• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy π‘Άπ‘Όπ‘Ή 𝑳𝑨𝑫𝒀 𝑾𝑢𝑳𝑳𝑺𝑻𝑢𝑡𝑬π‘ͺ𝑹𝑨𝑭𝑻: π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘› β€” π’šπ’†π’‚π’“π’ƒπ’π’π’Œ

birth of venus

𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙 π‘œπ‘“ π‘šπ‘¦ 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙.
Roleplay Type(s)
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Hello! Welcome to the WSC character creation thread. This time we're gonna be doing things a little differently. Instead of full character sheets, we'd like for you to post below what we'll call a character blurb or character concept. As we've said before, unfortunately this roleplay is not first come first served, but we do still want the character creation process to be collaborative and communicative! This means you can submit a 2-4 paragraph creative description of your character - give us a vibe check, what should we know about them, where are they from, why are they the way they are? This is meant to be fun and loose and creative, go wild!
Please note that we will require some basics:

Full name, Age, Gender, Personality, and Species/Abilities.
Anything else is optional, but if you'd like to use this as a chance for any creative free flow writing about your character, go for it!
If you can't think of what else to add, here's a few ideas: Your character's motivations, what are they studying/trying to pursue at Wollstonecraft, are they from modern times (2020s) or the past, how their species affects them.
As we've said before, you can basically go buck wild with your characters, and we're hoping to see a wide gamut of diversity and creativity. Any supernatural species from any culture is fair game (and if you have any worries, ask us about what's okay to do!), just please be mindful writing about cultures you're not familiar with and do your research.

The deadline for character sheets is Friday, September 27th, if extensions are needed just feel free to ask, and the current character limit is two per applicant. Thanks!
night owl


Hello! Welcome to the WSC character creation thread. This time we're gonna be doing things a little differently. Instead of full character sheets, we'd like for you to post below what we'll call a character blurb or character concept. As we've said before, unfortunately this roleplay is not first come first served, but we do still want the character creation process to be collaborative and communicative! This means you can submit a 2-4 paragraph creative description of your character - give us a vibe check, what should we know about them, where are they from, why are they the way they are? This is meant to be fun and loose and creative, go wild!
Please note that we will require some basics:

Full name, Age, Gender, Personality, and Species/Abilities.

Anything else is optional, but if you'd like to use this as a chance for any creative free flow writing about your character, go for it!

If you can't think of what else to add, here's a few ideas: Your character's motivations, what are they studying/trying to pursue at Wollstonecraft, are they from modern times (2020s) or the past, how their species affects them.

As we've said before, you can basically go buck wild with your characters, and we're hoping to see a wide gamut of diversity and creativity. Any supernatural species from any culture is fair game (and if you have any worries, ask us about what's okay to do!), just please be mindful writing about cultures you're not familiar with and do your research.

The deadline for character sheets is Friday, September 27th, if extensions are needed just feel free to ask, and the current character limit is two per applicant. Thanks!
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Full Name:
Juandalynn Ana Rivera-Carvajal

Cherufe, said to be man-eating humanoid creatures that inhabit the volcanoes of southern Chile, and were often believed to be the source of volcanic eruptions.

20 years old.




Behind badly dyed curls and beady black eyes lies a slow-encroaching fire, a power Jude struggles to contain as they skirt the line between human and creature. Thick curly hair runs down their back in a mismatch of black dye and auburn peeking through to fiery roots, with freckled brown skin and a stocky build, and an abundance of thrift bin-faded clothes. Though not an academic by any means, Jude makes her mark in the student body with pure presence; she'll stare you down like choosing a steak for dinner, run a toothpick through their large canines in your face, and insult your favorite musicians all in the same breath. She will bark, and she will bite.

Brash, slow to speak but loud mouthed when provoked, bad-mannered, Jude has constantly thrashed against the constraints of a society they did not agree to enter, and yet desperately wishes for acceptance in. Born deep in the volcanic regions of southern Chile and spat out into Middle of Nowhere, USA, Jude was raised by a disgraced volcanologist who had no business trying to raise a half-cherufe half-human explosive device of a child. Classrooms felt akin to boxing to force her into the corner, and friends were a rarity as her father refused to put down roots. High school graduation was a memory of black soot and faculty buildings swallowed in flames, her father's disappointed stare before succumbing to his own illnesses, and a curious brochure tucked into the singed envelope of her graduation diploma.

Now, she endures her second year at Wollstonecraft on a probationary period due to undisclosed circumstances.

Species Info:
Though depictions of cherufes were far and few, the first mentions of cherufes came from the Mapuche, a group of indigenous peoples in southern Chile. It was once said their power originates in the form of magical stones of fire, others said one even managed to claw a fireball with a long tail out of the night sky to harness its powers, plucking comets from black void. Not only that, but the cherufe's appetite for flesh was only satisfied by a virginal human sacrifice, thrown into the depths of their volcanoes, and some ideas described them as reptilian humanoids. Jude is most definitely humanoid, but blurs the edges on being able to pass as a human.

Jude is more tied to nature than one might expect - they were born of the earth, and extremely territorial back home. She can "feel" the land whether it thrives or is dying, and their sense of smell are much stronger than an average human. Jude is very susceptible to the cold, despite her tough thick exterior. If her body's temperature drops too low, she exhales smoke and soot like a chimney. If you throw her into cold water, she'll fizzle out.
The "man-eating" aspect isn't exactly incorrect either. Jude regularly eats raw meat, and she knows there's some of her kind that do eat people. Living around humans for so long has (mostly) stamped out her appetite for people though.

scroll to read | code by venus.
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Full Name:
Dietrich Sauer

Alpen, a descendent of the creature of German folklore, the Alp, a demon creature that sits on your chest at night to grant you nightmares and enter your dreams.

21 years old.

Cis male.


George Mackay.


Dietrich is a man haunted with a familial malediction, counting down the hours as his dreams begin to slip out of control, blackout periods becoming commonplace during first semester. Born of something ancient and demonic, alps were creatures of nightmare, the source of sleep paralysis. They creep close enough to the individual sleeping and sit on their chest, entering their dreams to peek into their minds and afflict them with nightmares. He's a black gallows humor kind of guy, academic and droll, and always on a steady baseline level of anxiety and encroaching dread. There's a manic energy underneath it all that shows his desperation for distraction, engrossing himself in new campus clubs or events, whatever he can do to fill up his schedule and sleep as little as possible. He lives with it, he tries to function, and it's slowly gotten worse as he's spent more time around his fellow classmates. Dietrich suspects something on campus and the way it fuels its protective barrier is sending him on the fritz.

Sleep is a tricky thing - he tried sleeping around the schedule of his roommates and the most popular classes of the day - anything to get a few hours in, otherwise he'd risk nodding off during his core classes for his philosophy major. Letters home were less than enlightening, his parents were tight lipped and traditional, and less than friendly after he had gone away for school. His uncle had spoken of it only once - an alp that haunts an individual's dreams for months at a time could possibly possess them - Dietrich had never wished to be mortal more. Born to a family of German immigrants who decided to settle near Birmingham, England, familial warmth was a foreign concept to him. Childhood days were spent in drizzly overcast rain, his father would disappear for days on end with the excuse of "travelling for work," and the person he saw most of all was his uncle Markus. It was him who would tell Dietrich old stories of his family, of his parents when they were still young and freshly dating, when the slow encroaching rot hadn't plagued their familial blood. He would tell him stories of German folk tales, unashamed to teach Dietrich their mother tongue despite the schoolkids who made fun of his accent. Puberty was marked by a sudden resurgence of nightmares, dreams he hadn't remembered since kindergarten.

Whatever was chasing his family had overtaken his father, and Dietrich has became increasingly paranoid the same fate awaits him as well.

scroll to read | code by venus.
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Nicolai Blackwell

# You are shaking fists and trembling teeth.

# I know:

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

church grim

# You did not mean to be cruel.

# That does not mean you were kind.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

coded by xayah.ღ

❝Bitterness is thick like blood and cold as a wind sea breeze ❞

❝ a girl. ❞

【name】— cirila voronin
【species/abilities】— leshy, a Slavic forest spirit with shapeshifting abilities.
【age】— 240, from her "rebirth", only conscious for 20.
【dorm】— druantia
【gender】— female
【sexuality】— asexual

❝ a monster. ❞

【awakened】— There is blood on her hands, in her hair, soaked into the very fabric of who -- what -- she is. When had this gotten here? Who's blood was this? Is it hers? Certainly, it could not be; she did not remember being wounded. But -- there was no pain, only a sickly, warm something seeping through her fingers. When she pulls her hands up to look at them, they come coated in even more blood, it feels like wet dogwood in her hands. There is so much of it.

She watches her toes curl into the mulch of the forest floor below her, her feet are also bathed in blood. There is a haziness to her vision like someone had pulled a veil over her face, but when she reaches to paw at her eyes, she finds nothing but skin and more viscera. When she looks up and sees the man, if one could even call him that at this point, she screams a hoarse thing and trips and tumbles back into more of them. People. Strangely dressed people. There are seven, or eight of them, missing eyes and tongues and entire limbs. They are all dead. And she is covered in their blood.

One of them breathes. He chokes and splutters around his own death and she finds herself stumbling onto her knees at his side. She notices then, as she catches glimpses of herself, that she is unclothed. Nothing but death and her wild hair cover her. But that is unimportant because one of them is alive.

"Co siΔ™ staΕ‚o? Co ci to zrobiΕ‚o?" She does not recognize the voice that comes out of her; it grates her throat and rumbles in her chest like an animal. What has happened? What has done this to you? Her hands tremble as she goes to touch him. But he screams, eyes wild and filled with such fear that it shocks her into stillness.

"DiabeΕ‚! PotwΓ³r! Demon!" He screams, a half-fingerless hand raising to point right at her. Devil. Monster. Demon. Stumbling to her feet, she backs away as he continues to scream. He screams and screams even at her back as she turns from him. She turns away and she runs.

【home】— Cirila Voronin was born to paupers sometime in the 17th century in some Polish village she hardly remembers. They had very little and were afforded even less, she remembers this. She remembers the war and the burning of her family's livelihood. She remembers famine and plague and her little sister dying at hardly ten years old. She remembers the hateful eyes of the Baron sentencing her to death. See, it was a curse to be a woman like Cirila Voronin in a place that did not understand the reasons she walked the edge of the forest at night when it was quiet and she could hear the land breathe. They did not understand she had been trying to help when the sickness came to them, with her herbs and her gentle hands. When the Baron's son died, they blamed Cirila. And so a girl was burned and a monster was born.

On that night, her spirit, for lack of a better word, took the shape of the forest. What was left of the girl inhabited the animals and trees and formed over centuries into a Leshy, the spirit of the forest itself. For many of these years, she was not awake; she had not experienced all the time that passed and the changes that took place around her. When she awoke, confused and afraid, to a world that she did not recognize she was greeted with the very same fear she had left the world to.

It took years to understand what had happened to her. To get control over the violent protectiveness she felt whenever people wandered a bit too deep into the trees. She did not want to be a monster, not like they had once claimed her to be. Perhaps that is why when a brochure appeared at the home she had made for herself, home was a generous word it was more akin to a cave, she followed it. Here, at least in theory, she could be understood. Cirila would give much of anything to never have to see that kind of raw fear in someone's eyes ever again.

【the leshy】— A Leshy is not born, but madeβ€”formed from the bones of the forest and the spirit of someone who has died violently, often in connection to the land itself. Their transformation is slow, sometimes taking centuries, as the remnants of a soul lost to injustice, like Cirila Voronin’s, meld with the life of the woods. The Leshy becomes the forest, the trees and animals, the earth and sky, until the person they were fades into something ancient and wild. They are neither fully human nor entirely spirit, a liminal creature that walks the edges of both worlds.

When awake, a Leshy is a force to be reckoned with. They command the land around themβ€”roots rise at their call, trees bend to their will, and animals follow in their silent footsteps. Their form is as much a part of the forest as the roots and branches; they may appear as a figure draped in moss, bark skin cracked and shifting, with eyes that reflect the light of the moon or the deep green of the canopy. Other times, they are barely seen, slipping into the shadows between trees, an ever-present part of the landscape.

A Leshy is bound to their forest, their life force intertwined with it. They are protectors, but this guardianship is far from gentle. Any who wander too far into their territory might face their wrath, though not out of cruelty, but out of the deep protectiveness the Leshy feels for the land. They do not remember kindness, only survival. The world outside their forest is foreign and dangerous, and they see threats where others might see mere curiosity. The pain of their human death, the betrayal that made them, still lingers beneath the surface, fueling their violent instincts.

But not all Leshies are monsters. For those like Cirila, who remember a time when they walked as human, there is a conflictβ€”a desire to reconnect, to be understood, to reconcile their past with the creature they’ve become. They do not wish to be feared, yet fear is what they inspire. And still, they are tied to the forest; their strength wanes if they stray too far, as they are bound to the land that gave them new life. A Leshy's fate is not one of peace but of perpetual balance, forever teetering between the remnants of humanity and the raw power of nature.

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# jeoseung saja

# the angel of death

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

NAME: Myobi ; Myo
HUMAN NAME: unknown
AGE: 20 at time of death
GENDER: female
SEXUALITY: lesbian
═════ β—ˆ ═════​

What is it like to be human? To house veins of blood and a beating heart; to own a set of lungs that let you breathe? What is it like to be alive?

Myobi does not know.

She was human, once. Now, there is nothing left but eyes glazed over in a deep fogβ€” a hollow vessel. She does not understand the quickness of joy anymore. Or grief. Or love. Or fear. These feelings exist like echoes, for how can you reclaim what death has already taken? She only knows how to be this.

Decay drifts in colours of bruised violets and rotting moss, it is a sickly sweet scent. Its smell crawls up your nostrils, sticks in your lungs, makes your skin itch like it's trying to escape your bones. Myobi covers it up with the curl of cigarette smoke but once the stench marks you, it never quite fades. There is simply no outrunning it.


SPECIES: Some call her The Grim Reaper but she is just one of manyβ€” A Jeoseung Saja, guides of deceased souls. The Jeoseung Saja do not possess scythes, but bear long scrolls inked in the names of the dead. While depictions differ depending on the source, their task is always to escort or 'reap' the newly deceased and help them reach their next destination. They also have control over the realms of the conscious and the unconscious, enabling them to speak in dreams or people trapped in Limbo. These messengers of death serve Yeomra, the king of the underworld. Because Myobi works in the international branch, she has helped different variations of gods of death, but ultimately answers to Yeomra.

There are different ways to become a Jeoseung Saja, be created as one by a God, die as a human who has committed a major sin, or suffer an unjust death. Myobi does not know which she is. Perhaps she’ll find some answers at Wollstonecraft.

═════ β—ˆ ═════​

PERSONALITY: It’s no surprise that Myobi’s graveyard demeanour is off putting. Myobi never raises her voice, doesn’t need to. She has a calm that unsettles. Eyes devoid of life. There is something almost clinical about the way she observes the living. To her, you are little more than a fleeting curiosity, an insect squirming under the weight of her attention. And yet, there is a quiet hunger beneath her indifference. A fascination with the fact that she was once like youβ€”almost.

Humour escapes her. What others find amusing, she interprets with an awkward tilt of her head. Perhaps she was more amicable as a human, but as a Jeoseung Saja, she is rather inept at socialization. The few jokes she makes are morbid but bless her still heart for she tries. A misplaced smirk at a funeral, enthusiasm for the grotesqueβ€” the little emotions she expresses are few and far between, but always at the most inappropriate moments. Even after years of reaping mortals, she does not quite understand their etiquette. Lies seem pointless to her, good intentions or not.

When she talks about death, she approaches it much like the weather. And when your match burns out she greets you with eyesβ€”not full of warmth or malice, butβ€”full of inevitability. They know, as you do, that there is no pleading with a reaper who has long since forgotten what it means to feel.

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7:32 pm / 9/27/24
  • What Grade? Sophomore
    What Dorm? Druantia
    #Turn You To Stone #Snake #Gold & Green
    + INFO
    Sayra Malic
    20 years old
    Trikala, Greece
    FACECLAIM: Cara Delevingne

    Sayra is a living, breathing contradiction of allure and danger, her beauty both seductive and menacing. Her skin has a small subtle shimmer, giving her an almost gold like appearance under certain lighting. Her piercing blue eyes can stop people dead in their tracks, literally and figuratively. When she feels threatened or angry, those once-serene eyes seem to shift to an unnerving green as her pupils turn to slits. Her features are sharp and defined, with cheekbones that could cut glass and a mouth most of the time twisted into a half-smirk or knowing smile.
    Her most striking feature is her hair. It's long waves of black that hide small serpentine tendrils beneath. When she’s calm, they move slowly, undetectable to most, but in moments of heightened strong emotions, they stand out and hiss, revealing her true nature. Her style is bold, dark, and elegant, reflecting both her predatory and mysterious essence.

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silas bishop


#tom sturridge

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Tα•ΌE α—ͺEᐯIα’ͺ α—°α—©α—ͺE α—°E α—ͺO IT
~ but I also kinda wanted to ~
α‘•α‘Œα–‡IOα”•ITY KIα’ͺα’ͺEα—ͺ Tα•ΌE α‘•α—©T...

- FULL NAME: Silas Germaine Bishop
- AGE: 21
- GENDER: Masc-presenting (he/they)
- SEXUALITY: Pansexual
- DORM: Ra

- FC: Tom Sturridge

- Species: Warlock, a practitioner of witchcraft and the dark arts.




...5 candles lit.

One at each point of the star, scrawled in chalk with an unsteady hand on creaking floorboards. An antique book of crumbling leather and flaky paper, stolen from a dusty shelf in the boarding school's library. A boy no older than 12, filled with a burning curiosity. Both sit in the center of the circle, bathed in uneasy flickering candlelight. And now, a knife.

A shaky breath. A moment of hesitation. Then, a flick of the wrist…!

Thick, hot red splatter--followed by a drip, drip, drip... An offering of life essence (it's only fair, after all). Nothing, as the world seems to hold its breath... But then the flames roar like beasts, pillars of hellfire burning as bright as the sun. Where there had only been one, a second figure now sits, wreathed in shadows.

A heart beating frantically, confined to a cage of ribs. Is it fear, or excitement? A deep breath. The boy steels himself.

"I want to make a deal..."

It was the first. But far from the last.

Blood runs from sigils of flesh and ink, carved with a surgeon’s precision. A clever little design to channel arcane power with utmost efficiency. Much has been learned over the years. Many deals have been made. Dedication or obsession?

A sly smile as the signature stains the page crimson, an angry wound scratched on ivory parchment. A mistake, perhaps, but not on his part. A handshake seals the deal, a consolidation of power most delicious. It is almost enough to temporarily satiate the hunger that has taken residence deep within him since the first pact. But not quite.

It has made him something else. Something other. Can it still be called human? Shadows dance around him in strange ways, distorting his frame into something near-otherworldly–subtle enough that most would uneasily dismiss it as a mere trick of the light. Teeth perhaps a little too jagged, eyes unnaturally golden and reflective, the pupils slit in a feline manner. A hushed choir of whispers entwined in the air around him, louder when they think themself alone. He is more than he was. But always left wanting--it's never enough.

Terms accepted, the newest patron is gone in an instant, incorporeal form vanishing with candle flames that give way to heavy wisps of grey. But all is not right, the air feels strange--charged with electricity; lightning yet to strike. In the fiend's former place is a bundle of stark white paper: a brochure. Even from here he can feel the immense arcane energy rolling off it like enchanted waves. It's intoxicating, irresistable--the draw is too strong, the need to know overpowering all. Throwing caution to the wind without a second thought, deft fingers grasp the edge of smooth leaflets.



Curiosity, ambition, and an unending, insatiable thirst for esoteric knowledge has led Silas Bishop to the stone steps of Wollstonecraft, where staff may or may not be regretting his admission. He is every academic faculty’s worst nightmare: an incredibly bright, studious straight-A student with a penchant for mischief who knows how to toe-the-line in just a way that keeps him from serious punishment. He enjoys these little games, constantly testing the waters and seeing just how much he can get away with, if for nothing other than to rile up those in authority. Fortunately for him, his intense passion for learning (and his smooth-talking persuasive ability) helps make his transgressions forgivable more often than not. As for more serious matters--like exploring the forbidden corners of campus--he knows how to be discreet, always on a quest to uncover the truth on some matter or another. There's definitely some things he knows that he shouldn't.

Among the students, he has a reputation as a delinquent and a mischief-maker, and his intelligence and sharp-wit has only added to his intimidation factor. While amiable enough, he's fine mostly keeping to himself and a few close friends, easily able to keep himself entertained without anyone else's help. The rumors surrounding him and his powers probably don't add to his popularity. He is, however, probably the best person to go to for information on any strange goings-on at Wollstonecraft--just be prepared to get the short-end of the stick on any deal made with him.

Silas is a practitioner of witchcraft, primarily having gotten his start through ritualistic magic--most notably, blood magic. His practices range from anything from hexes and charms, to glamours and curses--but he wants to learn anything he can get his hands on. However, his arcane power and understanding increased after having made a pact with a demon, who he successfully manipulated and outsmarted, walking away with the much better end of the deal. Since then, he has made numerous pacts with various different minor fiends, each time managing to stay one step ahead and binding them to him--his hubris has yet to be punished (despite this, they are all on relatively good terms). His various patrons' demonic influences have changed and twisted him, making him something beyond human. His body is covered in thin tattoos of magical sigils, which tend to bleed when performing more intensive magic spells.

... α—·α‘ŒT α”•α—©TIα”•α–΄α—©α‘•TIOα‘Ž α—·α–‡Oα‘ŒGα•ΌT IT α—·α—©α‘•K
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-the unwanted fate-
embodied nightmare
fc:Luka Sabbat

lurid zyzz

the blighted slumber
mid the confines of his fated state, he longs to be more than what makes bones chill and hearts quicken with unrest. His very nature is a menace to everyone around him, for he is no normal fright in passing. His lingering presence is eldritch and twisted, either driving his victims into catatonic lunacy or...worse. There are no roads he can travel without being the truest embodiment of one's terror. It would be a different circumstance if he was created with the choice to bring justice to the depraved. Alas, he has no control over who his victims are. In his compulsive destruction, the body count has totaled in the hundreds for a singular night at times. And the deep seated hunger is only growing within him. In time, his shadow shall engulf the world.

"I am ME! I want to be myself! I want to continue living in this world!"

Yet he dreams of being more. He yearns to become as soft as heav'n, a peaceful respite to inspire the warmth of loves alike. He isn't even a whisper of his own heart's desire, but it is within him to wish for more than this wretched existence. He can transform into the forms of dread so easily. Perhaps, if he can find the truest source of his nature, he can alter it.

Vel penatibus eget neque bibendum torquent libero torquent cubilia. Metus fames viverra dis etiam natoque suspendisse porta hac. Nibh lorem sodales natoque imperdiet nostra nulla. Nostra sociosqu etiam eros hac; natoque sed nam suscipit. Interdum hendrerit urna molestie magnis finibus consequat nam interdum. Vivamus lorem nec class sapien risus inceptos tortor laoreet mattis. Per dui senectus, nostra duis dis imperdiet pulvinar.

practice room

user 1, user 2, user 3
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  • suzuhara riko

    name | suzuhara riko

    species | kitsune

    faceclaim | kota miura

    age | 216 years, appears to be about 21

    gender | cis male

    sexuality | bisexual

    major | onmyōdō studies

    dorm | most likely druantia? i could see him in ra too πŸ€”

    Approachable, playful, and ridiculously hyperactive, Riko's the guy you go to get your mind off things, capable of persuading even the most prim and proper of society to commit the occasional light felony. He enjoys dragging others into chaos and has a knack for getting people to let their guard down around him. His unpolished humour is infectious, though his attention is fleeting, drawn to all things bizarre and shiny, managing to effortlessly draw trouble no matter where he goes. Words of well-meaning advice simply go through one pointed ear and out the other, drowned out by drawing haphazard stars on sleeve hems with pen ink or strumming a slapdash bass riff. He's not one to hold his tongue, guilty of telling the wrong person to eat shit whenever he's trying to compensate for something. His intentions often start out well enough, though he more than likely doesn't have the skills to back his bravado, disappearing behind a well-timed cloud of smoke at the last minute instead of tackling problems head-on. Confrontation is something he's always struggled to face, and sticks to taking the easy way out whenever he can, dodging accountability with concerning ease. When things do go his way (and they very rarely do), you can find him flashing an overconfident grin, defaulting to playing it off as something he had planned all along.

    For a two hundred year old fox spirit, Riko is surprisingly starry-eyed, easily impressed and intimidated by others stronger or more capable than him. He can be a little naive, singlemindedly following the lead of those he looks up to without much thought to his actions or safety. From one chaotic encounter to the next, Riko craves a sense of belonging and purpose, though he rarely knows how to pursue these paths properly without the guidance of his older kin. As the youngest of his litter, he has grown used to being looked after with chiding hands, and hasn't adapted to his newly found independence quite as well as he'd hoped, much to his chagrin. He'd gone and pursued higher education of his own accord, simply as a spur-of-the-moment decision, a long-winded attempt to establish his own course separate from his family's overbearing influence. Despite this life-altering act of rebellion, his choice of major reeks of homesickness and a longing for the familiar rites of tradition; though he is by no means an expert in onmyōdō, his coursework has provided him with some much-needed comfort thus far. Still, he's eager to prove himself as a formidable first-year at Wollstonecraft, relentlessly chasing after the approval of upperclassmen like an overexcited, wet-behind-the-ears kit.

    species info: As a kitsune and servant of the Shinto god Inari, Riko was raised on the traditions of shrine-keeping, along with the rest of his litter. He's able to shift between human and fox forms, and has command over light waves to generate illusory magic whenever it suits him, such as making foliage look like glittering gold coins or creating faint musical notes from thin air. Most of the time, these illusions are harmless sensory effects that don't tend to last very long. He also has the ability to wield flames at will, creating small sparks of luminous 'fox-fire.'

    Riko's luck as a kitsune seems to manifest in extremes, meaning that wherever he goes, things tend to either go miraculously right or horribly wrong. As a way to nudge things in his favour or simply just to ease his mind, he keeps an array of talismans and charms in his messenger bag pockets at the ready.

    coded by weldherwings.




The Mothman




Matthew Manning




Male (He/Him)




The man, moth, legend: Mothman


Ability to transform into a bipedal winged humanoid with the resemblance to a moth. The creature reaches a height of about 7 feet with a wingspan of around 10 feet. The creature can reach great speed by flight, but seems to waddle slightly while walking on foot. On the head, it has red eyes that dimly glow in the dark. This typically happens under the full moon, but can be controlled by the user with great effort. If successful, partial transformations can also occur. Some other known abilities are good camouflage at night, night vision, and partial light legation. Researchers note more research should be done on this specimen.


Benjamin Wadsworth



Matthew is reserved and quiet at first glance, but if you look closely there is a bit of mischief hidden behind his eyes. Despite being a little more on the quiet side he is happy to strike up a conversation with anyone to see where it will take them. He loves to learn about new people, what they're passionate about, and of course which type of lighting is their favourite. As you get to know him, he is definitely a jokester that tries to bring in some positivity to his surroundings with puns, dad jokes, and even witty comments. He enjoys being surrounded with people, but has a very small social battery which can cause him to get a little irritable. Matthew is typically found with his nose in a book, writing, or even roaming the halls of the academy.

At times he can be quite stubborn and reckless at the expense of himself, but does his best to ensure others around him are safe. Matthew is at a point in his life where he is just trying to figure things out a little bit at a time, yet struggles to ask for help when he needs it. He gets anxious that he’s a burden and that is something that lies deep within him. Especially since he has hurt others, he's scared of this happening to anyone close to him. The boy can only take so much, so there are times if he doesn’t use an outlet, such as sketching, it’ll all just come out of him in a series of tears, misdirected rambling, and a bunch of pacing. He tries to not let it get to that point though. Matthew knows what it’s like to go through the world alone and tries to make sure others don’t have to whenever he can. Even if it’s just a little thing of small talk in the morning or finding common nerdy interests.



On a cold November night there were reports of what was originally described as a man-sized bird creature, but then later realized it had a little more resemblance to a moth. Soon newspapers across the United States reported sightings of this creature, thus naming it The Mothman. Fear struck Point Pleasant, as the sightings instantly caused bone-chilling fear through any who dared to set their eyes on this creature.

Matthew remembered seeing the newspapers. For a while, he had his own mysteries to figure out. Such as why his body was in such bad pain every morning. There was only so much that stretching would lessen this. He remembers having a conversation with his parents who shrugged and played it off as growing pains and accused him of overworking himself at school. So, Mathew just continued on trying to get good grades, excelling on the track team, and more. However, after time things started to get a little more strange. He began waking up in public. Sometimes on the front porch bench, in the living room, and even in the public park close to his house. Immediately his parents urged him to go to the doctor who explained Matthew was just a growing boy who suddenly had developed sleepwalking. Most likely due to the stress of trying to get into a good university. It made sense to him, until it didn't.

One night Matthew woke up surrounded in complete darkness. Soon his eyes adjusted to make him realize he was in the forest. He got up, limping as he tried to gather his bearings. Only then did he realize his arms and torso were completely covered in blood. Immediately Matthew scrambled to the nearest lake, scrubbing off as much as he could. The next couple of weeks changed everything. He began to become more and more aware of the fact his body was painfully transforming into Mothman. He will never forget the sound of his bones cracking and extending to become this creature. As he embodied this creature he could feel a shift causing him to become quick to react. The anger of someone entering the forest and him immediately going to ensure they stayed out. There was a sense of territorial urge to keep the forest safe from outsiders.

As the years passed, he decided not to pursue college until he figured this out. Not that it impressed his parents much, yet he also couldn't exactly tell them the real reason. So he travelled trying to gather information about this in journals. He's travelled to study other cryptids across the nation as a tourist, but also looked into different folklore for some sort of answer to how this happened to him. Perhaps it's a mere finding someone to unlock the memories his brain decided to suppress, but he's also a little scared of what that could uncover. Was he cursed? Was he bitten and something wanted him to carry out this legend? Matthew isn't quite sure, but craves an answer to help him embrace the legend of Mothman.

One night after a fatal incident, Matthew once again found himself covered in blood. This time he was aware, but couldn't regain enough control to stop it. A group of teenagers came into the forest and ended up partying. This was a common thing so there wasn't too much threat. However, it stopped as he heard a yell. Some of their jokes had gotten a bit too out of hand and led to a huge argument. They started fighting, throwing around beer cans, and more. It was a threat to the forest yet also to themselves, so Mothman stepped in to stop it. Though he didn't expect them to attack. So, Matthew was merely defending himself! Still, he didn't mean to kill them. Instantly he returned to a human and fled to make it home safely. However, just as he turned on his street, a group of citizens saw him and instantly knew he had to have been involved. He didn't realize one of the teens had run to yell for help.

Matthew knew at that moment he could not return home. Thankfully, his high school years has him be quite the skilled sprinter. So he ran as far as he could. Through the forest, crossing people's backyards, and more until he came to a quick stop. Pinned to a telephone pole was an advertisement for Our Lady Wollstonecraft Academy. Deep within Matthew, he knew that this place was calling to him. So, with their directions, he made his way there.



β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
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#Water Kelpie


β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

AGE: 22
GENDER: Fluid (currently He/They)
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
DORM: Druantia

β€œBut it was an accident, right?”

A twitch from the corner of his mouth. Silver eyes darted aside. Guilty, pained, yet at the same time hauntingly absent of a sensation of remorse for the answer that lingered on his tongue. Pointed ears could hear the catch in their breath as they took a step backwards. Away from him. Away from what he had done.

β€œThey won’t be a problem any more for us.” Came the whispered words, finally, though he didn’t feel as if he had much sway over what was being said at this point in time. Again, he heard the crunch of leaves below hooves as more nervous steps were taken back. He found he could only huff in response, dismissing the other equine in favour of lowering his snout into the water and clasping his fangs around the faint glint of silver he could spy beneath the river’s surface. With a toss of his head he wrenched the object free, pulling a bridle made of silver up into view and then depositing it briefly on the shore beside him.

β€œShould go and find your own, before the rest of them turn up.” He hummed in response, before placing his snout into the centre of the bridle. As if animated by an invisible hand it rose into the air, delicately moulding itself to the face of the equine before locking itself in place. Immediately after the hooved creature shuddered, his breath billowing a large plume of fog into the air to join the damp and dreary atmosphere that surrounded the pair. His form convulsed, flesh morphing and shifting until in the beast’s place there stood a thin and exhausted looking human being. His head lulled to the side, long, silver hair drifting with the motion in a manner more reminiscent of flowing underwater than paying any sort of mind to the cold winds that blew by them. Pale, grey eyes observed the remaining equine. A tut sounded, wavering between sympathetic and disappointed.

β€œWhere will we go, though?” He quirked an eyebrow upwards at the question, before reaching into the pocket of the coat that had formed around him and brandishing from it a letter.

β€œWell, I dunno about know about you, but I’m seeing where this takes me. Can’t imagine it’s any worse than what this lot’s put us through.”

- - -

Lithe and delicate in appearance, and sporting a pointed set of ears, in his humanoid form Brinn has often been mistaken for an elf or water nymph at first glance. Shoulder-length, pale hair combs over his head and rests on the right side of his face, occasionally entangled with small water weeds and flowers that look to be deliberately woven into his hair. Strange, silver eyes with horizontally-slitted pupils are alert yet avoidant of making eye contact with anyone for more than a fleeting second, preferring instead to trail along the ground after shadows or perhaps, if hungry, lingering a little too long on the sight of an exposed throat instead. When Brinn walks the movement is marked by the sound of cloven hooves tapping along the pavement in a skittish manner, shoulders hunched and his gaze most likely focused on several things at once as each new movement or unidentified sound catches vyes for his attention. Occasionally one may also see the glimpse of a long tail ending in a tuft of grey fur just before it whisks itself out of sight from beneath the hem of his coat. Though the presence of said coat can change alongside the rest of his clothing from day to day, he can always be found with the large, silver medallion around his neck.

Flighty on approach and tending towards more reserved activities, Brinn tends to give the impression that he’d much rather spend his hours outside of class on his lonesome. If needing to be found he can most likely be spotted lingering near the shores of the lake, flipping through the pages of a borrowed book or hurriedly munching away at a raw fish caught moments beforehand. He is known to be wary of new faces, and tends to prefer a hefty amount of warning before anyone unknown to him approaches. Those who inadvertently spook Brinn however will likely soon witness the man make a mad dash across the lake for several paces before, seemingly, remembering that beings of flesh and blood are meant to sink below the surface instead of sprint above it and promptly sink out of sight.

It is deep beneath the lake, and in his alternate form, where Brinn seems to be most at peace. As a kelpie Brinn is able to take on the shape of a large horse with black fur and a long, silvery mane. His medallion morphs into a silver bridle, and whatever clothes he was wearing at the time are likewise transfigured into a saddle upon his back. Much of Brinn’s spare time seems to be spent like this, quietly lurking just below the surface of the lake, though he has been known to sometimes briefly pop his head out into view whenever something interesting is happening upon the shore.

Water Kelpie, a carnivorous water spirit hailing from the rivers and lakes of Scotland that often takes the form of a horse. Though they have a reputation towards cruelty and are credited with many senseless drownings throughout history, Brinn is adamant that much of this stems from mistaking humans by the lakeside for large game such as deer, their main source of food. Well, that and a few isolated incidents where the humans were, according to Brinn, β€œreally bloody asking for it”.

All kelpies are amphibious by nature, and have an ability to magically bind other beings or creatures to them if physical contact is made in order to more easily drag them around and, ultimately, drown them as a form of hunting or in self-defence. Brinn can, however, alternatively choose to grant someone with the ability to breathe underwater as long as they maintain this physical contact with him.

Like most kelpies Brinn is also capable of shapeshifting into a humanoid form, though he retains a few telltale characteristics towards his true nature. Most notable is the fact that his feet remain as hooves and that he keeps his tail, though both of these can be successfully hidden with the right choice of clothing. Brinn also has notably pointed ears and horizontal pupils in this form, though likewise both of these traits can be hidden behind a hood or sunglasses respectively. When shifting to human form Brinn’s bridle transforms into a large, silver medallion that he keeps around his neck. Said medallion is in itself considered to be an extension of Brinn’s soul, and is where he is able to β€˜store’ his alternative form when not in use. Stealing this medallion, or alternatively his bridle when in equine form, can therefore lock Brinn into said form until it is returned.

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Name: Edward "Eddie" Savage
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Cursed)
Dorm: Ra


The curse ate away at Eddie's memories, but there are some parts of his history that remained untouched. Eddie remembers a head-on collision with a drunk driver when he was ten, which killed his father on impact and left Eddie with a face covered in grisly scars and burns. He remembers the isolation, the nicknames, and the rumors he was subjected to throughout middle and high school because of his appearance, and having to put on a strong front around his widowed mother, knowing she didn't have time nor energy to listen to him crying about bullies.

As much as he wished he could've forgotten, Eddie remembers the Halloween party. It was being held by someone in the next school over, where no one would know the story of Savage Eddie that followed him everywhere and he could be a normal teenager for one night. He even bought a hand-carved mask at a freaky antiques store that recently opened.

Turned out the other school had heard the story. And they'd bought into it, not realizing the people they'd heard it from were talking about a peer of theirs with a badly disfigured face. 911 was called, people screamed, boys tried to look good in front of their girlfriends by taking on the killer with whatever they had available. Eddie tried to remove the mask, but it was stuck. It was like there was a voice inside his head that wasn't his, telling Eddie to be the monster everyone wanted him to be. And he gave in.

The next couple of years were a blur. Eddie doesn't know what happened to the partygoers and does not want to find out. For a while, he was a bogeyman, appearing in one place just long enough to cause a stir before vanishing as abruptly as he came. He initially stumbled upon Wollstonecraft
thinking of it as another place to terrorize after receiving the flyer, but the staff was prepared. With a little dark magic and regular meetings with the university counselor, they loosened the mask's grip enough for Eddie to recover some sense of self. The mask fed on anger, which he had years' worth of bottled up when he first picked it out at the antiques store, and finding productive outlets for that anger has helped him live a normal life at university. Or, at least, as normal as it gets in a place like Wollstonecraft.

Years of bullying have taken their toll on Eddie's social skills. He goes through phases of being outgoing and withdrawn, trying to reconcile a desperate desire to make friends with the fear of being rejected, which is deeply ingrained into his psyche and possibly amplified by the mask in attempt to turn him back into its thrall. He'll play the role of the class clown and immediately shut down if he has a reason to believe someone thinks his antics even mildly irritating. Eddie is also non-confrontational to the point of being a bit of a doormat, terrified of what might happen if his anger gets the better of him again.

The long-term effects of the curse have molded Eddie into the ideal form for spreading fear. He's inhumanly strong and nearly impervious to mundane sources of harm, able to shake off bullet wounds and walk through fire unimpeded. He's also got an uncanny knack for stealth, frequently sneaking up on people by mistake despite his size and disappearing just as easily. In addition, Eddie's face has been warped to subject anyone looking at it to immense fear proportional to how much of it is visible. Eddie himself is not immune to this, and continuing to wear the mask is the only reliable way to keep this ability (if it can be called such) under control.

Yeva Morozova

born amidst the cold

β€” eve
Yeva Borisovna Morozova
Π•Π²Π° Борисовна ΠœΠΎΡ€ΠΎΠ·ΠΎΠ²Π°
21 years old
cisgender female
panromantic demisexual
dorm druantia
β€” a creature formed from a substance and given life
face claim
β€” sasha luss

β€” in the beginnning . . .

Life began for Yeva under a thick, heavy blanket of snow.

A scene so quiet and still that it felt devoid of life itself. In the heart of a frigid winter, when the world outside lay frozen and muted, a remarkable event unfoldedβ€”a miracle hidden within the icy expanse of a desolate landscape.

Beneath it lay a peaceful newborn baby β€” Yeva, asleep, blissfully unaware of the harsh elements that enveloped her. She was completely alone, her tiny form exposed to the brutal chill of winter, yet remarkably alive. she lay there untouched by the elements, as if the snow itself had wrapped her in a protective embrace.

A poor soul would eventually stumble upon her.

Alarmed and bewildered, they quickly realized they had discovered something extraordinary - an infant, alone in the cold, yet still breathing, her heart beating slowly but steadily beneath her fragile chest.

Taken to the hospital, where medical staff were astounded by the fact she seemed impossibly healthy, for someone who had spent an unknown amount of time unprotected from the elements. After meticulous examinations and a flurry of tests, the doctors eventually concluded that, aside from an abnormally low body temperature - one that clung to the depths of hypothermia - nothing else seemed to be wrong with her. She appeared virtually unharmed, a tiny miracle in a world that often felt indifferent to such fragility. Despite their best efforts, Yeva's body temperature remained persistently extremely low, stubbornly resistant to warming treatments. Ongoing attempts to stabilize her became a daily routine for the nursing staff, who grew increasingly fond of the quiet child in their care.

Throughout her entire stay at the hospital, she never made a sound.

There were no cries of hunger, no whimpers of discomfort; she lay still, her expression serene as if she existed in a realm untouched by the chaos surrounding her.

As days turned into weeks, the question loomed larger than ever: How such a fragile creature, a small babe seemingly fresh out of the womb, had survived temperatures well below freezing? It was nothing short of miraculous.

β€” the early life of Yeva . . .

Yeva’s first sense of home was the hushed corners of an orphanage where, for seven long years, she navigated the complexities of childhood without the warmth of familial connection. Her surroundings were filled with echoes of laughter and shared stories, yet she remained a solitary figure, cocooned in an aura of mystery and intrigue.

As Yeva grew, her apparent differences became more pronounced.

While most kids were prone to the little aches and pains of childhood - bruises from falls, the seasonal colds that passed through classrooms like wildfire - Yeva stood apart, seemingly impervious, untouched by such vulnerabilities.

The biting cold that frequently enveloped the vast expansive lands of Siberia, with its icy gusts whipping through the air and frosty mornings that painted the world in shades of white, hardly fazed her. While her peers bundled themselves up in layers of warmth, shivering under the weight of winter, Yeva would often be found wandering through the serene, snow-draped landscape with an unbothered grace, often shrugging off the stifling numerous layers forced upon her by the worried workers at the orphanage. She moved with a tranquil indifference, as if the harsh elements were but a gentle caress against her skin, that left others confused and somewhat troubled.

The stillness of the snow-covered landscape reflected the stillness within her, a calmness represented within her not associated with childhood

β€” growing up . . .

A unique couple visiting Vladivostok, who had been wanting a child for many years, would become Yeva’s adoptive parents in her seventh year at the orphanage.

Her mother, Ling, a Chinese calligraphy artist who spoke in soothing foreign tones which Yeva was yet to understand.
Her father, Boris, a Russian immigrant who was a gentle giant of a man whose laughter echoed through Yeva’s new home in their modest apartment in Harbin, China.

While children exhibited a natural inclination towards kindness, Yeva soon discovered the same could not be said about teenagers as she entered highschool. High school became a harsher environment, one where the innocence of childhood gave way to the more complicated dynamics of adolescence. Teenagers, she realized, could be much crueler. Her unique eerie appearanceβ€”translucent skin, icy eyes, and her unnaturally cold touchβ€”made her a frequent target for her peers.

Her internal sense of isolation truly separated her from others.

Her adoptive parents began to become concerned with her growing isolation, choose to comfort her by fostering her intellectual curiosity. They instilled in her an interest in literature, music, and the realm of philosophy.

Yeva’s inquisitive mind devoured philosophical texts exploring the nature of existence, identity, and what it meant to be human. She pondered the depths of her being, losing herself in contemplation of her own nature and the essence of humanity β€” all the while oblivious to the remarkable truth that lay just beyond her grasp. It became a quest of introspection, a journey into the layers of her identity as she sought answers to questions that danced at the edges of her consciousness.

Yeva has an overall calm and composed demeanor, often appearing aloof or distanced from the emotions that swirl around her. While she can be friendly, she sometimes seems unaware of social nuances, which leads her to come off as overly stoic or detached. Though she lacks certain human qualities, her compassion manifests in quiet gestures and acts of kindness. Yeva’s generally blank disposition would give no insight for others to gauge, making her a bit of an enigma to those she interacts with.

Despite her unusual character, Yeva learned to adapt and weave herself into the fabric of human life, observing the dance of emotions that colored the existence of others. Though she felt a certain intrigue towards these human experiences, there remained an inexplicable distance that separated her from full comprehension of their struggles. There was an overarching sense that she belonged to a world different from theirs, though she could not quite articulate why.

As she continued to grow up, her true nature began to creep into her life increasingly.

She began to experience haunting dreams of endless winter, which began to blur the line of what was real for Yeva. As strange powers subtly manifestedβ€”strange chills and whispers, frost forming on her hands, and the unnatural sense of winter following herβ€”Yeva felt a growing disconnect from humanity, sensing she was tied to forces much older and colder than the life she had known.

Unbeknownst to her, she is a golem β€” an entity brought to life by unknown powers, created to embody the nature of winter.

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: Lovelie Marie Augustine
NICKNAME: Love or Lovie
AGE: 21 years old
GENDER: Cisfemale
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
PLACE OF BIRTH: Jamcel, Haiti


: Aweng Chuol.

She has been told, by those who have gazed upon her beauty, that she is proof that only fools associate evil with the dark. She is all deep brown skin, deep like the most fertile of soils or the cosmos that others reach for with longing in their eyes. Glitter twinkles on her skin like stars in the night skin, urging those to take a closer look and make a wish should they feel deserving.

A face that some deem hard to look at yet they find themselves entranced all the same. There is something vaguely unnerving…otherworldly hidden in her features but soft enough to fool the eyes. Those eyes of her, the deepest of blues, hide their true emotions behind fluttering lashes. It is hard to see the hunger that lurks within. Their watery depths camouflage the intentions that she wants no other to see. They say so much yet so little. Her face, both hard marble and soft clay.

She grew as though she had been attempting to reach the above. Her body grew into itself softly, delicate in a way to not disturb the world around her. Her body of gentle curves, pleasant to the eye and invoking a feeling of protectiveness. She is avian like in her grace, her movements fluid and almost floating when she arrives. She has been compared to a bird, something of fragile bones and sweet songs. Yet they forget of the birds of prey, with talons ready and eyes poised for an attack.


: A serrated knife smile adorned in blood-soaked gemstones and beckoning eyes. Full lips part to speak honey-dipped words into the ears of flies. They flow like water, her stream of half-truths and riddles becoming more akin to troubled waters. She laughs as she watches the brave and the foolish wade through the depths, so caught up in discovering more that they fail to realize how far they’ve sunken. Lovelie enjoys this game of catch and release, push and pull. Lovelie has always been meticulous when it comes to how she words things. She speaks in a way that leaves others frustrated and unsure of her intentions.

There is something about the look in her eyes that sets people on edge. Her gaze speaks of hidden information, as though she knows something that she shouldn’t. It would be hard to believe that one such as herself is as knowledgeable and spiritual as she is. She is devoted to the ways of her culture. Within the whispering woods, when night falls and with the moon as her witness, she dances and sings and raves to honor those who came before her and watch her over even now. Lovelie is a master of her craft. Years have been spent learning and it shows in the power that she wields.

She is a raging fire. A flame that draws the moth forward, the wild fire that consumes the forest and leaves behind ash and devastation. Lovelie welcomes chaos with a razor grin and wild look in her eyes. What is life without spontaneity? Without change that forces the world to adapt? Resilience has turned her spine to steel and skin to armor. She is no flower, a dainty thing easily crushed under foot or bent by the pressure of the wind. A mighty oak is what she is, standing tall and rooted against the things that try to knock her down.

A woman of passion hides amongst the mass of students. Lovelie was made to make the world tremble, to take fate in her hands and bend it to her will. Mad in the eyes of many, a being who takes after her mother far too much. Lovelie is the cackle at a funeral, a string of curses, and a product of the strength of her ancestors stolen and unwilling to submit.

LIKES. Bonfires, Custom Grillz, Horror Media, Dark Chocolate Cigars, Tarantulas, Tinkering with magic, Offerings, Spider Lilies

DISLIKES. Waiting for too long, Being still for too long, The boring and dull, Sweet Treats

HOBBIES. Taxidermy, Collecting Skulls, Intricate Nail Art, Foraging for ingredients, Selling magical favors, Dancing, Tire Machèt

SKILLS. Lovelie know multilingual, she speaks Haitian Kreyol, French, and Spanish. Is very acrobatic and an amazing dancer. An amazing cook. Knows how to brew various poisons.

QUIRKS. Is very superstitious and does things like sweeping with salt and throwing it over her shoulder. Plays with her hair when bored. Always has some type of dark chocolate on her. Likes scaring people by sneaking up on them. Curses in Kreyol when upset. Loves puns.

FEARS: Being forgotten in death, Her death being in vain or meaningless, Angering the loa, Dishonoring her ancestors.

β€” FILE

REPUTATION. Lovelie is both a pariah and an infamous figure on campus. Whispers of madness follow after her. They believe her to be evil just as her mother is. With her human skin tome in her hands and her razor smile, she sends shivers down the spine of those caught in her sights. At the same time she is a beacon, a mesmerizing figure who seems to belong belong amongst figures in the throes of religious ecstasy. She approached with caution and sometimes reverence. Lay an offering at her feet and in turn receive a magical favor.

POWERS. Marinette’s blessing - Marinette was slayed by fire and so she now holds sway over it as a petro loa. Like her mother lovelie is also able to control the destructive force. She is able to generate flames at will and control existing fire.

Owl physiology - Lovelie has the ability to take on attributes of her patron loa’s sacred animal, the screech owl. With this ability she has natural talons that can slash through flesh like a hot knife through butter. Her senses are superhuman in nature. Lovelie can see perfectly in the dark and rotate her head 360 degrees. Though she has no beak she does have razor sharp teeth and a hollow skeleton, making her faster, lighter, and more agile.

The gift - Voodoo is a way of life and the air that she breathes. Left-hand magic flows through her blood. She wields the same ability. Lovelie is a skilled voodoo priestess with generations of knowledge and power at her fingertips. She is a woman who specializes in the dark and deadly arts, the type of practice often stolen and made β€œclean”.

DRAWBACKS. Marinette’s blessing - fire is an unpredictable thing. Lovelie flames can be destructive when used. If she’s not careful the flames can spread quite easily, causing unnecessary damage to others and the environment.

Owl physiology
- Her superhuman senses are not something that she can turn off. Lovelie can get easily overwhelmed and stunned by intense noises. Attacks to her senses leave her vulnerable, as it leaves her open to attacks as she tries to gather her wits.

The gift - Voodoo is a way of life, a powerful gift that one must wield with respect. It different from many forms of magic, as it does not always provide results right then and there. Lovelie must be careful when dealing with the left-handed path, for it has the potential to bounce back.


code by birth of venus.

the siren

fc: erin kellyman

maeve boatwright

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

name: maeve boatwright
age: 20
gender: female
species: siren
abilities: shape-shifting, hydro-kinesis, hypnotic singing
dorm: druantia

personality: As a siren, Maeve spent most of her youth exploring various bodies of water. She found enjoyment in observing and studying the oceanic lifeforms she came across during her swims. Her curiosity was only piqued by her parents, a marine biologist, and a photographer, who encouraged her inquisitive nature. They taught her a lot about caring for the environment. In her teens, she was moved to plan protests to protect some bodies of water from oil drilling and other destructive acts. She had no trouble with standing up for her beliefs, even when met with pushback.

Her competitive and ambitious nature takes the spotlight whenever she's involved in a game of cards. She has pulled the nastiest betrayals in a round of UNO or Monopoly. So much so that some people refuse to play with her. Their loss. Some of the ambition can come off as arrogant, but she tries her best to not let all her wins get to her head.

extra species info: For the most part, Maeve prefers to be in her human form. Half because it's hard to walk with a tail and because her scales get uncomfortably dry if they're out in the sun too long. Even in her human form, she has gills on her neck which allow her to breathe underwater. The only major drawback of being human is that she needs to drink a lot more water than the average person to stay properly hydrated. She can shift into her siren form at will in fresh or salt water.

She possesses limited hydro-kinesis, at the moment she can only move about 16 ounces of water at a time. Roughly the amount in your average plastic water bottle.

As with most sirens, her voice is incredibly captivating, but to activate her more persuasive capabilities she has to vocalize on an open vowel.

why wollstonecraft?
A cool academy that allows her to explore her supernatural nature? Seemed a lot better than having to suppress and hide her true form all the time. While she was granted the freedom to explore when she was younger, as technology grew more advanced there were dangers associated with her swimming around. Even if she stuck to the less populated beaches. Not only does the academy provide her the opportunity to interact with more students like herself, but it also gives her a safe space to learn how to control some of her abilities.

Name: Maisie Skye MacAllister

Age: Technically 27, but only remembers about 20 of those, and is 20 in human years.

Gender: Female

Personality: Free-spirited, bubbly, chaotic, witty, friendly, spirited, adventurous, supportive, cheerful, and open-minded. She's rarely serious, always ready with a joke, and she has a somewhat surreal sense of humor. She is a whirlwind of energy, but is also quite intellectual in her interests and hobbies. She has a strong tendency to embrace being "weird" and has almost no filter (which in one way manifests in using profanity often). She also uses slang from the 1920s often, feeling that it suits her better than modern slang.

Species: Fairy

Abilities: Invisibility, shapeshifting, spellcasting, flight, control of natural elements, blessings, curses, glamours, teleportation, foresight, time manipulation (theoretically), control of minds (theoretically). "Theoretically" here means an ability possessed by her race which may or may not be available to Maisie in a highly rudimentary form. Since she has not even begun to master these abilities, the use of them comes with great risks if not in a controlled environment.

Nationality: Scottish

Background: "Maisie Skye MacAllister" is not the original person to have gone by that name. That person, a human born on July 18th, 2004, was stolen away by the fairies, and this Maisie was left as a replacement. Maisie had believed that her memories of Fairyland were a product of her and Kenneth's childhood imagination until recently.

Her worst moment occurred when her boyfriend of four months, Reese, called her a "fucking weirdo" in a text and then ghosted her. Two days later, her roommate Eloise told her about a black envelope delivered to their apartment and addressed to her (the same day as Kenneth). Thinking it was probably a prank but intrigued enough to try something, she attempted to use magic by levitating her body off the ground and succeeded. Immediately afterward, she texted Kenneth, urging him to try the same thing. To her, being a fairy is a mixed bag but ultimately something positive and exciting.

Maisie's life philosophy is influenced by the rationalist community (she's an avid fanfiction reader and discovered "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality" at age 14), to which she was drawn because of their idiosyncratic views. Her planned approach to magic bears much resemblance to that of a famous rationalist character: Harry James Potter Evans-Verres. That is, Maisie plans to investigate magic in a scientific and (somewhat) systematic way, although likely in a much more casual and/or reckless manner than her brother, with the eventual hope of using that knowledge to improve the world as much as possible.

Appearance: Maisie is tall and slender, standing at 180 cm (5'10"). She has auburn/red hair and brown eyes. She is considered highly attractive by many people, and suspects that her last boyfriend, Reese, only stayed with her because of her physical appearance. She often dresses in highly eclectic, colorful outfits.

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Name: Kenneth Adam MacAllister

Age: Technically 26, but only remembers about 20 of those, and is 20 in human years.

Gender: Male

Personality: Loyal, diligent, patient, intelligent, good-mannered, persistent, self-disciplined, calm, resourceful, and kind. Kenneth is much more serious and academically inclined compared to his sister, Maisie. He's the voice of reason and takes his responsibilities seriously. He's very protective of Maisie. He is also thoughtful and strategic, keeping a level head in dangerous situations. He can have a dry sense of humor at times.

Species: Fairy

Abilities: Invisibility, shapeshifting, spellcasting, flight, control of natural elements, blessings, curses, glamours, teleportation, foresight, time manipulation (theoretically), control of minds (theoretically). "Theoretically" here means an ability possessed by his race which may or may not be available to Kenneth in a highly rudimentary form. Since he has not even begun to master these abilities, the use of them comes with great risks if not in a controlled environment.

Nationality: Scottish

Background: "Kenneth Adam MacAllister" is not the original person to have gone by that name. That person, a human born on July 18th, 2004, was stolen away by the fairies, and this Kenneth was left as a replacement. Kenneth had believed that his memories of Fairyland were a product of his and Maisie's childhood imagination until recently.

His worst moment occurred when he failed his Artificial Intelligence final exam at Stanford University. He suffered a strange lapse of attention and entered an extremely vivid daydream-like state, a memory of his time in Fairyland. Later that day, he discovered the brochure for Our Lady Wollstonecraft Academy inside his personal journal. He has since had a harder time adjusting to the revelation of his true heritage than Maisie. He concluded that he was probably a changeling after talking to his parents and hearing that he and Maisie had changed in personality and mannerisms when they were toddlers.

Kenneth's life philosophy is influenced by the rationalist community, introduced to him by Maisie and which he was drawn to because of its structured approach to life and focus on Effective Altruism. His planned approach to magic bears much resemblance to that of a famous rationalist character: Harry James Potter Evans-Verres. That is, Kenneth plans to investigate magic in a scientific and systematic way, with the eventual hope of using that knowledge to improve the world as much as possible.

Appearance: Kenneth is tall and athletic, standing at 177 cm (5'9"). He has auburn hair and greenish-blue eyes. He has a well-trimmed beard.

Dorm: RA

  • name. neilina fairbairn
    age. 20
    gender. female
    sexuality. bi
    ethnicity. scottish
    height. 5'10
    weight. 170


    he young Neilina Fairbairn certainly lived up to her surname with her alabaster skin, pale blue eyes, and straw-colored hair. She mused about how bards would have described her in a tale of knights and princesses. Of course, they didn't typically speak of princesses stealing away at night to become seals. Neilina was a selkie from a long line of women who lived in their seal forms and swam in the sea. Neilina's skins, the sealskin cloak she wore, were made of white and light grey fur with dark spots throughout. They covered all of her lower half, transforming it into the lower body of a seal. The furs enveloped her lower abdomen and her whole back ending in a hood that would disguise Neilina from a distance.

    In human form Neilina's blonde hair was unruly, whipped into frizzy waves caused by the wind and saltwater. Neilina wore it up often in braids or a bun, preferring it out of her face. Her face was ovular and slim with brows a shade darker than her hair. They framed her face nicely, especially when they were raised or furrowed as they often were. Her nose was slender and sloped downwards to her lips, pale pink and full.

    Neilina's eyes were deep caverns of blue that gave the impression she was perceiving you beyond the human body before her. They were larger than most of her features and turned slightly up at the outer corners. Those haunting eyes were framed by dark lashes that brushed against the tops of her cheeks. Neilina's skin was generally blemish-free and pale. Her face and arms were covered in a smattering of freckles that contrasted against her pallid skin.

    Neilina's voice was soft and mute but had the unmistakable lilt of a Scottish accent. Though she rarely raised her voice, Neilina's laugh rang out loud and joyful. Similarly, her demeanor could be reserved but she relaxed quickly with those she was comfortable around. Neilina is fairly tall at five feet and ten inches and years of swimming and farming had given her a strong base, she stood tall and lean. Her posture was straight and upright but she tended to slouch when uncomfortable. Neilina's long limbs extend to subtly webbed hands and feet, the only real marker of what she was. Her gait was confident and she was often seen striding from class to class, though her face was usually downturned, lost in thought. When her mind wandered a dreamy expression softened her features.

    Neilina has a preference for comfort over style but all of her clothing falls into what a modern person would consider a "timeless" aesthetic and silhouette, she still has many of the jumpers her mother knitted her over the years and usually pairs them with a linen pant or worn pair of jeans. Neilina does not have much reason to wear fragrance as she is so often in the water, when she does wear perfume she prefers musky and woodsy scents.












    freya mavor

coded by xayah.ღ
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the vampire

fc: jackson passaglia

monroe gray versie

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

name: monroe gray versie
age: 22 [but he's been 22 for like a while]
gender: cis-male
species: vampire
abilities: enhanced strength, enhanced senses, minor mind control

personality: Monroe embodies the vibe of a monster wholeheartedly. He adores attention and social situations. Some might say he likes the spotlight a little too much for a vampire, but he doesn't care. He could be described as quite the control freak with no qualms for manipulating people. Helped along by his natural charisma, growing up around other affluent vampires has taught him the ins and outs of social convention. He's well-mannered for the most part but can be a little bit of a gossip.

If you're on his good side, most people will see an attractive man bearing a fanged smile. Once on his bad side, he becomes passive-aggressive and petty. He doesn't spare emotions, mainly because he ignores his own. If he ignores them, they simply don't exist. Not to mention, he revels in embarrassing people who piss him off.

extra species vibes: Vampires are strong. Monroe doesn't entirely look strong because of his slight form, but there's a hidden muscle beneath his litheness. His senses of hearing, smell, and taste are all far superior to humans, especially since before he arrived and Wollstonecraft he adored a good hunt. He also has amazing night vision. Then, there are his slight mind control abilities, which more accurately could be referred to as persuasion. When he bites a human or human-adjacent creature they become more suggestible. He often uses this ability to convince humans to do stupid and slightly life-threatening things. The suggestible period only lasts for about half an hour but can be exacerbated depending on how much blood he drinks.

why wollstonecraft?
Being sent to the academy was half a punishment and half an intervention. After wiping out half of the population of a small town because he was "peckish" his mother sent him off to become "more socialized". He resented the institution his first year there but found his groove in being a slight troublemaker. Enough to cause problems, but never enough to get expelled. His second favorite pastime is sweet-talking his way into a lighter punishment. Frankly, the intervention might have been too little too late, but Monroe is thrilled to make the most of his college experience.




β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

AGE: 21
GENDER: Male-Presenting ((He/Him)
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
DORM: Artume

β€œBut when will you be back?”

The wizened old witch smiled, as she often did, but something was different about her expression this time. It was if the usual sly grin she held in her day-to-day business had formed but a mask this time, and something far more pained lingered just below it. Topaz felt his brow wrinkle in response, confused by the strange blend of emotions that he could not recall witnessing before from her. A gnarled, shaking hand reached outwards and then curled its fingers in a beckoning gesture towards him. Topaz obliged, lowering his head until the far shorter being was able to reach upwards and pinch at his cheek with a short tut.

"I will not be back, my dear Topaz. And neither will you. This is to be our final goodbye."

Again, Topaz was puzzled. Old Witch Wyrmwood would often leave the mansion grounds at night with her suitcase of potions, and she would always return before the dawn. On what she would describe as more profitable days she would even bring back various treats and trinkets for Topaz to enjoy before the sun rose. A welcome change, since the continued absence of his far-older siblings left him feeling rather bored and lonesome guarding the place on his own. He didn't understand why tonight was to be any different.

"But why?" Topaz eventually inquired, fire-lit eyes dimming alongside of his cheerful demeanor. Again, Old Witch Wyrmwood regarded him with that strange concoction of masked mourning, and she gestured for him to shift his gaze towards the balcony. Down below, slowly winding their way up the hilltop, Topaz could spy the tiny flicker of lights that signaled the approach of others. Momentarily he froze in response, a sinking feeling forming in his gut. His siblings had always been around whenever they approached. They would tell Topaz what to do, and make sure he didn't come to any major harm. He'd never had to fend the home on his lonesome before.

"We should-"

"Topaz." Interrupted Old Witch Wyrmwood, nudging his face back towards her own as her expression morphed to one of stern authority. "You need to leave, now. Fly as far as you can from here before dawnbreak, and do not return."

He still didn't understand. But her word was the final say on the matter, and as the one who had crafted him Topaz didn't have much of a chance of refuting it. At his back he felt his wings uncoil and flare, less on conscious thought and more on instinct as he glanced once more over the edge of the balcony.

"I will miss you." Sighed the witch, and Topaz turned to nod in agreement and repeat back her sentiment in a quiet mumble. "Stay safe. Make me proud." She then added, before placing one of her suitcases in his talons and hurriedly nudging what looked to be a letter of some description into his chest pocket. "And don't open that until you're somewhere safe. Preferable out of sight of everyone before daylight."

With a final nod, and checking that the letter was secured in his pocket, Topaz found himself spreading his wings and taking to the sky.

- - -

Standing at just under 7ft and possessing a hefty build, Topaz easily towers over many of his fellow peers. Likewise he has an impressive wingspan when they are fully unfurled, to the point where he is known to have some trouble navigating around tighter spaces and knocking a multitude of objects to the ground. Wavy, dark hair sits just above his shoulders and frames his face and the set of two horns jutting out from the top of his forehead. His right horn appears to have been snapped in half at some point, likely due to an injury sustained while in his stone form. His skin has a ashen and greyish tone to it, and though soft to the touch often gives the appearance of being carved from stone. At the extremities of his limbs this fades to a darker tone, topped with bright, blazingly-orange claws on the end of each of his talons. A long, whiplike tail lashes behind him often in an attempt to maintain proper balance, and has enough dexterity to allow him to pick up and manipulate objects of interest.

When dawn breaks, Topaz enters a stone-like state stuck in whatever pose he was making at the time. Though he is usually mindful of this and often carries a timepiece of some kind to prepare himself every morning, he nonetheless has found himself caught off guard by the time of day and had at least a few incidences of getting stuck in embarrassing spots or awkwardly inconvenient ones. As such Topaz can sometimes fall victim to the whims of more mischievous or cruel students, who have been known to draw on his stone form or pose alongside of him for their amusement. It is perhaps only Topaz's good nature that has prevented several incidences already, as anything that can be interpreted as a 'threat' to him or the place he is guarding during the day has a chance to allow him to reanimate until the threat is removed.

As expected of his size, Topaz is known to have an immense strength and heavy weight to his build. Though slow to move he hits hard, and has a stone-like durability to his skin that makes it difficult for sharp claws, fangs, or blades to pierce through it. Despite this however Topaz is known to be a very placid and cheerful individual, much more likely to want to shake someone's hand than crush it. Though eager to make friends with others he can sometimes find himself struggling to maintain any outside of the Artume dorm due to how he is restricted at night. He is also rather self-conscious of his academic abilities when faced with students he would regard as far smarter than himself, keen to learn more but aware that he is rather sheltered on some matters.

Gargoyle, a protective spirit carved from stone and traditionally made to watch over a location. For Topaz specifically he was one of several gargoyles that had been created by Old Witch Wyrmwood to guard her manor in the past from outside forces, though he is notable for being a relatively recent addition and considered the 'baby' of the bunch at a mere 21 years of age.

Gargoyles are forced to turn to stone during the day, but they are able to animate for brief periods of time during it should they or the place they are guarding come under a threat. Typically they are magically bound to a particular location, defending it fiercely and drawing power from their surroundings the more they grow familiar with the place. Generally speaking the older and more well-maintained a building is the more power a gargoyle can draw from it, making ancient and well-protected structures like castles and places of worship popular choices for gargoyles to claim their territory. Gargoyles are able to find new locations and magically bind themselves to them instead over time, but generally speaking they would have no desire to do-so unless their previous haunt was destroyed or otherwise inaccessible.


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