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simj26 simj26
We absolutely need to have Sunao and Toshiro have a video game woman discussion eventually, this is CRITICAL importance.
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Imagine making a cs only to have to wait who knows how long to play your character cause you volunteered.

In any case I have a feeling Toshiro and Tokage are going to be great friends. Best buddies even!
Don't worry I'm about to make some B class boiz in case your buddy needs a buddy that becomes buddy off screen like a true buddy
Tokage feels like the popular kid in class who's friends with everyone, I actually don't think there is a person in class who either dislikes Tokage or who would outright hate him unless it was a misunderstanding which could be a good case.
Imagine making a cs only to have to wait who knows how long to play your character cause you volunteered.

In any case I have a feeling Toshiro and Tokage are going to be great friends. Best buddies even!
Yeah, if Toshiro becomes class prez he'll definitely pick Tokage, not just because its funny but also because he respects them. They both have similar views even though it comes from different places which I like! I definitely see them getting along in the future.
Finally gave every active students, I think, a Nickname! Put it on my cs so go take a look if you want.
Hmmm these posts are giving shippers good materials to ship characters.

Oh I just thought of a cool thing for Zella Noct Noct You probably thought about this already but what if Zella could eventually link two other people together? Like say Linking a villain to one of the characters who can take a beating. I think that would be really cool.
When the time for Quirk progression comes along, I've been playing around in my head about which aspects of peoples quirk's could be hard limits and which could be soft limits, its gonna be interesting to see.
With relationships progressing in class, I wonder what groups of students will start to walk home together. It's a comfy thought to imagine them walking around as the sun starts to set crackin' jokes.
With relationships progressing in class, I wonder what groups of students will start to walk home together. It's a comfy thought to imagine them walking around as the sun starts to set crackin' jokes.
I'm curious about this as well. Lizard Squad seems to be an obvious thing, don't worry Tokage will make Toshiro an honorary Lizard. In seriousness it's hard to tell who will stick together.
I'm curious about this as well. Lizard Squad seems to be an obvious thing, don't worry Tokage will make Toshiro an honorary Lizard. In seriousness it's hard to tell who will stick together.
On the first day at least, Toshiro's probably gonna want Tokage and Yakta to walk with him, still gotta show em that cool thing.

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