Our Benefactor - Rivan Nikea [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]

"This... is mine?!"

Rivan looks wildly around the room, unable to believe his eyes.

"But I've done nothing to deserve this! I... couldn't live here, this is a nobleman's room!"
"If the lordship says it is yours, then it is yours. It belonged, once, to his brother Jory."

Fipps remains, unmoved and unmoving, in the doorway.

"Unless you have further questions, I must go."
Rivan gulps.

"His lordship's... brother?"

"Please help me tell his highness that I am deeply, deeply honored. And if I may presume to ask, why are his lordship's brother's rooms empty?"
Fipps' features soften, just a fraction.

"I will convey your thanks to him, or you may thank him yourself at dinner. I expect you must be exhausted from the travails of the night, afterall. Sir Jory fell in battle some years ago - perhaps this is his lordship letting go, or perhaps you remind him of Sir Jory."
"In that case I'll thank him myself. Thank you so much for showing me around, sir."

Exhausted, Rivan collapses into the poster bed and immediately falls into a deep sleep.
You sleep well, mostly, in the most comfortable bed you've ever known - but you are woken by your own nightmares, memories of terrible shadowy shapes stalking you through the woods.

When you awake the sun is setting, and fresh clothes - modest, but well made - are laid out for you.
Rivan sits quietly in the bed for a moment, hands clutching the fine fabric of the blanket, reassuring himself that the terrible night is past and now he is safe, behind stone walls even the hellspawn would find it hard to penetrate.

Eventually, he gets up and changes into the clothes that have been laid out for him.

I must find and thank Lord Kain, then find myself some food. The night will be easier to face with a full stomach and a few cups of drink.

He is about to head downstairs when his eyes rest on the suit of plate armor in the corner.

Something about the armor seems to call out to him. He feels a natural affinity of sorts, a sensation of like calling out to like.

Hesitantly, he reaches forward and touches the armor with his bare palm.

(OOC: Cue strange magical effect? If you don't want this happening too soon though I'm fine with Rivan just walking downstairs.)
Rivan turns away from the armor.

I wonder what that feeling was...

Walking downstairs, he tries to find Lord Kain.

He does not notice, though, that the once tarnished armor has a single brightly burnished spot - a print that matches exactly the shape of his palm.

(OOC: This is within a Logos 1 effect right?)
Absolutely, good thinking. The magic had quite slipped my mind.
As you make your way downstairs, you note again the crowding the manor. Mostly quiet, but with knots of activity - like the immense room of women, guards off duty, household staff. Hm, off down the hallway ahead of you, as you approach an intersection, you can see three unfamiliar types talking as they walk away. A women, perhaps young, it's hard to tell, with long black hair and military clothing. Beside her a richly dressed man, doing most of the talking, and beside them... why... what is that? Shaped like a man, certainly, a huge man, but with black skin and naked to the waist. The trio passes out of sight, and not long after you realise you're perhaps a tad lost in the immense structure.
Rivan looks around nervously, torn between his apprehension of the three strangers who had just walked past and his fear of botching up on his first day of the job.

Eventually, his fear of displeasing Lord Kain wins out, and he hurries after the figures, hoping to get directions to Lord Kain and the kitchens.
You catch up with the trio as they stand outside what looks to be a library. The girl is facing you now - beautiful, wild, lithe, her eyes wise and knowing. She stares at you. The richly dressed young man continues to lecture the others (something about runes or monsters) from the doorway. The large black creature - which certainly looks like a man from this angle - is standing on the opposite side of the hallway facing him.
Swallowing reflexively, Rivan approaches them.

"I'm... I'm sorry to disturb, but would any of you know where Lord Kain is?"
The young man looks up at you sharply, cutting his speech short. But his manner is immediately pleasant, smiling, There is something familiar about his face, and little odd about his eyes. The girl too, come to think of it. She is looking at you intently, a smile in her eyes if not on her lips.

"Ah, you must be the new gamekeeper. Father is in his study, I expect. Oh, pardon me-" He bows, elegantly, if not low. "I am Erran Kain, and this is my sister Marienne."

"Charmed," the girl says, in a voice like silk.

"And this is Thomas."

The towering black figure stares at you impassively for a moment - before he breaks into an astonishingly white smile, engulfing your hand in his huge palm by way of greeting.

"Welcome, Rivan. I know this must all be a shock for you."

His accent is thick, but penetrable if unfamiliar.
Rivan answers with a deep bow of his own.

Well that didn't go too badly...

Still unsure of how to act around nobility, he compensates for this by littering his speech with as many honorifics as he knows.

"It is an honor to meet you, m'am and sirs."

"I'm afraid I'm a little lost, though, your honors. The manor is huge and it's my first day on the job... Could I get directions to the study?"
For a moment there is silence, and then Thomas bursts into laughter. A deep, rumbling belly laugh. The man has a voice like a mossy cave; soft and cool, somehow so very comforting.

"Ahaha, oh, oh, oho, boy. Not te go callin' me sir, Erran is the one who loves that kin'a talk. Aha, ahhh."

He claps you on the shoulder companionably, and you're almost bowled over by his strength.

Marienne remains silent, but seems quietly amused. Erran picks up without missing a beat.

"Ah, Thomas, sometimes I think you love a good joke too much. Your politic is appreciated, Rivan, you'll do well here. You're not far from the main staircase-"

He gives you direction, pointing helpfully where you need to go.

"-And from there there's really no missing it. Now, I have work to get to. I expect I'll see you all later."

Thomas is still chuckling quietly to himself, shaking his head, as Erran leaves. Marienne waves demurely, twirls elegantly on a heel, and sways off down the corridor.

"Oh, those chil'ren." says the giant. "Come on, Rivan, walk with Thomas, I'm going to the gar'ens anyway."
"Children" eh? That man must be older than he seems.

Awkwardly falling into step beside the giant man, Rivan remains silent, unsure of how to act around him.

Eventually, deciding that remaining silent too long would risk offending the man, Rivan attempts to strike up a conversation.

"So have you been here long, Thomas?"
"Oh, a few years now." says Thomas, walking with long, graceful strides that belie his towering, muscular frame. "Ever since Lor' Kain found me lost here, a stranger in a strange land. He has save' my life more than once."
Thomas nods, sagely.

"Great, yes. There will be greater things from him, in time. I no longer nee' to stay here, but I follow Lor' Kain because I believe in him."

As he speaks, you happen on the great hall again, and begin down the staircase.

"Over there is the stu'y." Thomas points it out to you.
Thanking Thomas, Rivan approaches the study.

Hesistantly, he knocks on the door.

"M'lord? It's Rivan here."
"Come in, Rivan."

Inside you find Count Kain sitting back in his chair, reading a book. Oddly, the fire is still not lit.

"I hope you slept well." He says, closing the tome.
He must have sharp eyes...

"I did sir, as well as could be hoped under the circumstances."

"I just wanted to thank you for taking me in and giving me protection. And putting me in your brother's room! I've... I've done nothing to deserve it sir."
Kain regards you for a moment, and then shakes his head.

"No, Rivan. You have done nothing to deserve it - and that is not the point. People are capable of great things, sometimes they simply need a firm base to work from. I give you what I give you, because I believe you have potential. If you do not live up to it, in spite of good food, a safe home, and care, then it will be taken from you. Cherish what you have, Rivan, and use it all to acheive, for in this world to squander your chances is suicide."

He rises, and places a hand on your shoulder.

"You are welcome, Rivan. You gratitude is appreciated. But show me with your deeds - I would hate for my faith in you to have been misplaced. Perhaps one day I will grant you further keys to the future."
Rivan nods.

So if I get him right, I'll have to prove myself if I want to stay here on a permanent basis. Makes more sense that way, no one is ever truly altruistic, after all.

"I won't let you down, your highness."

Bowing, Rivan takes his leave, planning to head for the kitchen next to sate his growing hunger.

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