Our final hours (Survival Medieval roleplay)

Name: Joanna Helmond

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Background: She was an only child and her parents died from the cold. Joanna now only has her horse, an old rucksack, and a sword to her name. Her parents taught her how to survive an the tales of a place with light and warmth where everyone is happy. In her bag are her father and mothers ashes an she has vowed to take her parents to the warm place.

Appearance:this girl in this dress with this cloak

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-29_22-42-41.jpeg.74ad0904e97f7dfec91fec129395bfce.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15352" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-29_22-42-41.jpeg.74ad0904e97f7dfec91fec129395bfce.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-29_22-44-9.jpeg.2bbe76c2db7466a40f6d1dfef17a3973.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15353" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-29_22-44-9.jpeg.2bbe76c2db7466a40f6d1dfef17a3973.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills: Sword fighting, finding and using resources, archery, horseback riding, and climbing.

bad at swimming (seriously, with all those layers how can anyone swim?)



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Name: Garrison Locklon

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Background: Descendent of a long line of Northern royalty, not that that means much anymore. For 20 years he traveled with his parents from place to place trying to get by. His parents obsessed over their family history and always stressed to him not to shame his heritage. He never cared about any of that after his mother disappeared one night after his family set up camp. His father and him were separated searching for her. Since then he has always taken special care not to disappoint them, his family, or himself. He travels with his parent's mule named Lockly.

Appearance: 6ft 2, Biggish nose, dirty blonde hair with a dinky shave but not to long, well-built but no too muscled.

Skills : Sense of direction, tracking, herbalist, trapping, saber fighting. Bad at taking risks, quick responses, forging friendships.

Edit: Heres a pic:
Obviously more medivalish and not quite as attractive.
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Name:Alexander Greyhem



Background:Before this all happend alex was a thief in big cities and accept jobs for killing people also, now that he is on his on and there is nothing to take from anyone he is willing to work with people so that he can survive. He is helpful but he for the most part cares more about himself then others.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Anime_Warrior_by_chaotixwol.jpg.4bb9bdcdf8f2dffe70fe0e67797ec475.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15369" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Anime_Warrior_by_chaotixwol.jpg.4bb9bdcdf8f2dffe70fe0e67797ec475.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills: He is good at being quiet, sneaky is good with a sword and daggers. Also climbing and scaling walls also able to run and move quick. Quick reaction and tracking skills are good.



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Name: Andrew Ridgeblow

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Background: A soldier once serving the Southern Empires, now a mere survivor with the Legion's sigil and armors. He had long lost the feeling of being loved, and had long forgotten what it means to love. His family he had to abandon once he was forced to join the Legion of the South. At first he tried to rebel against it, but the Tyrant of the Southern Empires was not merciful. He slaughtered Andrew's family so he would have nowhere to go, and still forced him to join the Legion. Now there's nothing left of what he once had. Now he's just lost in the dark.


Skills (Things you're good at, but not magical or anything that kind.): Good at fighting with a spear, has a lot of stamina and can carry a lot.
Name: Druettus Burin

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Background: An ex-mercenary for hire, Burin used to roam around the world accepting contracts from anyone with the money to pay him. He was born in one of the colder northern cities, but he can't remember exactly where as he was taken from his home by a merciful member of a group of theives who didn't have the heart to kill such a young child, so instead took him to his home and brought him up to be a strong, skilled man.

Appearance: (basically this guy)


Skills (Things you're good at, but not magical or anything that kind.): Good at fighting with a sword or a mace, has high stamina and also has decent hand-to-hand skills.
Name: Azurin T'tenothil

Age: 27

Sex: Female

Background: Azurin was an Assassin and a mercenary before the cold came, she was famed and feared throughout several kingdoms. Although her work paid handsomely she often spent nights in the wilds. Her mother, the widow of a soldier, was killed when she was 16 and this sent her on a quest for vengeance, her journey led her towards several masters of their chosen craft, she learnt what she could of each before setting forth when she felt it time. To this day she has followed the killer leaving a trail of blood in her wake.


Skills: Has high agility but low physical strength, has trained in bows, swords, knives, unarmed combat and poisons. She is able to locate food and shelter where available but is by no means infallible. Her adaptability and apparently weak form are her main assets in a fight in that opponents often underestimate her while she is able to quickly counter most tactics.

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