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When should Violet's group escape?

  • Right before Vermilion, Revi, and Lexi leave?

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • While Vermilion, Revi, and Lexi are gone?

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Right after Vermilion, Revi, and Lexi get back from their trip?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Terrance smiled as Dorian thanked him for the cake, "No problem i imagine its a nice change from regular foods." He ignored the guards who came in dragging someone's body behind them. He turned his attention back to Bri, "Hey i'd love to stay with you some more but i have a few things i need to finish before night comes..." He needed to make a report about the construction and how it was proceeding along with if there were any hang-ups and hand it into Vermillion so he could look it over before giving it to Dr. Clarefree. There had been something odd about a couple of the construction workers and he had looked into it further to find out some rather interesting information.
Texangamer Texangamer Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine (Hope you dont mind me making Terrance Vermillion's underling)

Serena smiled as she looked at there little group, she had even offered Kiono some cake, but he refused. Not that she minded, she didn't take him for being one to like sweets to begin with. Her smiled didn't last as a couple of guards came in dragging Derek's body behind them. They glared over at Terrance before whispering among themselves and turning to leave. She rushed over, looking Derek over for wounds only to find his leg having a slight scratch. She picked up his upper body and shoved a cover under his head. He didn't seem to have a fever, she pressed her ear against his chest listening to his breathing and heartbeat. It all seemed fine, so she waited...and waited, "Come one wake up already..." She glanced over to Bri and Terrance and then back to Derek, if he didn't wake here soon she would give him her blood. Her wings ruffled slightly as she thought of ways to cut into her wrist. She was getting ready to turn to Dorian when Derek grunted and moved a bit.

When Derek began to come to he found himself back in the room with the others. His eyes finally focused on a very worried Serena. "Im glad you are up i was worried and was about to feed you some of my blood..." He frowned, "Don't ever do that Serena...that could end badly for you and i would hate to end up hurting you like that." He said reaching up to pat the top of her head, "I'm just glad you are back, but where is Riley? Is she okay please tell me she is..." Derek's frown turned to a soft smile, "She should be fine, she caught a cold even though i tried to stop it and i think the new doctor is taking care of her now." He watched as Serena began to relax. "Okay well let me go get you a piece of cake." "Cake?" She smiled standing again, "Yeah today is Bri's birthday, her little boyfriend make her a cake and we still have a few pieces left." His smile turned to a frown when he noticed a male he didn't really know. But he remembered hearing whispers about the one who had killed Toshi and that man seemed to fit the description.

Helen nodded to Vermilion, "If you have the time to do such and not let it effect you new mission then do so. IF not then it can wait until you return, the bit of information you gave me is good for the time being, so I leave it up to you." She paused glancing over to Lexi and Revi with a frown as Revi's dark side crept through. "No, you may not torment them as you please, i don't want any harm coming to any of the products unless it is ABSOLUTELY unavoidable. Do you understand me Dark Revi..." Helen wanted nothing more to pull the girl off her daughter and make Lexi see clearly. In her mind, Lexi should breed with one of the stronger male chasers to produce some of the ultimate babies. Not be flirting around with every female or male she sees and never becoming serious. Helen's brow twitched as the words pet came out of Revi's mouth, "You know your mission now get out of my office you two...." She didn't care if Lexi had lover's but for Dark Revi to have the nerve and claim Lexi as her pet, that was irritating, to say the least.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine

Lexi smirked slightly at her mom's discomfort, "As you wish Dr. Clarefree..." She gently swatted Revi's butt to get her off of her so they could both leave. "Shall we go take that shower you were wanting before we came here?" She asked nipping Revi's ear, this was much more fun than Lexi had thought it would be. Cleary her mother discomfort increased with each thing the two of them did that was even close to being intimate with each other. Also when Revi's dark side came out it was hard for her not to become just as mischievous as her.

Val smiled softly at the young girl, "What is your favorite food and i'll make it for you when you wake up." He did his best to keep his smile when she asked him why he was being nice for being a bad guy. Was that how all of these poor children saw most adults? Or was this just how they felt about those in lab coats... He wasn't sure but he hoped he could help them all in some way even if it was only small. Whenever she went to start talking about her favorite food was when he'd give her the shot, hopefully, it would distract her a bit and make her not notice the pain from the shot as much.
Texangamer Texangamer
Terrance smiled as Dorian thanked him for the cake, "No problem i imagine its a nice change from regular foods." He ignored the guards who came in dragging someone's body behind them. He turned his attention back to Bri, "Hey i'd love to stay with you some more but i have a few things i need to finish before night comes..." He needed to make a report about the construction and how it was proceeding along with if there were any hang-ups and hand it into Vermillion so he could look it over before giving it to Dr. Clarefree. There had been something odd about a couple of the construction workers and he had looked into it further to find out some rather interesting information.
Texangamer Texangamer Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine (Hope you dont mind me making Terrance Vermillion's underling)

Serena smiled as she looked at there little group, she had even offered Kiono some cake, but he refused. Not that she minded, she didn't take him for being one to like sweets to begin with. Her smiled didn't last as a couple of guards came in dragging Derek's body behind them. They glared over at Terrance before whispering among themselves and turning to leave. She rushed over, looking Derek over for wounds only to find his leg having a slight scratch. She picked up his upper body and shoved a cover under his head. He didn't seem to have a fever, she pressed her ear against his chest listening to his breathing and heartbeat. It all seemed fine, so she waited...and waited, "Come one wake up already..." She glanced over to Bri and Terrance and then back to Derek, if he didn't wake here soon she would give him her blood. Her wings ruffled slightly as she thought of ways to cut into her wrist. She was getting ready to turn to Dorian when Derek grunted and moved a bit.

When Derek began to come to he found himself back in the room with the others. His eyes finally focused on a very worried Serena. "Im glad you are up i was worried and was about to feed you some of my blood..." He frowned, "Don't ever do that Serena...that could end badly for you and i would hate to end up hurting you like that." He said reaching up to pat the top of her head, "I'm just glad you are back, but where is Riley? Is she okay please tell me she is..." Derek's frown turned to a soft smile, "She should be fine, she caught a cold even though i tried to stop it and i think the new doctor is taking care of her now." He watched as Serena began to relax. "Okay well let me go get you a piece of cake." "Cake?" She smiled standing again, "Yeah today is Bri's birthday, her little boyfriend make her a cake and we still have a few pieces left." His smile turned to a frown when he noticed a male he didn't really know. But he remembered hearing whispers about the one who had killed Toshi and that man seemed to fit the description.

Helen nodded to Vermilion, "If you have the time to do such and not let it effect you new mission then do so. IF not then it can wait until you return, the bit of information you gave me is good for the time being, so I leave it up to you." She paused glancing over to Lexi and Revi with a frown as Revi's dark side crept through. "No, you may not torment them as you please, i don't want any harm coming to any of the products unless it is ABSOLUTELY unavoidable. Do you understand me Dark Revi..." Helen wanted nothing more to pull the girl off her daughter and make Lexi see clearly. In her mind, Lexi should breed with one of the stronger male chasers to produce some of the ultimate babies. Not be flirting around with every female or male she sees and never becoming serious. Helen's brow twitched as the words pet came out of Revi's mouth, "You know your mission now get out of my office you two...." She didn't care if Lexi had lover's but for Dark Revi to have the nerve and claim Lexi as her pet, that was irritating, to say the least.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine

Lexi smirked slightly at her mom's discomfort, "As you wish Dr. Clarefree..." She gently swatted Revi's butt to get her off of her so they could both leave. "Shall we go take that shower you were wanting before we came here?" She asked nipping Revi's ear, this was much more fun than Lexi had thought it would be. Cleary her mother discomfort increased with each thing the two of them did that was even close to being intimate with each other. Also when Revi's dark side came out it was hard for her not to become just as mischievous as her.

Val smiled softly at the young girl, "What is your favorite food and i'll make it for you when you wake up." He did his best to keep his smile when she asked him why he was being nice for being a bad guy. Was that how all of these poor children saw most adults? Or was this just how they felt about those in lab coats... He wasn't sure but he hoped he could help them all in some way even if it was only small. Whenever she went to start talking about her favorite food was when he'd give her the shot, hopefully, it would distract her a bit and make her not notice the pain from the shot as much.
Texangamer Texangamer
"Only if necessary....as you wish" Giggling as she licked her lips, relishing the thought of getting to tear into the subjects. Getting off of Lexi's lap, her cheeks red "A shower sounds nice my pet, I'll be sure to scrub the blood and sweat from behind your ears!" Enjoying the attention her grin grew sadistic "have a good day Dr.Clarefree....oh and Vermillion...let's play together sometime, it would be soooooo much fun" laughing as she waved to the two of them before motioning for Lexi to come "Here girl....or no treat....." Revi was teasing of course just to annoy Dr.Clarefree. "oh.....and Lexi is mine....dont you forget that....I'll kill any Male who touches her...." Dark Revi's voice was cold and serious, Dark Revi was more dangerous when she was serious and she meant every word of her warning to Dr.Clarefree.
Bri didn't want Terrance to leave as she watched him leave after she saw him leave she just went to the corner she was being pouty she didn't like when Terrance leave her all alone she just sighed she just placed her head on her knees as she felt sad that Terrance left" I told you, Serena, he's not my boyfriend" she said as she just felt her vision was getting blurry again going back to her being blind. Bri just pouted as she just hugged her stuffed penguin she didn't think her mother or Lexi would care if it's her birthday she liked her penguin it was her favorite stuffed animal from raven it was given to her when she lost her eye sight. Bri just pouted all she wanted is to see she got her wish she saw Serena she had forgotten what she looked like she just put her headphones when she's sad she put her headphones as she just smiled a little" Serena can I have another piece of cake" she asked as she just hugged her stuffed penguin as she was doing a puppy pout sometimes it works.

RIley just looked at him as she was laying on her bed as she smiled" I like mac and Cheese with sausages" she said as she just coughed a bit she wasn't paying attention that he was poking her with the medicine she didn't like most adults except the nice doctor and Derek and the others she just yawned while rubbing her eye. Riley just rubbed her eyes as she didn't want to sleep but the medicine was making her sleepy" your a nice adult doctor I like you" she said falling asleep closing her eyes slightly as she smiled holding onto the blanket all she wanted was Derek she just slept as she felt her stomach growling as she slept she wanted her friends.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Terrance headed out passing by Raven and Violet, the girl looked exhausted and Raven seemed slightly irritated. No doubt, due to them tossing Violet into a battle after they had just given the girl new wings. He kept walking heading for Vermilions office, he had a couple of papers in his back pocket that held information he needed to pass on. He glanced around once he arrived and then knocked on the door, "Vermilion? Are you in there i need to report to you as per usual. It'll be brief..." He was nervous, the information could have been something Vermilion knew about already or it could be something unknown by anyone. He was hoping for the news to be new to Vermilion that way it seemed like Terrance was doing his job correctly and not just goofing off.
Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine

Derek and Serena
Serena walked over grabbing a piece of cake for Derek before pausing to get Bri another piece instead, "I think this will be the last piece for you though, dont want you getting a stomach ache..." She said placing the slice of cake on Bri's plate, she turned to Dorain, "Would you like some more as well? I gave you a smaller piece because i wasn't sure if you liked sweets." Derek glared at the man and Serena, how could she act so normal around the man who had killed Toshiro. He managed to stand and walked over pulling Serena away from the man who's name he didn't even know. Serena wasn't prepared when someone's arm to wrap around her waist and pull her back, she didn't freak out though as Derek's scent filled her nose. "Derek what has gotten into you I was going to bring you cake...also you shouldn't be standing right now. i don't know what they used to knock you out with but i bet the side effects haven't worn off. Your body temperature is still sort of high too..." He frowned, "I don't care about that, what i want to know why he is here and why you are acting so close to him... He...he was the one who killed Toshiro right? How about i kill him instead...would that make up for Toshi's life." He was surprised when Serena pushed him slightly before his face was pulled down to stare at her rather than at Dorian, "First off, you aren't even close to being in the shape it would take to defeat Dorian, secondly, you weren't there when that fight took place. You have no idea what happened, I don't blame him for wanting to stay alive." "But..." She shook her head, "No but's if i were so worried about it then i wouldn't talk to him at all. Derek..you've been by Bri, Violet, Riley and I's side for a very long time. I know you are protective of us but i can handle myself, worry more about Riley, Bri, and Violet..." She let go of his face and he nodded, "Speaking of Violet, where is she..." Serena smiled, "She was getting a check-up last i knew, the fight they put her in took a lot out of her all things considered." Derek nodded before glaring at Dorian once again, "Just because Serena seems to trust you doesn't mean i do...hurt her and i'll kill you if it's the last thing i do." Serena shook her head before grabbing the piece of cake and shoving it at Derek, "Go eat this and say hello to Bri...Im sure she will be happy that you are back." With that Serena shoved Derek over to Bri to chat with her before turning back to Dorian, "Don't mind him, he is just protective..."
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
mentioned: Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine

Lexi followed Revi her arm wrapping around the girl's waist, "If no males can touch me, then no males can touch you...i can get rather jealous...." She growled, "Also what kind of fun are you hoping to achieve with Vermilion...am I not enough to please you." She said with a slight pout even though it wasn't fully real. Still though the thought that Revi wanted to find fun with someone else sort of ticked her off. Vermilion wasn't a man who spoke much, even so, he wasn't bad in the looks department and also got the job done. Lexi's mom seemed to trust him more than her, but maybe she could change that somehow, she just wasn't sure how yet.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Val watched the girl fall asleep and put another cover over her before turning to leave. He had a few others that he needed to check on including a few experiments that were pregnant... As time went by he figured Riley would be waking up shortly and finished up to go make the girl the food she had requested. Mac and cheese with sausages, he smiled slightly, he hadn't had it in forever and decided to make a bigger batch. Once he was done he headed back for the medical room she was in, steam coming from the pan he was carrying.
Texangamer Texangamer (Did a small time skip, hope you dont mind)​
Terrance headed out passing by Raven and Violet, the girl looked exhausted and Raven seemed slightly irritated. No doubt, due to them tossing Violet into a battle after they had just given the girl new wings. He kept walking heading for Vermilions office, he had a couple of papers in his back pocket that held information he needed to pass on. He glanced around once he arrived and then knocked on the door, "Vermilion? Are you in there i need to report to you as per usual. It'll be brief..." He was nervous, the information could have been something Vermilion knew about already or it could be something unknown by anyone. He was hoping for the news to be new to Vermilion that way it seemed like Terrance was doing his job correctly and not just goofing off.
Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine

Derek and Serena
Serena walked over grabbing a piece of cake for Derek before pausing to get Bri another piece instead, "I think this will be the last piece for you though, dont want you getting a stomach ache..." She said placing the slice of cake on Bri's plate, she turned to Dorain, "Would you like some more as well? I gave you a smaller piece because i wasn't sure if you liked sweets." Derek glared at the man and Serena, how could she act so normal around the man who had killed Toshiro. He managed to stand and walked over pulling Serena away from the man who's name he didn't even know. Serena wasn't prepared when someone's arm to wrap around her waist and pull her back, she didn't freak out though as Derek's scent filled her nose. "Derek what has gotten into you I was going to bring you cake...also you shouldn't be standing right now. i don't know what they used to knock you out with but i bet the side effects haven't worn off. Your body temperature is still sort of high too..." He frowned, "I don't care about that, what i want to know why he is here and why you are acting so close to him... He...he was the one who killed Toshiro right? How about i kill him instead...would that make up for Toshi's life." He was surprised when Serena pushed him slightly before his face was pulled down to stare at her rather than at Dorian, "First off, you aren't even close to being in the shape it would take to defeat Dorian, secondly, you weren't there when that fight took place. You have no idea what happened, I don't blame him for wanting to stay alive." "But..." She shook her head, "No but's if i were so worried about it then i wouldn't talk to him at all. Derek..you've been by Bri, Violet, Riley and I's side for a very long time. I know you are protective of us but i can handle myself, worry more about Riley, Bri, and Violet..." She let go of his face and he nodded, "Speaking of Violet, where is she..." Serena smiled, "She was getting a check-up last i knew, the fight they put her in took a lot out of her all things considered." Derek nodded before glaring at Dorian once again, "Just because Serena seems to trust you doesn't mean i do...hurt her and i'll kill you if it's the last thing i do." Serena shook her head before grabbing the piece of cake and shoving it at Derek, "Go eat this and say hello to Bri...Im sure she will be happy that you are back." With that Serena shoved Derek over to Bri to chat with her before turning back to Dorian, "Don't mind him, he is just protective..."
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
mentioned: Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine

Lexi followed Revi her arm wrapping around the girl's waist, "If no males can touch me, then no males can touch you...i can get rather jealous...." She growled, "Also what kind of fun are you hoping to achieve with Vermilion...am I not enough to please you." She said with a slight pout even though it wasn't fully real. Still though the thought that Revi wanted to find fun with someone else sort of ticked her off. Vermilion wasn't a man who spoke much, even so, he wasn't bad in the looks department and also got the job done. Lexi's mom seemed to trust him more than her, but maybe she could change that somehow, she just wasn't sure how yet.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Val watched the girl fall asleep and put another cover over her before turning to leave. He had a few others that he needed to check on including a few experiments that were pregnant... As time went by he figured Riley would be waking up shortly and finished up to go make the girl the food she had requested. Mac and cheese with sausages, he smiled slightly, he hadn't had it in forever and decided to make a bigger batch. Once he was done he headed back for the medical room she was in, steam coming from the pan he was carrying.
Texangamer Texangamer (Did a small time skip, hope you dont mind)​
Dorian watched the two of them, initially reaching out to take the piece of cake "I'm not a big fan of sweets but a second piece wouldnt.....hurt" trailing off as Serena was pulled away, along with the cake. Watching the two of them with a puzzled look on his face. Up until Derek said that to him he seemed fine, laughing nervously as he rubbed the back of his head "I'd really prefer to not have to fight you. But I had no intention of hurting Serena" relaxing a bit when he stepped away. Once Serena returned to him he relaxed "well that got rather intense, sorry to cause such a fuss...so there was mention of more cake before you were moved across the room?"


Revi winked at Lexi "the best kind...pleasureful pain...his screams of agony would be music to my ears..." blushing as she relished in the idea of carving into Vermillion. Shaking it off Revi in return put an arm around Lexi's waist "I suppose that would be fair you know" grinning from ear to ear "my hero...." pretending to fan herself before opening the door to the showers. "Dont worry i wont have our kind of fun with anyone else. No one has my attention more than you" shutting the door behind them and locking it. "Now to bath, I smell horrible!" She exclaimed before reverting back to good Revi.
Bri just looked at her big sister as she was giving her pouty face she wanted more cake as she held the cake" but.... but.... but...." she says as she placed the glasses on her face she looked stupid with the glasses she felt embarrassed' i look stupid' she thought to herself" but.... Serena" she says" fine," she say giving her a pouty face. Bri heard Derek and Serena aguing she hated when they ague she just close her eyes and cover her ears as she felt scared tears starting to stain her face she just was scared she just hugged her stuffed penguin it usually calms her down as she noticed Derek sat next to her she just scoot away as she was scared" stop fighting stop fighting" she say tears coming down her face" why fight on my birthday" she say frowning. BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising


Riley just started to open her eyes as she was tired she just rubbed her eyes as she felt her stomach growling she didn't like the needle she was given but she was awake now and she was hungry she was wanting the food she wanted mac and cheese her favorite she saw the soctor" is that for me Dr Val" she asked as she rubbed her eye. RIley just looked around for Derek or any her her friends she didn't see any of her friends she just held onto the blanket as she rubbed her eyes she didn't like being alone with doctors but somehow she liked this doctor he was nice to her" i like Dr Val" she say she couldn't pronunce his full name BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Violet let out a short ice cracking sound when she got comfortable in the wheelchair with the shark plushie still wrapped in her hands. She was worried that Brie and Serena would take it the wrong way when they saw her, but she didn’t have time to worry about that as Raven started to make her way to the cages. Along the way the silver haired girl caught sight of Terrance who looked to to be busy so Violet decided not to address in case he would be late, that and she wanted to conserve her energy so she can “talk” with Serena and Brie for as long as she can. After a while of of thinking about what she was going to do when she finally saw her friends her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Brie wanting a couple of individuals to stop fighting. She sighed and then took a small breath before emitting a sound that was akin to a woodpecker’s trademark sound joined forces with a jackhammer, and waited until her friend’s attention was on her and away from whatever caused the commotion to begin with and gave them a weak smile.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Texangamer Texangamer Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Vermillion could have been upon Revi the moment her dark side made her remarks, with his blade stuck to her throat and her body pinned to the wall before anyone could do much as blink, but he chose not too. Instead he opted to speak on Lexi’s comment. “It is not a matter of you not being enough, but of experience. Granted I haven’t been here as long as you, yet my experiences elsewhere have granted me to become more skilled than you on various topics, that and I’ve known Helen for longer than you know.” He stated with his arm resting on his sword as he left the office to go and process the information he had gathered the other day. His journey through the halls of the facility was full with the ever so obnoxious sounds of construction from all across the building, the armored man continued to march through scanning through the noise until his ears fell upon a familiar voice... Terrance's. It wouldn’t be more than a minute before he would arrive back at his office so the man wouldn’t be waiting long.
“Yes I believe I remember asking you to look into construction progress yesterday I believe?” Vermillion asked placing his left hand on his sword and awaited his subordinate’s response.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Terrance straightened when he saw Vermillion, "Yes, and while everything is going smoothly and on time besides when it rains here and there. There was something that i found that bothered me a great deal concerning some of the 'construction workers'...." He glanced around making sure no one was around especially the construction works that he didnt trust. He pulled out a file handing it over to Vermillion, "Some of them are not who they say they are...we have uninvited guests..."

He sighed slightly watching Serena as she walked over chatting with the man as if nothing had happened, did she really not need him anymore. It felt like he was being shoved aside, his eyes turned towards the sharp noise and smiled when he saw Violet. He walked over to her, giving her a slight hug but doing his best not to hurt her. "Dont worry...everything is fine i just sort of snapped when i saw that guy..." He said pointing over to Dorian and Serena who glanced over and waved at Violet before talking once more with Dorian. He frowned, "I just dont trust him and with how she is acting it's weird...dont you think..."
Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine

Serena waved at Violet before turning back to Dorian and holding out another piece of cake that was the same size as last time. "Don't mind him too much...we were the first friends he made at this place so he thinks he needs to watch over us all the time." She sighed slightly, "I can understand that with Riley, Bri, and Violet, but with me. I can handle myself rather well." She laughed softly when she saw a little bit of icing on the corner of his mouth, "You got a little something here..." she said tapping the left corner of her mouth so he knew where it was.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Lexi smiled wrapping her arms around Revi's waist and nuzzling her throat, "I dont mind your smell at all..." She said as a slightly wicked grin crossed over her face.(fade to black??)
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Val smiled slightly at the girl, "Yup, i figured you and i could eat together since i havent had dinner yet either." When Riley said she liked him his smile reached his eyes. 'Well im glad to hear the Riley, how are you feeling now?" He asked as he handed over a bowl of the food for her to work on.
Texangamer Texangamer
Terrance straightened when he saw Vermillion, "Yes, and while everything is going smoothly and on time besides when it rains here and there. There was something that i found that bothered me a great deal concerning some of the 'construction workers'...." He glanced around making sure no one was around especially the construction works that he didnt trust. He pulled out a file handing it over to Vermillion, "Some of them are not who they say they are...we have uninvited guests..."

He sighed slightly watching Serena as she walked over chatting with the man as if nothing had happened, did she really not need him anymore. It felt like he was being shoved aside, his eyes turned towards the sharp noise and smiled when he saw Violet. He walked over to her, giving her a slight hug but doing his best not to hurt her. "Dont worry...everything is fine i just sort of snapped when i saw that guy..." He said pointing over to Dorian and Serena who glanced over and waved at Violet before talking once more with Dorian. He frowned, "I just dont trust him and with how she is acting it's weird...dont you think..."
Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine

Serena waved at Violet before turning back to Dorian and holding out another piece of cake that was the same size as last time. "Don't mind him too much...we were the first friends he made at this place so he thinks he needs to watch over us all the time." She sighed slightly, "I can understand that with Riley, Bri, and Violet, but with me. I can handle myself rather well." She laughed softly when she saw a little bit of icing on the corner of his mouth, "You got a little something here..." she said tapping the left corner of her mouth so he knew where it was.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Lexi smiled wrapping her arms around Revi's waist and nuzzling her throat, "I dont mind your smell at all..." She said as a slightly wicked grin crossed over her face.(fade to black??)
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Val smiled slightly at the girl, "Yup, i figured you and i could eat together since i havent had dinner yet either." When Riley said she liked him his smile reached his eyes. 'Well im glad to hear the Riley, how are you feeling now?" He asked as he handed over a bowl of the food for her to work on.
Texangamer Texangamer
Violet let out a short ice cracking sound when she got comfortable in the wheelchair with the shark plushie still wrapped in her hands. She was worried that Brie and Serena would take it the wrong way when they saw her, but she didn’t have time to worry about that as Raven started to make her way to the cages. Along the way the silver haired girl caught sight of Terrance who looked to to be busy so Violet decided not to address in case he would be late, that and she wanted to conserve her energy so she can “talk” with Serena and Brie for as long as she can. After a while of of thinking about what she was going to do when she finally saw her friends her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Brie wanting a couple of individuals to stop fighting. She sighed and then took a small breath before emitting a sound that was akin to a woodpecker’s trademark sound joined forces with a jackhammer, and waited until her friend’s attention was on her and away from whatever caused the commotion to begin with and gave them a weak smile.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Texangamer Texangamer Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Vermillion could have been upon Revi the moment her dark side made her remarks, with his blade stuck to her throat and her body pinned to the wall before anyone could do much as blink, but he chose not too. Instead he opted to speak on Lexi’s comment. “It is not a matter of you not being enough, but of experience. Granted I haven’t been here as long as you, yet my experiences elsewhere have granted me to become more skilled than you on various topics, that and I’ve known Helen for longer than you know.” He stated with his arm resting on his sword as he left the office to go and process the information he had gathered the other day. His journey through the halls of the facility was full with the ever so obnoxious sounds of construction from all across the building, the armored man continued to march through scanning through the noise until his ears fell upon a familiar voice... Terrance's. It wouldn’t be more than a minute before he would arrive back at his office so the man wouldn’t be waiting long.
“Yes I believe I remember asking you to look into construction progress yesterday I believe?” Vermillion asked placing his left hand on his sword and awaited his subordinate’s response.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Raven covered her ears quickly as Violet started making the noise "Violet!" She exclaimed, leaning against the wall while she waited for the ringing to stop "even if they argue you need rest! Dont make me strap you down and put a muzzle on you!" She warned her angrily, it was all for show however, she knew the cameras placement and had moved back into a corner with no angle on her.


Dorian looking surprised at his inability to keep food off his face "thanks..." wiping the cake off the corner of his mouth while he gently took the cake, freezing as the jack hammer like noise erupted from Violet. Almost dropping his piece of cake as blood started to come from his ears up until Violet stopped. "Its understandable why he would be...protective of you " wincing as he set the cake down, his equilibrium had been horribly thrown off as he dropped to his knees, the room starting to shift sideways "serena...would you mind taking the cake back?" He asked, holding up for her, all the while doing his best to stay balanced.


Revi snickered as (yes fade to black)

Three hours later Revi, mostly dressed (all but her black hoodie), sat on a bench in the showers drying her hair. "I think we should be fine while we move them, as long as kitten doesnt put up much of a fight that is" lea ing the towel around her neck as she stood up stretching "good you are all clean, and I smell like strawberries!" She exclaimed and giggled before spinning around, feeling relaxed.
Brianna heard a voice raven and violet she just stood up as she was feeling around where the bars are in the cage she just held onto her stuffed penguin" hi Ms. Raven" she smiled as she looked at her" today is my birthday we have cake if you want some Ms. Raven" she said as she smiled hearing her leader violet" hi violet we have cake you want some she says happily. Bri just sighed" Derek and Big sissy were fighting over something I got a little bit scared sorry violet" she said as she was trying to find her way back to the spot but she tripped and bumped her head" owie" she say wondering if her mother would ever come and check on her since it was her birthday but she didn't think she will she accidentally broke her glasses. Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine

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