Osm Advntrs [Remake?]


Auburn Mystery
So basically i can tell this story is going to get lame. Don't get me wrong, KTs role and Konns current ones were good. But i feel this was a little too much with the wrong intro.

As stated by a few of you i talked to the RP feels stale. Even though we have good universe i feel the approach was wrong. With the current one, players are on edge, not liking being kidnapped.

The goal was to create an rp like WW. People help create their own adventures. Yet i feel the setting for the current one to be out there.

So my idea is to kind of restart the rp with the same aspect but a few changes. Here are a few things that i thought of.


Run the rp more like "The Magic School Bus."

In this way, the students have a sense of adventure and each character could be more of friends than anything. also adventures could then be spaced out and could be set in a half way realistic world, with their school as a base for them.

Universes would be chosen by me, out of a selection created by you.

I feel this might greatly help the rp be successful.

Ideas, input, opinion.
works for me...

Also it would be nice to have daily updates, (explaining what's happened so far...) as this seems to be something that can change drastically within the space of a few days...
Doesn't matter to me. Oh and admit it Kaine, my idea was lame. I'm terrible at trying to create rp plots.
lol doesn't matter, because that's not the reason im remaking it. It just didn't start off in the direction i thought it would and i was unhappy about that. Ive been thinking about how to place/start this one but ill run it by everyone in detail before i do. Making the same mistake twice would be really pathetic
Since im kind of tired and the sort ill explain it briefly and to the point.

Everyone is in a private school in a location of everyones choice.

There is a new teacher, either me or for posting purposes an npc.

This is a normal school with normal students.

There are two realms. The human realm, and the Yokai Realm.

The teacher is a vampire form the Yokai Realm.

He is one of the leaders of the ruling house. This house rules over all monsters and wishes for humans and them to live as one.

One weekend he takes his students to this home. Everything is explained and necklaces are given to each student.

This artifacts activate latent powers in them.

Powers can only be used int he Yokai realm. For some reason all power is removed upon entering the Human realm.

Thus your artifacts do nothing, The teacher also essentially becomes human.

During the week, when school is in, this gives you guys free time to mess around and adventure in the town.

During the weekends, the teacher and students travel to the Yokai realm to practice and better huma/yokai relations between to the realms.

They do this by finding stuff, adventuring and helping the ruling class deter a secret society hell bend on destroying humans.

Adventures are based on what ever you guys want. If you want it to stay active, you'll have to do random stuff.

I figure once your in the Yokai realm, there will be four points of the compass and the "ruling house" you can adventure to any of these at any time for any reason unless told not to.

This adventures in the normal, adventures in school, adventures in magic.

Artifacts give you the power of anything you want, and can be developed as you play. Powers will not be restricted to needing water to make ice, or the sort. Its magic, you make it front nothing.

I'm sure there is more but this is all i remember for the moment. This is basically Rosario + Vampire witha twist.

There will be no set classes. It's failed in the past, i wont make the same mistakes.
I like this idea!

I really just like Rosario+Vampire, but this is cool.
Rosario + Vampire is epic (I thought it sounded like it). I think it sounds pretty interesting but do we have to have necklaces? It seemed more fun when the magic items were all different hehe
i suppose, the artifacts are just to get stuff started, later when powers grew the artifacts forge with your soul and disappear entirely. Making you stronger and able to use power freely.
I have no clue what Rosario + Vampire is, but it sounds like a pretty good idea. I might not be that active until I know whats goin on though. Do we, as the humans, change forms when we change realms?


Humans are humans. In the human realm everything is null and void. Even monsters have no powers in the human realm, except for the ability to disguise themselves as such and revert to their normal form. In the yokai realm, the artifacts give you power(s), they will develop as you play. Most monsters disguise themselves as humans in this realm, but have tremendous power. The point of having the two realms is because it hits aspects people seem to like in an rp

Human Realm.

You have a school. so its literally a slice of life, do as you please during school, after school before school. What ever, go to the store, a friends house, after school programs. the park. Its all up to you guys but you have absolutely no powers, and neither do monsters.

Yokai realm

You have the ruling house. Which is literally a mansion of epic proportions. You can test you powers, find out about other monsters in their extensive library. Sneak out outside. Play with others. this mansion has it all. And i figure each point of the compass can be a major land. North would he the Frozen Wastes. Any and all ice type monsters live there. East could be swamp, anything swampy lives there. West could be a major city, in which monsters who tend to be less agressive and more social live, and South would be a desert oasis, another city, but made for monsters looking for a slightly less social, more dry area to live.

At any time anyone can adventure to anywhere. Most monsters respect humans and would help them. Should anyone harm them others would most definitely come to help, but it would depend on the monsters, there is a very specific power chain for monsters, Vampires being the second to best. And modified humans being number one ;3. How? i have yet to think up.

Now you need to realize, while i would like to have an underlying massive plot about an organization trying to destroy the humans. This rp is made to function mainly like WW. You guys create your own adventures. do your own stuff. Anything goes, the man thing to remember is that, like stated someones trying to destroy the humans, so whether you implement that in yourselves. Is up to you. I may decide from time to time that someone gets kidnapped or some such and everyone needs to go rescue them. But that's about it. I'm still debating whether i should be the teacher, or npc him out.

As for monsters, im sure there is a R+V wiki out there with a list of monsters lol.

OK now some info about artifacts and magic.

Basically i was thinking that long long ago there was an ancient race of monsters. They were human in form, but possessed great magics. Much like witches and wizards, but also like druids, vampires and everything else. They were literally a race of super monsters. Something happened millennia ago, and the ancient race sealed their powers away deep inside their soul. Every ones characters will end up being a descendant of that ancient blood line. Once given the artifacts they begin to awaken that power. Once everyone learns of their heritage and learns to control their power. The artifacts merge with their soul. Even once this happens, you still remain human, even if your power should be shape shifting.

Magic: This is exactly this. Its not using what you have around you. I was thinking we could turn this into one of three types of magic. Inner magics, Conjured Magics, and Gaia Magics. Besides these there are 4 base types of magics, Healing, Destruction, Alteration, Conjuration.

Healing: Deals with repairing wounds, buffing ones physical attributes, str, agi, spd, dex, vit, removing curses and disease and anything else healing entails

Duh anything that destroys, Fire, Ice, Lighting, Wind, other elemental stuff, other non elemental stuff

Alteration: The ability to manipulate things. This includes shape shifting you or others. or changing your battle grounds for your own needs. Think of this like FMA forming objects out of other materials to form what you need in the heat of battle.

Conjuration: Summoning beings from another dimension. (I'll have to research realms)

Inner Magics are when one creates from the forces made by your own body. This type of magic, while lesser in power, can be instantly used again and again. This in no way takes from your life force. Think of it like chakra from naruto. Depending on your character any type of magic can be used with this all 4 magics, but they will be lesser in power and form. However, after extended use, it will wear you out.

Conjured Magics are when one uses the energy from another dimension. Since different dimensions have vast amounts of power, one can bring greatly powered techniques using this. Higher level conjuration and destruction require this type of magic. Think of them like sage chakra. You focus, and bring the energy into your body, and then use it.

CM are VERY difficult to control, and can often result in the person killing themselves. It is required you practice under super vision to use this. LOL

Gaia magics are exactly that. While the human and yokai realms are different, they are occupying the same space on earth. These magics focus energy from mother earth in an effort to aid you. This type super charges in a similar fashion as conjured but for the other two magics; Alteration and Healing. Gaia magic is required to transform your battle field or yourself. This magic is constantly being emitted by the earth and is easily used. As long as your able to sense this magic, if you use alteration or healing, it will be there to aid you. However, learning to sense it is quite difficult, and in no way, effects destruction and conjuration magics.

In the long run, players will be able to us three of the four magics listed. For starting you will list them in order of how you can use them 1 being what your character specializes in, and 3 being what they are weakest in, but can still use.

This is about all on my mind for the moment. As more questions Arise, i will answer as best i can.

Sorry for taking so long, but i figure if i create a well developed universe, and powers. It better offers you guys the ability to do as you please with little confusion and greater fun. :3
Sounds a little confusing, but interesting enough to me wanna learn. Can we have multiple powers that do not require magic? I was thinking of basing my character off of Train from the Black Cat manga.

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