Our Benefactor - Rivan Nikea [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]


Dialectical Hermeticist
It was a long night, cold and tiring. But... you think you can see the road a dozen meters ahead, and beyond it the dawn creeping slow over the horizon. It occurs to you the birdsong began a while ago, but you were simply to lost in thought to notice. And now, the dawn, sun, glorious light. It means you're heading east, too, right on track. The grass is long here and slick with dew, but still wet from the river, you hardly notice.

It's a little like waking up, as you see the rolling plains lighting up around you. And you think you can see horsemen traveling south along that road, too.
Rivan stretches, happy just to be alive.

Best ask the horsemen for directions to the nearest city, he thinks.

Heading towards them, he prepares to do just that
The horsemen wave as you approach, but do not dismount. They pause to wait for you.

They look like the guards of a local lord, perhaps.

"Ho there, boy! State your business - these are Kain's lands."
Rivan bows respectfully - offending the local guards is the last thing he wants to do.

"Good morning sirs," he says, "I was just wondering if you could direct me towards the nearest city."
The two guards look at one another, and back to you. They both seem rather young, clean shaven, and healthy. The more broad-featured of the two is doing the speaking.

"Hm... well, up this road," he points in North "You leave the estate and join the main road to Ymon. But we've got to ask, lad, where are you from? And what are you doing on the Count's land?"
"I'm from the Black Forest, sir. My village has been plagued by vampire attacks for the past few months."

Reciting a list of the horrors he had experienced, he tells the guards how the vampires would strike at the village, take a few villagers, then leave, always making sure that there were enough of them for the next time.

"They hunted us for sport... like we were animals. Animals cowering at the bottom of a pit, rank with fear and sweat, always knowing that the hunters watched us with sadistic eyes, but unable to do anything but claw at our cage and howl."

Rivan shudders, then pauses for a long while, overcome by the memories of the fear and desperation of the past few months.

"Yesterday, a few of us thought we would make a break for it."

"As far as I know, I'm the only one who survived. All I want to do now is get as far away from this damned forest as possible, and start a new life. Please don't begrudge me that. I assure you I mean the Count and his people no harm."
The guards exchange a look, their faces darkening.

"Quite a tale, boy, and harrowing at that. Here - Ymon is a good week's travel away. Come meet with the Count and tell him your story, he'll likely help you on your way. He likes to keep a close watch for Vampires near his lands."

The guard offers you a hand, to pull you up onto the horse behind him.
Rivan accepts the guard's offer gratefully and gets up on the horse, glad to be in the company of well-armed and well-trained men. As they ride away from the Black Forest, Rivan looks behind him and is unable to suppress a shiver of fear. Even in broad daylight the forest seems far too silent for his comfort.
The guards speak little on the rest of the journey, mostly commenting between themselves on everything from the price of ale to the housemaids, and asking your name.

Within a short hour you arrive at the gates of the Kain Manor. A more opulent home you have never seen - immense, three storeys tall, surrounded by a stone wall with the gates thrown wide. Within the courtyard is almost like a small village, abuzz with household staff.

The guards dismount and hand their horses to the stable boy, approaching another guard near the great, ornate entrance to the building. One more you're struck by the good health and prosperity of these people.

"Evenin' lads," the new guard greets the others, "Who's the sprog?"

"Young fella from out near Black Forest, name of Rivan Nikea."

"Nikea? That a noble name? Not like foresters to have surnames..."

"Dunno, Micheal. His lordship'll know, though."

"Aye, you're right. Come inside, lad, Lord Kain will want a word with you."

The guard named Micheal leads you into the huge foyer with huge central staircase. A gilded chandelier hangs overhead, portraits line the walls alongside tapestries, and statues or vases adorn pedastals.

You are led to a room on the left of the hall, a small, cozy space with no fire lit in the impressive hearth. Bookcases line the walls, comfortable furniture is arranged about, and in the back of the room... At the back is a large, glass-fronted case containing a beautiful bastard sword. Forged of some golden-brown metal, engraved with runes, the blade something of a wavy shape.

"Take a seat, I'll summon his lordship at once."
Rivan gapes at his opulent surroundings, never having seen such richness and splendour before. Finding his eyes drawn to the ornate sword, he walks over to examine it closer, running a hand over its glass cage.
"It's name is Aeshattar." Says a voice behind you. It's a powerful voice, one you can see men following into hell and back, deep and resonant.
Whirling around guiltily, Rivan quickly bows his head, flushing red with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, your Highness, I didn't mean to touch it! Something about it just... drew me to it."

Rivan nervously shuffles his feet, unsure how to act around someone as high and mighty as a lord.
The man behind you is tall, dressed in a simple, black silk shirt and leather breeches. Otherwise, his is unadorned. His hair is silver white, down to his shoulder blades. And while you didn't honestly believe such a thing was possible, the only word to describe his features is noble.

"Calm yourself, child. There's no shame in curiosity. I too was drawn to that sword, when first I saw it. Do you know what its name means?"

He gestures to a chair by the fireplace as he speaks.
Rivan struggles to recall if any of the old stories he remembers have mentioned the name, or something like it.

If Rivan knows the name's meaning:

Rivan informs the lord of the meaning of the sword's name, proud that he is able to recall such a piece of information.

If Rivan does not:

"No, your highness, I'm afraid I do not."

Rivan's bows his head deeper, somehow feeling ashamed that he had failed such a simple request.

(OOC: I presume we roll D10s for Skill+Governing Attribute? If not, feel free to make the rolls for me.

Dice rolls: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthre ... ost7513597)
I like that roller! Anyway, in future make your rolls but don't make such definitive choices of your actions - for example, this time Rivan remembers the sword means something like 'God-Blade, but not quite. And he's relatively sure he's right.
"Think nothing of it," the lord says. "The name means 'God-Slayer'."

Kain tilts his head, and then bows to you in return, at last.

"I am Lord Deckard Kain IX, master of his house and these lands. My men tell me you come from a village near Black Forest - tell me your story."
OOC: Mm, noted, will avoid it in future. And looks like someone can't wait till Diablo 3 comes out :mrgreen:

Godslayer? That must be a powerful blade...

Rivan proceeds to tell the Lord of the horrors that had befallen the village in the past few months. He finds it much easier to tell his tale now, ensconced behind the solid stone walls of a manor, and having told it previously to the two guards. No longer does he stammer or stutter when describing the vampire attacks, though a careful listener would note that his voice still carries a quaver of fear.

"I met two of your men after I crossed the river, and they brought me here. Your highness, all I want now is to start a new life in Ymon. I'm just passing through your land and I mean none of you any harm."
An homage - Kain has an entry in one of the rulebooks describing his habit of inviting the party to stay a while, and listen.
"Hm." Lord Kain sits back in his chair - he had seemed riveted by your story - and rests his elbow on the arm, his chin on his hand.

"Quite a tale indeed. You're a strong young man, clearly, to endure such things. A good archer, I take it? A competent woodsman? You may not need to go as far as Ymon to start fresh... I believe I have work for one of your ability. You would be welcome to live here, at the manor, while in my employ."

He leans forward, and looks you dead in the eye.

"I can assure you, no Black Forest Vampire sets foot on my land."
Rivan returns the lord's gaze. In his eyes, he sees honor, nobility, and the promise of protection.

I can trust this man.

"Your highness, I would be honored to accept. But if I may, I would presume to ask a boon of you."
Count Kain smiles, and sits back again.

"A boon? Certainly, you may ask - I see your acceptance of my offer as a boon unto me, afterall."
"Your highness, I would request that I do no work outside the manor when the sun does not shine, and that you teach me how to defend myself against vampire attacks."

"Perhaps it is just the spectral fears of a paranoid mind, but I cannot help but feel that the hellspawn are somewhere out there, watching and waiting for another opportunity to strike."
"A fair request, and one that suits me. I study Vampires, and I can teach you a great deal."

Count Kain stands, strokes his chin a moment.

"FIPPS!" He calls.

"You called, sir?"

You must've blinked, or looked away, or something, surely. Suddenly a well-dressed, middle-aged man of incredible composure is standing behind Kain.

"Indeed, Fipps. Could you take Rivan to Jory's old room and get him settled?"

"Of course, sir."

"Very good. Rivan, you will start training for your new duties tomorrow - as gamekeeper. I believe Virgil has been planning to retire, correct, Fipps?"

"Just so, sir. I have prepared the standard severance pension."

"Excellent. Now, if you will excuse me I have some matters to attend. Welcome to the Kain Estate."

With that, Count Kain leaves, and you are left with Fipps, who gestures for you to follow him.
Rivan follows the middle-aged man, preparing to start his new life on the Kain Estate.

Unable to restrain his curiousity, he asks, "What sort of duties will I be doing as a gamekeeper?"
Fipps leads you out of the study and up the stairs, talking as he goes. The manor is more... crowded than you expected; you pass a room full of people, mostly women - young and beautiful - lounging around in among sumptuous pillows, reading, singing, and talking.

"Simple enough duties, young sir. I understand you will be expected to keep a watch for poachers, and supply game for the table when requested."
Rivan can't help but sneak an admiring glance at the women as he heads upstairs. He is a young man after all, and the women of the manor seem so much more... refined than the village girls he is used to.

Stop thinking this way Rivan, you'll never have a chance.

"Game I can handle," he says, "Poachers... well... I'm not so sure."
"His lordship has faith in you," notes Fipps, "I expect you will not disappoint."

In spite of his even tone and immobile features, you can hear a little warmth in his voice. Although it may be as much for Kain as for you.

He leads you to a room on the third floor, opening the door for you and gesturing within.

"This will be your room."

It is a room almost large as the entire house in which you once lived. The bed is immense, the furniture simple, but expensive. Paintings on the walls depict battles and heroes, and weapons hang on a few of the walls - A sword and shield over the bed, and a mighty greatsword opposite the door. On a stand in the corner is a tarnished suit of full-plate armour.

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