and such!

6. Joining. This is not first come first served! If enough interest is garnered, there will be an application process, and once applications close I'll be considering which characters will fit best for this plot. Please only use realistic face claims for your characters. No anime or cartoon-ish face claims. Yes, I know this is a monsterkid roleplay. If your face claim isn't entirely accurate, as long as you properly describe your character's appearance, it's fair game. FCs are not required, but encouraged! I'm looking to accept around ten to twelve people.

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thank you all for the interest so far! if more folks are into this idea we'll likely get the cs and ooc pages up later today or tomorrow c;
Could you put an uncoded version of the interest check up so I can read all of it?

That said, this does sound pretty interesting.
Could you put an uncoded version of the interest check up so I can read all of it?

That said, this does sound pretty interesting.
thank you & you got it! sorry about that, uncoded version is up as well now x
Would realistic/3D art or a painting be an acceptable alternative to an RL Faceclaim if accompanied by a written description?

me @ this amazing premise rn
tagging all interactions —
sidekicker sidekicker Uxie Uxie Steve Jobs Steve Jobs noxrequiem noxrequiem mzrarus mzrarus azuris azuris Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles SP3CT3R SP3CT3R aeneas. aeneas.
hello everyone! thank you for all the interest, the character creation thread is now up! as for the ooc, we're hosting a ooc thread here on rpn and opening a public ooc discord as well if anyone wants to come brainstorm and chat with us! this will be a temporary server until applications are closed, but we figured its pretty fun hosting the ooc on discord, so feel free to jump in, we don't bite x
if you have any questions feel free to pm us, ask in the discord, or here on rpn, and we will be putting together answers for the lore thread as well
application deadline is friday, sept. 27th! go wild

character creation | ooc thread | ooc discord server
bump! we're still accepting applications 'til friday,
come join our discord! we don't bite

( also, updated the links on the interest check oops )
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Afraid I’m rather new here so apologies if I’m not approaching this the right way, but I adore the premise of this one and am very much interested :3 Any chance of me checking out the OOC Discord to see how we gel?
Afraid I’m rather new here so apologies if I’m not approaching this the right way, but I adore the premise of this one and am very much interested :3 Any chance of me checking out the OOC Discord to see how we gel?
hey there! no worries and welcome to the site c: our ooc discord is public so feel free to join us, here's the link !!

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